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1、全国自考(现代英语语法)模拟试卷 1 及答案与解析一、Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.1 Id like some more cheese.Sorry, theres _ left. ( )(A)nothing(B) none(C) a little(D)few2 All the _were shocked at the sudden death of the old man on the pav

2、ement. ( )(A)passer-bys(B) passers-bys(C) by-passers(D)passers-by3 In 1964, Americans drank an average of 26 gallons of milk_. ( )(A)each(B) every one(C) singly(D)themselves4 One astronaut who joined the program in 1996 _ only after he had been applying for 12 years. ( )(A)has been accepted(B) had b

3、een accepted(C) was accepted(D)is accepted5 What_you _over the past two years? ( )(A)did,do(B) do,do(C) are,doing(D)have,been doing6 The young man who has appiled for the post_in the general managers office. ( )(A)is interviewing(B) is being interviewed(C) to be interviewed(D)had been interviewed7 _

4、 it not for water, this world would be a lifeless place. ( )(A)Were(B) If(C) Was(D)Had8 He was very busy yesterday, otherwise, he _ to your birthday party. ( )(A)would come(B) came(C) would have come(D)should come9 Mr. Milton prefers to resign_ part in such dishonest business deals. ( )(A)than take(

5、B) than to take(C) rather than take(D)rather than to take10 He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk_ the good opportunity. ( )(A)to lose(B) losing(C) to be lost(D)being lost11 Mary earns_as Jane does, but she spends less money on cosmetics than Jane. ( )(A)twice so much(B) tw

6、ice as much(C) as much twice(D)so much twice12 This is_ the best school in the region. ( )(A)far and away(B) farther away(C) further away(D)far away13 Judging from the latest information, youd better make up your mind now_it is too late. ( )(A)after(B) since(C) when(D)before14 _for my illness, I wou

7、ld have got the job in the Disneyland. ( )(A)Not being(B) Without being(C) Had it not been(D)Not having been15 The course usually attracts 30 students each term, _ about two-thirds are girls. ( )(A)among whom(B) for whom(C) among them(D)for them16 Jewelry _ becoming increasingly popular, in one form

8、 or another, among teenage guys. ( )(A)being(B) are(C) is(D)been17 Physics, as well as mathematics, _important to us. ( )(A)is(B) are(C) being(D)have been18 When I go out in the evening I use the bike _ the car if I can. ( )(A)rather than(B) other than(C) better than(D)more than19 When _ medicine, p

9、lease follow these instructions carefully. ( )(A)to take(B) taking(C) taken(D)he takes20 During extremely hot weather, elephants require both mud and water to keep their skin cool_they have no sweat glands. ( )(A)and(B) so(C) because of(D)due to the fact that二、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET

10、with one of the items given.21 go, goes, is going , advice, advices, piece of adviceMy special thanks_ to Professor Brown, who read the first draft of this book and gave me a lot of invaluable _.22 a,an,the,accept,accepted,acceptingWe may meet this challenge with_attitude that_the two languages as d

11、ifferent.23 was completed , is completed , completed, is equipped , was equipped , equippedThe hotel, which _ only last year, _with a solarium and sauna.24 thinks, thought,was thought, work,works, workingThis painting _of as one of the best _of the famous painter.25 didnt come ,has come ,cant come ,

12、at,around,with Put the food where the cat_ _it.26 than, as, more,so,less, farShe speaks French_well_the rest of us.27 which, who, whom, what, where, whenThe treatment, _ is being tried by researchers at four hospitals, has helped patients _ have failed to respond to other remedies.28 where, which, w

13、hat, when, in that, whoseThe factory_I am going to is the place_my mother used to work many years ago.29 is ,was,are,scissors,scissor,scissoresThere_some_in the desk drawer in the bedroom if you need them.30 affects,effects,guides,what,how,whenWe are interested in the weather because it_us so direct

14、ly what we wear, what we do, and even_we feel.三、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as required.31 With an appropriate pronoun: Would you like tea or coffee?I dont mind. _will do.32 With an appropriate pronoun: Your question is an important_.33 With a determiner:_the boys enjoyed the

15、mselves at the party.34 With a determiner:She plays _violin fairly well.35 With a modal verb:Helen _go on the trip with us, but she isnt quite sure yet.36 With a modal verb:_you play the piano at such a late hour?37 With an appropriate preposition: I got to know him _a friend.38 With an appropriate

16、preposition:Lisas new hair style is quite similar _yours.39 With an appropriate conjunctive:It will be hours _she comes back.40 With an appropriate conjunctive:I asked her to stay for tea. _I had something to tell her.41 With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb:The project on_they hav

17、e been working for two years is a total failure.42 With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: The woman about_ we talked has just given birth to quintuplets successfully.43 With an appropriate link verb:His headquarters_then in a village in the mountains.44 With an appropriate link ver

18、b:The team_discussing the game among themselves.45 With an appropriate coordinator or subordinator: It was an island_name I have forgotten.46 With an appropriate coordinator or subordinator:He carried his luggage all the way home, _was actually unnecessary.47 With a question tag:I dont think he will

19、 come, _?48 With a question tag: Wait a minute, _?49 With a question tag:Youd better not smoke here, _?50 With a question tag:They must have lost their way yesterday, _?四、Rewrite the following sentences as required.51 Using “neither“ as part of the subject: Both statements are not true.52 Using pass

20、ive voice:Girls, not boys, usually sing such songs.53 Using subjunctive mood:I think it very important for the textbooks to be available before school starts.54 Using a proper modal auxiliary:They were obliged to sell their house in order to pay their debts.55 Using a non-finite verb form:Mother sug

21、gests that we should have a barbecue party this weekend.56 Using a preposition:The proposal that we should take better care of child health was rejected.57 Using a disjunct:It is natural that she will take after her mother.58 Using a relative clause:He paid me 1 for washing ten windows. Most of them

22、 hadnt been washed for at least a year.59 Using a relative clause:He said that the men were thieves. This turned out to be true.60 Using coordination:I have money. I will buy a new car.61 Using an intensifier:No student managed to finish the exercises on time.62 Adding a suitable tag:I dont believe

23、youve finished knitting that cardigan yourself.63 Using extraposition:Meeting you in London that day was pleasant.64 Using anticipatory “it“:She is expected to be back tomorrow.65 Using inversion:Following the roar, a tiger rushed out from among the bushes.五、Answer the following question. 66 What ar

24、e the major types of finite subordinate clauses?六、Define the following terms with examples. 67 mass noun68 subordination全国自考(现代英语语法)模拟试卷 1 答案与解析一、Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.1 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 none 意为 “没有人物”,指数量,此处

25、用 none 代替 no cheese 可避免重复。本句意为我还想再要一些奶酪。不好意思,一点儿都没有了。答案为 B。2 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 复合词单数变复数有三种情况:最后一部分变复数,第一部分变复数(尤其当后一部分有后置修饰语或小品词),第一部分和最后一部分同时变为复数。passer-by 属于第二种。答案为 D。3 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 译文:1964 年,平均每个美国人要喝 26 加仑牛奶。each 既可作形容词,也可作代词,在句中可作定语、主语、状语等,each 在本题中作状语;every one 既可用来指人,也可用来指物,通常在句中作主语和宾语,不作状语;C 和

26、 D 与题意不符。答案为 A。4 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 译文:1996 年参加这个项目的一名宇航员在提出申请 12 年后才被接受。此句中 had been applying for 表示“过去的过去”,“宇航员被接受”发生在过去,故用一般过去时的被动态 waswere done。答案为 C。5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 根据时间状语 over the past two years 可知用现在完成体,又根据题意推测出题干强调的是持续到现在的动作(这个动作可能刚停止,也可能还在进行),所以需要现在完成进行体。答案为 D。 6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 译文:已经申请职位的年轻人正在

27、经理的办公室里接受面试。限制性关系分句 who has修饰的先行项是 the young man,因此句子缺少的是谓语部分。C 项不可充当谓语,可以排除。因为年轻人是 “被面试”,因此句子为被动态。A 项的进行体的表达是错误的。从整体来看,句子为现在时,因此 D 项是错误的。答案为 B。 7 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本题为虚拟式,表达的是一种假设的状况,因此不管主语是第几人称,be 动词只有 were 一种形式。同时本句还是省略 if 的倒装条件句,需要把 be动词提前。答案为 A。8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 由 otherwise 可知,后一分句描述的是与过去事实相反的推测,因此

28、用 would have done,表示与过去相反的情况。答案为 C。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 prefer 意为“宁愿”,其后接名词或动词不定式;prefer to do sthrather than do sth 意为 “宁愿而不愿”,rather than 后接不带 to 的不定式。本句意为:米尔顿先生宁愿辞职也不参加这种不诚实的商业交易。答案为C。10 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 risk 后常跟一 ing 形式作宾语,即 risk doing sth,意为“冒险正在做的某事”。答案为 B。11 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 本题考查的是关于倍数的表达。倍数的表达有其固定的结

29、构:A+倍数+as+形容词+as B,表示 A 是 B 的几倍;或者是 A+倍数+ 形容词+than B,表示 A 比 B 多几倍。答案为 B。12 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 far and away 是固定搭配,意为无疑地、肯定地。答案为 A。13 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 根据句子逻辑,应选择 before,表示在” 之前。句意为:从最新的信息判断,在太晚前,你最好现在就下定决心。答案为 D。14 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 译文:要不是我生病了,我已经得到了在迪斯尼的工作。本题考查的是倒装句型。从 would have 可以看出,主句为过去时态,因此从属分句应为过去完成体。倒装

30、部分的构成为助动词+主语+谓语,因此 A、D 项是错误的。B 项用了 without 表达“没有”的概念,但是 without being 后面应该跟形容词,因此 B项是错误的。答案为 C。15 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 译文:这门学科每学期可以吸引 30 个学生,其中 23 是女生。从题意可以看出后面的句子为关系分句。“多少之中的 23”可以用介词 among 表示,介词与表示人的关系代词连用时,关系代词只可用 whom。答案为 A。16 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 此题考查主谓一致。jewelry 是无生命的集体名词,作主语时谓语动词用单数。答案为 C。17 【正确答案】 A【试题解

31、析】 译文:物理,还有数学对我们来说很重要。as well as 连接两个主语时,句子谓语动词的单复数形式取决于第一个主语。即本题的谓语取决于physics,physics 是一门学科,谓语要用单数。答案为 A。18 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 rather than 意为“而不是”,other than 意为“除了”,better than 意为“比好”,more than 意为“多于 ”。这里表示“我选择骑自行车,而不是驾驶汽车”。答案为 A。19 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 状语从句中省去了从句的主语,而主句为祈使句,主语为 you;主语 you 与 take 之间为主动关系,因此用

32、现在分词。答案为 B。20 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 译文:由于大象没有汗腺,所以当天气非常炎热的时候,它们会用泥巴和水来给皮肤降温。由题意可知,空缺处应填人引导原因状语的连接词。and引导并列关系的句子,so 引导结果状语分句,because of 后接表原因的短语。due to the fact that 指“由于”,that 后接分句。其中 they have no sweat glands 是由 that引导的同位语分句,来作前面 fact 的同位语,指大象没有汗腺这个事实。答案为D。二、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one

33、 of the items given.21 【正确答案】 go,advice【试题解析】 主语 thanks 是复数形式,因此谓语动词也应为复数形式,所以第一空应选择 go。advice 为不可数名词,后不可加 s,用 piece of 来修饰时,复数情况下 piece 要加 s,因此第二空应填入 advice。答案为 go,advice。22 【正确答案】 an ,accepts【试题解析】 attitude 的音标是以元音开头,所以前面用不定冠词 an;that 指的是 attitude,根据整个句子的时态一致原则,所以其谓语动词用 accepts。答案为an,accepts。23 【正

34、确答案】 was completed,is equipped【试题解析】 由 last year 可知,第一个空应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选 was completed;由主句是有关旅馆的事实性描述可知,第二个空应用一般现在时的被动语态,故选 is equipped。答案为 was completed,is equipped。24 【正确答案】 was thought,works【试题解析】 译文:这幅画被认为是这位著名画家的最好的作品之一。第一空this painting 和 think 构成被动关系,故用被动态;第二空 work 作名词有两种意思,一是不可数名词“工作”,二是可数名词“作

35、品”,且 one of 后面应接名词的复数。答案为 was thought,works。25 【正确答案】 cant come,at【试题解析】 译文:把食物放在猫找不到的地方。can 表示“能够”;come at 意为“找到、发现”;come around 意思为“拜访,探访”;come with sb意为“和某人一起来”。答案为 cant come,at。26 【正确答案】 so,as【试题解析】 译文:她法语讲得和我们中的其他人一样好。题中 well 为原级,故不能考虑 than,more 和 less。asas 为同级比较,第一个 as 在否定结构中也可以换成 so。答案为 so,as

36、 。27 【正确答案】 which , who【试题解析】 第一空的先行项是 the treatment 且在关系分句中作主语,因此引导词应为 which。第二空的先行项是 patients 且在关系分句中作主语,因此引导词应为 who。答案为 which,who。28 【正确答案】 which , where【试题解析】 第一个空前关系分句的先行项 The factory 在分句中作 to 的宾语,因此用关系代词 which;第二个关系分句不缺少句子成分,用关系副词 where,在关系分句中作地点状语。答案为 which,where。29 【正确答案】 are,scissors【试题解析】

37、scissors(剪刀)是由两个相同部分组成的工具,常用作复数,所以存在句的谓语动词也用复数形式 are。答案为 are,scissors。30 【正确答案】 affects,how【试题解析】 译文:我们对天气感兴趣是因为它直接影响到我们的衣着、行为甚至感受。第一空考查动词辨析,affect 意为“影响”,effect 是名词,guide 是“引导,指引”之意,若选用 guide,则可知天气可以引导我们的穿着,却不能指导我们的行动和感受,故排除;第二空表示“我们的感觉如何”,用表示方式的副词 how。答案为 affects,how。三、Fill in the blanks on the AN

38、SWER SHEET with an item as required.31 【正确答案】 Either【试题解析】 Either 指两者之中任何一个,由题干中的 dont mind 可知,符合题意。答案为 Either。32 【正确答案】 one【试题解析】 one 代替上文中出现的可数名词单数 question,避免重复。答案为one。33 【正确答案】 All【试题解析】 All 作限定词,故放在名词修饰语的最前面, All the boys 意为“全体男生”。答案为 All。34 【正确答案】 the【试题解析】 在乐器前要用定冠词 the。答案为 the。35 【正确答案】 may【

39、试题解析】 由后半句“她还没有确定”可知,空处缺少一个表示推测的词,may意为“可能”,表示不太肯定的推测,符合题意。答案为 may。 36 【正确答案】 Must【试题解析】 must 表达说话人不满的态度,意思是“偏偏要;非得,”符合题意。答案为 Must。37 【正确答案】 through【试题解析】 through 表示通过(多指抽象概念、某人、某物),符合题意。答案为 through。38 【正确答案】 to【试题解析】 be similar to 意为“和相似”,是固定搭配。答案为 to。39 【正确答案】 before【试题解析】 before 在 It+be+时间段+befor

40、e 句型中作连词,意为“在之后才”本句意为:她几个小时后才能回来。答案为 before。40 【正确答案】 for【试题解析】 for 引导原因状语从句,表示某事件发生的原因。答案为 for。41 【正确答案】 which【试题解析】 work on sth常表示在一段时间内从事于某事或某工作。本空需要填入关系分句的引导词,先行项为 project,指代的是 “物”。答案为 which。42 【正确答案】 whom【试题解析】 先行项是 the woman,指人,可选用的关系代词有 that,who 和whom,能和介词 about 搭配的为 whom。答案为 whom。43 【正确答案】 w

41、as【试题解析】 一致有三个原则:语法一致原则,意义一致原则,就近一致原则。headquarters 虽是复数形式,表示的是单数意思,应遵循意义一致原则,谓语动词用单数,又因句子描述的是过去事件,应用一般过去时。答案为 was。44 【正确答案】 are【试题解析】 有些集体名词如 team,family 等后既可接谓语动词的单数形式,义可接谓语动词的复数形式。一般来说,谓语的单数形式强调的是整体概念,而复数形式强调的是集体中的个体。句子 discuss 的主语是一个个的队员,谓语动词应用复数。答案为 are。45 【正确答案】 whose【试题解析】 关系分句的先行项 island 为物,且

42、 name 与其为所属关系,需用whose 来引导。答案为 whose。46 【正确答案】 which【试题解析】 which 引导非限制性关系分句,指代前面的句子内容,即“他将行李一路带回家”。答案为 which。47 【正确答案】 will he【试题解析】 当陈述部分谓语为 dont think believesupposeexpectimagine 等词时,疑问部分用肯定式且与从句主谓保持一致。答案为 will he。48 【正确答案】 will you【试题解析】 当陈述部分是祈使句时,附加疑问部分常用 will you。答案为 will you。49 【正确答案】 had you【

43、试题解析】 当陈述句部分含 had better,would like to,would rather 等特殊短语时,附加疑问部分应保留第一个词。答案为 had you。50 【正确答案】 didnt they【试题解析】 若陈述部分有 must+have+v一 ed 表示推测时,且句中有明显的过去时间状语,问句部分用过去体,即 didnt they,而不是 mustnt they。答案为didnt they。四、Rewrite the following sentences as required.51 【正确答案】 Neither statement is true【试题解析】 译文:双方

44、的陈述均是错误的。要求将句子改写成采用 neither 作主语的句子。neither 是指两者都不。谓语动词一般用单数形式。52 【正确答案】 such songs are usually sang by girls,not boys 【试题解析】 译文:女孩经常唱这种歌曲,而不是男孩。本题动作的接受者是such songs,变被动态时作主语;动作的发出者是 girls,not boys,变被动态时用by 引出。53 【正确答案】 I think it very important that the textbooks(should)be available before school sta

45、rts【试题解析】 本题要求转换为虚拟式,只要把 important 后面的不定式转换为从属分句,从属分句中的谓语动词用(should)+动词原形即可。54 【正确答案】 They musthave to sell their house in order to pay their debts【试题解析】 译文:他们不得不卖掉房子来还债。从题干中的 be obliged to (不得不,被迫)可知此处含有很强的强制性意义,可用 must 或 have to。55 【正确答案】 Mother suggests having a barbecue party this weekend.【试题解析】

46、 suggest 除了可以跟 that 分句外,还可以跟动词一 ing 形式作宾语。56 【正确答案】 The proposal concerning taking better care of child health was rejected【试题解析】 译文:我们应该更加关注儿童健康的建议遭到了拒绝。concerning意为“关于”,其后接名词或一 ing 分词。57 【正确答案】 Naturally ,she will take after her mother【试题解析】 译文:她照顾她的妈妈是很自然的事情。It is natural that可用评注性状语 naturally 替代

47、,且与主句用逗号隔开。58 【正确答案】 Most of the windows which he paid me1 for washing hadnt been washed for at least a year【试题解析】 译文:他付给了我一英镑作为擦十个窗户的酬劳。大多数窗户至少一年没擦了。根据句意知题干中的第一句可以作第二句的关系分句,先行项为 the windows,可用关系代词 which 来引导。59 【正确答案】 He said that the men were thieves,which turned out to be true【试题解析】 要求使用关系分句。This

48、指代的就是 that 分句后面的内容,因此可以使用非限制性关系分句使句子简洁。60 【正确答案】 If I have money,I will buy a new car【试题解析】 译文:我有钱。我想买辆新车。两句合并意为:如果我有了钱,我想买辆新车。可用表条件的从属连接词 if 连接句子。61 【正确答案】 Not a single student managed to finish the exercises on time【试题解析】 译文:没有一个学生准时完成练习。本题要求加强否定。加强否定的方式有很多,如 never(绝不),notat all(一点也不),not a single(一个也没有),by no means(绝不) 等等。结合句意可用 not a single。62 【正确答案】 I dont believe youve finished knitting that cardigan yourself,have


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