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1、河北专接本英语(情景对话)模拟试卷 2 及答案与解析一、Section A1 Do you have any idea what time it is now?_(A)Guess it(B) Look at the sun in the sky(C) Oh, Im sorry. I dont wear a watch(D)Yes, but I have no idea of it2 -Horrible weather were having._(A)Yes, indeed. Its been raining for three days(B) Yes, its quite warm recen

2、tly(C) No, you cant complain(D)No, its been cold since May 13 Could you kindly explain this to me?_(A)Set your mind at ease(B) Yes, sir. Ill go through it for you(C) Why not? Lets(D)The more I explain to you, the more confused you will get4 Waiter, can you bring me the bill please?_(A)Foot the bill,

3、 will you?(B) Do you doubt the correctness of the bill?(C) Certainly, sir.(D)Of course, but who pays the bill?5 How would you like to make the payment?_(A)Please help me change these US dollars into RMB(B) It all depends on the economic situation(C) In cash, please. Here you are(D)At your earliest c

4、onvenience6 Could I see you for a minute?_(A)Well, Im not quite sure(B) Youre welcome if you behave yourself(C) If it is convenient for you(D)Yeah, come on in.7 Are you sure he knows how to get there?_(A)He could have done that(B) Im sure he does(C) Yes, I certainly do(D)Yes, he certainly is8 Can th

5、e news be true?_(A)I cant agree to it more(B) I cant say for certain(C) The darkest place is under the candlestick(D)Im sure it does9 Could he have talked with the dean?_(A)You might find him at the moment(B) He couldnt be on the way since three hours have passed(C) He shouldnt have done that(D)He c

6、ant have done that because the dean has been away for quite a few weeks10 Are you surprised at how the film ends?_(A)I was amazed it has such a fine collection of Chinese paintings(B) I was surprised at the large number of visitors(C) Its beyond me why the man came back to his wife(D)Its surprising

7、that the train runs so fast and always on time11 Im running a temperature._(A)Nothing to worry about.(B) Is there any way I can help?(C) Cheer up. Nothing serious.(D)Be quiet. It doesnt matter.12 My brother was seriously injured in a car accident yesterday._(A)He should be more careful.(B) Why was h

8、e so careless?(C) What a pity it was!(D)I am most upset to hear about his bad luck13 Is that what youd like?_(A)That is the last thing that Id rather.(B) Thatll do. But Id like a cold one if you got one.(C) Asking me, but whom shall I ask?(D)Choose a hot one for me, dare you?14 Can I get some help o

9、ver here?_(A)Sure thing.(B) What sort of help do you want me?(C) It all depends.(D)Thank you all the same.15 Whats wrong?_(A)Take care, shall we?(B) Take your time.(C) I think I left my wallet somewhere(D)You arent kidding, are you?16 Whats the matter, Mary? You look upset._(A)We have set up a new s

10、chool(B) My cell phone wont work.(C) Nothing wrong with the matter(D)Take care of your own affairs17 Why, Jack, you are wonderful! How did you ever do it?_(A)It matters a bit(B) It was nothing(C) Its considerate of you to say so(D)It was nothing but a bolt from the blue18 _.Sorry, sir. Were full up.

11、(A)Here is my passport and visa(B) Id like to book a double room with bath for four nighis(C) Help yourself to some more soup(D)Make yourself at home and have a bit more, please19 Well, I need five rooms for Friday night._(A)Check in right now(B) Put down your name here and well look into it(C) Sorr

12、y, Im afraid I cannot accept your reservation.(D)Youd better check out immediately20 Hello, Henrys Restaurant. May I help you?_(A)Yes. Id like to rent two cleaners(B) No, it cant be helped(C) No, I can manage it myself(D)Yes, Id like to book a table for tonight二、Section B20 A: You have a foreign roo

13、mmate, dont you?B: No. But you have one, right?A: Thats right, Leo. Hes from France, and hes told me a lot about life in his country.B: I hope Leos not teaching you how to find a new girlfriend! 【D1 】_A: Hey, dont worry about that; Im not going to replace you! He doesnt teach me about finding new lo

14、ves or anything like that. 【D2】_B: But being romantic is what the French are famous for, isnt it?A: 【D3】_ The French are famous for many things, so stop stereotyping them!B: Like what? 【D4】_A: Well, art, music, literature.the things the French are so accomplished in.B: How about food? The French are

15、 famous for their food.A: They are, but Leo hasnt taught me anything about French food. 【D5】_A. What happened to him?B. Leo has opened my eyes to a lot of different things.C. I plan to learn about that when I go to France.D. Youve got your hands full with me!E. Could you be a bit more specific?F. Co

16、me on, you should know better than that.G. You can relax about that.21 【D1】22 【D2】23 【D3】24 【D4】25 【D5】25 A: Whats with the long face, sweetheart? You look like someone has died.B: Someone did die.A: Oh my goodness! Im sorry.B: Its OK. 【D1】_A: Would you like to talk about it? 【D2】_B: Yeah. All right

17、.A: So who passed away?B: A childhood friend of mine, someone Ive known for years.A: 【D3】_This is a fact of life, and you shouldnt feel so horrible about it.B: Right. I know. But the terrible thing is that I treated her badly. In fact, the last time we spoke, we had an argument. 【D4】_A: Thats why yo

18、u fought?B: Stupid, huh?A: Yeah, I suppose.B: I was hoping youd make me feel better about things. Whats a boyfriend for?A: Friends, boyfriends included, can do more than improve a persons spirits. Do you think I should make you feel better, or should I listen to your problems and help you work out h

19、ow you feel about them?B: 【 D5】_A: Thats reasonable. And maybe this feeling will cause you to act differently toward your friends. Try not to be so resentful next time.A. I guess I always felt resentful of her.B. Getting your feelings out might help.C. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.D. I feel g

20、uilty.E. Well, people die.F. As the tree, so the fruit.G. You didnt know.26 【D1】27 【D2】28 【D3】29 【D4】30 【D5】30 A: Joe, why do you look so distressful?B: Well, I just lost my bicycle, again! Its the fifth one that Ive lost in two years!A: My goodness! 【D1】_Bicycle theft is so common on campus nowaday

21、s.B: 【 D2】_I just cant bear it anymore. Can you do me a favor?A: Sure.B: 【 D3】_Id like you to give me a hand.A: What? You mean to steal one?B: Shh.calm down. I dont think its fair for me to keep buying one bike after another while someone else gets them free from me. 【D4】_A: But its wrong.B: Come on

22、. 【D5】_A: A friend would keep you on the right path. I wont do it tonight, and neither will you.A. Birds of a feather flock together.B. Thats something to let one down.C. Be a friend.D. I want to get bike for free tonight.E. Curiosity killed the cat.F. Now its my turn for a free lunch.G. Youre telli

23、ng me.31 【D1】32 【D2】33 【D3】34 【D4】35 【D5】35 A: Come in.B: Hi, Peter. I just wondered if you fancied coming out for a coffee.A: Oh, hi, Kate. I was just writing a letter.B: Writing a letter! 【D1】_.A: No, well, not exactly a letter. Bens applied for a job at a childrens summer camp, and theyve asked m

24、e for a character reference.B: Oh dear, you are not going to tell them the truth, are you?A: 【D2】_B: Well, that hes a big-headed show-off who never does a days work.A: Oh, come on, hes not that bad. I mean, kids love him. He is always entertaining his little brothers friends with his magic tricks.B:

25、 Oh yes, hes great with children, but hes a big kid himself, isnt it?A: Yes, 【D3】_B: And I hope they dont expect him to work before four oclock in the afternoon. You know what he is like , he needs a bomb under him to get him up in the morning. A: Mm.B: 【 D4】_Do you remember that job he had last sum

26、mer in a restaurant? He ended up throwing a bucket of water over the chef when she asked him to wash the kitchen floor. A: Oh no, dont remind me. But he did run that restaurant single-handed when the chef and two of the waiters were off sick with food poisoning.B: Thats true. 【D5】_Now, shall we go a

27、nd get some coffee?A: All right.A. It is simply impossible.B. Also, he hates taking orders from anybody.C. What do you mean?D. He is good in a crisis. E. I suppose he is a bit immature.F. Rome was not built in a day.G. Is your phone out of order?36 【D1】37 【D2】38 【D3】39 【D4】40 【D5】河北专接本英语(情景对话)模拟试卷 2

28、 答案与解析一、Section A1 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 情景对话2 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 情景对话3 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话4 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 情景对话5 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 情景对话6 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 情景对话7 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话8 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话9 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 情景对话10 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 情景对话11 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话12 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 情景对话13 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话14 【正确

29、答案】 A【知识模块】 情景对话15 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 情景对话16 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话17 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话18 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话19 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 情景对话20 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 情景对话二、Section B【知识模块】 情景对话21 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 情景对话22 【正确答案】 G【知识模块】 情景对话23 【正确答案】 F【知识模块】 情景对话24 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话25 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 情景对话【知识模块】 情景对话26 【正确答案】

30、 G【知识模块】 情景对话27 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话28 【正确答案】 E【知识模块】 情景对话29 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 情景对话30 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 情景对话【知识模块】 情景对话31 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话32 【正确答案】 G【知识模块】 情景对话33 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 情景对话34 【正确答案】 F【知识模块】 情景对话35 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 情景对话【知识模块】 情景对话36 【正确答案】 G【知识模块】 情景对话37 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 情景对话38 【正确答案】 E【知识模块】 情景对话39 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 情景对话40 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 情景对话


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