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1、全国自考(现代英语语法)模拟试卷 3 及答案与解析一、Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.1 You can use your own computer to connect to the wi fi _prepared for notebook computers. ( )(A)special(B) specialist(C) specially(D)specialty2 The_of the bu

2、ilding are covered with lots of_.( )(A)roofs;leaves(B) rooves;leafs(C) roof;leaf(D)roofs;leafs3 This encyclopedia, which you can buy at any bookstore, will give you_ you need. ( )(A)all the information(B) all of information(C) all the informations(D)all of the informations4 _was the day before yeste

3、rday. ( )(A)The Frances Independence Day(B) The day of the French independence(C) Frenchs Independence Day(D)Frances Independence Day5 Can you give me the right answer?Sorry, I_. Would you repeat that question? ( )(A)hadnt listened(B) havent listened(C) dont listen(D)wasnt listening6 By the end of n

4、ext month we_this assignment. ( )(A)will finish(B) will be finishing(C) will have finished(D)have finished7 All the tourists desire that the guide_ them timely information about the changes in the schedule. ( )(A)give(B) gave(C) gives(D)can give8 If it sounds too good to be true, it _just a Pyramid

5、Scheme. ( )(A)might be(B) could be(C) will be(D)can be9 _ constantly pick up your hands to guide him? ( )(A)Must you to(B) Have you to(C) Do you have to(D)Do you must10 All the tasks _ahead of time, they decided to have a dinner party to celebrate. ( )(A)have been finished(B) had been finished(C) ha

6、ving been finished(D)were finished11 Mr. Johnson met_ at the party that day. ( )(A)a certain retired movie funny star(B) a retired certain funny movie star(C) a funny certain retired movie star(D)a certain funny retired movie star12 What he has done is_ what I have done. ( )(A)superior to(B) more su

7、perior to(C) superior than(D)more superior than13 Their plane arrived _San Francisco this morning. ( )(A)from(B) at(C) to(D)on14 _I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape. ( )(A)While(B) If(C) When(D)Because15 She is a gentle and quiet girl, _ none of her sisters is. ( )(A)who(B) whom(C)

8、 that(D)which16 Do you remember those days _we spent along the seashore very happily? ( )(A)when(B) where(C) which(D)who17 Every drop of tears, every moan out of pain and every cry for help _like knife cutting deep into his heart. ( )(A)was(B) are(C) were(D)is18 What she wanted from him _just promis

9、es at that time. ( )(A)is(B) are(C) was(D)were19 _David goes, he is welcome. ( )(A)Whichever(B) However(C) Wherever(D)Whatever20 So forcefully _that we were all convinced. ( )(A)he did speak(B) he spoke(C) did he speak(D)that he spoke二、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one of the items giv

10、en.21 much,no,some,any,little,moreI have_money on me,can you lend me_?22 a, a, the, the, some, suchGetting_ unions and_ bosses to agree isnt easy.23 dont, wouldnt,didnt, shouldnt,on,atId rather you_make any comment_the issue for the time being.24 was, had been, were, shall have, must have, would hav

11、e hadIf there _ no train, you_ to go by air.25 to inform , in formed, in forming, later, latter, latestTelevision has many advantages. It keeps us _ about the _news and also provides entertainment in the house.26 at,until,for,by,after,beforeThe train leaves_6 :00 p. m. , so I have to be at the stati

12、on _5 :40 p. m. at the latest.27 which I bought, what I bought, I bought, which, what, whoThis is the only book_,_challenges this common belief.28 doesnt, havent, dont, he wants, they want, he wantedThe youth of today _ know what_ for their life.29 has,have, is,his,her, theirEach of the students in

13、the accounting class _ to type _own research paper this semester.30 if, once, until, releases, releasing, released_ _from prison, he is likely to engage himself in the same business and commit the same crime.三、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as required.31 With an appropriate uni

14、t noun:Part of the lake has been polluted. You can see the water is covered with a_of oil.32 With an appropriate unit noun: Let me give you a_of advice.33 With a determiner:I will love you my_life, you and no other.34 With a determiner:I suddenly realized Id come out without_money.35 With a modal ve

15、rb.When you have a small child in the house, you_leave small objects lying around.36 With a modal verb:We are wondering how they_challenge that expert.37 With a modal verb: _ you succeed!38 With a modal verb:You_pay more attention to your spelling next time.39 With an appropriate preposition: He wil

16、l be back_a few days.40 With an appropriate preposition:Things are very different_what they used to be.41 With a proper adverbial:He thought I had nothing to do. _, I had piles of work to do.42 With a proper adverbial:You say you took the book without his permission. _, you stole it.43 With an appro

17、priate relative pronoun or relative adverb: This is the only dictionary_he often turns to for help.44 With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: I shall never forget that day_New China was founded.45 With an appropriate coordinator or subordinator: This word may be used both as a noun_

18、as a verb.46 With an appropriate coordinator or subordinator: Take an umbrella_it rains.47 With an assertive, non-assertive or negative word:I think Ive lost that green scarf of mine; I cant find it_.48 With an assertive, non-assertive or negative word: Im trying to persuade him to come but Im getti

19、ng_.49 With a question tag:Youd rather I didnt tell her the news,_?50 With a question tag: She dislikes this skirt,_?四、Rewrite the following sentences as required.51 Using plural invariables: This is not my dictionary but his.52 Using passive voice:Couldnt we ask someone to take on the job privately

20、 without anyone knowing?53 Using a modal auxiliary:Mary is able to speak two foreign languages.54 Using a non-finite verb form:The chairman threatened that he would resign if his policies were not adopted.55 Using a prepositional phrase:There was clear scientific evidence, but people still refused t

21、o believe that cigarette smoking was dangerous.56 Using an adjunct:My wife was using the vacuum cleaner. I was trying to listen to a broadcast play.57 Using a conjunct:Officially, he is in charge. His secretary does all the work.58 Using a relative clauses:He introduced mc to his boss. I hadnt met h

22、im before.59 Using coordination:We didnt know his telephone number. We would have telephoned him.60 Using a WH-question: This book costs me twenty dollars.61 Adding a suitable tag: Everybody knows what he has to do.62 Using extraposition:To see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside s

23、chool property and puffing away furtively and defiantly on their cigarettes breaks my heart.63 Using discontinuity:The days when he could boss me around are gone.64 Using fronting:A computer can take most of these problems in its stride.65 Using inversion:I have never been there before.五、Answer the

24、following question. 66 Explain the principle of proximity of concord with examples.六、Define the following terms with examples. 67 the subjunctive mood68 conjuncts全国自考(现代英语语法)模拟试卷 3 答案与解析一、Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SH

25、EET.1 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 派生词词义辨析。形容词 special 意为“特别的”;specialist 是由special 派生来的名词,意为“专家”;specially 是副词,意为“特意地,专门地”;名词 specialty 意为“专业”。句中需用副词修饰 prepared for,意为“专门为笔记本电脑配备的 wi 一 fi”。答案为 C。2 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词变复数时,一般将 f 或 fe 变为 v,再加 es,如leaf(树叶,复数为 leaves);但也有例外,比如 roof,chief,gulf,belief 等词的复数形式

26、,直接加 s。答案为 A。3 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 译文:这本你可以从任何书店买到的百科全书,可以给你提供你所需要的全部信息。从名词的单复数形式来看,information 是不可数名词,词尾不能加一 s,因此 C、D 是错误的;all 与复数名词连用的时候,可以在名词前用thethisthat等限定词来修饰;all 也可以与 of 连用,其后接名词或代词,但名词前要有限定词 the,因此 B 项是错误的。答案为 A。4 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 译文:前天是法国独立日。本题考查属格和 of 词组的用法。属格和 of 词组都可用于表示地理专有名词和表示地方、机构等的名词。法国是表示

27、地点的专有名词,要用大写,前面不用冠词。Frances Independence Day The independence day of France,意为“法国独立日”。答案为 D。5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 过去进行体指过去某一时刻或过去某阶段正在进行的动作,“没有”仔细听发生在说话前,符合这一用法。答案为 D。6 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 by the end of next month(year)是将来完成时的典型状语。答案为C。7 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 译文:所有的游客都希望在日程安排发生变化时,导游能及时告知他们。本句考查的是虚拟式在宾语分句中的用法。动词如des

28、ire,suggest,demand,ask 等可以表示要求、建议、命令等的动词引导的宾语分句中的虚拟式构成为 should动词原形,其中 should 可以省略。答案为 A。8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 译文:如果这件事情听起来太完美了而不真实,它可能就是非法传销。本题用“情态助动词+动词原型”表示对现在的事情的推测。can,could 和might 都可表示推测,其可能性依次减弱。本题没有事实依据,要用推测性最弱的。答案为 A。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 此题考查情态助动词的一般疑问句式。must 的一般疑问句为:Must+主语+动词原形;have to 为半情态助动词,其一般疑

29、问句要借助助动词do,即 Do+主语+have to。答案为 C。10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 两个句子间没有连词的出现,因此前面的部分是一个独立主格的结构。A、B、D 项均是主谓结构的句子,不符合题意。答案为 C。11 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 限定词和中心词之间的前置形容词所占据的空间可以分为四个区域,第一区域是表强调意义的形容词(certain),第二区域是可分等级的形容词(funny) ,第三区域是表颜色的形容词和分词(retired),第四区域是类属形容词(movie)。因此本题只有 D 项符合。答案为 D。12 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本题考查同定结构。A be s

30、uperior to B 意为“A 要优于 B”,为固定结构,且形容词 superior 没有比较级。答案为 A。13 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 arrive at 表示到达某个较小的地点; arrive 与介词 in 搭配时,其后跟较大的地点。答案为 B。14 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 while 在这里相当于 although,意为“虽然”。除此之外,while 作连词还可以表于“当时候”或“而”。答案为 A。15 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 非限定性关系分句中,先行项强调人物的身份、地位、性格及品德时,关系代词多用 which。答案为 D。16 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 从

31、句中 spent 缺少宾语,所以用关系代词,先行项是 those days,故用表示事物关系代词 which。答案为 C。17 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 译文:每一滴眼泪、每一声痛苦的呻吟以及每一声求救的呼喊都像刀子一样扎进他的心里。every(each)+ 名词+and+every(each)+名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数,因为强调的是“单一”的情况,B 和 C 错;本题描述一般的情况,不受过去和将来时间的限制,要用一般现在时。答案为 D。 18 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 一般情况下,主语为一个分句时,谓语用单数形式,但是当分句隐含的是复数的意义时,就要遵循意义一致的原则了。句中的表

32、语 promises 是复数形式,因此可以推测出主语表达的是复数的意义,所以谓语动词的形式应为复数。同时,at that time 显示出时态应为一般过去时,因此 D 项符合。答案为 D。19 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 本句意为:无论大卫走到哪里,他都受到热烈的欢迎。wherever 意为“无论何地”,相当于 no matter where,符合题意。答案为 C。20 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 在 sothat结构中,如果把 so 置于句首,主句则要用倒装语序。suchthat的结构用法与 sothat相同。此外,否定词及含否定意义的词如little,few 等,放于句首时句子也用倒装

33、结构。如: Little does he know about it“他对此几乎一无所知”。答案为 C。二、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one of the items given.21 【正确答案】 no,some【试题解析】 译文:我身上没钱了,你能借给我一些吗?no 和 little 都是表示否定意义,no 指一点也没有,little 指还有一点,根据题意知第一空用 no 更合适;some 和 any 都表示一些,some 常用在肯定句中, any 常用在否定或疑问句中,但当表示希望得到肯定回答时,some 可用在疑问句中。本题

34、说话者希望对方能借给他钱,要用 some。答案为 no,some。22 【正确答案】 the,the【试题解析】 译文:让团队和老板都同意可不简单。unions 和 bosses 都是可数名词复数,不可以用不定冠词修饰;some 表示一些,不符合题意;such 表示某一种类的,不符合题意;定冠词 the 可表示特指,后面的名词也没有单复数的限制。答案为 the,the 。23 【正确答案】 didnt,on【试题解析】 当主句中的谓语是 would rather 时,其后的句子谓语动词用一般过去时来体现虚拟语气;make a comment on sth 意为“对做出评论”,是固定搭配。答案为

35、 didnt,on。24 【正确答案】 had been,would have had【试题解析】 if 引导的虚拟条件句表示与过去事实相反的情况时,其分句的结构为 If+主语 +had+动词的一 ed 分词形式,是从属部分;主句的结构为主语+would(should,could,might)have+动词的一 ed 分词形式。本题及备选项符合此种情形。答案为 had been,would have had。25 【正确答案】 informed,latest【试题解析】 此题是表示被动,故用一 ed 分词。keep us informed 意为“让我们知道”;latest news 意为“ 最

36、新消息”。答案为 informed,latest。26 【正确答案】 at,by【试题解析】 具体时间(时间点)前常用介词 at;表示“到为止”常用 by。本句意为:火车下午 6:00 启动,所以我最晚也要在 5:40 到达。答案为 at,by。27 【正确答案】 I bought,which【试题解析】 根据句意,第一句中含有一个修饰先行项 book 的关系分句,在关系分句中当先行项被 little,only,any,much,few,first,last 以及形容词最高级等词修饰时,应该用关系代词 that,若先行项在关系分句中作宾语,就可省略that,不用 which。所以“我买的唯一一

37、本书”表示为 the only book(that)I bought。另外,第二个空考查的是对非限制性关系分句的掌握。当 which 引导非限制性关系分句时,代替整个主句,对其进行说明,一般位于主句后面,通常由逗号将其与主句隔开,可单独译句。答案为 I bought,which。28 【正确答案】 dont;they want【试题解析】 一些集体名词如 the youth 等通常接单数谓语,但此题中,the youth 指代的是年轻人,作主语时表示复数。因此谓语动词应选择 do,后面 what引导的宾语分句的主语也要对应的选择 they。答案为 dont;they want。29 【正确答案

38、】 has,his【试题解析】 当主语有 each 修饰时,谓词动词用单数形式,故第一个空选 has;根据第一个空可得出第二个空应用单数形式的所有格,只有 his 符合。答案为has,his。30 【正确答案】 Once,released【试题解析】 主语 he 和 release 之间为动宾关系,因此 release 要用一 ed 分词形式;if 表示“如果”,until 表示“直到”,once 表示“一旦“,根据题意,once 最符合。答案为 Once,released。三、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as req

39、uired.31 【正确答案】 film【试题解析】 a film of 意为“一薄层”;这里表示水面上覆盖着一层油。答案为film。32 【正确答案】 piece【试题解析】 advice 是不可数名词,常用 a piece of 或 pieces of 来修饰。答案为piece。33 【正确答案】 whole【试题解析】 根据句意:我会爱你一辈子,只爱你一个人。可知表示“全部”可用all 和 whole,但 all 位于物主形容词之前,whole 位于物主形容词之后。答案为whole。34 【正确答案】 any【试题解析】 句意:我突然意识到出来没带一分钱。介词 without 意为“没有

40、”,表示否定,而 any 可以修饰不可数名词,也用于否定句和疑问句中,意为“任何”。答案为 any。35 【正确答案】 shouldnt【试题解析】 句意:当有小孩在房间里时,你不应该将小物件放得到处都是。这里需填表“不应该”含义的情态助动词,shouldnt 最为合适。答案为 shouldnt。36 【正确答案】 dare【试题解析】 句意:我们对他们敢挑战那位专家的权威感到惊奇,表示“敢”用情态助动词 dare。答案为 dare。37 【正确答案】 May【试题解析】 May 在此处表示祝愿。答案为 May。38 【正确答案】 should【试题解析】 should 意为“应该”,与动词原

41、形连用,引出某种要求或建议。答案为 should。39 【正确答案】 in【试题解析】 考点:in 表时间。in+一段时间和将来时态连用表示“在多长之间之内将”。答案为 in。40 【正确答案】 from【试题解析】 考点:介词和形容词的搭配。different from 表示异于,from后跟比较的对象。答案为 from。41 【正确答案】 On the contrary【试题解析】 两个句子间意思相反,应选用对比状语,表示与前面所陈述的内容形成对比。所填单词位于第二个句子的句首,应大写。答案为 On the contrary。 42 【正确答案】 In other words【试题解析】

42、译文:你说你没经过他的同意就拿了这本书。也就是说,你偷了这本书。后面句子是对前面内容的解释,因此可选用解释一连接性状语中的 in other words,意为“也就是说”。答案为 In other words。43 【正确答案】 that【试题解析】 在关系分句中,当先行项由 the only 修饰时,关系代词用 that。答案为 that。44 【正确答案】 when【试题解析】 因填空后的关系分句不缺句子主要成分,且先行项是 that day,指时间,因此应用时间副词 when。答案为 when。45 【正确答案】 and【试题解析】 both 与 and 连用,表示“两者都”“ 既又”。

43、答案为and。46 【正确答案】 in case【试题解析】 in case 引导条件状语从句,意为“ 万一”“以防”。答案为 in case。47 【正确答案】 anywhere【试题解析】 anywhere 意为“任何地方”,用于否定句,notanywhere 相当于nowhere。答案为 anywhere。48 【正确答案】 nowhere【试题解析】 nowhere 意为“行不通,无进展”。答案为 nowhere。49 【正确答案】 woutdnt you【试题解析】 当陈述句部分含 had better,would like to,would rather 等特殊短语时,附加疑问部分

44、应保留第一个词,故应填 wouldnt you。答案为 woutdnt you。50 【正确答案】 doesnt she【试题解析】 当陈述部分是 unhappy,dislike,unfriendly 等含有否定词缀而意思否定的词时,当作肯定句来处理,疑问部分要用否定形式,所以应用 dogsnt she。答案为 doesnt she。四、Rewrite the following sentences as required.51 【正确答案】 These are not our dictionaries but theirs【试题解析】 译文:这不是我的字典,是他的。题干中的 this is

45、的复数是 these are;my 的复数是 our; dictionary 的复数是 dictionaries;题干中的 his 是名词性的物主代词,相当于 his dictionary,其复数是 theirs,相当于 their dictionaries。52 【正确答案】 couldnt we ask someone to take on the job privately without being known?【试题解析】 译文:难道我们不能私下里让一个人做这工作而不让任何人知道吗?不让任何人知道,即不让这件事被任何人知道,可将 knowing 变为被动形式 being known,

46、动作的发出者 anyone 可省略。53 【正确答案】 Mary can speak two foreign languages【试题解析】 译文:玛丽会说两种外语。be able to 表示“能,可以,会”,此处可换为表示能力的情态助动词 can。54 【正确答案】 The chairman threatened to resign if his policies were not adopted【试题解析】 动词 threaten 意为威胁,除了接 that 分句外,还可以跟不定式结构,表示威胁要做某事。55 【正确答案】 In spite of clear scientific evid

47、ence,people still refused to believe that cigarette smoking was dangerous【试题解析】 译文:虽说已经有了明确的科学依据,但是人们仍然不相信吸烟有害健康。in spite of 意为“尽管,虽然”,其后接名词,且不能与 but 连用。56 【正确答案】 while my wife was using the vacuum,I was trying to listen to a broadcast play【试题解析】 由于两个句子中都使用了进行体,因此可以用 while 引导时间状语分句。57 【正确答案】 officia

48、lly,he is in chargeActually,his secretary does all the work【试题解析】 本题要求使用连接性状语。通过分析句意可知两句话为对比关系,因此可用 actually。actually 不仅是内容一评注性状语,还是对比一连接性状语。要将前后意思相反的两句话合并成一个句子,可用并列转折词 but,but 前用逗号。58 【正确答案】 He introduced me to his boss,whom I hadnt met before 【试题解析】 译文:他把我介绍给他的老板。我以前没见过他。根据句意知后句可以用作前句的关系分句,先行项为 his boss,在关系分句中作 met 的宾语,引导词要用 whom 或 who。59 【正确答案】 We would have telephoned him but we didnt know his telephone number【试题解析】 译文


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