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1、普高专升本(英语)模拟试卷 2 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 The fried fish we ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. Id like to have it again even if it costs _.(A)as twice much(B) twice as much(C) much as twice(D)as much twice2 _too much to do, they have to keep themselves busy all day long.(A)Having(

2、B) Have(C) Had(D)Being3 Air pollution, together with overpopulation, _ many problems in big cities.(A)are causing(B) is causing(C) are caused(D)is caused4 She has no idea of what the book is about. She_have read it carefully.(A)mustnt(B) cant(C) shouldnt(D)neednt5 _ from space, our earth, with water

3、 covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet“.(A)Seeing(B) To be seen(C) Seen(D)Having seen6 The mere fact_most people believe a nuclear war would be mad does not mean that it will not occur.(A)what(B) which(C) that(D)why7 It was_he had made such great contributions to world peace that he

4、 won the Nobel Prize for Peace.(A)that(B) because(C) how(D)why8 If it_tomorrow, we wont go for a picnic.(A)will rain(B) should rain(C) rains(D)rained9 The number of members in the club_to two hundred.(A)were limited(B) limits(C) was limited(D)limited10 There are many fashion shops and expensive rest

5、aurants on_sides of the street.(A)all(B) each(C) both(D)every11 I went to_London yesterday and saw_strange old man and a little girl, begging by the roadside.(A)/: a(B) a: /(C) /: the(D)the: /12 John, lets take a taxi, _?(A)will you(B) shall we(C) would you(D)should we13 Of all the girls in the clas

6、s Jane studies the_.(A)hard(B) harder(C) hardest(D)hardly14 Do you know the girl_ father died in a car accident last week?(A)who(B) that(C) whom(D)whose15 When the violinist finished his performance, the audience stood up and_for five minutes.(A)acted(B) clapped(C) backed(D)closed16 She doesn t want

7、 to listen to you now: she has something urgent to_.(A)talk with(B) laugh at(C) cope with(D)warm up17 I cant find my keys! Can you help me_ them?(A)dream about(B) look for(C) see through(D)speak of18 _, Madam. Is there a post office near here? Keep on going ahead. Turn right at the first crossroad.

8、Then you ll find one there.(A)Sorry(B) You are welcome(C) Excuse me(D)Thanks a lot19 The American couple have_ a two-year-old child, who lost his parents in an earthquake.(A)adjusted(B) afforded(C) approved(D)adopted20 You should be_of yourself, telling lies at your age.(A)ashamed(B) accurate(C) ade

9、quate(D)attractive21 Everyone is busy_the examination in the classroom.(A)with(B) for(C) on(D)under22 I suppose you couldn t let me borrow your car this evening, _?(A)couldnt I(B) dont I(C) could you(D)will you23 The girl immediately shut the window to_the rain.(A)keep out(B) keep down(C) keep up(D)

10、keep back24 Mary and I_the new college life soon, but Tom didn t.(A)see to(B) used to(C) adapted to(D)stuck to25 What he said was quite_, therefore, I would do everything to help him.(A)valuable(B) principle(C) reasonable(D)superior26 I didnt finish reading that French book, neither_.(A)did he(B) di

11、dnthe(C) he did(D)he could27 _five hundred people are believed to have drowned.(A)As many as(B) As much as(C) So many as(D)So much as28 I dont know whether he is still_in collecting coins. He used to be, but that was several years ago.(A)disinterested(B) interesting(C) interest(D)interested29 I wrot

12、e down the number so that I_remember it.(A)might(B) should(C) could(D)needed30 Richard is American, John is Britishthey have different_.(A)nations(B) countries(C) lands(D)nationalities31 She made_to tell her mother the good news.(A)speed(B) haste(C) hurry(D)urge32 Are you_?No, I m serious.(A)deceivi

13、ng(B) cheating(C) fooling(D)kidding33 She likes to quarrel_neighbors_the little things.(A)with: for(B) to: about(C) with: about(D)about: with34 The village is_by the hills.(A)shut off(B) shut in(C) shut up(D)shut out35 I cant_him to those people: I dont think he knows them at all.(A)join(B) link(C)

14、connect(D)collect36 So, _, we ve got to try further funding.(A)in sum up(B) in summary(C) summing in(D)on summary37 Our students are free to study_interests them.(A)that(B) whichever(C) whatever(D)anything38 Its never_.(A)late enough to learn(B) not late enough to learn(C) too late to learn(D)so lat

15、e as not learn39 _, he failed in the college entrance examination again.(A)To disappoint his parents(B) To his parents disappointment(C) At his parents disapproval(D)His parents disappointing40 Please remember_these letters on your way to the station.(A)posted(B) posting(C) to post(D)post40 It is di

16、fficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. The meanings of thousands of everyday perceptions, the basis for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by memory.Memory can be defined as the

17、 capacity to keep information available for later use. It not only includes “remembering“ things like arithmetic (算术) or historical facts, but also involves any change in the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed (嗅出) something su

18、spicious in the grain pile.Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines. Computers, for example, contain devices for storing data for later use. It is interesting to compare the memory storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being. The insta

19、nt access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 “words“string of alphabetic or numerical charactersready for instant use. An average U. S. teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000 words of English. However, this is but a fraction of the total amount of information that t

20、he teenager has stored. Consider, for example, the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight.The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings. A large part of a person s memory is in terms of words and combinations of words. But whi

21、le language greatly expands the number and the kind of things a person can remember, it also requires a huge memory capacity. It may well be this capacity that distinguishes humans, setting them apart from other animals.41 Which of the following is TRUE about memory?(A)It helps us perceive things ha

22、ppening around us every day.(B) It is based on the decisions we made in the past.(C) It is rooted in our past habits and skills.(D)It connects our past experiences with the present.42 According to the passage, memory is hefpful in one s life in the following aspects EXCEPT that_.(A)it involves a cha

23、nge in ones behavior(B) it keeps information for later use(C) it warns people not to do things repeatedly(D)it enables one to remember events that happened in the past43 What is the author s view about computers and human beings in terms of intelligence?(A)Computers have better memory than a child d

24、oes.(B) Computers are as intelligent as a teenager is.(C) Computers can understand as many as 100,000 words.(D)Human beings aire far superior to computers.44 What is the major characteristic of man s memory capacity according to the author?(A)It can be expanded by language.(B) It can remember all th

25、e combined words.(C) It may keep all the information in the past.(D)It may change what has been stored in it.45 Human beings make themselves different from other animals by_.(A)having the ability to perceive danger(B) having a far greater memory capacity(C) having the ability to recognize faces and

26、places on sight(D)having the ability to draw on past experiences45 Most personnel managers agree that job interviews are one of the least objective recruitment methods. But the advantages of testing are not going to change the attraction of the interview to employers. The appeal of the interview has

27、 everything to do with the human factor.Most people believe that they are a reasonable judge of character and trust their instinctive feelings. We might use some kind of test to aid the selection process, but we usually pick a candidate who interviews well, has good qualifications and an impressive

28、work record.But suppose the candidate lies or is less than completely honest, “This can be a serious problem of employers,“ explains Alan Conrad, Chief Executive at Optimus Recruitment. “The most difficult liars to find are those who tell half-truths rather than complete lies. “Research shows that u

29、p to 75 percent of resumes are inaccurate on purpose. The most common practice is omission.Interviewer should therefore concentrate on areas of uncertainty such as gaps between periods of employment and job descriptions that seem strange. “Focusing on these areas will force candidates to tell the tr

30、uth or become increasingly dishonest. This is usually when people signal their anxiety by their body language. Sweat on the upper lip, false smiles and nervous hand movements all indicate discomfort. “Conrad does not suggest an aggressive policy-style interview technique, but insists that close insp

31、ection of a resume is absolutely essential. Only by asking the right questions can you confirm the suitability of the candidate or put pressure on those who are being less than completely honest.46 The best title of this passage can be_.(A)How to Catch Out the Dishonest Candidate(B) How to Find a Jo

32、b by Tricks(C) Disadvantages of Job Interviews(D)Advantages of Job Interviews47 The liars hard to recognize are those who tell_.(A)complete truths(B) complete lies(C) partial truths(D)mainly truths48 How were the job applicants able to lie without being detected?(A)By leaving out some necessary info

33、rmation.(B) By providing more information than needed.(C) By using their body language.(D)By telling some unbelievable lies.49 In order to pick up a qualified and an honest candidate, Conrad suggests that we_.(A)examine the resumes carefully(B) inspect the candidates aggressively(C) correct the resu

34、mes intentionally(D)compare ones resume with others50 What is the authors attitude towards job interviews?(A)Most objective.(B) Too subjective.(C) Suspicious.(D)Credulous.50 Researchers say extra vitamin E fed to turkeys appears to help control infections from listeria (李氏杆菌). People who eat foods t

35、hat contain this bacteria can get listeriosis (李氏杆菌病).This disease is especially dangerous to pregnant women, newborn babies and people with weakened defenses. The United States has more than two thousand cases of listeriosis each year and five hundred people die of it. Some cases have been linked t

36、o poultry (家禽) products that have not been cooked enough. The researchers found that vitamin E improved the ability of turkeys to fight the growth of listeria. The findings could help other meat industries as well.Irene Wesley led the study for the United States Department of Agriculture. Researcher

37、s from Iowa State University and the University of Arkansas alse took part. The findings appeared in Poultry Science magazine earlier this year.Vitamin E is found in oils from vegetables, grains and animals. It helps protect some kinds of fatty acids that are necessary for healthy cells. Vitamin E h

38、elps prevent oxygen from combining with these fats to cause damage to cells.Turkeys need vitamin E for normal development. But the scientists added extra amounts to the diet of two groups of turkeys. The birds were one day old. Two other groups were not given any extra vitamin E. After six weeks, th

39、e researchers infected all the young turkeys with listeria. The scientists then tested the birds for the presence of the bacteria over a period of time.The results showed that the birds that received extra yitamin E did not get infected often as the others. The birds that received the largest amount

40、 had the lowest number of infections.The scientists say vitamin E has a similar effect on chickens. They say chickens and turkeys that receive added vitamin E develop more infection-fighting cells called lymphocytes(淋巴球). The increased number of these cells appears to also help protect against other

41、 diseases that can be carried by birds.The scientists continue tests. They want to see if vitamin E can stop other dangerous bacteria that can enter food. They are testing it against salmonella(沙门氏菌) and campylobacter(弯曲杆菌).51 The disease caused by listeria_.(A)is linked to poultry products cooked e

42、nough(B) is especially dangerous not only to newborn babies but also to people with weakened defenses(C) is not dangerous(D)is dangerous only to pregnant women and newborn babies52 Who took part in the research?(A)Researchers from the University of Arkansas.(B) Researchers from Iowa State University

43、.(C) Irene Wesley.(D)All the above.53 Which of the following is the EXCEPTION about the function of vitamin E?(A)It helps protect some necessary fatty acids for healthy cells.(B) Vitamin E only helps control infections from listeria.(C) Vitamin E helps the poultry develop more infection-fighting cel

44、ls.(D)Extra amounts of vitamin E can improve the quality of meat.54 The cells called lymphocytes_.(A)will help protect against only the disease caused by listeria(B) help protect against diseases that can be carried by birds(C) will not help protect against other diseases(D)help protect against othe

45、r diseases that can be carried by turkeys55 What is the best title for this article?(A)The Seriousness of Listeria(B) Protection of the Poultry(C) The New Discovery about Vitamin E(D)Research in the Universities55 Charles Dickens was bom in 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He was the second of eight chi

46、ldren. His father always had problems with money. When Charles was 12 years old, his father went to prison because he was in debt. Charles had to leave school to help his family. He got a job in a dirty, old factory. Charles Dickens never forgot his difficult childhood. Many of his stories and books

47、 were about poor people and their problems.Later, Charles went back to school for two more years. He left school when he was 15 years old to become a newspaper reporter. In 1836, he began to write The Pickwick Papers. It was published as a series and was a huge success. By age 24, Dickens was a prom

48、inent writer in both Great Britain and the United States.Many people bought his books, but they also paid to hear him read his stories aloud. Because there was no radio or television, people liked to hear famous writers read in public. Dickens read his works like he was acting in a play. He went on

49、very successful reading tours and earned a lot of money.Dickens was meticulous(过分注意琐事的). Everything had to be just right. When he worked at home, everything had to be in its place. He worked at a desk by a window that always had a vase (花瓶) of flowers and the same ornaments(装饰物) on it. He wrote 2,000 words a

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