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1、单元专题聚焦,Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,单元专题聚焦,Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,巧 品 语 法,妙 解 写 作,培 优 课 堂,巧品语法,形容词、副词的比较级和最高级,命题情报 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级是我们在初中阶段会学到的一个重要语法点,在中考命题中颇受命题者的青睐。与之相关的考点有比较级和最高级的构成以及对应的用法和句式等。和比较级、最高级相关的考题通常以单项选择的形式出现,也可以以翻译句子的形式出现。,单元专题聚焦,概念 大多数形容词(性质形容

2、词)和副词有级别变化,即原级、比较级和最高级,用来表示事物的等级差别。,单元专题聚焦,1比较级和最高级的构成,单元专题聚焦,比较级和最高级有规则变化和不规则变化两种。 1.规则变化有如下变化规律:,单元专题聚焦,单元专题聚焦,2. 不规则变化有一些词的比较级、最高级变化是不规则的,需要特殊记忆。 good/wellbetterbest bad/illworseworst many/muchmoremost : littlelessleast farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest oldolder/elderoldest/eldest,单元专题聚焦,2比较级的用

3、法和句式,单元专题聚焦,1. 两者比较时用比较级,其结构为“.比较级+than.”。 His hair is longer than mine. 他的头发比我的长。 She can speak English better than me. 她英语说得比我好。,2. 在两者之间选择“哪一个更”时,用句型“Which/Who is+比较级, .or.?” Which sweater is cheaper, the red one or the yellow one? 哪件毛衣更便宜,红色的还是黄色的? 3. 表示“两者之间更的一个”时,用“the+比较级”。 Lucy is the taller

4、 of the twins. 露西是这对双胞胎中个子更高的那个。,4. 表示“越,越”时,用“the+比较级,the+比较级”。 The more you eat, the fatter you will become. 你吃得越多,就会越胖。 5. 表示“越来越”时,用“比较级+and+比较级”,多音节词和部分双音节词用“more and more+形容词或副词的原级”。 The weather is getting warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和。,单元专题聚焦,We should make our country more and morebeautiful.

5、我们应该使我们的国家越来越漂亮。 6. 比较级可以用much, a little, far, a bit, a lot, even,still, rather等修饰。 Its much colder today than yesterday. 今天比昨天冷得多。,单元专题聚焦,3最高级的用法和句式,单元专题聚焦,1. 三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级形式。形容词最高级前通常需加定冠词the,句末常接in/of短语来表示范围。 He is the strongest of all the boys. 他是所有男孩中最强壮的一个。,2. 表示“最的之一”时,用“one of+the+形容

6、词最高级+可数名词的复数形式”。 The computer is one of the most helpful inventions. 电脑是最有用的发明之一。 3. 表示“第几最”时,用“the+序数词+形容词最高级+可数名词的单数形式”。 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国第二长河。,4原级的用法和句式,1. 表示“和一样”时,用“as+形容词或副词的原级+as”。 He is as tall as his sister. 他和他姐姐一样高。 Lily works as hard as me. 莉莉工作

7、和我一样努力。,单元专题聚焦,2. 表示“不如;比不上”时,用“not as/so+形容词或副词的原级+as”。 She is not as/so pretty as her sister. 她不如她妹妹漂亮。,单元专题聚焦,5使用比较级和最高级时的注意事项,1. 最高级后面往往用of或in构成的介词短语来表示最高级 的比较范围。of短语所指的范围通常是一群人或 一些事物,而不是一个场所;如果指一个场所,则用介词in。 He is the strongest of the three. 他是三个人中身体最强壮的。 He is the strongest in our class. 他是我们班里

8、身体最强壮的。,单元专题聚焦,2. 当比较双方只出现一方(没有than及其后面的部分),且句中含有of the two时,比较级前要加the。 He is the taller of the two boys. 他是两个男孩中较高的一个。 3. 为避免重复,我们通常用that, those, one, ones代替前面出现过的名词。that代替可数名词单数和不可数名词;those代替可数名词复数;one既可指人又可指物,只能代替可数名词单数;ones代 替可数名词复数。,单元专题聚焦,在冬天,北京的天气比上海更冷。 【误】In winter, the weather of Beijing is

9、 colder than Shanghai. 【正】In winter, the weather of Beijing is colder than that of Shanghai.,单元专题聚焦,4. 为了避免重复,比较级中同样的动词用助动词do, does, did替代。 I spend less time doing homework than John does. 我做家庭作业花的时间比约翰少。,单元专题聚焦,妙 解 写 作,如何写以“保护濒危动物”为话题的文章“如何保护濒危动物”是中考常考的话题之一。写此类作 文时,常常需要首先介绍一下濒危动物的基本情况,然后描述 这些动物濒危的原

10、因,最后提出保护的建议或倡议。,单元专题聚焦,写 作 案 例,假设你是林丽,请以“Saving Siberian Tigers”为题,根据以下提示,为某报社写一份80词左右的关于保护东北虎的倡议书。 内容提示:1. 东北虎强壮、漂亮,是人们在动物园最喜欢观看的动物之一。2. 现在世界上仅存500只左右的东北虎,它们的数量越来越少。,单元专题聚焦,3. 东北虎处境危险的原因:人们砍伐森林,东北虎没有栖息地。 4.保护东北虎的建议:建更多的自然保护区(nature reserves);严 禁捕杀东北虎。,单元专题聚焦,素 材 积 累,词汇库 protect 保护 birth 出生 endanger

11、ed 濒危的 protection 保护 illness 疾病 research 研究 save 挽救 danger 危险 action 行动 measure 措施,单元专题聚焦,短语箱 in danger 处于危险中 at birth 出生时 save ones life 挽救某人的生命 look for 寻找 try to do sth .尽力做某事 try ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事 take action 采取行动 take measures 采取措施 do research 做研究 research centers 研究中心,单元专题聚焦,句式链

12、We should protect these animals. 我们应该保护这些动物。 Do you have any questions about baby pandas? 关于熊猫宝宝你有什么问题吗? The baby pandas are smaller than adult pandas. 熊猫宝宝比成年熊猫小。,单元专题聚焦,When theyre born, they only weigh about 0.1 to 0.2 kilos.当它们出生的时候,它们只重0.1到0.2千克。 At birth, its only around 15 cm long. 它出生时大约只有15

13、厘米长。,单元专题聚焦,Now they are endangered. 现在它们濒临灭绝。 We must take action to save them. 我们必须采取行动挽救它们。 The government is trying hard to help save them. 政府正积极努力地帮助挽救它们。,单元专题聚焦,五 步 妙 解,审,单元专题聚焦,谴,我们应该建立更多的自然保护区。_ 我们做那件事是为了保护它们。_ (2)借助于in order to将以上两个简单句合并成一句:_,单元专题聚焦,We should build more nature reserves.,We

14、do that to protect them.,In order to protect them, we should build more nature reserves.,模,介绍东北虎 的概况,描述东北虎 濒临灭绝的 原因,The Siberian tiger is one of the most popular animals that people like to see in the zoo.,单元专题聚焦,There are only 500 Siberian tigers or so in the world.,Many forests are cut down and th

15、ey have no places to live in.,We should build more nature reserves.,提出建议并 发出倡议,单元专题聚焦,We must make laws to stop people from hunting them.,Lets try our best to save them.,Saving Siberian Tigers Dear Sir/Madam, Do you know the beautiful Siberian tigers? Have you seen them in the zoo? I think the Siber

16、ian tiger is one of the most popular animals that people like to see in the zoo. The reason is that they are strong and beautiful. But nowadays there are only 500 Siberian tigers or so in the world, and the number of them is decreasing.,润,单元专题聚焦,Why? Because many forests are cut down and they have n

17、o places to live in. In order to protect them, we should build more nature reserves. Besides, we must make laws to stop people from hunting them. Lets try our best to save the strong and beautiful Siberian tigers. Yours, Lin Li,单元专题聚焦,点,该篇作文格式正确,条理清晰,层次分明,句式丰富,行文流畅,是一篇标准的满分作文,值得大家背诵和学习。 1.本文是应用文,属于应

18、用文中的倡议书。开头以“Dear Sir/Madam”为称呼语,符合倡议书的写作格式。 2.正文部分分为两段,第一段介绍了东北虎的概况,并描述了它 们濒临灭绝的原因,提出了关于保护东北虎的建议。第二段呼 吁大家保护东北虎。正文部分条理清晰,层次分明。,单元专题聚焦,3.作者在写作的时候使用了许多含金量较高的词汇,如decrease, in order to, nature reserves, make laws,stop sb. from doing sth.等,这 些词汇的灵活使用体现了作者良好的英语功底。,单元专题聚焦,小 试 身 手,本周末有一批外国游客要来动物园参观大熊猫,假如你是他们

19、的导游,请你根据下面的要点提示写一篇发言稿,向这些游客简要地介绍一下大熊猫,要求不少于80词。开头已给出,不计入总词数。要点提示: 1. 大熊猫的外貌及性格特点是什么? 2. 大熊猫以什么为食?它们主要生活在哪些地区? 3. 大熊猫的生存现状如何?中国政府为保护大熊猫采取了哪些措施?,单元专题聚焦,Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to China! Im glad to be your guide today. We will see lovely pandas soon. Now let me tell you something about pandas. _,

20、单元专题聚焦,One possible version: Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to China! Im glad to be your guide today. We will see lovely pandas soon. Now let me tell you something about pandas. Pandas are black and white. They are very cute and friendly to people. They feed on bamboo. They mainly live in some forest

21、s and mountains in Sichuan Province, Gansu Province and Shaanxi Province. Now pandas are becoming fewer and fewer in number. So the Chinese government is thinking about ways to protect them. People build many research bases to care for baby pandas.,单元专题聚焦,Some education programs also send people to

22、schools to tell children about the importance of saving pandas. Besides these, the government is also planting more bamboo so there will be more forests for pandas to live in.,单元专题聚焦,培 优 课 堂,快速阅读技巧之“查读”“Scanning”的含义是查读,又称“寻读”。它同略读(skimming)一样也是一种快速阅读的技巧。擅长阅读理解的学生总是善于运用“查读”的技巧来捕捉文章中的具体信息,以提高阅读效率。,单元专

23、题聚焦,查读是一种从大量的资料中查找某一项具体事实或某一项特定信息如人物、事件、时间、地点、数字等,而对其他无关部分则略去不读的快速阅读方法。运用这种方法,读者就能在最短的时间内掠过尽可能多的内容,定位到所需要的信息。,单元专题聚焦,【典例】 Most animals on land are known to us, but many underwater living things are not. Now lets get to know some of them. Sea Cucumber(海参) Sea cucumbers are strange animals living at t

24、he bottom of the sea. They wear brown or pale green coats with many sticks up. When summer comes, they stay deep to sleep because they are afraid of heat.And when it is autumn, they move to shallow(浅的) water and get their food.,单元专题聚焦,Cuttlefish(乌贼) A cuttlefish can swim quite fast, so it is also ca

25、lled“rocket(火箭) fish”. It has eight arms and two feelers on its head, just around its mouth. It ejects ink(喷墨) when it is in danger. Its meat is delicious, and it is often the first choice for many people. Octopus(章鱼) An octopus has long arms, with which to catch food and protect itself. When it is

26、sleeping, one or two of its arms are still on duty, keeping moving. Once it feels something dangerous, it can wake up at once to take action.,单元专题聚焦,【题目】1. Sea cucumbers stay deep to sleep in summer because they _.A. are afraid of high temperature B. want to get strong and fatC. are afraid of their

27、enemy D. want to live alone 2. The _of an octopus can help protect it when in danger.A. color B. armsC. sound D. smells,单元专题聚焦,【解析】上述两道题都可以利用“查读”或“寻读”的技巧来解答。 1. 由“Sea Cucumber(海参)”描述中的“When summer comes, they stay deep to sleep because they are afraid of heat.”可知答案为A。 2. 由“Octopus(章鱼)”描述中的“An octopus has long arms, with which to catch food and protect itself.”可知答案为B。,【答案】 1. A 2. B,单元专题聚焦,【实战演练】见单元分层训练七的第3题和第4题,


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