There was a_ drop in support for the Union in the 1988 election.(A)delicate(B) distinct(C) distant(D)downward3 Only if I can understand what you are l
1、There was a drop in support for the Union in the 1988 election.AdelicateB distinctC distantDdownward3 Only if I can unde。
2、ll the guests had already left.AafterB byC atDduring3 The tomato juice left brown on the front of my jacket.AspotB point。
3、here was a drop in support for the Union in the 1988 election.AdelicateB distinctC distantDdownward3 Only if I can under。
4、to the destination in time.AcouldB mightC ought toDwas able to3 Do you think I should attend the lecture she asked me.At。
5、e.AsourceB resourceC birthDorigin3 One new to learning a foreign language is to study the language in its cultural conte。
6、ll the guests had already left.AafterB byC atDduring3 The tomato juice left brown on the front of my jacket.AspotB point。
7、al systems.AonB in C toDfrom3 Most people make such mistakesin their whole life.Asome timeB sometimeC some timesDsometim。
8、d2 Until then, his familyfrom him for six months.Adidnt hearB hasnt been hearingC hasnt heardDhadnt heard3 If you want t。
9、 赝品D人情世故 有恃无恐 额首称庆 鬼鬼祟祟3 下列加下划线的字词释义正确的一组是 A因 循守旧沿袭 秣马厉兵战士 良莠不齐狗尾草B 镂 骨铭心刻 嘉言懿行美好的 意兴阑珊 将尽;衰落C家 徒 四壁仅仅 无耻谰言 吹嘘 力能扛 鼎用单手举。
10、象征D典故5 拣麦穗的结尾写到的我 常常想要找到的像猪肚子一样的烟荷包,寓意是 A卖灶糖老汉B童年岁月C天真烂漫的童心D童年一个美丽的梦6 我与地坛中,运用多种事物类比四季,这种联想方式是 A相似联想B时间统一性联想C相反联想D地点统一性联。
11、ll the guests had already left.AafterB byC atDduring3 The tomato juice left brown on the front of my jacket.AspotB point。
12、She thought it wasnot to know some of the basic facts of her country.AshamefulB ashamedC a shameDashameful4 Ted agreed t。
13、visualB visibleC vitalDvirtual3 A man should be by his deeds, not by his words.AidentifiedB illustratedC justifiedDjudge。
14、nt know whofor the broken glass.AblamedB be blamedC to blameDwould blame3 By the year 2010, the earth twice as many peop。
15、ain means for an hour.AwaitingB to waitC to be waitingDhave to wait3 Something extraordinary happened in that hospital. 。
16、ocess, whicha lot of effort, time and patience.ArequiresB leavesC paysDoffers3 More than 100 people diedthe earthquake i。
17、en learned since 1945 about chemical changes in the body than in all human history beforetime.AthisB theC the pastDthat3。
18、想 比喻的是 A安逸和享乐B一定的理想C为别人而生存D以暴力为根据5 冯谖客孟尝君这篇文章选自 A春秋B 左传C 战国策D论语6 司马迁在李将军列传中,以汉文帝惜乎,子不遇时 的话来评价李广,其主要用意是 A感叹李广才能出众B批评李广缺乏才。
19、age grow tobacco.ANot manyB Only some ofC Not muchDJust a few of3 John has never Been on time, Ahas JohnB hasnt JohnC ha。
20、d2 Until then, his familyfrom him for six months.Adidnt hearB hasnt been hearingC hasnt heardDhadnt heard3 If you want t。