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1、第3课时 七年级下册 Units 16,考点一 辨析say, speak, tell与talk 【课文原句】 He likes to speak English.他喜欢说英语。(七下P2),根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空1(2018山东青岛市南一模改编)He didn t a word when he was spoken to.,答案: say,考点二 be good at/with/for/to 【课文原句】 You re very good at telling stories.你很擅长讲故事。(七下P2) Are you good with old people?你

2、善于跟老人打交道吗?(七下P5),用适当的介词填空 2(2018广西贵港平南三模改编)Your sister is good singing. Yes. She is born a sweet voice.,答案:at; with,考点三 辨析wear, put on, dress与be in 【课文原句】 get dressed穿衣服(七下P7),She often wears glasses.她经常戴着眼镜。 He put on his coat and went out.他穿上大衣就出去了。 She always dresses well.她总是打扮得很漂亮。 The boy can d

3、ress himself.这个男孩会自己穿衣服。 The girl in red is my sister.穿红色衣服的那个女孩是我妹妹。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 3(2018广西钦州第一次月考改编)I saw Ann (wear) green dress at the school meeting. I think she looks better in red.,答案: wearing,考点四 “either. or.”的用法 【课文原句】 In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.在晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电脑

4、游戏。 (七下P11),(1)either常见的三种用法,(2)either.or.“要么要么;或者或者”,连接两个并列的成分。反义词组是neither. nor.“既不也不”。 (3)either, also, too作副词的用法区别 either“或者;也”,常用在否定句句末;also用于肯定句或疑问句,常置于系动词be、助动词之后,实义动词之前;too用于肯定句或疑问句,常置于句末,其前通常用逗号隔开。,Tony can t play the guitar, either.托尼也不会弹吉他。 Danny is a student, and I am also a student. 丹尼是

5、一名学生,我也是。 I like eating apples very much, too.我也很喜欢吃苹果。,用适当的代词填空 4(2018云南中考改编)I like the two dresses, but I can only afford of them. I suggest you take the white one.,答案: either,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 5(2018黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考改编)你认为这两双鞋怎么样? 他们不合脚,要么太大,要么太小。 How do you like the two pairs of shoes? They don t f

6、it me. They are too big too small.,答案:either; or,考点五 英语中常用的交通方式的表达 【课文原句】 take the bus乘公交车(七下P13) (1)“动词to地点名词”或“动词地点副词”,如walk to school, ride to factory, run there。 (2)“take a/an/the表示交通工具的名词”,表示“乘/坐”,如take a bus。,(3)“ride a/an表示交通工具的名词”,表示“骑”,如ride a bike。 (4)“by表示交通工具的名词”,泛指“乘/坐某种交通工具”,其中名词前无任何修饰

7、语,且只能用单数,如by car, by plane/air, by ship/sea, by taxi。 (5)in/on限定词(冠词/物主代词)交通工具,如on my bike, in his father s car。,用适当的介词填空 6(2017海南中考改编)Mr. Zhao is going to the airport taxi.,答案: by,考点六 there be句型/between的用法 【课文原句】 There is a very big river between their school and the village.在他们的学校和村庄之间有条大河。(七下P17)

8、 (1)该句为there be句型,结构为there be某人/某物某地/某时,意为“某地或某时有某人或某物”。 There is a clothes store near the library.在图书馆附近有一家服装店。,【辨析】 there be和have有“同”有“异”,(2)between. and.意为“在和之间”。 I sit between Jim and Tom.我坐在吉姆和汤姆之间。,【辨析】 between, among“在之间”的数量不同,用适当的介词填空 7(2018内蒙古包头中考改编)Are you watching the football matches of

9、the World Cup these days? Sometimes, and I ll watch the match Japan and Poland tonight.,答案: between,考点七 “数词连字符名词”的用法 【课文原句】 One 11yearold boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day.亮亮是一个11岁的男孩,每个上学日他都要过河。(七下P17) “数词名词”用连字符连接作定语时,定语中的名词用单数形式。 a fourday trip一次四天的旅行 a thirtypage book一本三十页的书,根据

10、汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 8你听说过张家界玻璃桥吗? 当然。它建在张家界国家森林公园的一个300米深的峡谷 上。 Have you heard about Zhangjiajie Glass Footbridge? Of course, it s built over a canyon in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.,答案: 300meterdeep,9看那个在广场上的女孩! 哦,我很惊讶一个三岁的女孩跳舞这么好。 Look at the girl in the square! Oh. I m very surprised th

11、at a girl can dance so well!,答案: threeyearold,考点八 afraid的用法 【课文原句】 But he is not afraid because he loves school.但是他不害怕因为他喜欢上学。(七下P17) be afraid to do sth.意为“害怕做某事”。 I m afraid to travel by plane.我害怕乘飞机旅行。 Are you afraid to stay at home alone?你害怕一个人待在家里吗?,(1)be afraid的其他常用结构。 be afraid of doing sth.担

12、心做某事 be afraid of sth./sb.害怕某物/人,(2)be afraid的常用句型。 I m afraid that.意为“我恐怕”,常用来含蓄地表达可能令人沮丧、不快的事情。 I m afraid so/not.意为“恐怕(不)是这样”,常用来含蓄地表达自己的观点或态度。,(3)be afraid to do与be afraid of doing的区别。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 10(2018广东东莞月考改编)It s too dark. I m afraid(go) there. Don t worry. I ll go with you.,答案: to go,考点九

13、 leave的用法 【课文原句】 Many of the students and villagers never leave the village.许多学生和村民从未离开过村子。(七下P17) (1)“leave地点”表示离开某地;leave for.表示“动身去”。 We are leaving Beijing and they are leaving for Beijing.我们将离开北京,而他们将动身去北京。,(2)leave是非延续性动词,在表示离开某地多长时间时,常用be away from。 They have been away from Shanghai for three

14、 days.他们离开上海三天了。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 11(2018广东珠海紫荆中学三模改编)The girl misses her parents very much. So she does. They (leave) from the hometown for nearly two years.,答案: have been away,根据句意选择合适的单词填空 12(2018山东莱芜中考改编)Oh, dear! I can t find my key to the office. Don t worry. I think you might (leave; forget) it

15、in your car.,答案: leave,考点十 辨析get to, arrive与reach 【课文原句】 Don t arrive late for class.上课不要迟到。(七下P19),根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空13(2016广西贵港中考改编)When will Mr. Green Beijing? In a week.,答案: reach,用适当的介词填空 14(2016四川达州中考)Where is Mary flying? She is flying to France soon. She will arrive Paris the morning

16、of July 2nd.,答案:in; on,考点十一 辨析on time与in time 【课文原句】 You must be on time你必须准时。(七下P19) on time意为“按时;准时”。 Can you arrive in Beijing on time?你们能按时到达北京 吗?,【辨析】 on time与in time,根据句意从方框中选择合适的短语填空15(2018江苏扬州江都模拟改编)How lucky Peter was! Some policemen arrived and succeeded in helping him out.,答案: in time,考点十

17、二 quiet的用法 【课文原句】 Oh, and we also have to be quiet in the library.噢,并且我们在图书馆里必须保持安静。(七下P20),quiet形容词,意为“安静的”,其反义词为noisy,意为“嘈杂的”。 quiet的副词形式为quietly。 I want a quiet room.我想要一个安静的房间。 At night, everywhere is very quiet.夜里,到处都非常安静。,【注意】 quiet与quite 貌合神离,考点十三 practice的用法 【课文原句】 practice the guitar练习吉他(七下

18、P22),用括号内单词的正确形式填空 16(2018上海中考改编)Sue practices (play) the violin hard and often gives wonderful performances.,答案: playing,考点十四 strict的用法 【课文原句】 Parents and schools are sometimes strict, but remember, they make rules to help us.父母和学校有时要求严格,但记住,他们制定规则是为了帮助我们。(七下P23) strict形容词,意为“严格的;严厉的”。 Is your Engl

19、ish teacher strict?你们的英语老师严厉吗?,【一言辨异】 be strict with对要求严格,后接表示人的名词或代词;表示对某事物要求严格,则用be strict in。 Mr. Smith is strict with us and he is also strict in his work.史密斯先生对我们要求很严格,他也对他的工作要求严格。,考点十五 follow的用法 【课文原句】 We have to follow them.我们必须遵守它们。 (七下P23) 常用搭配 1follow the rules遵守规则 2as follow如下 3follow one

20、 s advice遵循某人的建议 4follow after追求;追随;模仿 5follow the example of.以为榜样,根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空17(2019预测)For our own safety, it s important to the traffic rules on the way to school.,答案: follow,考点十六 keep的用法 【课文原句】 At school, I have to wear a school uniform, and I have to keep my hair short.在学校我必须穿校服,留短

21、发。(七下P24) keep作系动词,其后可加形容词,构成系表结构。 You must keep healthy.你必须保持健康。,【拓展】 与keep有关的短语,He kept writing his memories.他不停地写回忆录。 The heavy snow kept me from going out.大雪阻止了我出去。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 18(2018吉林长春中考改编)My little brother is a tidy boy. He always keeps his room (clean),答案: clean,考点十七 forget的用法 【课文原句】 Peo

22、ple say that “an elephant never forgets”人们说“大象永远不会忘事”。(七下P29),Mary often forgets to bring her pen.玛丽经常忘记带她的钢笔。 He forgot turning the light off when he left the classroom.当他离开教室的时候,他忘记已经关灯了。,(2)有些动词后接动词不定式或动名词均可,但意义稍有差 别。与forget用法类似的词如下: try to do sth.设法或努力去做某事 try doing sth.尝试着做某事 stop to do sth.停下来

23、去做某事 stop doing sth.停止做某事,go on to do sth.接着去做另一件事 go on doing sth.连续做某事 remember to do sth.记得要做某事(未做) remember doing sth.记得做过某事(已做) regret to do sth.遗憾去做某事(未做) regret doing sth.后悔做过某事(已做),根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 19(2018四川达州中考改编)杰克, 当你离开卧室时记 得把灯关掉。 好的,我不会忘记的,妈妈。 Jack, remember off the lights when you

24、r bedroom. OK, I won t forget, Mom.,答案:to turn; leaving,20(2018贵州黔东南、黔南、黔西南中考改编)请停止学 习,去外面散散步吧。记得穿上暖和的衣服。 Please stop and go out for a walk. Remember warm clothes.,答案:studying; to wear,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 21(2018天津河北区二模改编)Sorry, Mr. Li. I forgot(write) my report yesterday. It doesn t matter. If you hand i

25、t in before Friday, it s OK.,答案: to write,考点十八 watch的用法 【课文原句】 I m watching TV.我正在看电视。(七下P31) (1)该句为现在进行时的陈述句形式,其结构为“主语am/is/are动词ing形式其他”,表示“主语正在做某事。” My mother is cooking dinner.我妈妈正在做饭。 Tony and Susan are doing their homework.托尼和苏珊正在做他们的家庭作业。,(2)watch此处作动词,意为“看;观看”。watch还可作名 词,意为“手表”。 What do you

26、 usually watch on TV?你通常看什么电视节 目?,【辨析】 所“见”不同,考点十九 与other进行辨析的词语 【课文原句】 But there isn t a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it s like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.但是在美国没有端午节,所以对于朱辉和他的寄宿家庭来说,这个夜晚和其他夜晚一样没什么区别。(七下P35),用适当的代词填空 22(2018湖南长沙中考改编)How many apples can I have? You can have two. are for Jim.,答案: The others,

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