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1、1课时训练(二十一) Units 1314(九全)(限时:30 分钟).词汇运用(首字母填空)1.The man is very rich so he can a this car. 2.Everything has its own a and disadvantages. 3.Some people in north China burn c to keep warm in winter. 4.Everyone must obey the l of China or he will be pu nished. 5.We must think up a good m to improve ou

2、r listening levels. .单项选择6.2018天津改编 I am afraid we can not to tak e a taxi. Lets go by underground instead. A.refuse B.afford C.forget7.Youd better the workers into two groups to do the work. A.divide B.change C.make8.2018青岛改编 As students, we should ourselves. We cant spend much time playing compute

3、r games. A.be responsible for B.be proud ofC.be popular with9.It took me three weeks reading the novels written by Mo Yan. A.finish B.to finish C.finishes10.Mr. Hand is a foreign teacher. So far, he in Beijing for six years. A.was teaching B.has taughtC.will teach11.What should we do for the disable

4、d children in the Childrens Home?Youre supposed to a study group to help them. A.take up B.fix up C.set up12.In Switzerland, it is very important to be on time. , its the capital of clocks and watches. A.At last B.For exampleC.After all13.Follow the on the packet carefully. 2A.invention B.instructio

5、nsC.invitation14.2017福建 Dont the waste paper. We can collect and recycle it. Youre right. Everyone should be a greener person.A.blow away B.put away C.throw away15.The WeChat game Tiao Yi Tiao is very popular. Can you tell me ? We should always try actively to achieve higher and higher goals. A.who

6、is the game designed for B.how to get more information about it C.what you can learn besides having fun .补全对话根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。(每空词数不限)Mark: Hey, Jane. What do you know about Halloween?Jane: Its a popular festival in North America.Its on October 31st.Its a scary festival, but I think 16. ! Mark

7、: Oh, I see.17. ? Jane: Many people make their houses look scary.They may turn off the lights and light candles.They sometimes also put things like spiders and ghosts around the doors and windows.Mark: Wow 18. ! Jane: Its not that scary.Even little kids dress up as ghosts or black cats.They can also

8、 dress up as fun things like cartoon characters.Some parents join in the fun by dressing up, too!Mark: Do parents take their children 19. candies? Jane: Yeah.Kids ask for candies at every house.They say “Treat or trick!”Mark: It sounds like a/an 20. ! I wonder if itll become a popular one in China.

9、.还原短文Dodder(菟丝子) is an unusual and unwanted plant that attacks other plants.Except for its flowers, the plant looks like spaghetti noodles.Dodder does not produce its own food.21. It feeds by sucking(吮吸) juices from the plant it is wrapped(缠绕) aroun d, often making its host very weak or 3even killin

10、g it. 22. When a dodder seedl ing starts growing, it follows the smell of plants it prefers, like tomato plants, potato plants, or other farm crops. As you know, most plants usually grow in the direction of light or warmth.23. Only by doing this, it can get its own food. However, a young dodder plan

11、t must find a host plant quick ly.If it can not notice the smell of a potential host within a few days, it will dry up and disappeareven if there is plenty of water around.Once it finds a host, the young dodder plant will attach itself to it and start growing faster.24. It no longer needs its root o

12、nce it is attached to the host and wrapped around it. Dodder is thus a difficult weed to manage and a real headache for farmers.When it does get out of hand, dodder can greatly reduce a farmers harvest or even destroy crops completely.Before sowing their produce, farmers in warm parts of the world o

13、ften check to make sure no unwanted dodder seeds have mixed with their crop seeds.25. 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)A.Dodder can find other plants by their smell.B.Instead, it steals it from other plants.C.At that point, the dodder plant will drop its root.D.This is a good way to st

14、op dodder plants from sneaking their way into a cr op field.E.However, a dodder plant will grow in the direction of, for example, tomato odor(气味).2019原创阅读回答问题Once, a group of boys decided to have a soccer game.Each one of them needed to bring something for the game.So one brought the ball, another t

15、he whistle(口哨), others the goalkeeper gloves, the corner flags, etc.But before the game started, they had to divide the players into two teams and chose a leader for each team.They had an argument.Every one of them wanted to be the leader.Finally, they agreed that the two boys who had brought the mo

16、st important things would be the leaders.But which ones were the most important? At last, they decided to start playing and threw the things away one by one to find out the most important things.The first thing they threw away was the whistle, because the referee(裁判) could just shout instead.Then th

17、ey dropped the goalkeeper gloves.The goalkeeper managed to catch the ball without them.The next one was the corner flag, and they continued to pl ay without it.Finally the ball was replaced by an old tin(罐子) and the boys managed to keep playing.4While they were playing with the tin, a man and his so

18、n passed by.Seeing the boys playing like that, the man said to his son, “Look, Son.Dont learn from those kids over there, because they will never improve their skills in that way.”The boys heard what he said and realized they were wrong.They all felt embarrassed(尴尬的).Each of them just thought about

19、himself and forgot the importance of teamwork.Then they deci ded to start playing the game again, using all the things.Finally, they all had a good time.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。26.What did the boys bring for the game?27.Why did the boys get into an argument? 28.Could the boys improve their game by playing wit

20、h the tin? 29.When hearing what the father said, how might the boys like? 3 0.What does the writer mainly want to tell us?.书面表达 A完成短文,每空一词。Water is very important to us.We cant live 31. it.But some people dont really care about this.They 32. a lot of water, pour dirty water and throw rubbish into ri

21、vers and lakes.As a result, many rivers and lakes are polluted, and there is less and less water for us to 33. .So we must do something to 34. the water resource.We should 35. the pollution and find ways to reuse water.If everyone can do so, we are sure to save a lot of water. 5参考答案.1.afford 2.advan

22、tages 3.coal 4.law 5.method .6.B 7.A 8.A 9.B10.B 根据时间状语“So far”可知要用现在完成时。故选 B。11.C take up 意为“开始做”;fix up 意为“修理”;set up 意为“建立” 。根据句意可知选 C。12.C 13.B 14.C 根据“collect and recycle it”和“a greener person”可知是指“不要扔掉废纸” 。故选 C。15.C 考查宾语从句。根据答语可知,我们应该积极地努力实现更高的目标,所以应该选择 C 项:除了乐趣之外,你能学到什么? .16.its fun/its inter

23、esting/its not scary 17.What do people do on that day 18.Sounds scary/How scary 19.to ask for 20.fun/interesting festival.主旨大意 这是一篇关于一种特殊的植物菟丝子的生存方式的文章。21.B 根据前句“Dodder does not produce its own food.”可知下句要介绍它的独特的获取食物的方式,故选 B。22.A 通过后面的句子可以知道此段介绍菟丝子通过气味寻找目标,故答案为 A。23.E 根据前句“As you know, most plants u

24、sually grow in the direction of light or warmth.(如你所知,大多数植物通常是朝着光或温暖的方向生长。)”可推断出下面介绍菟丝子的生长方式,故选 E。24.C 根据后面的句子“It no longer needs its root once it is attached to the host and wrapped around it.(一旦它吸附到它的依附物上并缠绕它,菟丝子就不需要它自己的根了。)”可推测空白处应该也是关于根的,故答案为 C。25.D 根据前面农民的做法及选项可推断出正确答案为 D。.主旨大意 本文通过一些男孩子踢足球的事来告诉我们团队团结的重要性以及要享受过程。26.They brought the ball, the whistle, the goalkeeper gloves,the corner flags and so on.27.Because everyone wanted to be the leader.28.No,th ey cant.29.Embarrassed.30.Teamwork.31.without 32.waste 33.drink 34.protect 35.stop


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