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1、1第 17 课时 九年级 Units 910一、单项选择1(2018湖北孝感孝南一模改编)Dont you find it hard to realize our dreams?Perhaps, but dreams will come true without doubt as long as we them.Aturn off Bstick toCcut down Dclear out2What about having a picnic tomorrow morning?Well, I dont think its a good because the radio says itll b

2、e rainy tomorrow.Anews BsuggestionCadvice Dinformation3When youre , you should listen to music that can make you excited and happy.Ashy Bafraid Cstrict Ddown4Kelly and Sandy are good friends. They share everything with each otherhappiness and .Afairness Bkindness Csadness Dshyness5We should the time

3、 we spend together with our family and friends.Awake Bvalue Cvisit Dview 6Abing was a musician was famous for his music Moon Reflected on Second Spring.Awho Bwhich Cwhose Dwhen7In France you shouldnt put bread on the table. You put it on the plate.Ashouldnt Bare supposed toCwould like to Dwill8Im af

4、raid the boy cant deal with the problem.Me, too. , he is only eight years old.AIn general BSo farCAfter all DFor example9As a teacher, you should pay attention to the students progress and them in time.Arecall BpraiseCsuppose Dsense210Have you read the book Jane Eyre?Yes. Its a famous book and reall

5、y worth .Ato read Breading Cto be read Dread 二、完形填空(2018浙江宁波鄞州实验中学模拟)One day, a farmer was walking down a road with his son John. Suddenly, the father said, “Look! Theres a 1 , pick it up and put it in your bag.” John said, “It isnt worth the trouble.” His father said 2 , but he picked it up himself

6、. When they got to a nearby town, they had a rest. There the farmer sold the horseshoe and 3 the money he bought some cherries(樱桃)The farmer and the son 4 their way. The sun was well up in the sky, and there wasnt a house or even a 5 where they could have a rest. John felt too 6 to walk on. At this

7、time his father 7 a cherry on the ground and John picked it up 8 . After a while, his father dropped 9 cherry and once again, his son lost no time in picking it up and putting in his 10 And so they went on. The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked 11 up. When John had eaten up all the

8、cherries, his father said to him, “My dear son, 12 you had bent(弯腰) down early to pick up that horseshoe, it would not be 13 for you to bend so many times for the cherries. 14 remember the lesson that he who doesnt worry about the little things will find that he cannot 15 the great things.”After hea

9、ring these words, the son felt ashamed of himself for making such a silly mistake deeply.1A.coin BpurseCcherry Dhorseshoe 2A.something BanythingCnothing Deverything3A.with BofCwithout Dfrom4A.lost BcontinuedCfound Dstarted5A.tree Bhotel3Crestaurant Driver 6A.sad BhotCthirsty Dhungry7A.ate BfoundCsaw

10、 Ddropped8A.quickly BtiredlyCslowly Dluckily9A.other BothersCanother Dthe other10A.bag BmouthCpocket Dhand11A.one BonesCit Dthem12A.if BbecauseCbut Dthough13A.important BcomfortableCnecessary Duseful14A.Never BAlwaysCSometimes DOften15A.meet BsolveCdo Doffer三、阅读理解(2018山东济南天桥一模)Have you ever seen a c

11、ar without a driver? It sounds crazy, but these computerdriven driverless cars have appeared on the roads in Shenzhen. Companies like Google and Tesla have been designing and testing these cars, and the technology is there.So how? The cars have sensors(感应器) all around which can find other cars and o

12、bjects in the road. Road sings are read by cameras, and satellite navigation systems(卫星导航系统) are used so the car knows how to get where you want to go. All you have to do is type in the address! Finally, a central computer system takes in all the information that it receives from the sensors and cam

13、eras and works out when to speed up, stop and turn.4Sound like your idea of heaven? Sitting back, looking out of the windows and even watching a film or reading a book while driving would be possible with this new technology. You wouldnt have to worry about remembering directions to where youre goin

14、g. In addition, computers would also drive more safely than peoplethey would obey the rules and have quicker action times when in dangerous situations.However, there are many drawbacks of driverless cars. Computers would have difficulties making ethical(道德的) decisions: if a child ran into the road,

15、would the computer choose to hit the child or turn suddenly and potentially kill the cars passengers? Moreover, I personally find driving funId miss never driving a car myself. There would also be many other decisions to be madeshould children, or drunk people be allowed in a driverless car by thems

16、elves? Or would there need to be a person with a driving license in the car at all times?Im not certain Id want a driverless carbut its only a matter of time before theyll become more affordable and popular on our roads.1When using a driverless car, you need only Ause satellite navigation systems Br

17、ead road signs carefullyCput the address into the computer Dtake photos with cameras2From Paragraph 3 we know that driverless cars .Awouldnt be seen on the roads Bwould break the rulesCdrove less safely than people Dhave many advantages3The underlined word “potentially” in Paragraph 4 means Apossibl

18、y BpolitelyCluckily Dsuccessfully4According to the last paragraph, the writer thinks future driverless cars will Acause more accidents Bbe less expensiveCuse less energy Drun much faster55Which of the following is the best title of the passage?AA Driverless CarBHow to Drive a CarCWays to Type the Ad

19、dressDId Want a Driverless Car四、阅读填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个单词)。Pablo and I were walking home from playing football. On the way, I told him that our school needed 1. football team. At once, Pablo suggested, “Why not run for(竞选) class president so that you can set one up?”“Who would wan

20、t 2. (I)?” I asked, surprised at the idea.Pablo made a list of reasons: I was the 3. (good) student of all in sports and lessons; I was 4. (friend) to everyone. When I told him running for president would be much work, he 5. (promise) that he would help me.I did run, and Pablo did help me. First, we

21、 made posters to hang in the hallway. Next, Pablo helped me 6. (write) a speech about why Id make a good class president.The big day came. I gave my speech in front of the whole grade, promising my 7. (classmate) that if they chose me, Id start a football team.As Pablo and I nervously waited 8. the

22、results, I was told that my speech was so successful 9. I was the right person to be class president. Now we went 10. (happy) to Coach Simpson and asked how I could start our new football team.6参考答案一、15 BBDCB 610 ABCBB二、15 DCABA 610 CDACB 1115 DACBC三、CDABA四、1.a 2.me 3.best 4.friendly 5.promised6write/to write 7.classmates 8.for 9.that10happily


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