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1、1课时训练(七) Modules 56(八上)(限时:30 分钟).完形填空Once an animal expert did some research on antelopes(羚羊). These antelopes were living on both sides of a river in South America. The expert 1 that the antelopes on the east side multiplied(繁殖) more and ran faster than 2 on the west. The expert didnt get the reas

2、on about the differences after thinking hard, as the two groups of antelopes lived in 3 environment and they fed on the same kind of grass. One year, 4 the help of the Animal Protecting Society, he caught ten antelopes on each side and 5 them. A year later, the ten antelopes that were sent to the we

3、st side multip lied by fourteen. 6 how about the antelopes sent to the east? Only three remained! Where were 7 seven? They were eaten by wolves. At last the expert understood why the antelopes on the east were 8 . That was because there were a group of wolvestheir natural enemy, on the 9 side. So th

4、anks must go to your opponents(对手). It is your opponents that are 10 you. Its true! 1.A.has covered B.covered C.has discovered D.discovered2.A.they B.thoseC.them D.that3.A.different B.sameC.the same D.difference4.A.with B.withoutC.under D.by5.A.changed B.exchangedC.challenged D.fed6.A.But B.ThoughC.

5、So D.Or7.A.other B.the otherC.others D.the others8.A.weak B.weakerC.strong D.stronger9.A.south B.northC.east D.west10.A.improving B.hurtingC.comparing D.disappointing.2018东胜二模阅读理解Last month, I watched a film called Coraline( 鬼妈妈) with my friends. The horror film is based on the book Coraline by Brit

6、ish author Nell Gaiman. Kids should probably watch this movie with adults.In the film, a young girl named Coraline Jones has just moved into her new home at the Pink Pan Palace Apartments. This might sound fun, but Coralines parents are boring. The y hate mud and dont let her play in the ga rden, th

7、ey cook terrible food and worst of all, they dont talk to Coraline often because they are busy working.However, things begin to change after Coraline gets a doll. She finds a small hidden door and a 2tunnel leading her to a new world.Everything is perfect thereher parents are funny and they buy her

8、everything she wants. Coraline is happy there, but one thing disturbs herall the people there have buttons for eyes. One day, Coraline is asked if she wants to put buttons into her own eyes so she can stay in this wonderful world forever. While she is thinking about this, she discovers something ter

9、rible. She has to do something to save her family.Coraline told an amazing story. It taught me a great lessonbe careful what you wish for. I personally did nt think it was that scary, although some people might. This film was made using stop-motion animation(定格动画), which means the characters were ma

10、de out of clay models(黏土模型 ). Their motion was filmed one frame(画面)at a time. It must have been hard to shoot(拍摄)this movie.11.The author suggests kids should watch Coraline with adults because . A.they may feel boredB.the movie is scaryC.kids arent allowed to watch it aloneD.it is interesting for b

11、oth kids and adults12.The underlined word “disturbs” here probably means in English. A.happens B.touchesC.troubles D.moves13.Which of the following statements about the film is not mentioned in the passage?A.The author of the book.B.The introduction of the film.C.The main characters of the film.D.Th

12、e director of the film.14.From the last paragraph, we can learn . A.the film cost a great deal of moneyB.the film was popular all over the worldC.only kids like to see the filmD.the film was hard to shoot.2018舟山改编选词填空阅读下列短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。(每词限用一次) build hear angr y between have how who bear good cl

13、oseHave you ever 15. of friendships among animals? At a zoo in Germany, an unusual friendship developed 16. a cat a nd a bear. No one is quite sure 17. the friendship first began. One day, some workers in the zoo noticed a black cat was in the 18. cage (笼子), and the two animals were playing together

14、 peacefully. They were surprised how 19. the small cat seemed to get along with the large bear. The bear keeper allowed the cat to stay with the bear. And later the pair and their unusual friendship became a hot topic at the zoo. After several years, a new cage 20. for the bear. How ever, the cat wa

15、s still in the same cage, so it walked around 21. and cried to be with the bear. The bear keeper finally took pity on the cat and let it stay with the bear. The cat and the bear got 22. than before. They often sat together and shared meals in the sun. Sometimes it may be natural for animals 23. thei

16、r own ideas about who they would make good friends with. These may surprise humans 24. usually expect animals to form relationships with others of the same species. .2018沈阳改编任务型阅读3The play takes place in a typical(典型的), old Beijing teahouse. The main characters are teahouses owner (Wang Lifa) and hi

17、s customers, who all live in the same neighbourhood. They come in and (A) of the teahouse and talk to each other. The play reflects(反映)changes in the lives of almost 70 characters. It has 3 parts. The first act takes place in 1898 at the time of the Qing Dynasty. The second act jumps forward 20 year

18、s and the final act takes place in 1948.In Teahouse, the writer Lao She says goodbye to the old Chinese society and hello to the new one. Its about the changes that have taken place in Chinese society in almost 50 years. All types of people come to the teahouse in Beijing. Some come to do business.

19、Others come just to sit and (B) pass the time. There are some good, kind people and there are also some bad, nasty(讨厌的) characters. They meet, they talk, they argue, they gossip(闲聊的) and then they get on with their lives.Teahouse was first put on in 1958. (C)它现在仍旧是中国最受欢迎的戏剧之一。 It is a favourite work

20、 by Lao She, one of Chinas most popular writers. (D)Anyone who is interested in Chinese life and history should see the play. It helps one to understand Chinese culture better. 25.根据上下文写出(A)处所缺单词。26.根据文章内容填空。 (每空一词)Teahouse is about the changes that have taken place in Chinese society in almost half

21、 . 27.写出(B)处画线单词的同义词或近义词。28.将(C)处画线句子翻译成英语。29.将(D)处画线句子翻译成汉语。.根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词)30.我们应该允许青少年选择他们自己的服饰。We should teenagers their own clothes. 31.请把盐递给我好吗?Would you please some salt me? 32.自然公园是动物的家。are the animals homes. 33.他们将没有足够的食物吃。They wont have . 34.不要放弃,最终你会取得成功。Dont give up and youll succeed .

22、35. 他们已经决定成立一个帮助留守儿童的团体。They have decided to a group to help the stay-at-home children. 4参考答案.主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文。动物专家发现河东岸的藏羚羊比河西岸的藏羚羊繁殖得多,奔跑得快,究其原因是因为河东岸的藏羚羊有对手狼。文章告诉我们:因为有对手,我们才会变得强大,所以应该感谢我们的对手。1.D 句意:专家发现河东岸的藏羚羊比河西岸的藏羚羊繁殖得多,而且奔跑得快。根据上文“Once an animal expert did some research on antelopes.”可知,该句应使用一般过

23、去时。cover 意为“覆盖”;discover 意为“发现” 。故选 D。2.B 句意:专家发现河东岸的藏羚羊比河西岸的藏羚羊繁殖得多,而且奔跑得快。同类比较,后者如果是复数名词可用those 代替,是单数名词或不可数名词用 that 代替。故选 B。3.C 句意:因为两组藏羚羊住在同样的环境里,吃同样的草。根据下文 “and they fed on the same kind o f grass.”可知,“and”表示并列,故设空处应填 the same。故选 C。4.A 句意:有一年,在动物保护协会的帮助下with the help of 意为“在的帮助下” 。故选 A。5.B 句意:在

24、河两岸他们各抓了十头藏羚羊,然后交换。change 意为“改变”;exchange 意为“交换”;challenge 意为“挑战”;feed 意为“喂养” 。exchange 符合句意。故选 B。6.A 句意:但是被送往河东岸的藏羚羊呢?but 意为“但是”;although 意为“虽然”;so 意为“所以”;or 意为“或者” 。but 符合逻辑。故选 A。7.B 句意:其他的七只藏羚羊去哪儿了?other 作形容词,意为“别的,其他的”,修饰名词;the other 指“某一范围内其余的”; others 是 other 的复数形式,泛指“另外几个 ,其余的”; the others 特指

25、“某一范围内的其余的(人或物)” 。故选 B。8.D 句意:最后专家明白了为什么河东岸的藏羚羊更加强壮。根据上文可知,河东岸的藏羚羊比河西岸的藏羚羊繁殖得多、奔跑得快。weak 意为“弱的”;strong 意为“强壮的” 。故选 D。9.C 句意:那是因为在河东岸有他们的天敌狼。根据上文可知,河东岸的藏羚羊之所以更强壮是因为那边有狼。故选 C。10.A 句意:因为有对手,你才会提高自己。improve 意为“提高”;hurt 意为“伤害”;compare 意为“比较”;disappoint 意为“使失望” 。improve 符合句意。故选 A。.1114 BCDD.主旨大意 本文是一篇议论文,

26、 话题是关于动物之间的友谊。本文主要介绍了德国的一家动物园发生的一只猫与一只熊之间的真挚的友谊。15.heard 16.between 17.how 18.bears 19.well20.was built 21.angrily 22.closer 23.to have 24.who.主旨大意 本文介绍了老舍先生的茶馆 。主要对作品的背景、内容及影响进行了介绍。25.out 26.a century 27.spend/kill28.It is still one of the most popular plays in China.29.任何对中国生活和历史感兴趣的人都应该看这部话剧。.30.allow; to choose31.pass; to 32.Nature parks33.enough food to eat34.in the end35.set up


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