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1、全国自考(国际商务英语)模拟试卷 6 及答案与解析一、词组英译汉1 absolute inflation2 advertising war3 air transport4 gain profit5 hard currency6 home market7 injured party8 key commodity9 legal weight10 quality control二、词组汉译英11 循环信用证12 国际价格协议13 即期信用证14 海关发票15 信用证16 商业全球化17 提单18 销售合同19 自有承运人20 互购贸易三、配对题20 a. the person who issues

2、a draft, usually the exporterb. irregular movement of(prices, exchange rate, etc.)c. the sending of money or the money sentd. financially satisfactorye. an unconditional order to someone to pay a sum of moneyf. doubtful, uncertain, questionableg. a person who owes money h. prohibit, forbidi. the per

3、son to whom a draft is drawn j. fail to carry out an obligation21 debtor22 default23 dubious24 draft25 remittance26 fluctuation27 drawer28 sound29 ban30 drawee四、名词解释31 beneficiary32 EMP33 consignment trade34 productivity35 documents against payment at sight五、简答题36 Explain briefly why international t

4、rade happens between nations?37 What is MFN treatment?38 What is the formal definition of a multinational enterprise? Describe briefly the characteristics of WNEs.39 What are the differences between visible trade and invisible trade? Give a few examples of invisible trade.六、句子英译汉40 In choosing a tra

5、nsportation mode for a particular product, shippers consider as many as six criteria: speed, frequency, dependability, capability, availability, and cost. Thus, if a shipper seeks speed, air and truck are the prime contenders. If the goal is low cost, then water and pipeline are the prime contenders

6、. Shippers are increasingly combining two or more transportation modes, thanks to containerization. Containerization consists of putting the goods in boxes or trailers that are easy to transfer between two transportation modes. Each coordinated mode of transportation offers specific advantages to th

7、e shipper. For example, piggyback is cheaper than trucking alone and yet provides flexibility and convenience.41 There are two types of letter of credits, revocable and irrevocable. As an export seller you should always insist on irrevocable L/C, because that means that once the letter of credit is

8、issued, the payment cannot be cancelled or the terms be changed without your approval. Therefore , the key phrase to remember is that you will want “ an irrevocable, confirmed letter of credit“. Confirmed means that a bank acceptable to you, either overseas or in your home country, has confirmed tha

9、t the money has been obtained and is ready for payment to you once satisfactory proof of shipping has been made. You will also probably want to be paid in convertible(可兑换的)currency and this would be specified in the letter of credit.七、句子汉译英42 保险是一种风险转移机制。通过保险,个人或企业可以将生活中一些不确定因素转移给其他人。43 国际货币基金组织旨在向那

10、些在付款方面有困难的基金会员国提供中期贷款。44 如果投保的险别不是造成损失的直接原因,保险公司将不予赔偿。45 世界银行的贷款一般有 5 年的宽限期,15 至 20 年偿清。46 除了公司有价证券期权,金边债券、货币和指数都有相应的期权。全国自考(国际商务英语)模拟试卷 6 答案与解析一、词组英译汉1 【正确答案】 绝对通货膨胀【试题解析】 absolute 意为 “绝对的”;inflation 意为“通货膨胀”。2 【正确答案】 广告战【试题解析】 advertising 意为“广告的”;war 意为“战争”。3 【正确答案】 航空运输【试题解析】 air 意为“航空的”;transpor

11、t 意为 “运输”。4 【正确答案】 获利【试题解析】 gain 意为“获得”;profit 意为“利益 ”。5 【正确答案】 硬货币【试题解析】 hard 意为 “坚硬的”;currency 意为“货币”。6 【正确答案】 国内市场【试题解析】 home 意为“围内的,家乡的”;market 意为“市场”。7 【正确答案】 遭受损失方【试题解析】 injured 意为“受伤的,损失的”;party 意为“一方”。8 【正确答案】 主要商品【试题解析】 key 意为“关键的,主要的”;commodity 意为“商品”。9 【正确答案】 法定重量【试题解析】 legal 意为“合法的”;weig

12、ht 意为“重量”。10 【正确答案】 质量管理【试题解析】 quality 意为“质量”;control 意为“管理,控制”。二、词组汉译英11 【正确答案】 revolving credit【试题解析】 revolving 意为“旋转的,循环的”; credit 意为“信用证”。12 【正确答案】 international price agreement【试题解析】 “国际”译为“international”;“价格”译为“price”;“协议”译为“agreement”。13 【正确答案】 sight credit【试题解析】 固定译法,详见教材第十二课单词表。14 【正确答案】 cu

13、stoms invoice【试题解析】 “海关”译为“customs”;发票译为“invoice”。15 【正确答案】 the letter of credit【试题解析】 本题为专业商务术语,详见教材第十一课。16 【正确答案】 globalization of business【试题解析】 详见教材第十四课最后一段。“商业”译为“business”;“全球化”泽为“globalization”。17 【正确答案】 bill of lading【试题解析】 专业商务术语,详见教材第十三课单词表。18 【正确答案】 sales contract【试题解析】 “销售”译为“sales”;“合同”

14、译为“contract”。19 【正确答案】 private carrier【试题解析】 固定译法,详见第十四课单词表。20 【正确答案】 counter purchase【试题解析】 专业商务术语,详见教材第九课课文注释 18。三、配对题21 【正确答案】 g22 【正确答案】 j23 【正确答案】 f24 【正确答案】 e25 【正确答案】 c26 【正确答案】 b27 【正确答案】 a28 【正确答案】 d29 【正确答案】 h30 【正确答案】 i四、名词解释31 【正确答案】 The exporter in whose favour the credit is opened is c

15、alled the beneficiary【试题解析】 beneficiary 意为“受益人”,使用信用证得到付款的出口人即是信用证的受益人。32 【正确答案】 European Main Ports【试题解析】 EMP 全称为 European Main Ports,意为“欧洲主要口岸”。33 【正确答案】 Consignment trade is a kind of trade in which the seller ship his goods abroad,and his agent in that country will sellthe goods for him,and the

16、title to the goods still belongs to the seller before the goods are sold【试题解析】 consignment trade 意为“寄售贸易”,指出口方在货物尚未售出的情况下将其运交国外代售人代为出售。代售人赚取佣金,但对货物是否售出不承担责任和风险。34 【正确答案】 Productivity is a ratio figure which indicates how much inputs should be needed to produce the goodsIt is a sensitiveindex to meas

17、ure the economic growth of one industry or of one nation【试题解析】 productivity 意为“生产率”,是指产品与生产该产品所需投人之间的比率。生产率是衡量一种工业或一个国家经济增长的灵敏指标,还可以用来测算经济效率。35 【正确答案】 Documents against payment at sight requires immediate payment by the importer to get hold of the documents【试题解析】 documents against payment at sight 意

18、为即期付款交单,它要求进口商立即付款,以获取单据。五、简答题36 【正确答案】 (1)In the complex economic world,no country can be completely self-sufficientThe distribution of natural resources is uneven,thus,international specialization is necessary(2)Second,trade may occur out of economies of scale,that is,the cost advantages of large-

19、scale production(3)Third,trade takes place because of the need of innovation of style(4)Patterns of demand are different among different nations【试题解析】 考生可结合第五课和第六课的内容对题目进行全面的作答。国际贸易的产生主要有四个原因:(1)在这个复杂的经济社会,没有一个国家能够完全自给自足。自然资源的分布是不均衡的。(2)贸易可能产生于规模经济,即大规模生产的成本优势。(3)贸易的发生是由于贸易价格革新的需要。(4)各国需求结构会有所不同。37

20、【正确答案】 The term most-favoured-nation(MFN)treatment refers to a tariff treatment under which a country is required to extend to all signatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating countryHowever,MFN treatment is not really special but is just normal trading statusIt gives a country th

21、e lowest tariffs only within the tariffs schedule,but it is still possible to have lower tariffs【试题解析】 最惠国待遇(MFN)是一种关税待遇,根据最惠国待遇的要求,一国给予任何一个签约国的任何关税减让必须适用于所有答约国。但是,最惠国待遇并不是真正的特殊待遇,而只是正常的贸易地位。它只是向一国征收其关税表中最低的关税。而仍然有可能享受更低的关税。38 【正确答案】 (1)A multinational enterprise shall be defined as a business organ

22、ization which owns(whether wholly or partly),controls and manages assets,often including productive resources,in more than one country,through its member companies incorporated separately in each of these countries(2)Characteristics: MNEs are generally enormous in sizeWide geographical spread is als

23、o the characteristic of MNEsAnother general characteristic of large MNEs is their longevity and rapid growth【试题解析】 (1)典型的跨国公司应定义为一种商务组织,它通过其在不同国家的成员公司(全部或部分) 拥有、控制和管理其在两个或更多国家的财产,这些财产通常包含生产资源。(2)跨国企业有以下显著特点: 跨国企业组织都十分庞大。 广阔的地域分布也是跨国企业的一个特点。大跨国企业组织的另一个普遍特点是存活长久和发展迅速。39 【正确答案】 In addition to visible t

24、rade,which involves the import and export of goods,there is also invisible trade ,which involves the exchange of services between countriesThere are four main forms of invisible trade:(1)Transportation service across national boundaries is an important kind of invisible trade(2)Insurance is another

25、important form of invisible trade(3)Tourism is yet another important form of invisible trade(4)The fourth type of invisible trade meriting attention is called immigrant remittance【试题解析】 有形贸易指的是货物的进出口。除此之外,还有无形贸易。它指的是各国之间服务的交换。主要的无形贸易有以下四种:(1)跨越国境的运输服务是一种十分重要的无形贸易。(2)保险是另一种重要的无形贸易。(3)旅游是无形贸易的另一种重要形式。

26、(4)第四种无形贸易是移民汇款。六、句子英译汉40 【正确答案】 为了给某种产品选定一种运输方式,货主要考虑六个问题:速度、频率、可靠性、能力、便利性和成本。因此,若货主要求速度,空运和汽车运输是首要选择。如果目标是低成本,那水运和管道运输最好。由于集装箱化的发展,货主越来越多地将两种或更多的运输方式结合在一起。集装箱化是指将货物装于便于在两种运输方式间互换的箱子里或拖车上。每种联运都为货运人提供了某些便利。例如:铁路一公路联运要比完全用汽车运输便宜而且更灵活、更方便。【试题解析】 本段非课文原文,考生可参考教材第十四课运输的相关知识来解答此题。翻译时要注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:tra

27、nsportation mode:运输方式;shippers:货主; speed:速度;frequency:频率;dependability:可靠性;capability:能力;availability:便利性;cost:成本;low cost:低成本;pipeline:管道运输; containerization:集装箱化;consist of:包括;trailer:拖车;piggyback:铁路一公路联运。41 【正确答案】 信用证有两种类型,可撤销的和不可撤销的。作为出口销售商,应该坚持要求不可撤销的信用证,因为它表明信用证一经开立即不能取消付款或未经你方许可而改变信用证的条款。所以应该

28、记住的关键术语是你需要“不可撤销的,已经确认的信用证” 。“ 已经确认 ”表明你所接受的国外或者国内的银行,已经确认收到货款并且一经出示已装运的确切证明即可付款。如果信用证已经列明的话,你还可以用要求可兑换的货币付款。【试题解析】 本段并非课文原文,可参考教材第十二课信用证相关知识进行作答。翻译时要注意以下商务术语和重要单词及知识点:letter of credit:信用证;revocable:可撤销的;export seller:出口销售人;insist on:坚持;once:一旦;payment:付款;terms :条款; approval:许可;confirmed:确认的;bank:银行

29、;satisfactory proof of shipping:已装运的确切证明;currency:货币。七、句子汉译英42 【正确答案】 Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism,by which the individual or the business enterprise can shift some of the uncertainty of life onto the shoulders of others【试题解析】 本句为教材第十五课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:保险:insurance;风险转移机制:risk tran

30、sfer mechanism;企业:business enterprise;不确定因素:uncertainty。43 【正确答案】 The purpose of IMF is to provide medium term assistance to those Fund members with payment difficulties【试题解析】 本句为教材第十八课课后习题,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:国际货币基金组织:IMF;基金会员同:Fund members;中期贷款:medium term assistance。44 【正确答案】 The insurance compan

31、y will not entertain the claim if the risk covered is not the proximate cause of the loss【试题解析】 本句为教材第十六课课文原句。翻译时注意以下商务术语及重要词汇和短语:保险公司:insurance company;直接原因:proximate cause。45 【正确答案】 IBRD loans generally have a grace period of five years and are repayable over fifteen to twenty years【试题解析】 本句为教材第十八

32、课课文原句。翻译时注意以下商务术语及重要词汇和短语:世界银行:IBRD(InternationalBank for Reconstruction and Development);贷款:loan;偿还:repayable ;宽限期:a grace period 46 【正确答案】 In addition to company securities, options are also available on gilts,currencies and indices【试题解析】 本句为教材第二十课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:除了:in addition to;金边债券:gilt;货币和指数:currencies and indices。

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