
u agree_it.(A)for(B) in(C) with(D)at3 It is a fact_most deaths from lung cancer are caused by smoking.(A)that(B) how(C) what(D)which4 The managers rep


1、u agreeit.AforB inC withDat3 It is a factmost deaths from lung cancer are caused by smoking.AthatB howC whatDwhich4 The 。

2、tDShould it not be2 He took her a close friend, so he spoke to her so familiarly.AtoB inC forDon3 Believe it or not, las。

3、day.Atwice as much proteinB twice protein as muchC twice protein as muchDprotein as twice much3 The next morning she fou。

4、up this morning. Of course, I did not.Alove toB need toC mean toDwant to3 is often the case, one third of the workers ha。

5、iver when the telephone rang again.AScarcely did sheB Scarcely had sheC Scarcely sheDScarcely she had3 everybody knows a。

6、and up toB wake up toC live up toDlook up to2 You can t expect John and John and Jane will have different opinions. When。

7、t he wasnt working hard enough.AthatB itC whatDwhich3 The murderer was brought in, with his hands behind his back.Abeing。

8、andDcomprehension2 The campaign is only partially successful, so we have to keep on working hard.Aat lastB at latestC at。

9、思想D人的认识有限的哲理4 五代史伶官传序的主要表现方法是 A对比B类比C象征D烘托5 顾炎武提倡 经世致用是为了反对 A李梦阳何景明为首的前七子 的复古B王慎中唐顺之的模仿唐宋C袁宗道袁宏道袁中道的独抒性灵D宋明理学空谈 心理性命6 我国。

10、AhearB is hearingC will hearDhears3 They failed to pass the exam last time, I regretted.Ato be not able to helpB being 。

11、is used Tothe plot, not simply to keep the toes tapping.AloseB discoverC forwardDconstruct3 A worldwide to healthier die。

12、ocess, whicha lot of effort, time and patience.ArequiresB leavesC paysDoffers3 More than 100 people diedthe earthquake i。

13、en learned since 1945 about chemical changes in the body than in all human history beforetime.AthisB theC the pastDthat3。

14、想 比喻的是 A安逸和享乐B一定的理想C为别人而生存D以暴力为根据5 冯谖客孟尝君这篇文章选自 A春秋B 左传C 战国策D论语6 司马迁在李将军列传中,以汉文帝惜乎,子不遇时 的话来评价李广,其主要用意是 A感叹李广才能出众B批评李广缺乏才。

15、age grow tobacco.ANot manyB Only some ofC Not muchDJust a few of3 John has never Been on time, Ahas JohnB hasnt JohnC ha。

16、e.AsourceB resourceC birthDorigin3 One new to learning a foreign language is to study the language in its cultural conte。

17、al systems.AonB in C toDfrom3 Most people make such mistakesin their whole life.Asome timeB sometimeC some timesDsometim。

18、象征D典故5 拣麦穗的结尾写到的我 常常想要找到的像猪肚子一样的烟荷包,寓意是 A卖灶糖老汉B童年岁月C天真烂漫的童心D童年一个美丽的梦6 我与地坛中,运用多种事物类比四季,这种联想方式是 A相似联想B时间统一性联想C相反联想D地点统一性联。

19、visualB visibleC vitalDvirtual3 A man should be by his deeds, not by his words.AidentifiedB illustratedC justifiedDjudge。

20、nt know whofor the broken glass.AblamedB be blamedC to blameDwould blame3 By the year 2010, the earth twice as many peop。

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