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1、Unit 3 Computers,-2-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,【识记阅读单词】 1.universal adj. 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的 2.sum n. 总数;算术题;金额 3.logical adj. 合逻辑的;合情理的 4.logically adv. 逻辑上;合逻辑地;有条理地 5.technology n. 工艺;科技;技术 6.technological adj. 科技的 7.revolution n. 革命 8.artificial adj. 人造的;假的 9.tube n. 管;管子;电子管 work n. 网络;网状物 11.we

2、b n. 网,-3-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,12.application n. 应用;用途;申请 13.finance n. 金融;财经 14.mobile adj. 可移动的;机动的 15.rocket n. 火箭 16.download vt. 下载 17.virus n. 病毒 18.coach n. 教练,-4-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,【拼写高频单词】 1.solve vt.解决;解答 2.explore vt.甥女,-5-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,【拓展核

3、心单词】 1. calculate vt.计算 calculation n.计算 calculator n.计算器 2. simplify vt.简化 simple adj.简单的 simply adv.简单地 3. operator n.(电脑)操作员;接线员 operate vt.真正地,-6-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,6. personal adj.私人的;个人的;亲自的 personally adv.就个人而言;亲自 personality n.人格;个性 7. total adj.总的;整个的 total n.总数;合计 totally ad

4、v.完全地;整个地 8. signal vi.出现,-7-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,1.与动词arise形式变化相似的词汇 arise arose arisen 出现;起身 rise rose risen 上升;起来 ride rode ridden 骑 write wrote written 写 drive drove driven 开车 2.后缀“-ology”高频名词一览 technology 科技 ecology 生态学 biology 生物学 psychology 心理学 sociology 社会学,-8-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空

5、,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,3.“互联网”家族 type vi.资料库 surf v.浏览,-9-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,4.anyhow相关单词一览 somehow adv.以方式;不知怎么地;不知为什么 somewhat adv.有点儿;有几分;颇为 anyhow adv.无论如何 anyway adv.无论如何;不管怎样 5.由signal想到的 signal 信号 sign 迹象;符号 sigh 叹息 single 单个的;单身的 sight 视力;情景,-10-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,6.既是

6、实义动词,也是系动词的词 stay 保持;待着 keep 保持;保留 remain 留下;保持 appear 显得;好像 seem 似乎;好像 look 看;看起来,-11-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,【识记】 1.watch over 看守;监视 2.personal computer 个人电脑 3.artificial intelligence 人工智能 【默写】 1.结果 as a result 2.处理;安排;对付 deal with 3.从时起 from.on 4.如此以至于 so.that. 5.在某种程度上 in a way 6.在的帮助下

7、 with the help of 7.人类 human race,-12-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,1.“因此”的各种表达 therefore 因此;所以 as a result 结果;因此 as a consequence 结果;因此 consequently 因此;结果 2.“帮助”家族 help n.帮助 fund vt.资助 sponsor vt.赞助 give/lend sb.a hand 帮助,-13-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,1. As time went by ,I was made smal

8、ler. 随着时间的推移,我被做得越来越小。 考点提炼as引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”。 2.Over time my memory has developed so much that ,like an elephant,I never forget anything I have been told! 随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情! 考点提炼so.that.“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。,-14-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,1.随着时间的推移,我跟老朋友们的联系越来越少了。 As

9、time went/passed by,I kept in less touch with my old friends. 2.她气得说不出话来。 She was so angry that she couldnt speak.,-15-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,The history of computers began in 1642 in France.They were first built only as 1. calculating (calculate)machines,and 2. later (late)as analytical

10、machines that could “think” 3. logically (logic)and produce an answer quicker than any person.Still later,4. the “universal machine” was built to solve mathematical problems,5.which made computers huge!As the years 6. went (go)by,computers were made smaller,quicker 7. and cleverer.Later,computers we

11、re connected by a network and 8. brought (bring)into common peoples homes to deal with information and help communication 9. between people around the world.Since 10. their (they)birth,computers have always been designed to serve the human race.,-16-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,1.as a result 结果 【教材原句】As a

12、 result I totally changed my shape. 因此,我已经完全改变了我的形状。 领悟高考究考法 用result in,result from,as a result或as a result of 的适当形式填空 (1)People have better access to health care than they used to,and theyre living longer as a result .(2017北京,单项填空) 人们现在比过去享有更好的医疗服务,因此寿命更长了。,-17-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,(2)Miss Longfi

13、eld warned that a generation of children risked growing up “worried about their appearance and image as a result of the unrealistic lifestyles they follow on platforms.”(2018江苏,阅读理解D) 朗菲尔德女士警告说一代孩子的成长面临着风险因为他们在社交平台上追求不切实际的生活方式,所以很担心自己的外貌和形象。 (3)Childrens fear and dislike of books may result from bei

14、ng made to read aloud before others. 孩子们对于书籍的恐惧和厌烦可能是来自于被迫在他人面前大声朗读。 (4)The heavy rain in the mountainous areas resulted in floods last year.去年山区的大雨导致了洪涝。,-18-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,2.total adj.总的;整个的;全部的;完全的 n.总数;总额;合计 领悟高考究考法 诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分含义 (1)Have you ever visited a garden,where the atmosphere

15、of the garden appeared to total more than the sum of its parts?(2016全国,七选五) 你是否曾经参观过这么一个花园,它的氛围看起来比其他各方面都好? (2)Already well over 400 of the total of,6,800 languages are close to extinction(消亡),with only a few elderly speakers left.(2018全国,阅读理解C) 由于仅有为数不多的老者会讲这门语言,世界上6800种语言中的400多种正面临消亡的危险。,-19-,核心词汇

16、,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,(3)At the start of this year,foreigners living in Italy amounted to 4.56 million of a total population of 60.6 million,or 7.5 percent.(20176浙江,阅读理解C) 在这一年年初,生活在意大利的外国人共计456万,占意大利6060万总人口的7.5%。 单句写作 (4)那项计划完全失败了。 That plan was a total failure. 联想拓展记考点 (1)in total总共 (2)a total of.总数是

17、,-20-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,3.goal n.目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分 【教材原句】Anyhow,my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality. 不管怎样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活。 领悟高考究考法 写出下列句子中goal的含义 (1)They help him understand that people must work toward common goals.(2016天津,阅读理解C) 目标 (2)But during the next week,set a goal of

18、at least a mile and a half per run. 目标 (3)A year later,I reached my goal:I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000! 目标,-21-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,(4)Through the first two games,her team did not get one serious shot on goal. 球门 联想拓展记考点 (1)set a goal 确定一个目标 (2)ones goal in life 某人的生活目标 (3)achieve/realize o

19、nes goal 实现某人的目标,-22-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,4.in a way有几分;在某种程度上;就某种意义来说 【教材原句】In a way our programmer is like our coach. 从某种程度上看,我们的程序员就像是我们的教练。 领悟高考究考法 诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分含义 (1)But we are in a way doing animals harm by making them live in a human environment. 但是让动物生活在人类的环境里从某种意义上说是我们在对动物造成伤害。 (2)In a w

20、ay I agree with what you said at the meeting. 从某种意义上来说,我同意你在会议上的发言。,-23-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,联想拓展记考点 (1)all the way 一路上;自始至终 (2)by the way 顺便说 (3)in no way 一点也不;决不 (4)in the way 挡路;妨碍 (5)make way for 为让路 (6)make ones way to 向走去,-24-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,5.arise vi.出现;发生;产生;起身;起来 【教材原句】Then she pr

21、epares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises. 然后她把我在新情况下能用得上的可靠动作准备好。 领悟高考究考法 写出下列句子中arise的含义 (1)Seeing his mother return home,the boy arose from his chair immediately. 起身 (2)A number of high buildings have arisen where there was nothing a year ago. 出现 (3)Some unexpected difficulties have

22、arisen. 出现 (4)Did anything interesting arise from/out of the meeting? 发生,-25-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,联想拓展记考点 (1)arise from/out of由产生 (2)sth.arises出现了某事 体会语境辨词义 用arise,rise或raise的适当形式填空 One of the problems arising from the present economic situation is that the price is rising sharply,of course,partly

23、 because some illegal businessmen raise it on purpose. 自助巩固,-26-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,6.watch over看守;监视;照看 【教材原句】It should also watch over my naughty niece,who comes to my house very often. (我的)机器还得会看管我调皮的侄女,她经常来我家。 领悟高考究考法 翻译句子,体会黑体部分含义 (1)He helps to watch over my niece. 他帮忙看管我的侄女。 (2)Watch out f

24、or walkers and other bicyclists. 当心行人和其他骑自行车的人。 联想拓展记考点 (1)watch for 盼望或等待某事物 (2)watch out 小心,-27-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,1,1.I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. 我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。 分析提炼究考法 “It takes/took

25、+一段时间+before+从句(一般过去时).”表示“过了多久才”,before引导时间状语从句。该句型中主句的谓语动词也可使用be动词。类似的句型还有: “It will(not)be+时间段+before+从句(现在时).”表示“要过一段时间才”。 “It was(not)+时间段+before+从句(过去时).”表示“过了一段时间后才”。,-28-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,1,领悟考法用考点 单句写作,(2)要过很久他才能回来。 It will be a long time before he comes back.,(1)它用了三年时间才完工,并且是用一种很有趣的方法修建的。(20

26、17全国,语篇填空) It took three years to complete and was built using an interesting method/way.,-29-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,1,2.As time went by,I was made smaller. 随着时间的推移,我被做得越来越小。 分析提炼究考法 as time goes(passes)by/went by(=with time passing/going by)随着时间的推移/流逝,as引导时间状语从句。,-30-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,1,领悟考法用考点 翻译句子,体会黑体部分含义

27、(1)As the average age of the population increases,there are more and more old people to care for.(2016天津,单项填空) 随着人均寿命的增长,需要照顾的老人越来越多。 (2)But as the 200th anniversary of his birth approaches,it is possible and important for our own cultureto understand how he made himself a lasting one.(2018浙江,阅读理解A)

28、 但是随着他的诞辰200周年纪念日的临近,(世人)有可能理解他是如何成为文坛常青树的(这种理解对我们的文化也很重要)。,-31-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,1,单句写作 (3)随着时间的流逝,人们慢慢熟悉了他。 As time went by/With time going by,people became familiar with him.,-32-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,1,3.Over time my memory has developed so much that,like an elephant,I never forget anything I have been to

29、ld! 随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情! 分析提炼究考法 so.that.如此以至于,that引导结果状语从句。常见的句型有: (1)so+adj./adv.+that. so+adj.+a/an+单数名词+that. so+few/little(少)/many/much+n.+that. (2)such.that.如此以至于 such+adj.+不可数名词+that. such+adj.+复数名词+that. such+a/an+adj.+单数名词+that.,-33-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,1,领悟考法用考点 翻译或完成句

30、子,体会黑体部分含义 (1)Its difficulties appear so great that we fail again and again.(2016天津,阅读理解D) 困难如此巨大,以至于我们一次又一次地失败了。 (2)Its such a good chance that we mustnt miss it. 机会这样好,我们可不能失掉。,(4)There are so many spelling mistakes in your composition that I cant understand what you are writing about. 你作文中的拼写错误太多

31、了,以至于我读不懂你在写什么。,(3)I was so nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left.(2017全国,短文改错) 我是如此紧张,以至于不能判断哪个方向是左边。,-34-,.单句填空 1.He was really (real) very happy when he realized(realize) his dream to win the game. 2. Personally (person)speaking,I am satisfied with all the work you have done.

32、3.It is known to all that personal appearance (appear)is sometimes very important in finding a job.,4.It will be solved(solve)but with difficulty.(2017北京,阅读理解D) 5.As a result,people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing.(2017全国,语篇填空),6.A storm arose (arise)during the night.

33、 7.As the wages were high,many applicants (apply)for the job filled the form.,-35-,8.If you have a juicer,you can simply (simple) feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit.(2018全国,阅读理解B) 9.Learn how to deal with people now,because when youre an adult,you dont get to choose your boss or

34、 your co-workers,so learn how to respect them now.(201610浙江,七选五) 10.Lindseys husband was totally (total) astonished/surprised by the unexpected visit.(2018全国,完形填空),-36-,.话题写作(电脑网络) (一)根据提示翻译句子 1.人们可以依靠计算机来解决各种问题,比如探索月球。(solve;explore) People could depend on computers to solve all kinds of problems,s

35、uch as exploring the moon. 2.计算机应用于如此多的领域,以至于我们不能没有它。(apply to;so.that) Computers can be applied to so many fields that we cant go without it. 3.人们也普遍认为在将来计算机不能替代人类。(It is also universally believed that.) It is also universally believed that computers cant take the place of human beings in the futur

36、e.,-37-,4.随着科学技术的快速发展,人们的生活在某种程度上变化很大。(with;in a way) With science and technology developing quickly,peoples life has changed a lot in a way. 5.毫无疑问现代科技给人们的生活带来了方便和舒适。(It goes without saying that.;convenience and comfort) It goes without saying that modern technology brings us convenience and comfor

37、t in life.,-38-,(二)将第(一)题中的句子,按照合理的逻辑顺序,加入适当的过渡词,连句成篇。根据表达的需要可适当增加细节。 With science and technology developing quickly,peoples life has changed a lot in a way.Computers can be applied to so many fields that we cant go without it.As a result,people could depend on computers to solve all kinds of proble

38、ms,such as exploring the moon. It goes without saying that modern technology brings us convenience and comfort in life.Anyhow,it is also universally believed that computers cant take the place of human beings in the future.,-39-,.概要写作 细读教材第18页的课文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Over time I have been changed qui

39、te a lot.(要点1)I began as a calculating machine in France in 1642.Two hundred years later,I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.By the 1940s I had grown as large as a room,but as time went by,I was made smaller.(要点2)In the early 1960s they gave me a family connected by a network,so I was able to share my knowledge with others.(要点3)Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me and now I have become very important in every field.(要点4),

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