NAVISTAR MPAPS DT-9-2015 Cold Leak Testing of Hose & Hose Assemblies.pdf

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1、This document is restricted and may not be snt outside Navistar, Inc. or eproduced without permision from Corprate Technical Standars. Supliers ar rquird to asue l ptet liailty. 2014 by Navistar, Inc. Octobr 2015 Page 1 of 3 NAVISTAR, INC. Material, Parts, and Proces pecifcations (MAS) NUMBER: MPAS

2、DT-9 Former Designation: CEMS T-9 TILE: Cold Leak Testing of Hose itoril chages. 1.0 APLICATION Test method for clamped joints and it can be aplicable for ther types of joints that require a thermal cyl tst. 2.0 SCOPE This i amethod for leakge tsting of luid conectors ubjectd to sucesive hot/cold cy

3、les. 3.0 REFRENCE DOCUMENTS Unles otherwise specifed the latest isue of al refrenced standars hal aply. The folwing spcifcatins and standars ar rfrnced in this pcifcatio: NAVISTAR MPAS B-1 ASTM D471 TM-681 93 4.0 APRAUS .1 programable tmperature cabinet capble of cyling through and maintainig -40 2C

4、 through 150 2C -40 3.6F through 302 3.6F r as prpriate to the cyle rquired. 4.2 An alytical balnce apble f detrminig mas to the narest 0.1 gram. .3 ir mnifold instld in tmpratur cabiet ht hs ad fitings are hung and presurized. 4. Presure rgulator capble of intinig 340 5kP 50 1 psi or as proriat for

5、 th required test. 5.0 MATERIALS .1 Fluid. Use one of the folwing fluids as pecifed for the sytem being testd (other fluids may be specife for thr sytms): 5.1. Ethylen Glcol - 50/ Ethylen Glycol (per MPAS B-1 Type I) and water (per ASTM D93). 5.1.2 Power Stering Fluid -TMS-681 3 Oil -ATM #1 per AS D

6、47. 5.2 Hose, as pecifed. * .3 Clamps or Fitings, as pecifed. * 5.4 Niles r ed plus, s if. *AVISTAR Engiering wil provide a list of parts for testing. The suplier is responsible to btain the parts and fabricat the into test prts/semblies. NUMBER: PAS DT-9 TILE: Cold Leak Testing of Hose & Hose Asemb

7、lies REVISON: 141 This document is restricted and may not be snt outside Navistar, Inc. or eproduced without permision from Corprate Technical Standars. Supliers ar rquird to asue l ptet liailty. 2014 by Navistar, Inc. Octobr 2015 Page 2 of 3 5. White, adsorbent, paer .6 Fitings, clamps d apters as

8、nede to atch to air manifold. 6.0 PROCEDURE Note: The procedure described below is for colant sytem aplications. Aplications in other sytems may av sm f th parmtrs mdifed t suit hat sitution. Plese se the rferig spcifcation r contct Materials Engiering for furthr guiance. 6.1 Sampl Prepration. Asemb

9、le ose d fitings as pecifed for a production asembly. Each asebly shal b t least 10 (4 inchs) long ad ther shal b at lest ix (6) slis for e coupling tpe asd on hose niples. Fr exmple, clamped joints wil require six sets f ach nile/clam combinati sinc th niple may chang in difrt aplications. Bracket

10、h asembly coditons s wel s posible (ig/low/noinl). Refr to the ngierig ctrol document or the manufactures rcomendations, as prpriate, for th asembly spcifcations. 6.1.2 Weight aseblis mpty -Tre weight 3 Fil te smly with secifd fluid, to aminium of 75% ful, and record the inital weight. 6.2 Asembl to

11、 an ir manifold in aprograble virnental chmbr. .3 Wrap the t joit with a dsrbent, whit paer. 6.4 Presuriz asemblies 30% igher tha te maxium operating presure for the joint. 6.5 Test amples for ten (10) thermal cyles at he presure indicated in 6.4. Each termal cyle consits of th folwing 5 stps: Step

12、Duration hours Conditon 1 0.5 t 1.0 Ramp frm 20 68F to 130C26F 2 4. .5 Hold at 13C 2 3 1.0 to 2.0 Ramp from 130 26F to 40C -40F 4 4. 1. Hold at 40C -4F 5 0.5 to .0 Ramp from -40 -40 to 20C 68F 6.5.1 If an idividual sample canot maintain presure, interupt he tst, remove that specimen, plug that spce

13、i the mnifold nd otiue the tst. 6.5.2 Obsrv for ay sigs of leakg as indicated by stainig on the indicator paer. . Upon completin of the spcifed 10 cyles: 61 Reve saples and aer. 2 Wigh nd rcor the finl weight of each sample. 6.7 Aceptance Criteria: 1 l six sampls hould show no signs of leak fter the

14、 completion f 10 ful cyles. 7.0 REPORT .1 Material testd. 7.2 An itmiz list of hose, clamps, fitings and iples. .3 sebly conditns. 7.4 Fluid used. .5 est conitons, if varince from above was pecifed on the draing or purchase order. NUMBER: PAS DT-9 TILE: Cold Leak Testing of Hose & Hose Asemblies REV

15、ISON: 141 This document is restricted and may not be snt outside Navistar, Inc. or eproduced without permision from Corprate Technical Standars. Supliers ar rquird to asue l ptet liailty. 2014 by Navistar, Inc. Octobr 2015 Page 3 of 3 7.6 Any observed leakge. . Measurd flui los. 7.8 Prcnt fli ls, fr

16、 each sample -calulate as folws: 10%ti fiWlos Wi = Inital weight, f = Final weight, Wt = Tare weight 8.0 TECHNICAL INFORMATION For further information related to the technical cntet of tis pecifcti, contact: Supliers may purchase controled copies of this cifction by ontatig: Matrials Engiring and Teholgy Dept. 1040 W. North Aveue elrose Park, IL 60160 E-mail: MterialsEngieringN IHS Global In. 15 Invernes Way East Eglwod CO 8012-576 Phone: 1-80-54-79 E-mail: Website: htp:/global.ihs.


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