
ke (A)heat(B) heaven(C) pleasant(D)sweat (A)ringer(B) hanger(C) finger(D)singer (A)massage(B) traffic(C) apple(D)major (A)touch(B) punch(C) arch(D)tec


1、ke (A)heat(B) heaven(C) pleasant(D)sweat (A)ringer(B) hanger(C) finger(D)singer (A)massage(B) traffic(C) apple(D)major (A)touch(B) punch(C) arch(D)technique (A)training(B) said(C) waiting(D)main (A)grief(B) believe(C) relieve(D)sufficient(A)four(B) pour(C) hour(D)your(A)loud(B) moustache(C) lounge(D)ground(A)appear(B) dear(C) hear(D)bear (A)gave(B) save(C) hat(D)made (A)ruler(B) rubber(C) butter(D)nut (A)order(B) corner(C) forty(D)visitor (A)neither(B) thought(C) thick(D)through (A)method(B) mat。

2、 thank(C) southern(D)fifth 二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 The famous novel is said _ into Chinese.(A)to have translated(B) to be translate(C) to have been translated(D)to translate 7 Thats the reason _ Ann could not do her part of the job.(A)that(B) of(C) because(D)why 8 Consumers should do _ than simply c。

3、on the Answer Sheet.1 It is high time that such practices _(A)are ended(B) be ended(C) were ended(D)must be ended2 I have not the least _ of hunting your feelings.(A)intention(B) concept(C) mind(D)purpose3 As the shortage of certain metals approaches, others must be found to take their _(A)share(B) role(C) place(D)shape4 The new power station is reported _ within three years.(A)to have completed(B) to have been completed(C) to complete(D)having been completed5 Mary is in bed 。

4、r on the Answer Sheet.1 Some days go by much more quickly than others. Some hours seem as if they _.(A)never end(B) would never end(C) would have ended(D)had ended 2 My wife suggested going to Hong Kong for a holiday, but I favored _ Shenzhen.(A)being visited(B) having visited(C) visiting(D)to visit 3 The company often receives as many as five hundred letters _ one day.(A)on(B) at(C) in(D)for 4 I usually select the most difficult job for myself because I find that the more a job c。

5、uthern(C) without(D)puzzle 二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 I remember _ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.(A)being paid(B) to get paid(C) to be paid(D)that I receive pay 7 John _ be could improve his exam results, but he did not have enough time to study.(A)knows how(B) knows that(C) knew how(D)knew that 8 Wh。

6、whole(A)situation(B) suggestion(C) revolution(D)Rustion(A)neither(B) height(C) either(D)neighbour(A)already(B) steal(C) dead(D)peasant(A)breath(B) length(C) smooth(D)thousand(A)law(B) ignore(C) walk(D)also(A)order(B) corner(C) forty(D)visitor(A)treasure(B) pleasure(C) sure(D)measure (A)thich(B) thread(C) whthin(D)health (A)attract(B) gate(C) arrange(D)able (A)nineteenth(B) ninth(C) southern(D)fifth(A)chore(B) chocolate(C) arch(D)school (A)town(B) gown(C) show(D)drown (A)injure(B) sure(C) culture。

7、C) China(D)chaos 二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 Is Prof. Tate very sick? Im afraid_.(A)so(B) this(C) that(D)to7 How can I clean my coat? You ought to have your coat_.(A)clean and press(B) cleaned and pressed(C) cleaning and pressing(D)cleaning and pressed8 It was an exciting moment for these football fans t。

8、id(D)comfort(A)wear(B) earth(C) search(D)learn(A)sew(B) flew(C) threw(D)blew(A)its(B) its(C) his(D)this(A)calm(B) hall(C) talk(D)ball(A)water(B) term(C) flower(D)exercise (A)occupy(B) city(C) fly(D)satisfy (A)knee(B) know(C) kick(D)knife(A)seaside(B) dream(C) instead(D)cream (A)car(B) far(C) war(D)star(A)music(B) plastic(C) ocean(D)public (A)calm(B) call(C) fall(D)ball(A)cargo(B) dark(C) alarm(D)quarter (A)retire(B) science(C) giant(D)behind (A)these(B) evening(C) complete(D)planet(A)blood(。

9、D)close 二、Identification Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underline parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the ONE that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6 (I didnt mind) their coming (late) to the lecture, but I (objected) their making (so much noise).(A)I didnt mind(B) late(C) objected(D)so much noise 7 (Be sure) to rut out the light (before) you (leave). Yes. Ill (put out it).(A)Be sure(B) 。

10、D)soap二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 He hardly has anything nowadays, _? No, I dont think so!(A)has he(B) doesnt he(C) does he(D)hasnt he7 Twenty miles_a long way to cover.(A)have been(B) is(C) are(D)were8 It was difficult for him to buy good shoes because he had such a big_ of feet.(A)pair(B) s。

11、r on the Answer Sheet.1 The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _ and perfected now.(A)developed(B) have developed(C) are being developed(D)will have been developed2 This ticket _ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.(A)gives(B) grants(C) entitles(授权)(D)credits.3 You _ her in her office last Friday; she s been out of town for two weeks.(A)neednt have seen(B) must have seen(C) might have seen(D)can t have seen4 That was so serious a matter t。

12、C) new(D)threw二、Identification Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underline parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the ONE that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6 (Either) our manager or I (are) (going to) meet you at (the) bus station tomorrow.(A)Either(B) are(C) going to(D)the 7 (It) is easier (to talk) about a problem (than) to solve (them).(A)It(B) to talk(C) than(D)them 8 (Hard) (as) he worked, (but)。

13、reasure(D)pleasure 二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 Summer in _ south of France are dry and sunny.(A)the(B) a(C) an(D)/ 7 The book is so _ I returned to the library without finishing it.(A)boring that(B) bored that(C) boring when(D)bored as 8 _ of years ago, whales lived _ land and walked on four legs.(A)Mill。

14、rly(D)search(A)certain(B) paint(C) sail(D)straight(A)either(B) Thursday(C) furthest(D)clothes(A)force(B) forget(C) torn(D)horse (A)law(B) ignore(C) walk(D)also(A)nineteenth(B) ninth(C) southern(D)fifth(A)quick(B) liquor(C) quite(D)quest (A)shirt(B) tire(C) sir(D)skirt (A)allow(B) fellow(C) now(D)cow(A)example(B) excuse(C) expert(D)express (A)school(B) chair(C) stomach(D)character (A)now(B) allow(C) follow(D)how(A)zinc(B) handbag(C) winter(D)wound(A)few(B) new(C) sew(D)knew(A)likes(B) passes(C) p。

15、 季氏将伐颛臾以驳论为主,展开的形式是 ( )(A)人物对话(B)叙述历史(C)成语格言(D)现实事例5 庄子秋水中没有运用的论证方法是 ( )(A)演绎法(B)归纳法(C)类比法(D)对比法6 庄子认为在无限广大的宇宙中,个人的认识和作用是 ( )(A)无限的(B)有限的(C)巨大的(D)重要的7 选出下面几句中直接描写将士们英勇作战的诗句 ( )(A)霾两轮兮絷四马(B)援玉袍兮击鸣鼓(C)天时怼兮威灵怒(D)严杀尽兮弃原野8 冯谖客孟尝君通过“焚券市义”“营造三窟”的典型情节来刻画人物的性格,对孟尝君的言行描写在这里主要是 ( )(A)衬托(B)反讽(C)隐喻(D)类比9 冯谖为孟尝君“ 焚券市义 ”,其行为中蕴含着 ( )(A)道家思想(B)法家思想(C)人本思想(D)民本思想10 被鲁迅誉为“ 改造文章的祖师 ”的是 ( )(A)曹操(B)谢灵运(C)韩愈(D)欧阳修11 被苏轼赞为“ 味摩诘之诗,诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画中有诗” 的诗人是 ( )(A)王维(B)孟郊(C)李白(D)贾岛12 我国诗歌史上其诗被称为“诗史” 的诗人是 。

16、 promise(C) refuse(D)lose 二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 It is dangerous to _ out of the window of the train.(A)look(B) lean(C) bend(D)slope 7 It was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be.(A)reaction(B) impression(C) comment(D)opinion 8 Susan didnt _ doing the washing up, as she hadnt want。

17、 on the Answer Sheet.1 If you want to _ my interest in foreign languages, why dont you pay for me to study abroad?(A)awaken(B) rouse(C) arouse(D)wake2 Its easier to write plays for _ television than for _ radion.(A)the the(B) / /(C) a a(D)one one3 Michael Faraday made a great discovery _ that electricity could be made to flow in a coil (一卷) of wire.(A)when he found(B) to find(C) was found(D)he found4 The criminal always paid _ cash so the police could n。

18、r 二、Identification Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underline parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the ONE that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6 (In order to) get married in this state, one (must) present a medical report (along with) (your) identification.(A)In order to(B) must(C) along with(D)your 7 (If) traffic problems are not solved soon, (driving) (in) cities (becomes) impossible.(A)If(B) driv。

19、r on the Answer Sheet.1 We object _ punishing a whole group for one persons fault.(A)against(B) about(C) to(D)for 2 The bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.(A)after(B) with(C) by(D)from 3 _ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.(A)For now(B) Now that(C) Ever since(D)By now 4 You _ her in her office last Friday; shes been out of town two weeks.(A)neednt have seen(B) must have seen(C) might have。

20、hed(A)sew(B) flew(C) threw(D)blew(A)portrait(B) worn(C) forbid(D)storm(A)cycle(B) city(C) crop(D)certain (A)half(B) talk(C) wall(D)chalk (A)rise(B) cause(C) lose(D)bus (A)exercise(B) except(C) coffee(D)journey (A)tough(B) enough(C) rough(D)cough (A)comprehension(B) obligation(C) occasion(D)nutrition(A)either(B) Thursday(C) furthest(D)clothes (A)March(B) technique(C) bench(D)change (A)interfere(B) great(C) companion(D)bacteria (A)season(B) neat(C) reason(D)measure(A)father(B) marathon(C) author(D。

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