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1、广东专插本(英语)模拟试卷 2(无答案)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 I wish I_ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.(A)could have slept(B) slept(C) might have slept(D)have slept2 The mother didnt know who_for the broken glass.(A)blamed(B) be blamed(C) to blame(D)would blame3 By the year 2010, the e

2、arth _twice as many people as it is today.(A)will have been inhabited(B) will inhabit(C) will have inhabited(D)is going to inhabit4 The reason why I plan to go is_if I dont .(A)because she will disappoint(B) because she will have been disappointed(C) that she will be disappointed(D)for she will be d

3、isappointed5 So little _about physics that the lecture was completely beyond me.(A)1 knew(B) did I know(C) 1 had known(D)had 1 known6 _with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.(A)Compared(B) Compare(C) Comparing(D)While comparing7 After the flood, the villager

4、s are trying their best to get thing back to _.(A)ordinary(B) normal(C) common(D)usual8 The murderer was brought in, with his hands _behind his back.(A)being tied(B) having tied(C) to be tied(D)tied9 To be flank, 1 really prefer the former program to the_.(A)late(B) later(C) lately(D)latter10 We rec

5、eived 400 applications _the job.(A)on(B) of(C) in(D)for11 I do not believe them, nor_believe them in the future.(A)I will(B) will I(C) do I(D)I did12 Some warned that the step the US government has taken to cope with the current crisis is _much risk.(A)one of(B) the one of(C) the one(D)that one13 Ev

6、en after the speech was over, the audience _ leave because they were so deeply moved.(A)shouldnt(B) mustnt(C) couldnt(D)wouldnt14 _leaves the room last should turn off the lights.(A)Whoever(B) Anyone(C) Who(D)Whomever15 The current situation urged that more attention_to problems less studied by the

7、city government.(A)be given(B) should give(C) paid(D)should pay16 It was quite some time _ the president managed to save his firm from near bankruptcy.(A)until(B) when(C) that(D)before17 It is necessary that a person _exercises every day if he wishes to be healthy.(A)does(B) did(C) do(D)takes18 Dont

8、 have your children_for hours doing their homework in_ dark a room.(A)sitting; so(B) sit; such(C) to be sitting; so(D)to sit; such19 Professor Smith_be in New York because I met him in the town just now.(A)cant(B) might not(C) may not(D)may20 The house needs_, but they plan to wait until next spring

9、 to do it.(A)paint(B) to paint(C) painting(D)be painted21 The Olympic Games can_its history back to 776 B.C.(A)follow(B) track(C) trace(D)chase22 I went to the concert but it was not such a good performance_you had told me about.(A)what(B) which(C) that(D)as23 We are busy reviewing our lessons becau

10、se the final examination is_.(A)round the corner(B) at the corner(C) in the corner(D)on the corner24 The suggestion that she_ to Shanghai at once was quite reasonable.(A)fly(B) flies(C) would fly(D)flied25 I ll give the book to_ needs it most.(A)any those(B) whoever(C) those(D)themselves26 I was_by

11、his joke.(A)embarrassing(B) embarrassed(C) employed(D)emphasized27 To _ an autumn harvest, local governments are trying their best to fight the flood.(A)assure(B) ensure(C) insure(D)sure28 She_her fame as an actress.(A)estimate(B) founded(C) established(D)construct29 The doctors_ themselves to save

12、the wounded soldiers.(A)executed(B) devoted(C) exerted(D)excused30 Chinese football_ in Asia because of its methods and strategies in training and practice.(A)falls behind(B) gives way to(C) watches for(D)counts on31 I can hardly hear what hes saying, and_.(A)so can all these other people(B) so can

13、hardly all these other people(C) nor can all these other people(D)nor all these other people can32 _what you intended, I should not have wasted my time trying to explain matters to you.(A)I had realized(B) Had I realized(C) Realized had I(D)Had realized I33 I prefer clothes which are made out of nat

14、ural materials, _cotton and wool.(A)as(B) such as(C) like(D)just like34 It was his doctor who advised that he _a holiday away from the city.(A)would have(B) had(C) had(D)have35 I dont think_necessary for Julie to make such a fuss about that sort of thing.(A)her(B) it(C) that(D)this35 Culture shock i

15、s the result of the removal of the familiar. Suddenly the individual is faced with the necessity of working, commuting, studying, eating, shopping, relaxing, even sleeping, in an unfamiliar environment organized according to unknown rules. In mild form, culture shock shows itself in symptoms(症状) of

16、fatigue , irritability(易怒) and impatience. Being unable to interpret the situations in which they find themselves, people often believe they are being deliberately deceived or exploited by host -country nationals. They tend to perceive (感觉,觉察到) rudeness where none is intended. Their efficiency and f

17、lexibility is often impaired and both work and family suffer. Some people may respond by developing negative stereotypes (老一套)of the host culture, by refusing to learn the language and by mixing exclusively (排外地,专有地) with people of their own cultural background. In extreme cases, rejection may be so

18、 complete that the individual returns immediately to their own culture, regardless of the cost in social, economic or personal terms. Alternatively, people may retreat into their own private world, either mentally or physically. 36 People have culture shock because_.(A)they are unfamiliar with new e

19、nvironment(B) they are treated badly(C) they must study hard(D)they dont like the foreigners37 What does the word“ impair“ (line 7) mean in this paragraph?(A)Damage.(B) Benefit.(C) Help.(D)Injure. 38 What is the symptom of culture shock?(A)Fatigue.(B) Refusing to learn the language.(C) Retreating in

20、to their own private world.(D)All of them. 39 What is the main idea of this passage?(A)How to deal with culture shock.(B) The definition(定义) of culture shock.(C) The symptoms(症状) and damage of culture shock.(D)The people with culture shock. 40 What can we learn from the passage?(A)Culture shock is n

21、ecessary.(B) People dont like culture shock.(C) Culture shock is good.(D)Culture shocks are caused by cheat. 40 When I was about 12 I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings. Week by week her list grew: I was skinny, I wasnt a good student, I was boyish, I talked too loud, and so

22、 on. I put up with her as long as I could. At last, with great anger I ran to my father in tears. He listened to my outburst quietly. Then he asked, “Are the things she says true or not? “True? I wanted to know how to strike back. What did truth have to do with it? “ Mary, didnt you ever wonder what

23、 you are really like? Well, you now have that girls opinion. Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said. I did as he directed and discovered to my surprise that about half the things were true. Some of them I couldnt cha

24、nge (like being skinny) , but a good number I could and suddenly wanted to change. For the first time in my life I got a fairly clear picture of myself. I brought the list back to Daddy. He refused to take it. “Thats just for you, “he said. “You know better than anybody else the truth about yourself

25、 once you hear it. But youve got to learn to listen , not to close your ears in anger or hurt. When something said about you is true you ll know it. You ll find that it will echo inside you. “ Daddys advice has returned to me at many important moments.41 What did the girls enemy like to do?(A)Talkin

26、g with her.(B) Pointing out her weak points.(C) Reporting to the teacher.(D)Quarrelling with her. 42 What did the girl do when she could no longer bear her enemy?(A)She turned to her father.(B) She cried to her hearts content.(C) She tried to put up with her again.(D)She tried to be her friend. 43 W

27、hy did the girls father ask her to make the list?(A)He wanted to keep the list at home.(B) He didnt know what the girls enemy had said.(C) He wanted the girl to talk back.(D)He wanted her to check if she really had these weak points. 44 What can we infer from reading the passage?(A)The girl benefite

28、d from her fathers advice.(B) The girl was very often angry with her father.(C) The girls father loved other peoples advice.(D)The girl was easily hurt by her father. 45 Which of the following words best describes the girls father?(A)Loving.(B) Hard.(C) Wise.(D)Easy-going. 45 People, in different pa

29、rts of the world have very different ideas about what is good to eat. Even when people in different countries eat the same food, they often prepare it very differently. If you were in Germany, you would find soup that is thick and heavy. If you were in China, you would find soup that is thin and cle

30、ar. On holidays most of us eat special foods. Year after year, even if many other things change, the food is always the same. Sometimes housewives begin weeks in advance to prepare the special foods that are traditionally served on certain holidays. People in different parts of the world also have d

31、ifferent ideas about what is good to drink. Among the most popular hot drinks are coffee and tea. Coffee is very popular in northern Europe and in the Middle East. Some people put cream and sugar in their coffee. But in the United States, many people drink their coffee “black“ that is without cream

32、or sugar. Tea is the national drink in China, Japan, and other Oriental(东方的) countries. In the Orient, people drink tea without sugar. But in England where it is also a national drink, many people use both sugar and hot or cold milk in their tea.46 People in different parts of the world_.(A)cook the

33、 same food in different ways(B) like the same kinds of food(C) have the same ideas about foods(D)know how to prepare the same food47 Special foods on holidays will_.(A)change a lot year after year(B) have different tastes with the years passing by(C) remain the same for many years(D)be served before

34、 certain holidays48 When drinking coffee, many Americans like to_.(A)add tea to it(B) add milk to it(C) drink it with or sugar added(D)drink it with nothing added49 In England, _is a popular national drink.(A)cold milk(B) tea(C) hot milk(D)black coffee50 Which of the following is the best title for

35、the passage?(A)We Should Eat Different Foods(B) Special Foods on Certain Holidays(C) People in Western Countries Like Coffee Most(D)Different Ideas about Foods and Drinks50 There are many ways to learn about people of other lands. One way is to study the clothing other people wear. For thousands of

36、years, people in different parts of the world have worn very different types of clothing. There are four big reasons for this. One reason might be religion. In many Moslem countries, women must wear veils(面纱) to hide their faces. The veils must be worn in public. Veils are part of the Moslem religio

37、n. The second reason is that different materials are used in different countries. For instance, in France the materials used in clothing may be cotton, silk, wool, or many other man-made materials. Most people in China wear cotton. The ways clothes are made are also very different. This is another r

38、eason why people dress differently. Western countries rely on machines to make most of their clothing. Someone living in India can use only hand power to make the clothing he needs. World-wide differences in customs also lead to differences in clothing. A Mexican farmer wears a straw hat with a brim

39、(帽檐)up. In China, a farmer wears a straw hat with a brim down. Both hats are used to protect the farmers from the sun. Some of these customs have come down through thousands of years.51 If you want to learn about the differences about people in the world, you_.(A)should know the ways to study other

40、lands(B) should know the four big reasons given in the passage(C) may study the different types of clothing people wear(D)may be surprised by the ways people wear hats52 In many Moslem countries, women have to_in public.(A)wear more clothes than men(B) wear veils to hide their faces(C) protect their

41、 faces from being hurt(D)wear beautiful clothing53 Which of the following is the reason for the differences in clothing?(A)Materials used for clothes differ from country to country.(B) Cotton is the common material for clothing.(C) Man-made materials are invented to make clothes.(D)Most people like

42、silk clothes. 54 The third reason for different in clothing is_.(A)different materials(B) different ways of making clothes(C) different styles of dressing(D)different religions55 The two examples of wearing hats are given in the last paragraph to show_.(A)the effect of customs on dressing style(B) t

43、he function of wearing straw hat(C) the correct way of wearing straw hat(D)the long history of some customs三、Cloze55 The Internet can make the news more democratic, giving the public a chance to ask questions and seek【56】facts behind stories and candidates, according【57】the head of the largest US on

44、-line services. “But the greatest【58】for public participation is still in the future , “ Steven Case, Chairman of America On-line, told at a recent meeting on Journalism and the Internet【59】mainly by the Freedom Forum.【60】, some other experts often say the new technology of computers is【61】the face

45、of journalism, giving reporters【62】to more information and their readers a chance to ask questions and turn to【63 】sources. “ You dont have to buy a newspaper and be【64】to the four corners of that paper any more“ , Sam Meddis , on-line technology editor at USA Today,【65】about the variety of informat

46、ion【66】 to computer users. But the experts【67】the easy access to the Internet also【68】anyone can post information for others to see. “Anyone can say anything they want,【69】its right or wrong, “ said Case. Readers have to【70】for themselves whom to trust. “In a world of almost【71】voices respected jour

47、nalists and respected brand names will【72】become more important, not less, “ Case said. The Internet today is about【73】radio was 80 years ago, or television 50 years ago or cable 25 years ago, he said. But it is growing rapidly【74】it provides people fast access to news and a chance to【75】on it.(A)af

48、ter(B) through(C) out(D)for(A)with(B) for(C) in(D)to(A)responsibility(B) potential(C) possibility(D)opportunity(A)sponsored(B) supported(C) promoted(D)proceeded(A)Therefore(B) However(C) Otherwise(D)Although(A)improving(B) making(C) shaping(D)changing(A)right(B) freedom(C) access(D)chance(A)differen

49、t(B) similar(C) reliable(D)original(A)obliged(B) confined(C) accustomed(D)related(A)inquired(B) worried(C) concerned(D)observed(A)possible(B) favorable(C) available(D)applicable(A)indicated(B) discovered(C) illustrated(D)estimated(A)explains(B) means(C) emphasizes(D)conveys(A)provided(B) if(C) whether(D)either(A)deduce(B) determin

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