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1、河南专升本(英语)模拟试卷 4 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 After a meal in restaurant, one asks the waiter for the_.(A)pay(B) bill(C) charge(D)note2 There were no tickets _for Fridays performance.(A)preferable(B) considerable(C) possible(D)available3 They decided to chase the cow away_it did more damage.(A)u

2、nless(B) until(C) before(D)while4 “Which do you want, the red one or the black one?“ “_. How about showing me another one?“(A)Either(B) Both(C) Neither(D)None5 Yesterday morning she_an old friend on her way to the subway station.(A)looked up to(B) built up(C) led to(D)came across6 “Alice, why didn t

3、 you come yesterday? I tried to look for you. “ “I_, but I had an unexpected visitor. “(A)had(B) will(C) was going to(D)did7 I didnt know what to do at first but then an idea suddenly_to me.(A)happened(B) entered(C) occurred(D)hit8 He never_to read the news section, but turned at once to the crosswo

4、rd puzzle on the last page.(A)is bothering(B) bothers(C) can bother(D)bothered9 A healthy life is generally thought to be _ with fresh air, clean water, and homegrown food.(A)joined(B) bound(C) involved(D)associated10 With such poor_he really needs glasses.(A)vision(B) view(C) sense(D)scene11 Findin

5、g it difficult to_to the climate in the city, he decided to move to the north.(A)fit(B) adopt(C) suit(D)adapt12 Our public transportation system is not_for the needs of the people. We need more buses and subways.(A)complete(B) adequate(C) normal(D)good13 The evening news comes on at 7 o clock and_fo

6、r thirty minutes.(A)keeps(B) ends(C) finishes(D)lasts14 The bridge was named_the hero who had given his life for the construction of it.(A)after(B) for(C) with(D)before15 _ before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.(A)Had they arrived(B) Were they to arrive(C) W

7、ere they arriving(D)Would they arrive16 Mr. Wang said such a thing_to happen at school again and he forgave me this time.(A)ought not to be allowed(B) ought to be not allowed(C) ought to be allowed not(D)not ought to be allowed17 A Dream of the Red Mansion is said_into dozens of languages in the las

8、t decade.(A)to translate(B) to have translated(C) to be translated(D)to have been translated18 There is not much news in todays paper, _?(A)is it(B) isnt it(C) isnt there(D)is there19 Before leaving the village, he visited the old house_he spent his childhood.(A)in which(B) which(C) to which(D)at wh

9、ich20 _he often forget their wedding anniversary gready annoyed his wife.(A)All(B) What(C) Which(D)That21 Millions of people rushed to California,_that they would find gold and become rich.(A)convinced(B) convincing(C) to convince(D)to be convinced22 He didn t allow _ in his room: actually he did no

10、t allow his family _ at all.(A)to smoke: to smoke(B) smoking: to smoke(C) to smoke: smoking(D)smoking: smoking23 _the plan carefully, he rejected it.(A)To have considered(B) To consider(C) Having considered(D)Considering24 It was essential that the application forms_back before the deadline(截止日期).(A

11、)must be sent(B) would be sent(C) be sent(D)were sent25 Nearly two thousand years have passed_the Chinese first invented the compass.(A)when(B) before(C) since(D)after26 They lost their way in the forest and_made matters worse was night began to fall.(A)that(B) it(C) what(D)which27 _some mammals cam

12、e to live in the sea is now known.(A)Which(B) since(C) Although(D)How28 _student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.(A)Each(B) Any(C) Either(D)One29 _such a good chance, he planned to learn more.(A)To be given(B) Having been given(C) Having given(D)Giving30 _that my hea

13、d had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.(A)For(B) Now(C) Since(D)Despite31 _that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.(A)So clever are the construction robots(B) So clever the construction robots are(C) Such construction rob

14、ots are clever(D)Such clever construction robots are32 _the whole, early American city planning was excellent.(A)In(B) From(C) On(D)Above33 The teachers lecture on American history was three hours long, and Mary felt very_.(A)upset(B) bored(C) disturbed(D)neglected34 Her mind was so_by the disease t

15、hat she could not remember what she had done.(A)acted(B) influenced(C) effected(D)affected35 Every boy and girl_not to swim in the lake, for it is polluted.(A)has been warned(B) have been warned(C) has warned(D)have warned36 She heard a terrible noise, _brought her heart into her mouth.(A)it(B) this

16、(C) which(D)that37 Do you like pop music or country music? _. I only like sports.(A)Each(B) Either(C) Neither(D)Both38 Dont get off the bus_it has stopped completely.(A)until(B) when(C) if(D)since39 _does it take you to wash all the dishes?(A)How often(B) How much(C) How long(D)How fast40 _all her f

17、riends and money gone, Kate felt totally hopeless.(A)Because(B) Owing to(C) With(D)But for40 When you speak on the telephone, you cannot use your facial(面部的) expression, eye contact and gestures to help communicate your message. Your voice must do the job.A good voice is pleasant to listen to becaus

18、e it communicates a positive message. Keep in mind the following qualities of a good voice:Speak in a voice neither too loud nor too soft. Speak louder when giving important information.Speak slowly enough so that the listener has a chance to understand your messages without your having to repeat it

19、. Keep in mind that as you speak the other person may be taking notes.Pronunciation is the correct way to say a word. To avoid mispronouncing(读错音) words, you may wish to check the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in the dictionary before you use them.People with an accent unlike yours may not under

20、stand your pronunciation of some words. You also may not. understand the pronunciation of some of their words. In these cases, careful pronunciation is very important for effective communication. You may need to repeat or spell words that are unusual or easy to be misunderstood.41 When speaking on t

21、he phone, the essential factor for successful communication is your_.(A)voice(B) gesture(C) eye contact(D)facial expression42 To give important information, a person speaking on the phone should_.(A)keep a pleasant manner(B) use familiar words(C) lower the voice(D)speak louder43 The speaker is advis

22、ed to speak slowly in order to help the listener to_.(A)remember some words(B) repeat the information(C) check the message(D)take some notes44 To avoid mispronouncing unfamiliar words, you are advised to_.(A)check them in a dictionary(B) pronounce them loudly(C) use other words instead(D)ask others

23、for help45 Speakere sometimes need to spell some words to help listeners to understand_.(A)long sentences(B) unusual words(C) difficult questions(D)important expressions45 The New York Times states that cheerleading(啦啦队 ) is the fast growing girl s sport, yet more than half of Americans do not belie

24、ve it is a sport. For them, cheerleading is just leading cheers. If the girls are doing dances on the sidelines(球场边) or they re holding a sign trying to get a crowd response, that technically wouldt be considered a sport. While sideline cheerleaders main goal is to entertain the crowd and lead them

25、with team cheers, the competitive cheerleaders are playing to win.A sport, according to the Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Advisers, is a “physical activity or competition against or with an opponent (对手) , governed by rules and conditions under which a winner is declared, and the primary p

26、urpose of the competition is a comparison of the relative skills of the participants. “ Because competitive cheerleading follows these guidelines, it is a sport.Competitive cheerleading includes lots of physical activities. Like gymnasts (体操运动员) , cheerleaders must learn to tumble (翻跟头). They perfor

27、m standing back flips (蹦跳) , round flip flops, and full layout twists. Cheerleaders also perform lifts and tosses. This is where the “fliers“ are thrown in the air, held by “bases“ in different positions that require strength and cooperation with other teammates.Just as basketball and football have

28、guidelines for competitive play, so does competitive cheerleading. The whole routine has to be completed in less than 3 minutes and 15 seconds and the cheerleaders are required to stay within a certain area.Competitive cheerleaders goal is to be the best. Just like gymnasts, they are awarded points

29、for difficulty, technique, creativity and sharpness. The more difficult a stunt(绝技) , the sharper and more in-sync(同步的) , the higher score they can get. Cheerleading is a team sport so without cooperation and synchronization(同步) , first place is out of reach.46 According to the passage, _cheerleadin

30、g is a sport.(A)fast-growing(B) sideline(C) competitive(D)physical47 What is the cheerleaders main goal?(A)To do more physical exercises.(B) To help win his game.(C) To entertain the crowd.(D)To get more awards.48 How are competitive cheerleaders awarded points?(A)They are awarded points for the spe

31、ed.of the performance.(B) They are awarded points for the difficulty of the performance.(C) They are awarded points for the strength of the players.(D)They are awarded points for the number of physical activities.49 Physical activities involved in competitive cheerleading dont include_.(A)round flip

32、 flops(B) lifts and tosses(C) tumbling(D)holding a sign trying to get a crowd response50 Which of the following is NOT the guideline for competitive cheerleading?(A)Cheerleading should be finished without cooperation and synchronization.(B) Cheerleading should be completed by a team.(C) The whole ro

33、utine of cheerleading has to be completed in less than 3 minutes and 15 seconds.(D)The cheerleaders are required to stay within a certain area.50 When should a child start learning to read and write? This is one of the questions I am most frequently asked. There is no hard and fast rule. for no two

34、are alike, and it would be wrong to set a time when all should start being taught the intricacies of reading letters to form words.If a three-year-old child wants to read (or even a two-year-old child for that matter) , the child has the right to be given every encouragement. The fact that he or she

35、 might later be “bored“ when joining a class of non-readers at child school is the teacher s affair. It is up to the teacher to see that such a child is given more advanced reading material.Similarly, the child who still cannot read by the time he goes to junior school at the age of seven should be

36、given every help by teachers and parents alike. They should make certain that he is not dyslexic (having difficulty in reading).Although parents should be careful not to force youngsters aged two to five to learn to read (if badly done it could put them off reading for life) , there is no harm in pr

37、eparing them for simple recognition of letters by labeling various items in their rooms. For instance, tie a nice piece of cardboard to their bed with BED written in neat, big letters.Should the young child ask his parent to teach him to read, and if the parents are capable of doing so, such an attr

38、action should not be ignored. But the task should never be made to look like a hard job and the child should never be forced to continue, or his interest should start to flag.51 This passage is mainly about _.(A)what qualities people teaching children reading should have(B) different age groupings o

39、f children to be caught reading(C) when and how children should be taught reading(D)various problems of children who start learning to read52 In the writer s opinion, children start learning to read_.(A)early and fast(B) at different times(C) by a certain rule(D)from word games53 A three-year-old ch

40、ild who wants to read should_.(A)be encouraged(B) go to an infant school(C) start from fun stories(D)join a class of non-readers54 The purpose of labeling items in the room is to_.(A)make it more colorful(B) teach children to write neatly(C) help children recognize simple letters(D)force children to

41、 develop the habit of reading 55 The writer suggests that_.(A)children should ask their parents to teach them to read(B) children should not feel bored if given advanced reading material(C) children starting to read should ask specialists for help(D)children should be taught with patience, care and

42、a sense of humor55 The legal limit for driving after drinking is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood in the U.S. when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It varies with each person depending on your weight, sex, and the sor

43、t of drinks you have had. Some people might reach their limit after only about three standard drinks.In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one or two drinks. Even if you re below the legal limit, you can still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affecte

44、d by alcohol.It takes about an hour for the body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy drinking in the evening, you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, or you could even find that you are still over the legal limit. In addition,

45、 if you have had a few drinks at lunchtime, another one or two drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit.In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had, the more certain they were that they could drive through a set of moveable posts in the drivin

46、g test, and the less able they were to do it! So the only way to be sure you re safe is not to drink at all.Alcohol is a major cause of road accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are th

47、e biggest cause of death among young people. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breath analyzer test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit.It is important to remember that driving after drinking doesn t just affect you. If you are involved in

48、 an accident, it affects a lot of other people as well, not least the person you might kill or injure.56 The amount of alcohol one can drink before reaching the legal limit_.(A)is 80 milligrams of pure alcohol(B) is about three standard drinks(C) is different for different people(D)is not related to one s body weight57 When might you be taken to court by the police for drinking and driving?(A)When you have driven a vehicle after drinking any alcohol at all.(B) When you have had at least three drinks before driving.(C) Only when tests show that you have 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millil


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