
on the Answer Sheet.1 If you want to _ my interest in foreign languages, why dont you pay for me to study abroad?(A)awaken(B) rouse(C) arouse(D)wake2


1、 on the Answer Sheet.1 If you want to _ my interest in foreign languages, why dont you pay for me to study abroad?(A)awaken(B) rouse(C) arouse(D)wake2 Its easier to write plays for _ television than for _ radion.(A)the the(B) / /(C) a a(D)one one3 Michael Faraday made a great discovery _ that electricity could be made to flow in a coil (一卷) of wire.(A)when he found(B) to find(C) was found(D)he found4 The criminal always paid _ cash so the police could n。

2、r 二、Identification Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underline parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the ONE that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6 (In order to) get married in this state, one (must) present a medical report (along with) (your) identification.(A)In order to(B) must(C) along with(D)your 7 (If) traffic problems are not solved soon, (driving) (in) cities (becomes) impossible.(A)If(B) driv。

3、r on the Answer Sheet.1 We object _ punishing a whole group for one persons fault.(A)against(B) about(C) to(D)for 2 The bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.(A)after(B) with(C) by(D)from 3 _ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.(A)For now(B) Now that(C) Ever since(D)By now 4 You _ her in her office last Friday; shes been out of town two weeks.(A)neednt have seen(B) must have seen(C) might have。

4、hed(A)sew(B) flew(C) threw(D)blew(A)portrait(B) worn(C) forbid(D)storm(A)cycle(B) city(C) crop(D)certain (A)half(B) talk(C) wall(D)chalk (A)rise(B) cause(C) lose(D)bus (A)exercise(B) except(C) coffee(D)journey (A)tough(B) enough(C) rough(D)cough (A)comprehension(B) obligation(C) occasion(D)nutrition(A)either(B) Thursday(C) furthest(D)clothes (A)March(B) technique(C) bench(D)change (A)interfere(B) great(C) companion(D)bacteria (A)season(B) neat(C) reason(D)measure(A)father(B) marathon(C) author(D。

5、 福建申论真题2006年福建(春季)答案 真题 120 一、注意事项 1仔细阅读给定资料,按后面提出的“申论要求”作答。
2考生应在给定的申论试卷答题纸 (另附)上作答。
第1题: 参考答案: 国外志愿服务活动十分活跃,很多国家都有强制性规定。

6、 福建申论真题2006年福建(秋季)答案 真题 120 注意事项 1.申论考试,与传统作文考试不同,是对分析驾驭材料的能力与对表达能力并重的考试。
第1题: 参考答案: 近年来,各地无偿献血公益事业发展不平衡。

7、徐志摩后期的作品的诗歌特点( )。
(分数:1.00)A.有的作品表现了对苦难者同情B.抒发了对英美式资产阶级民主的追求和期待C.有的作品揭露了社会的黑暗D.多变现理想破灭后的彷徨、迷惘、幻灭的没落情绪4.袁宏道的诗文亲切自然,清新活泼,而尤以( )著称于后世。
其中,“踦”的正确读音是( )。
(分数:1.00)A.qB.jC.jD.q6.桥的运动中,“桥的运动是桥的存在形式”、“平衡就是矛盾的统一”,使用的是( )。
(分数:1.00)A.比喻说明方法B.引用说明方法C.定义说明方法D.列举说明方法7.苏婷的( )曾获 1979-1982 年全国优秀新诗(诗集)二等奖。
(分数:1.00)A.双桅船B.会唱歌的鸢尾花C.云游D.猛虎集8.风波中七斤的性格特点特征是( )。
(分数:1.00)A.不学无术B.精明泼辣C.报复心重D.愚昧麻木9.( )有“人民艺术家”的光荣称号,其小说语言往往。

8、有关食物链的说法正确的是(分数:2.00)A.同一种食物只能被一种消费者取食B.多条食物链可形成食物网C.一种消费者不能同时取食多种食物D.营养级是有一定顺序的,不是错综复杂的5.生态系统中,能量从太阳能到化学能、物质从无机物到有机物的同化过程为(分数:2.00)A.初级生产B.次级生产C.初级生产量D.次级生产量6.下列关于群落概念,不正确的是(分数:2.00)A.群落内植物与动物之间具有一定的相互关系B.群落内动物与动物之间具有一定的相互关系C.群落内植物与植物之间构成一定的相互关系D.群落的特征就是植物个体的特征7.营养物质循环的研究阶段不包括(分数:2.00)A.主要元素在系统内的循环B.氮、磷的循环周期C.元素的相互关系D.元素循环与气候变化、人类活动的关系8.关于热力学第一定律,下列说法有误的是(分数:2.00)A.又称能量守恒定律B.表述的是能量毫无损失地由一种形式转化为另一种形式C.又称能量衰变定律D.光合作用生成物所含有的能量多于光合作用反应物所含有的能量,故不适用于热力学第一定律9.下列生物属于 r 对策的是(分数:2.00)A.银杏B.大象C.丹顶鹤D.蝗虫10.。

9、39;t short. _ , he is quite tall.(分数:2.00)A.On the contraryB.In any wayC.In balanceD.On the whole3.The spacecraft_the earth three times.(分数:2.00)A.orbitedB.flewC.orderedD.spaced4.The young man spent all the money left by his father; therefore, the bank manager refused his_for a loan.(分数:2.00)A.appealB.applicationC.durationD.discussion5.Not until a monkey is several years old_to exhibit dont do signs of independence of its mother.(分数:2.00)A.it beginsB.begins itC.does it 。

10、his view of life.(分数:2.00)A.did the gentleman mentionB.has mentioned the gentlemanC.the gentleman mentionD.the gentleman mentioned3.We discuss the matter_tea and cakes.(分数:2.00)A.overB.withC.byD.at4.It wasnt such a good dinner_ she had promised us.(分数:2.00)A.thatB.whichC.asD.what5.It was essential that the application forms_ back before the deadline.(分数:2.00)A.must be sentB.would be sentC.be sentD.were sent6.The reason_I went to take that class is_the professor 。

11、that_ on Yangtze River.(分数:2.00)A.is ever builtB.was ever builtC.has ever been builtD.has ever built3.The shop assistant_me $25 for this suitcase.(分数:2.00)A.costB.chargedC.spentD.demanded4.Sorry, I mistake your office_Johns.(分数:2.00)A.withB.forC.onD.to5.Would you please call me up later_they decide to go camping?(分数:2.00)A.thatB.forC.whetherD.when6.When 1 applied for my passport to be renewed, I had to send them a_photograph.(分数:2.00)A.recentB.fashionableC.freshD.mo。

12、h such a small matter.(分数:2.00)A.troublingB.takingC.interruptingD.making3.This morning our water supply was_because of the cold weather.(分数:2.00)A.let downB.cut offC.taken upD.brought away4.The market was filled with salted fish, _the worst smell that you can imagine.(分数:2.00)A.sending offB.giving upC.sending downD.giving off5.It was because the applicant was too proud_he failed in the interview.(分数:2.00)A.thereforeB.thatC.so thatD.so6.Tom used to live in California, _?(。

13、e who are unwilling to help themselves?(分数:2.00)A.What sense is it aboutB.Whats the point ofC.Whats the sense withD.What point is it in3.Its almost a year since I left my mother. I m really_ seeing her.(分数:2.00)A.looking back onB.looking up toC.looking forward toD.looking out over4.If I found the book, I _ it to you.(分数:2.00)A.will bringB.would have broughtC.would bringD.might have brought5.Criticism and self-criticism is necessary_ it helps us to correct our m。

14、sinceD.until2.By the end of World War II , the drama theaters_to about thirty theaters in New York.(分数:2.00)A.had been reducedB.were reducedC.have been reducedD.reduced3._, Tom has lived alone for 10 years in Japan.(分数:2.00)A.As is he a childB.As he is childC.Child as he isD.A child as is he4.Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt_lonely.(分数:2.00)A.nothing butB.anything butC.all butD.everything but5.Continuing raining_a drop in temperat。

15、ll.(A)On the contrary(B) In any way(C) In balance(D)On the whole3 The spacecraft_the earth three times.(A)orbited(B) flew(C) ordered(D)spaced4 The young man spent all the money left by his father; therefore, the bank manager refused his_for a loan.(A)appeal(B) application(C) duration(D)discussion5 Not until a monkey is several years old_to exhibit dont do signs of independence of its mother.(A)it begins(B) begins it(C) does it begin(D)beginning6 Most insurance agents would ra。

16、er built(B) was ever built(C) has ever been built(D)has ever built3 The shop assistant_me $25 for this suitcase.(A)cost(B) charged(C) spent(D)demanded4 Sorry, I mistake your office_Johns.(A)with(B) for(C) on(D)to5 Would you please call me up later_they decide to go camping?(A)that(B) for(C) whether(D)when6 When 1 applied for my passport to be renewed, I had to send them a_photograph.(A)recent(B) fashionable(C) fresh(D)modern7 It was Japan_ launched the war against C。

17、leman mention(B) has mentioned the gentleman(C) the gentleman mention(D)the gentleman mentioned3 We discuss the matter_tea and cakes.(A)over(B) with(C) by(D)at4 It wasnt such a good dinner_ she had promised us.(A)that(B) which(C) as(D)what5 It was essential that the application forms_ back before the deadline.(A)must be sent(B) would be sent(C) be sent(D)were sent6 The reason_I went to take that class is_the professor is supposed to be very good.(A)why; for(B) why; 。

18、r II , the drama theaters_to about thirty theaters in New York.(A)had been reduced(B) were reduced(C) have been reduced(D)reduced3 _, Tom has lived alone for 10 years in Japan.(A)As is he a child(B) As he is child(C) Child as he is(D)A child as is he4 Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt_lonely.(A)nothing but(B) anything but(C) all but(D)everything but5 Continuing raining_a drop in temperature in this area.(A)results from(B) adds up(C)。

19、 taking(C) interrupting(D)making3 This morning our water supply was_because of the cold weather.(A)let down(B) cut off(C) taken up(D)brought away4 The market was filled with salted fish, _the worst smell that you can imagine.(A)sending off(B) giving up(C) sending down(D)giving off5 It was because the applicant was too proud_he failed in the interview.(A)therefore(B) that(C) so that(D)so6 Tom used to live in California, _?(A)used he(B) did he(C) was he(D)didnt he7 So。

20、s?(A)What sense is it about(B) Whats the point of(C) Whats the sense with(D)What point is it in3 Its almost a year since I left my mother. I m really_ seeing her.(A)looking back on(B) looking up to(C) looking forward to(D)looking out over4 If I found the book, I _ it to you.(A)will bring(B) would have brought(C) would bring(D)might have brought5 Criticism and self-criticism is necessary_ it helps us to correct our mistakes.(A)in that(B) in time(C) in turn(D)in 。

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