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1、1课时训练(二) Modules 510(七上)(限时:30 分钟).2018安徽改编完形填空When the Spring Festival falls, red flowers bloom (盛开) on the windows of my home. Of course, there are not 1 flowers. But in the cold of 2 , these wonderful flowers bring warmth to us. They are made 3 paper by my grandma, who is now a ged 70. With a few

2、 cuts, she 4 a piece of paper into a beautiful work of art. When my grandma was young, she was considered clumsy(笨拙的) in the 5 . But on a cold winter night, she saw some beautiful red paper 6 on her new neighbours windows. She was so interested in it and decided to 7 from her neighbour. Tons of pape

3、r was wasted, and her fingers were cut many times. But she 8 practising. It took 10 years 9 my grandma could make paper art skillfully(娴熟地). The red flowers, blooming like burning fire, light up her world. Now, everyone in the village 10 her. My grandmas story has shown me what it takes to realise o

4、nes dream.1.A.nice B.realC.full D.sweet2.A.spring B.summerC.autumn D.winter3.A.in B.byC.of D.from4.A.changes B.spreadsC.places D.burns5.A.city B.townC.village D.block6.A.art B.moneyC.walls D.books7.A.buy B.stealC.learn D.borrow8.A.ended up B.kept onC.put off D.thought about9.A.before B.afterC.while

5、D.since10.A.serves B.pardonsC.respects D.warns.2018淮安阅读理解Once upon a time, a young man wanted to go to a village on business. Halfway there was a mountain. Before he left home, his family warned him to stay calm and climb onto trees if he was in face of beasts(野兽). In this way, the beasts couldnt do

6、 anything to him.The young man remembered these words and began his trip.He walked for a long time carefully and found no beasts were out there. He th ought his familys worries were unnecessary. And he became relaxed as he walked. Just at that moment, he saw a fierce(凶猛的) tiger running to him and he

7、 climbed onto a tree nearby at once.The tiger roared(咆哮) around the tree and even jumped to reach the man. The young man was too scared to hold the tree and fell right on the back of the tiger. Full of fear, he had to hold the 2tiger tightly. The tiger thought that must be a giant beast. So it was a

8、fraid and started running madly.People on the road didnt know what happened and said, “Look at the young man. He is riding a tiger!” “Cool!” “Superman!”Hearing these words, the young man was very angry. “Why cant they see Im suffering a lot? Dont they understand I am in fear and almost scared to dea

9、th?” he said to himself.11.The young man went to the village . A.to travel B.to visit friendsC .on business D.for holiday12.The young mans family warned him of . A.fierce beasts B.terrible trafficC.cold weather D.foolish people13.How did the young man feel when he saw the tiger? A.Excited. B.Scared.

10、C.Surprised. D.Bored.14.The tiger was afraid because . A.it was old and weakB.the young man was very strongC.it thought people around would kill itD.it mistook the young man for a giant beast15.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs(段落)? A.People on the road were wise.B.The young man was ver

11、y brave.C.We shouldnt admire others blindly.D.The young man shouldnt listen to his family.2018莱芜改编选词填空阅读下列短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。(每词限用一次)turn it colour study type of many well plant howHow does garlic(大蒜) grow? Hu Mengmeng, 13, had been thinking about this question for a while. Last term, Hu got her ans

12、wer in her schools rooftop(屋顶) garden.Hus sc hool, Tangwai Junior High School in Shanghai, set up a small garden on 16. rooftop of the teaching buil ding in 2015. Each term, students plant one kind of vegetables. While taking care 17. them, they also do scientific experiments to learn more about veg

13、etables. Chen Yan, a 14-year-old girl, 18. in this school for one year. Last year, she started to plant garlic with her teachers help. She wondered 19. sunshine affected the growth of garlic. She put three po ts of garlic in different places to get different amounts of sunlight. Then, she watched th

14、eir growth every day. Later, she found that the garlic which got the most sunlight grew 20. . The garden 21. into a fun place two years ago. The students planted different 22. of vegetables in shapes, such as hearts, or squares in the garden. The different kinds of vegetables made the garden more 23

15、. . And that is not the end. Next year, they will build a robot to help with 24. . “Students will work with our robot club to build even 25. robots to help with watering,” Mr. Zhou, the schools science teacher said. .2018日照改编任务型阅读Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your l

16、ife. How can you get the 3most from them, and make sure you do not waste this wonderful chance to learn?Be active about school. Dont say things are difficult or boring. Be interested in school life and your school subjects. Join in lots of activities. Be quick to put your hand up. Go round the schoo

17、l with a big smile.Expect to work. School is not a holiday camp. If you are not working, you are not learning, and you are wasting your time at school. Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.(A) Do not say you will do things tomorrow. Tomorrow you have other things to do. If you get behind the cl

18、ass, it is very difficult to get back in front. Talk about problems. Sometimes they are only the result of misunderstanding. (B)Dont be too embarrassed to turn to others. You are young. No one thinks you can do everything! Plan your time. Dont waste life lying in bed on Saturday morning. Go and play

19、 a sport, learn the piano, work on a project, read a book, practise English, or help someone with problems. There are always a lot of things to do.Follow my advice, and have a happy school life!26.根据短文内容回答问题。Whats the result if you are not working at school?27.根据上下文写出(A)处所缺内容。(不超过 10词)28.将(B)处画线句子翻译

20、成汉语。29.结合自己情况, 说下你是怎样计划你在学校的时间。(至少 2条) 30.给文章拟一个英文标题。.根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词)31.2018青岛她处理问题的方式与我不同。Her ways of solving problems . 32.2018常德孩子在家学习如何做家务是非常重要的。very important children how to do chores at home. 33.2018泰州所有的家庭成员都忙着准备父亲的八十岁生日。All the family members are busy their fathers birthday party. 34.2018武

21、威请安静, 孩子们在睡觉。Please be quiet. The children . 35.这种玩具汽车正在这个商店中出售。This kind of toy car is in the shop. 4参考答案.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。年轻时, 祖母被认为很笨拙, 但在一个寒冷的冬夜, 祖母对邻居家窗户上的剪纸艺术很感兴趣并决定向邻居学习。祖母花费十年时间掌握了这门剪纸艺术, 最终赢得了大家的认可和尊敬。这个故事告诉我们:实现梦想需要时间和毅力。1.B 根据下句“They are made 3 paper”以及下文祖母学习剪纸艺术的描述知 , “我”家窗户上的红花并不是真的鲜花。故选 B

22、。 2.D 根据空前“the cold”以及上文的“the Spring Festival”等信息推知, 这是一个冬天。故选 D。3.B be made of 意为“由制成”, 可以看出原材料。4.A5.C 根据本段最后一句中“in the village”可知, 本句句意:当祖母年轻时, 她被认为是村子里笨拙的人。故选C。6.A 根据上下文提到的“剪纸艺术”知, 在一个寒冷的冬夜, 祖母看见了她的新邻居的窗户上的一些美丽的红纸艺术品。故选 A。7.C 8.B 9.A10.C 因为祖母的努力和勤奋, 她掌握了这门剪纸艺术, 现在村子里每个人都尊敬她。故选 C。.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章

23、讲述了一位年轻人到一个山村经商路遇老虎与老虎周旋的故事。故事教导人们看问题不一定眼见为实。11.C 细节理解题。短文第一句话说明年轻人去一个村子经商。故选 C。12.A 细节理解题。短文第一段第三句话提示他的家人警告他要当心野兽。故选 A。13.B 细节理解题。根据下文“他立刻爬到附近一棵树上”和下段的叙述可知年轻人看到老虎非常害怕。用 scared表示“恐惧的;害怕的” 。故选 B。14.D 推理判断题。根据第四段最后两句“The tiger thought that must be a giant beast. So it was afraid and started running ma

24、dly. (老虎认为这一定是一个巨兽。因此它很害怕, 开始疯跑。)”可知选 D项, 老虎误以为这个年轻人是一个巨兽。15.C 推理判断题。短文最后两段叙述的是路人以为年轻人骑着老虎很酷像超人, 而年轻人则吓得要命。故选 C项, “我们不应当盲目地赞美别人” 。.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了上海塘外中学在教学楼的楼顶设置种植园, 让学生种植各种蔬菜的事情。这项活动培养了学生的兴趣, 鼓励学生参加兴趣俱乐部, 也能培养学生的创造力。16.its 17.of 18.has studied 19.how 20.best21.was turned 22.types 23.colourful 2

25、4.planting25.more.主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文, 介绍的是如何充分利用在校的快乐的学习时光, 不虚度这快乐的学习机会。26.You might waste th is wonderful chance to learn.27.Do todays work today./Dont put off what you can do today till tomorrow.28.不要因太难堪而不去向别人求助。29.Be active about scho ol./Expect to work./Talk about problems./Do today s work today./Plan your time. (开放型题, 言之有理即可)30.Ways/Steps to Live a Happy School Life/Tips on Living a Happy School Life/How to Live a Happy School Life.31.are different from mine32.Its; for; to learn33.getting ready for; eightieth34.are sleeping 35.on sale


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