
em?Peter: 【 D1】_Sarah: Why not?Peter: Well, I seldom have a chance to meet English people.Sarah: 【D2】_Peter: Where should I go?Sarah: Maybe you should


1、em?Peter: 【 D1】_Sarah: Why not?Peter: Well, I seldom have a chance to meet English people.Sarah: 【D2】_Peter: Where should I go?Sarah: Maybe you should go to pubs or take a class.Peter: But.English people never speak to me.Sarah: Ah! 【D3】_Peter: What can I talk about?Sarah: The weather! English people are always interested in the weather.Peter: But I cant be talk about the weather all the time. What else can I talk about?Sarah: Well, you can talk about sports. A lot of English。

2、pardon?(C) Youre welcome.(D)What do you mean?2 I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?_. Im not using it anyhow.(A)Sure, go ahead(B) I dont know(C) Yes, indeed(D)I dont care3 Will you be able to finish your report today?_.(A)I like it(B) I hope so(C) Ill do so(D)Id love it4 Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time._! Im sure youll make it.(A)Go ahead(B) Good luck(C) No problem(D)Che。

3、easure(C) By no means(D)By all means2 Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better._(A)Id love to.(B) Im with you on that.(C) Its up to you.(D)Its my pleasure.3 Can I look at the prices for a few more minutes before I order? Of course._, sir.(A)Make yourself at home(B) Enjoy yourself(C) It doesnt matter(D)Take your time4 The earthquake has killed over two thousand people in Yushu._(A)OK(B) Certainly(C) I agree(。

4、 have several good chicken dishes, if you like.B: 【 D2】_A: How about steak? Steak is one of the specialties of the house.B: 【 D3】_For vegetables, give me French-fried potatoes and string beans.A: 【D4】_B: Well-done, please. By the way, what appetizer do you have?A: You can have shrimp cocktail, fresh fruit cocktail, tomato juice, antipasto.B: 【 D5】_A. What can I do for you?B. How do you want your steak done rare, medium or well-done?C. Are there any particular dishes you would。

5、dea of it2 -Horrible weather were having._(A)Yes, indeed. Its been raining for three days(B) Yes, its quite warm recently(C) No, you cant complain(D)No, its been cold since May 13 Could you kindly explain this to me?_(A)Set your mind at ease(B) Yes, sir. Ill go through it for you(C) Why not? Lets(D)The more I explain to you, the more confused you will get4 Waiter, can you bring me the bill please?_(A)Foot the bill, will you?(B) Do you doubt。

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