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1、2006 年福建专升本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 Water is_short in many big cities.(A)running(B) flowing(C) becoming(D)moving2 Excuse me for_you with such a small matter.(A)troubling(B) taking(C) interrupting(D)making3 This morning our water supply was_because of the cold weather.(A)let down(B)

2、cut off(C) taken up(D)brought away4 The market was filled with salted fish, _the worst smell that you can imagine.(A)sending off(B) giving up(C) sending down(D)giving off5 It was because the applicant was too proud_he failed in the interview.(A)therefore(B) that(C) so that(D)so6 Tom used to live in

3、California, _?(A)used he(B) did he(C) was he(D)didnt he7 So far there is no proof_people from other planets do exist.(A)which(B) how(C) what(D)that8 Never before_so highly successful in changing his surroundings.(A)man has been(B) man is(C) has man been(D)is man9 _ from the helicopter, the city look

4、s very beautiful.(A)Seeing(B) Having seen(C) Seen(D)To see10 The newspapers reported yesterday several_on the boundaries of these two countries.(A)incidents(B) happenings(C) events(D)accidents11 Some of the students in his class seem_to do their assignments.(A)boring(B) interesting(C) tiring(D)unwil

5、ling12 Lets work hard to find_to the problem.(A)an answer(B) a way(C) a method(D)a solution13 They have developed; techniques which are_to those used in most factories.(A)simpler(B) better(C) superior(D)greater14 At the beginning of this term, our English teacher_a list of books for us to read.(A)tu

6、rned out(B) made out(C) handed in(D)passed on15 Im sorry I have_dictionary. Youd better go to the library.(A)not such(B) not such a(C) not a such(D)no such a16 If Mary had not been badly hurt in a car accident, she_in last months mara-thon race.(A)would participate(B) might participate(C) would have

7、 participated(D)must participate17 Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature_.(A)taking(B) take(C) taken(D)to take18 Liquids are like solids_they have a definite volume.(A)in which(B) that(C) in that(D)which19 When a friend gave Jim a ticket to the game, he_go.(A)couldnt help(B) cannot do b

8、ut(C) couldnt help but(D)just have to20 I was surprised to find his article on such an_topic so_.(A)excited; boring(B) exciting; bored(C) exciting; boring(D)excited; bored21 Tom likes_foreign coins.(A)gathering(B) assembling(C) collecting(D)accumulating22 Luckily, most sheep_the flood last month.(A)

9、endured(B) survived(C) opinion(D)passed23 They thought about the problem for a long time but came to no_.(A)end(B) result(C) opinion(D)conclusion24 The real trouble_their lack of confidence in their abilities.(A)lies in(B) lies on(C) lies about(D)lies off25 The story was so funny that everyone_.(A)l

10、aughed(B) interested(C) amused(D)joked26 He_me by two games to one.(A)beat(B) conquered(C) gained(D)won27 _, the next problem was how to make a good plan.(A)Having made the decision(B) Has the decision been made(C) The decision having been made(D)The decision has been made28 The brain is capable of

11、ignoring pain messages if_to concentrate on other activities.(A)it allowed(B) allowed(C) is it allowed(D)allowed it29 The child was sorry_his mother when he arrived at the station.(A)to miss(B) having missed(C) missing(D)to havc missed30 There is no point_with him, since he has already made up his m

12、ind.(A)argue(B) to argue(C) in arguing(D)of arguing二、Cloze30 There is a time when, if a lady got onto a crowded bus or train, a gentleman would immediately stand up and【31】her his seat. No more, though. Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window, or, if he feels a bit guilty, hide behind

13、 his newspaper. Either way, the lady will have to stand【32】someone else gets off.You cant entirely【33】 men for this change in manners, though. The days are gone when women could be referred to【34】the weaker sex without causing【35】. A whole generation of women has grown up demanding【36】with men, not

14、just equality in jobs or education, 【37】in social attitudes. Hold a door open for some women and you are【 38】to get an angry lecture on treating women as inferiors, unable to open doors for【39】Take a girl out for a meal and she 11 probably【40】on paying her share of the bill, though on【41】thoughts pe

15、rhaps thats not such a bad idea.Its no wonder, then, that men have given up some of the automatic gestures of politeness and【42】which they used to show towards women. On the other【43】, automatically made politeness is perhaps slowly being【44】by true consideration for the needs and feelings of women,

16、 so that men can see women as equal human beings, 【45】than as sex-objects or attractive properties.(A)provide(B) offer(C) hand(D)reserve(A)if(B) when(C) until(D)while(A)accuse(B) beat(C) blame(D)punish(A)belonging(B) as(C) be(D)like(A)trouble(B) offence(C) damage(D)problem(A)working(B) contact(C) co

17、rrespondence(D)equality(A)neither(B) and(C) but(D)besides(A)able(B) sorry(C) likely(D)disappointed(A)themselves(B) them(C) others(D)men(A)keep(B) concentrate(C) depend(D)insist(A)after(B) second(C) deep(D)adequate(A)inferiority(B) feeling(C) attention(D)consideration(A)side(B) way(C) hand(D)limit(A)

18、abandoned(B) replaced(C) adopted(D)ignored(A)other(B) more(C) better(D)rather45 The motor vehicle has killed and disabled more people in its brief history than any bomb or weapon ever invented. Much of the blood on the street flows essentially from uncivil behavior of drivers who refuse to respect t

19、he legal and moral rights of others. So the massacre(大屠杀) on the road may be regarded as a social problem. In fact, the enemies of society on wheels are rather harmless people, just ordinary people acting carelessly, you might say. But it is a principle both of law and common morality that carelessn

20、ess is no excuse when ones actions could bring death or damage to others.Researchers have estimated that as many as 80 percent of all automobile accidents can be attributed to the psychological condition of the driver. Emotional upsets can distort driversreactions, slow their judgments, and blind th

21、em to dangers that might otherwise be evident. The experts warn that it is vital for every driver to make a conscious effort to keep ones emotions under control.Yet the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem is not confined to drivers. Street walkers regularly violate traffic regulat

22、ions. They are at fault in most vehicle walker accidents. And many cyclists even believe that they are not subject to the basic rules of the road.Significant legal advances have been made towards safer driving in the past few years. Safety standards for vehicle have been raised both at the point of

23、manufacture and through periodic road-worthiness inspections. In addition, speed limits have been lowered. Due to these measures, the accident rate has deceased. But the accident experts still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers behave. The only real and lasting

24、solution, say the experts, is to convince people that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration. Those who fail to do all these things present a threat to those with whom they share the roadside.46 What is the authors main purpose in writing the passage?(A)To show that the

25、motor vehicle is a very dangerous invention.(B) To promote understanding between careless drivers and street walker.(C) To discuss traffic problems and propose possible solution.(D)To warn drivers of the importance of safe driving.47 According to the passage, traffic accidents may be regarded as a s

26、ocial problem because_.(A)autos have become most destructive to mankind(B) people usually pay little attention to law and morality(C) civilization brings much harm to people(D)the lack of virtue is becoming more severe48 Why does the author mention the psychological condition of the driver in Paragr

27、aph 2?(A)To give an example of the various reasons for road accidents.(B) To show how important it is for drivers to be emotionally healthy.(C) To show some of the inaccurate estimations by researchers.(D)To illustrate the hidden tensions in the course of driving.49 Who are NOT mentioned as being re

28、sponsible for the road accidents?(A)Careless bicycle-riders.(B) Irresponsible manufactures of automobiles.(C) Irresponsible drivers.(D)Mindless people walking in the street.50 Which of the following best reflects the authors attitude toward a future without traffic accident problems?(A)Happy and rat

29、her confident.(B) Surprised and very pleased.(C) Disappointed and deeply worried.(D)Doubtful yet still longing for.50 The often criticized child of the industrial age, advertising, has grown as societies have become more industrialized and, therefore, more commercialized. No modern industry or compa

30、ny can survive without advertising. It is the vital link between the producer and the customer. If advertising were abolished, as many people have suggested it should be, the public and the companies that advertise would suffer a considerable loss.Most people think of television as an inexpensive so

31、urce of entertainment. Television s primary purpose, however, is not to provide an entertainment service, except for government-owned network, it exists in order to promote products for companies. Unless the television industry received income from advertising, watching television would be at least

32、as expensive as going to the movies.Like television, many magazines and newspapers exist primarily to sell products. In some sensitive cases, the stories, pictures, and editorials simply attract people to buy a particular publication. Once a person begins to read, there is no escaping the advertisin

33、g.Advertising not only pays for, or helps pay for, much of the mass media; it also provides the consumer with news from industry. This news functions first to influence the buyers to choose one product over another. It also informs people of new products what are important in their lives, for exampl

34、e, the development of salt-free butter for heart patients, or the development of tires that prevent skidding(刹车打滑) on wet pavement.Advertising does not usually increase the total number of products sold; it does help determine which company sells more of which products. Its main function is to relay

35、 news from the manufacture to the consumer. Since this is a necessary service, advertising will remain a part of peoples everyday live and a part of every companys budget.51 According to the passage, modern industry or company can survive _.(A)if advertising continues to exist(B) if the link between

36、 the customers and manufacturers remains good(C) if “the criticized child“ dies out(D)if societies have become more industrialized52 From the passage, we may figure out that“ vital“ in line 3, paragraph 1 means _.(A)direct(B) important(C) only(D)visible53 According to the passage, the main purpose o

37、f television industry is _.(A)to make money from customers(B) to advertise for companies(C) to provide entertainment service(D)to persuade people to buy new types of television54 The main function of advertising is _.(A)promoting products for companies(B) informing public of new products(C) influenc

38、ing buyers(D)all of the above55 Which of the following is NOT true about advertising?(A)Advertising does not always increase the sales.(B) Advertising serves to relay information from buyers to producers.(C) Advertising is and will continue to be a necessary part of everyday lives.(D)It is suggested

39、 that advertising should be abolished.55 According to airline industry statistics, almost 90% of airline accidents are not survivable or partially survivable. But passengers can increase their chances of survival by learning and following certain tips. Experts say that you should read and listen to

40、safety instructions before takeoff and ask question if you have uncertainties. You should fasten your seat belt low on your hips and as possible. Of course, you should also know how the release mechanism of your belt operates. During takeoffs and landings you are advised to keep your feet flat on th

41、e floor. Before takeoff you should locate the nearest exit and an alternative exit and count the rows of seats between you and the exits so that you can find them in the dark if necessary.In the event that you are forewarned of a possible accident, you should put your hands on your ankles and keep y

42、our head down until the plane comes to a complete stop. If smoke is present in the cabin, you should keep your head low and cover your face with napkins, towels, or clothing. If possible, wet these for added protection against smoke inhalation. To evacuate as quickly as possible, follow crew command

43、s and do not take personal belongings with you. Do not jump on escape slides before they are fully inflated, and when you jump, do so with your arms and legs extended in front of you. When you get to the ground, you should move away from the plane as quickly as possible, and never smoke near the wre

44、ckage.56 According to the experts, when should travelers read and listen to safety instructions?(A)Before takeoff.(B) In an emergency.(C) Throughout the flight.(D)During landings.57 Which exits suggested in the passage should an airline passenger locate before takeoff?(A)The ones that can be found i

45、n the dark.(B) The two closest to the passengers seat.(C) The ones at the back of the plane.(D)The nearest one.58 Judging from the passage, people have more chances to survive fires in aircraft if they_.(A)fasten their seat belt tightly(B) read airline safety statistics before takeoff(C) keep their

46、feet flat on the floor(D)keep their heads low59 Airline passengers are specifically told NOT to_.(A)ask question about safety during the flight(B) jump in any circumstances(C) carry personal belongings in an emergency(D)locate the nearest exit60 What is the main purpose of the passage?(A)To please t

47、ravelers.(B) To give the information of airline industry statistics.(C) To guide people to survive fires.(D)To provide safety advice.60 Most of our young people today pass through the portals (人口) of school and life without any definite idea of career. Perhaps they are too young and inexperienced to

48、 think about the life they would face and a career they must choose as a means of livelihood. However, it is inevitable that someday he has to make his choice by himself. It is important to choose a career for which one has an aptitude. In this case a person can quickly get trained in that particula

49、r field or line. This would also save a lot of time and money. Take, for instance, a boy who is mathematically inclined. He should opt for careers like engineering, physics or accountancy. The career in mind should also suit his temperament, ability and talent. Only then can he be sure of choosing a career that he would like and enjoy. He can then employ his talent and ability


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