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1、全国自考英美文学选读(综合)模拟试卷 2 及答案与解析一、阅读理解1 To bow and sue for graceWith suppliant knee, and deify his power.that were low indeed,That were an ignominy, and shame beneathThis downfall;.Questions:A. Who is the author?B. What is the title of the poem?C. What is the main idea?2 I celebrate myself, and sing myse

2、lf,And what I assume you shall assume,For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.Questions:A. Identify the author and the work.B. What are the two principal beliefs that the poet set in this poem?3 “.Only Miss Emily s house was left, rifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cot

3、ton wagons and the gasoline pumpsan eyesore among eyesores. “Questions:A. Identify the author and the title of the story from which the quoted lines are taken.B. What is the meaning of “an eyesore among eyesores“ ?C. What does this quoted passage indicate?二、简答题4 As a novelist Jane Austen writes with

4、in a very _ sphere. The subject matter, the character range, the social setting, and plots are all restricted to the _ of the late 18th-century England, concerning three or four landed gentry families with their daily routine life.5 Analyze the character of Jane Eyre taken from Jane Eyre.6 What are

5、the features of Whitman s poetry?7 Some of Hemingway s heroes are regarded as the Hemingway code heroes. Whatever the differences in experience and age, they all have something in common which Hemingway values. What are the characteristics of the Hemingway code hero?三、论述题8 Robinson Crusoe is univers

6、ally considered as Daniel Defoe s masterpiece. Robinson, apparently, is cast as a typical 18th-century pioneer colonist. Give a brief comment on Robinson Crusoe.9 Make a brief comment on Elizabeth s character in Pride and Prejudice.10 Take Mark Twain s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as an exampl

7、e to illustrate the statement that Mark Twain was a unique writer in American literature.全国自考英美文学选读(综合)模拟试卷 2 答案与解析一、阅读理解1 【正确答案】 A. John Milton.B. Paradise Lost.C. To beg God for mercy and worship his power were more shameful and disgraceful than this downfall.【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 A. From Walt Whitm

8、an s “Song of Myself“.B. The two beliefs are the belief in the theory of universality and the belief in the singularity and equality of all beings in value.【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 A. Faulkner, A Rose for Emily.B. The most unpleasant thing to look at.C. The house is a perfect mirror image of the owner wh

9、o is stubborn and coquettish and deliberately detaches herself from the communal life in this small town.【知识模块】 阅读理解二、简答题4 【正确答案】 Shelley eulogized the powerful west wind and expressed his eagerness to enjoy the boundless freedom from the reality.【知识模块】 简答题5 【正确答案】 A. Jane Eyre, an orphan child with

10、 a fiery spirit and a longing to love and be loved, a poor, plain, little governess who dares to love her master.B. In Chapter XXIII, Jane finds herself hopelessly in love with Mr. Rochester but she is aware that her love is out of the question. When forced to confront Mr. Rochester, she desperately

11、 and openly declares her equality with him and her love for him.【知识模块】 简答题6 【正确答案】 A. His poetic style is marked by the use of poetic “I“.B. He adopted“ free verse“ , poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.C. The images in his poems are unconventional.D. He uses oral English.E. His voca

12、bulary is amazing.F. Parallelism and phonetic recurrence are used at the beginning of the lines.【知识模块】 简答题7 【正确答案】 A. They have seen the cold world and for one cause or another, they boldly and courageously face the reality; whatever the result is, they are ready to live with grace under pressure.B.

13、 Almost all his heroes are“ soldiers“ either in a narrow or broad sense. They are out there to fight against nature or the world, or even themselves. But no matter where the battleground is and how tragic the ending is, they will never be defeated.C. Hemingway himself is one of those Code heroes; so

14、me critics say his protagonists are autobiographical, for they share something that is Hemingway s.【知识模块】 简答题三、论述题8 【正确答案】 A. In Robinson Crusoe, Defoe traces the growth of Robinson from a naive and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life. The r

15、ealistic account of the successful struggle of Robinson single-handedly against the hostile nature forms the best part of the novel.B. Robinson is here a real hero; a typical eighteenth-century English middle-class man, with a great capacity for work, inexhaustible energy, courage, patience and pers

16、istence in overcoming obstacles, in struggling against the hosr tile natural environment. He is the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist.C. In describing Robinson s life on the island, Defoe glorifies human labor and the puritan fortitude, which save Robinson from despair and a

17、re a source of pride and happiness. He toils for the sake of subsistence, and the fruits of his labor are his own.【知识模块】 论述题9 【正确答案】 A. Elizabeth is clever, alert, observant. She is more observant and less charitable than Jane in recognizing the characters of Bingley s sisters. She recognizes Mr. Co

18、llins character in his letter and after meeting him turns down firmly and with dignity his patronizing proposal. She is able to match wits with Darcy several times and with Colonel Fitzwilliam, earning their respect and admiration.B. Fearless and frank, not rattled by the attack of Lady Catherine de

19、 Bourgh, she wins a notable victory, sending her Ladyship away completely routed. She is independent but not infallible in her judgmenttaken in by the charm of the worthless Wickham. She cannot be blamed for misjudging Darcy.C. She shows flexibility, discernment, and honesty of mind when she reads D

20、arcy s defense in his letter and admits the justice of much of what he says, thus beginning to lose her prejudice against him. She recognizes and values true worth when she encounters it in Jane, the Gardiners, and, near the end of the novel, in Darcy. She sees more clearly than her father the dange

21、r of sending Lydia to Brighton.D. She is able to control her emotions at times of stresswhen she first encounters Darcy at Pemberley; when she realizes that she loves Darcy and has good reason to fear that she has lost him,she waits without repining for time to bring a solution. She is witty, fun-lo

22、ving, recognizes humor in herself and in others, but ridiculing only folly, nonsense, and inconsistencies. She recognizes the follies of her own family and their shortcomings as well as their virtues.E. She is considerate of others but quite capable of asserting herself when occasion demands. She ha

23、s a playful and unaffected manner, sunny disposition, natural animation, sense of fun, and sweet reasonableness. She is ready to laugh at herself and everything save “what is wise and good“. She shows a sense of humor by telling what Darcy has said about her at the Meryton ball.【知识模块】 论述题10 【正确答案】 A

24、. Mark Twain shaped the world s view of America and made an extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature.B. The novel has become a great contribution to the legacy of American literature.C. The novel is written in a language that is totally different from the rhetorical langua

25、ge used by Mark Twain s contemporary writers such as Emerson, Poe and Melville. It is simple, direct, lucid and faithful to the colloquial speech. This style of colloquialism is best described as “ vernacular“.D. He successfully used local color and historical settings to illustrate and shed light o

26、n the contemporary society. That s why he is known as a local colorist.E. Mark Twain s humor is remarkable, too. Most of his works tend to be funny, containing some practical jokes, comic details, witty remarks, etc. Some of them are typically tall tales. And a great deal of his humor is characterized by puns, straight-faced exaggeration, repetition, and anti-climax. He uses his humor to criticize the social injustice and satirize the decayed romanticism.【知识模块】 论述题


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