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1、山东专升本(英语)模拟试卷 6 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 When they came in, Mr. Harris_like a baby. Nobody would like to wake him from a good dream. He needed rest.(A)fell asleep(B) was sound asleep(C) got asleep(D)went to sleep2 It was the first time Mary_to so many people.(A)speaks(B) spoke(C) has ever s

2、poken(D)had ever spoken3 I wish you would just forget about it. I cant. I want to know_she said about us.(A)that(B) when(C) what(D)it4 We consider_the instrument should be adjusted each time it is used.(A)that it necessary(B) necessary that(C) it necessary that(D)necessary of it that5 The question i

3、s_can be put into practice.(A)how you have learned(B) how what you have learned(C) that what you have learned(D)how that you have learned6 _does not matter.(A)He comes or not(B) He will come or not(C) If or not he comes(D)Whether he comes or not7 As_announced in todays papers, the Shanghai World Exp

4、o will be open on April 30th, 2010.(A)being(B) is(C) to be(D)been8 She happened to witness an accident_in the street last night.(A)happened(B) happens(C) that happened(D)being happened9 _seems strange to us is_the naughty boy always gets good marks in the tests.(A)It, that(B) What, how(C) What, that

5、(D)It, how10 There is still an hour to go. We_here so early.(A)need not have come(B) could not have come(C) might not have come(D)must not have come11 I know it isnt important, but I cant help_about it.(A)but think(B) but to think(C) but thinking(D)to thinking12 It is strange that such a thing_in yo

6、ur school.(A)happens(B) should happen(C) happened(D)had happened13 I would rather you_anything about it for the time being.(A)do(B) shouldnt do(C) dont do(D)didnt do14 _yesterday, I would have asked him not to do that.(A)Had he come(B) If he came(C) Provided he came(D)Should he come15 Mr. Smith does

7、nt think_.(A)a good idea for Mary to go on a diet(B) for Mary a good idea to go on a diet(C) it for Mary to go on a diet a good idea(D)it a good idea for Mary to go on a diet16 I wished it_but it_.(A)had not occurred, had(B) would not occur, had(C) had not occurred, did(D)did not occur, did17 The wa

8、y he talks is simply intolerable. I object to_like a child.(A)treat(B) to be treated(C) treating(D)being treated18 All the tickets_out, we had to go again the next day.(A)to be sold(B) are sold(C) having been sold(D)selling19 _we have all the materials ready, we should begin the new task at once.(A)

9、Since that(B) Since now(C) By now(D)Now that20 Why_we can never discuss a problem without getting into a heated argument?(A)is it that(B) it is that(C) that it is(D)is that21 _to blame for the many troubles you have encountered.(A)It is not me who am(B) It is not I that is(C) It is not I who am(D)I

10、am not the person who am22 Three dollars_enough for me to buy that book.(A)arent(B) isnt(C) dont(D)doesnt23 Staying in a hotel costs_ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.(A)twice than(B) twice as much as(C) more twice than(D)as twice much as24 It was_a hundred people looked lost in it.(A)so lar

11、ge a room that(B) so large a room which(C) such large a room that(D)such large a room which25 _gets the job will have a lot of work to do.(A)Whoever(B) No matter who(C) Anyone(D)Whichever26 By this time tomorrow, Mike_in London.(A)will arrive(B) arrives(C) will be arriving(D)will have arrived27 She_

12、the club for 5 years.(A)joined(B) has joined(C) was a member of(D)has been a member of28 If it_tomorrow, well hold the sports meeting.(A)does not rain(B) will not rain(C) is not raining(D)is not to rain29 Id very much like to have gone to the party of theirs, but_.(A)I am not invited(B) I have not b

13、een invited(C) I will not be invited(D)I was not invited30 The house the old woman lives in needs_.(A)be painted(B) painted(C) painting(D)to paint30 Imagine that you have already designed or invented a new toy or computer game. The next most important step is to protect your achievement.To do this,

14、you need to get a patent. This will make sure that you, the inventor, have the right to forbid others from making, using or selling your invention. It only works in the country where you get the patent and for a limited time. So, how can you get a patent? There are three main steps;1. Keep records o

15、f your discovery.Write a diary of your progress on your invention, including your idea before doing any experiments. Use drawings and photographs if it is possible.Keep any other records that might help you prove the facts and dates of your achievements.Get at least one trusted person who can unders

16、tand your invention and sign and date your written description of your project. Then sign the records yourself and write the date.If another inventor should come up with “your invention“ at about the same time, the re-cords could be looked at to prove who was the first inventor.2. Make sure your ide

17、a is new and practical.Maybe someone else has already had or used the same idea and received a patent for it. You need to do some research on patents relating to your invention. If it has already been listed as a patent, or described in a printed publication anywhere in the world, then you cant get

18、a patent.The next thing to do is to test its practicality; do you have something that the public is willing to pay for? Under the conditions of Chinas patent law, your discovery must be “ useful“.3. Ask for professional help.Doing the research and preparing the paperwork needed for a patent can be v

19、ery complicated. For example, you might find something very similar to your invention, but is it just similar or exacdy the same as yours? And sometimes the wrong use of one word in your application form can cause you great loss. So get professional help. Visit Chinas State Intellectual Property Off

20、ice website; www. sipo. gov. cn for more information.Finally, remember not to talk too soon. You must be careful about whom you discuss your invention with. Wait until your idea is properly protected by law before telling the world about it.31 According to the passage, a patent_.(A)stops the invento

21、r from selling his invention(B) works only in the inventors country(C) stops the others from selling the inventors invention(D)has no time limit32 Which of the following options is NOT necessary to get a patent?(A)The invention should be practical.(B) The invention should be useful.(C) The invention

22、 should be professional.(D)The invention should be original.33 When you find something very similar to your invention, you should_.(A)find something to prove that your invention is original by yourself(B) ask for professional help(C) negotiate with the inventor of the similar invention(D)give up the

23、 application of patent for your invention34 Choose a suitable tide for the passage.(A)Patent in China(B) Functions of Patent(C) Professional Help in Patent Application(D)How to Apply for a Patent34 Arthritis (关节炎) does not usually develop in a sheep until it is 10 or 11 years old. But it has recendy

24、 been revealed that 5-year-old Dolly, the worlds first cloned animal, has arthritis in her left hind (后面的) leg. Scientists believe Dolly may have hurt her leg jumping over a gate and then developed arthritis. But they have also wondered whether or not the cloning process led to Dollys problem. And,

25、if so, whether or not cloning will always breed unhealthy animals.“This is the real story of cloning,“ says Joyce Dsilva, director of Compassion in World Farming. “I think of the hundreds and hundreds of other cloned lambs who have been born and had badly formed hearts, lungs or kidneys (肾). “Ian Wi

26、lmut, a professor at the Roslin Institute in Scodand, believes that there needs to be an assessment of the health of cloned animals. And he also agrees that scientists might be too commercially motivated.However, he added: “ Cloning is very young. It has great potential, but we do need to be careful

27、. “Dolly was bom in a Scottish research centre in 1996. When Roslin Institute scientists finally announced her birth on February 23, 1997, the news made front-page headlines around the world.Other than her arthritis, Dolly remains a healthy animal who has given birth to six lambs.Wilmut says that Do

28、lly is being treated with drugs. She is responding well and her condition is being closely watched. There are now hundreds of animal clones, including cows, pigs, mice and goats, many of them appearing to be healthy.Just two weeks ago, cloning scientists from the US and Europe announced the birth of

29、 cloned pigs that may be suitable for animal-to-human organ transplants. This could lead to a greater supply of organs to help patients on transplant waiting lists. But since Dolly is the oldest cloned animal, no one knows what could happen to the others in the future.35 What caused Dollys arthritis

30、?(A)Hurt when jumping over a gate.(B) The cloning process.(C) Drugs.(D)Still uncertain.36 What do Joyce Dsilvas words in paragraph 2 imply?(A)Cloning leads to badly formed organs of cloned animals.(B) Cloning may lead to badly formed organs of cloned animals.(C) Cloning wont lead to badly formed org

31、ans of cloned animals.(D)Whether cloning will lead to badly formed organs of cloned animals is not sure.37 Which of the following options is not true about Wilmut?(A)He thinks cloning is not mature.(B) He thinks some scientists are doing research on cloning out of economic purpose.(C) He thinks clon

32、ing may do harm to the organs of the cloned animals.(D)He thinks cloning is very useful.38 What can we infer from the passage?(A)Cloned sheep are more liked to get arthritis.(B) Cloned animals may be healthy.(C) Cloned pigs are suitable for animal-to-human organ transplants.(D)Only sheep, cows, pigs

33、, mice and goats can be cloned up till now.38 Clean, clear air and green landscapes make New Zealand a nature lovers paradise. But this calm and relaxing country has another side. New Zealand is also the extreme sports capital of the world.Known as Kiwis, New Zealanders are famous for their relaxed

34、lifestyle and their love of the outdoors. But they have also developed a great selection of white-knuckle activities for those seeking a bit more excitement from life.“Bungee“ (蹦极) is a word that gets the heart beating. It refers to the challenge and excitement of throwing yourself off a bridge or p

35、latform high above the ground with your legs tied to a big rubber band.Bungee jumping originated in the South Pacific islands. There it was a coming of age ritual (仪式) for young men. Modern bungee jumps started in New Zealand in the late 1980s. It was introduced to the world by New Zealander A. J. H

36、ackett. He performed a legendary jump from the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 1987. His jump was broadcast all over the world. As a result, bungee jumping took off in France, spread to other European countries, and has now gained popularity all over the world. The worlds first commercial bungee site was o

37、pened in Queens-town, New Zealand, in 1988.If bungee jumping challenges your fear of heights, white water rafting (激流漂筏) gives you a thrilling, natural roller coaster (过山车) ride. White water rafting is hugely popular in New Zealand. There are around 50 rivers used to provide this ultimate challenge.

38、 In nothing but an eight-seated rubber raft, you speed down a narrow, rocky-river. Your on board guide steers (掌舵) the raft and tells you when to paddle (划桨) .Having enjoyed die thrill of rafting, remember to choose a fine day with clear blue skies for skydiving (跳伞). New Zealands dramatic natural s

39、cenery makes skydiving extra exciting. Generally, operators will give you the choice of height from 3,000, 4,000 or 5,000 meters. Free falling lasts from 30 to 45 seconds during which time you will feel the power of the air tearing at your suit. As the parachute opens the world suddenly becomes stil

40、l and silent. Thats the time to relax and enjoy the view. The landing is soft but the excitement is hardcore.39 According to the article, what does “white-knuckle activity“ refer to?(A)bungee jumping(B) extreme sport(C) skydiving(D)riding roller coaster40 What does the sentence “bungee jumping took

41、off in France“ mean?(A)French people were amazed by what A.J. Hackett did.(B) Bungee jumping became hugely popular in the country.(C) Bungee jumping didnt interest people in France.(D)French people built the highest bungee jumping platform in the world.41 Which of the following statements is NOT tru

42、e about bungee jumping?(A)Bungee jumping originated in New Zealand.(B) Bungee jumping became popular in France because of A.J. Hackett.(C) Bungee jumping challenges your fear of heights.(D)A big rubber band will protect you when you are doing bungee jumping.42 What does the passage mainly talk about

43、?(A)Bungee jumping in New Zealand.(B) Extreme sports originated in New Zealand.(C) New Zealand, a country of extreme sports.(D)Highly commercialized extreme sports New Zealand.42 A. In order to promote business between us, we are airmailing you samples, under separate cover, for your inspection.B. Y

44、ou will find that we have given you the best terms customary in our business.C. Please let us have information as to the price and quality of the goods.D. Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.43 日本东京商会已向我们推荐贵公司。44 请告知该商品的价格和质量。45 为促进双方业务往来,另封航邮寄上样品,供你参考。46 你将发

45、现,我公司对贵方的报价所给予的优惠是前所未有的。46 A. I would like to ask for leave of absence for one day.B. Would you please return these books for me when you go to the library?C. I regret that my carelessness has caused you too much inconvenience.D. I shall feel obliged if you will favor me with a call at your earliest

46、 convenience.47 你去图书馆时帮我还这几本书好吗?48 如您方便,请早日来电,我将不胜感激。49 我想请一天假。50 我为我的粗心给你带来这么多麻烦感到后悔。Section ADirections: Translate the following English into Chinese.51 The fact is, the higher your ambitions and dreams are, the more difficult it will be for you to achieve your goals and therefore it will be harde

47、r to achieve satisfaction and happiness.52 It is the persons temperament(性情)that makes him happy or unhappy.53 By the 1970s and 1980s, Japan was grabbing market share with better, cheaper products.54 Like Deming and Juran, Humphrey seems to be winning more praises overseas than at home.55 For most p

48、eople, shopping is still a matter of wandering down the street or loading a cart in a shopping mall.Section BDirections: Translate the following Chinese into English.56 长寿的秘诀在于饮食的平衡。57 服药时请遵照盒子上的说明。58 为了保持健康,他平均每天散步一小时。59 从医学的角度看,吸烟对肺有伤害。60 代沟往往是因为两代人之间缺少交流而产生的。二、Writing61 For this part, you are all

49、owed 30 minutes to write a complaint letter to a hotel where you stayed with your friends on May Day holiday. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:(1)夜间过于吵闹,施工工地半夜仍在施工。(2)食物又贵又不可口。(3)安全问题不容忽视,有小商小贩进入酒店兜售。山东专升本(英语)模拟试卷 6 答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 他们进来时,哈里斯先生熟睡地像个婴儿。没人愿意把他从美梦中吵醒。他需要休息。考点:动词词组静态与动态的区别。原题是说他们进来时哈里斯先生的状态,是静态的;而其他三个选项都是动


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