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1、1专 项 训 练 四 数 词时间:0.51 分钟/小题 分值:1 分/小题命题点一 基数词与序数词( )1. (2018 天津)Li Ming will be _. His parents are going to have a party for his _ birthday.A. sixteen; sixteenth B. sixteenth; sixteenthC. sixteen; sixteen D. sixteenth; sixteen ( )2. (2018重庆 A卷)Meimei is going to be an older sister. Her parents are p

2、lanning to have their_ child.A. one B. two C. first D. second ( )3. (2018广东)Please turn to page _ and take a look at the picture on it.A. the eightieth B. eightieth C. eighties D. eighty ( )4. (2018 哈尔滨)What are you going to do this Saturday?I am going to the old peoples home to celebrate Mrs.Greens

3、_birthday.A. nintyninth B. ninetyninth C. ninetynineth ( )5. (2018岳阳)There are _ days in March and the _ day is Womens Day.A. thirtyone, eighth B. thirtyfirst, eighthC. thirtyone, eight ( )6. (2018齐齐哈尔)He has failed _ times, but he wont give up a _ chance.A. third, four B. three, fourth C. third, fo

4、urth ( )7. (2018来宾)There are _ months in a year. December is the _ month of a year.Atwelve; twelve Btwelfth; twelfthCtwelve; twelfth Dtwelfth; twelve 命题点二 概数词1. 具体数字概数词名词复数。 2.概数词sof名词复数。( )1. (2018 福州)Where were you born, Michael?I was born in a small village with only three _ people.A. hundred B.

5、hundreds C. hundreds of ( )2. (2018重庆 B卷)The environment here becomes better and better. _ birds are coming back.A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Thousands D. Thousand ( )3. (2018黄冈)The 15th Chinese BridgeChinese Proficiency Competition will be held this year!Thats great!_ foreign college students

6、are interested in Chinese learning.A. Hundred of B. Thousands 2C. Hundred D. Thousands of ( )4. (2015天津)Basketball is so exciting that _ people play it for fun.A. million B. two millions C. million of D. millions of命题点三 分数及其他( )1. (2018 滨州)What do you think of the environment here?Wonderful! _ of th

7、e land _ covered with trees and grass.A. Two fifths; is B. Two fifth; isC. Two fifths; are D. Two fifth; are ( )2. (2018 东营)A recent survey shows that 35 out of 45 students in my class will save their phones first in a fire.About _ of the students made such a choice? Life is far more important, isnt

8、 it?A. half B. one third C. two thirds D. three quarters ( )3. (2018 郴州)The workers will complete the new bridge in _A. two and a half months B. two months and halfC. two and a half month 3专项训练四 数词命题点一基数词与序数词1. A【解析】考查基数词与序数词。句意:李明将要了。他的父母将为他生日举办一个生日聚会。sixteen 十六,基数词;sixteenth 第十六的,序数词。用基数词表达年龄,第一空用

9、基数词,根据第二空后面的 birthday可知此处是序数词,故选 A。2. D【 解析】考查序数词。句意:梅梅将要成为姐姐了。她的父母正计划生他们的 的孩子。由句意可知此处表示“第二个”孩子,应该用序数词,故选 D。 3. D【解析】考查基数词。句意:请翻到页并看看上面的图。根据常识可知:page基数词。eighty 八十是基数词,eightieth 第八十,是序数词。故选 D。4. B【解析】考查序数词。句意“这个周六你准备干什么?” “我准备去敬老院庆祝格林夫人的生日。A 项和 C项书写错误,应排除。故选 B。 5. A【解析】考查基数词与序数词。句意:3 月有天,天是妇女节。第一空后是

10、day的复数,故其前用基数词表示“多少天” ;第二空则用序数词表示“第几天” 。故选 A。6. B【解析】考查基数词与序数词。句意:他已经失败次了, 但是不会放弃机会。基数词three 修饰 times,第二空考查“不定冠词序数词”表示“又一,再一” ,故选 7。7. C【解析】考查基数词与序数词。句意:一年中有个月,12 月是第个月。第一空后是months,表示个数,用基数词;第二空表示“第十二个月” ,用序数词,故选 C。命题点二概数词1. A【解析】考查数词的用法。句意“迈克尔,你出生在哪里?” “我出生在一个只有三人的小村庄。 ” 表示具体或确切数目时用“具体数字hundred/tho

11、usand/million名词复数” ,表示概数时用“hundred/thousand/million 的复数of名词复数”此句空前有具体数字 three,故应选 A。2. A【解析】考查数词的用法。句意:这儿的环境变得越来越好。鸟正飞回来。根据语境可知本句中表示概数,故选 A。 3. D【解析】考查数词的用法。句意“第十五届汉语桥中文比赛将在今年举行!” “太棒了!外国大学生对汉语学习感兴趣。 ”此处指成千上万个外国大学生对汉语学习感兴趣,表概数。故选 D。4. D【解析】考查数词的用法。句意:篮球如此令人兴奋,以至于人把它作为娱乐。此处表示概数,用 millions of。故选 D。命题点

12、三分数及其他1. A【解析】考查分数和主谓一致的用法。句意“你认为这儿的环境怎么样?” “好极了!的土地被树和草覆盖。 ”“五分之二”的正确表达应该为 two fifths,符合分子超过 1时分母的序数词后面要加s 的原则;因为句中 land是不可数名词,所以空格处的谓语动词形式用单数形式 is,故选 A。2. D【解析】考查分数的表达方式。句意“一项近来的调查显示,火灾发生时我们班 45个学生中有 35个会第一时间抢救他们的手机。 ”“大约有 的学生做出这样的选择吗?生命更重要,不是吗?”half 一半;one third三分之一;two thirds三分之二;three quarters四分之三。根据“35 out of 45 students”可知约为四分之三。故选 D。3. A【解析】考查数词的用法。句意:工人们将在完成那座新桥。表示“两个半” ,用“two and a half名词复数”或“two名词复数a half”的结构。故选 A。


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