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1、河北专版,新课标(RJ),第 2 课时 Units 59(七上),PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,classes,tomatoes,strawberries,women,boys,months,parties,artist,scientist,musician,musical,historical,interesting,interested,healthy,easily,easier,easiest,bigger,biggest,busier,busiest,business,businessman,freedom,freely,difficulty,really,us,our,our

2、s,ourselves,they,their,theirs,themselves,does,did,done,doing,goes,went,gone,got,got,watches,ate,eaten,bought,bought,sold,sold,sale,finishes,useful,useless,lovely,eating habit,a pair of white socks,English test,an art festival,book sale,the next day,an art lesson for two hours,School Day,Sports Day,t

3、hink about,watch TV,play computer games,have Chinese,have a basketball game,have breakfast/lunch/dinner,at school,on sale,on Friday afternoon,fromto,for sure,in the morning/afternoon/evening,at the same school,(playing) football,play ping-pong,after class,favorite subject,science,because it s fun,li

4、ke Monday,have P.E. and history,Our Chinese teacher,great fun,difficult,easy for me,love fruit,it s healthy,hamburgers for dinner,They are not healthy,ice-cream,I don t eat it,want to be fat,at our great sale,at very good prices, buy v.购买;买 【题1】 (1)My father always beautiful flowers for Mom on Women

5、s Day every year. A.buys B.sells C.tells D.takes (2)Unluckily, the tickets for Amazing China have been ; we cant watch it today. A.sold off B.sold out C.on sale D.for sale 【题2】 连词成句 bought, my, toy car, father, me, a.,A,B,My father bought me a toy car,【归纳拓展】, finish v.完成;做好 【题3】 My little brother di

6、dnt go to bed until he finished his homework last night. A.do B.doing C.to do D.to doing,B,【归纳拓展】 1.finish后常接名词、代词或v.-ing形式。 2.后接v.-ing形式的动词:, because/because of 【题4】 (1)Russia became the most amazing country the World Cup in June, 2018. A.instead of B.because of C.as a result D.because (2)We didnt

7、enjoy the day the weather was so bad. A.because B.though C.unless D.till,B,A, sound/noise/voice 【题5】(1)The boy didnt sleep well because of the from the factory. A.voice B.noise C.time D.sound (2)Linda has a beautiful . She sings very well. A.look B.sound C.voice D.noise,B,C,【归纳拓展】 1.sound还可作系动词,意为“听

8、起来”,后常接形容词作表语。 It sounds wonderful! 听起来妙极了! 2.sound/look/taste/smell/feel (1) sound link-v.听起来;n.声音 Did you hear the sound outside? It sounded horrible. 你听见外面的声音了吗?(听起来)真可怕。 (2) look link-v.看起来;n.相貌 Jack has a new look! He looks so cool. 杰克有了一个新的形象!他看起来真酷。,(3) taste link-v.尝起来;n.味道;品味 I dont like th

9、e taste of olives. They taste terrible. 我不喜欢橄榄的味道。它们尝起来太糟糕了。 (4) smell link-v.闻起来;n.气味 Have you noticed the smell of durians? 你注意到榴梿的气味了吗? Yes, they taste sweet although they smell bad. 是的, 它们虽然很难闻,但是尝起来很甜。 (5) feel link-v.摸起来;n.手感;感受 My sister likes the silk dress, and it feels so soft and comforta

10、ble. 我妹妹喜欢这条真丝连衣裙,它摸起来如此柔软和舒服。, look/see/watch/read 【题6】 用see, look at, watch或read的适当形式填空 (1)Did you the football game on TV last night? (2)Dont in the sun.Its bad for your eyes. (3)I am the blackboard, but I cant the words clearly.,watch,read,looking at,see,Look at the picture. What can you see in

11、it? 看这幅画,你能看到什么? Would you like to watch a football match with me? 你愿意同我一起去看一场足球赛吗? My father usually reads newspapers after supper. 我爸爸通常在晚饭后看报。, I dont want to be fat. 我可不想变胖。 【题7】(1)Linda wants a new scarf for her mom. A.to buy B.buy C.buying D.to buying (2)My parents want me a doctor when I grow

12、 up. A.be B.being C.to be D.to being,【归纳拓展】,A,C, Hey, Helen, lets go! 嘿,海伦,咱们走吧! 【题8】 Lets go to the movies this weekend. . A.Yes, Id love to B.Sorry, Im not C.I dont know D.Sounds like a good idea 【题9】 连词成句 fishing, let, the day after tomorrow, us, go. 【题10】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 Lets together after supp

13、er. Its good forour health. (walk),D,Let us go fishing the day after tomorrow,walk,【归纳拓展】, How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤衫多少钱? Its seven dollars. 7美元。 【题11】 (1)Do you know a 5-day trip to Hong Kong costs? I guess its about ¥4,000. A.how fast B.how long C.how soon D.how much (2)I went from a school d

14、esk to a ship in my teens. days would you be at sea? Homesick? A.How long B.How many C.How much D.How soon,D,B,.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.On March 14th, 2018, the famous (science), Hawking, died at 76 in Cambridge, UK. 2.Linda wants (buy) a new camera for her mother. 3.My father is busy (work). He has no time

15、to play sports. 4.John likes (tomato), but he doesnt like carrots. 5.They are (interest) in the picture book. 6.The music is quite (relax) and we all love it. 7.The clothes in the shop are on (sell) every weekend. 8.She has (health) eating habits. She always eats lots of vegetables. 9.This is a (use

16、) lesson for my brother and me. 10.These (woman) are from America. They like China very much.,scientist,to buy,working,tomatoes,interested,relaxing,sale,healthy,useful,women,.根据句意及首字母提示填空 11.W is the fourth day of the week. 12.My sisters favorite f is bananas. She eats them every day. 13.We learn En

17、glish as a s language. 14.December is the t month of the year. 15.Listening to m can make us feel happy when we are down. 16.Its already 12:00. Lets go to have l in the dining hall. 17.John likes milk and b for breakfast. 18.Keep on walking, because you are in the r direction. 19.What does he look l ? He is tall and strong. 20.Teachers Day is in the n month of the year.,Wednesday,fruit,second,twelfth,music,lunch,bread,right,like,ninth,


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