NAVISTAR MPAPS S-EM-3 101-GS PL-2015 Hex Flange Nuts CMetric Series (Noun Code 5780).pdf

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1、This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2015 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2015 Page 1 of 7 NAVISTAR, INC. Material, Parts, and Process Specifications (

2、MPAPS) NUMBER: MPAPS S-EM-3.101-GS/PL Former Designation: ESP-EM-3.101-GS TITLE: Hex Flange Nuts Metric Series (Noun Code 5780) CURRENT REV No.: 1506 DATE: June 2015 WRITTEN/EDITED BY: Materials Engineering APPROVED BY: Materials Engineering SUPERSEDES: ESP-EM-3.101-GS - May 2008 PRINTED COPIES OF T

3、HIS DOCUMENT MUST BE VERIFIED FOR CURRENT REVISION This specification may involve hazardous materials, equipment, and procedures. This specification does not purport to address all of the safety issues associated with its use. The user is responsible to consult appropriate safety and health practice

4、s and to determine the applicability of regulatory limits prior to use. Change Notice: Changed to New MPAPS format; Combined GS, GI, PP. 1.0 GENERAL: Implementation of this standard must be in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in MPAPS S-A-0.101. There may also be supplemental gro

5、up instructions in regard to use of metric standards that should be taken into account. Some segments of the ISO and national standards encompassed by this general specification may differ. In recognition of these possible differences, the sizes and tolerance ranges used were established in an effor

6、t to enable the use of commercially available items, dimensionally interchangeable worldwide. This specification is based on ISO 4161, ANSI B18.2.4.4 and contains elements of the following standards: International Organization for Standardization: ISO 68, 261, 262, 272, 898/2 and 965/2. 2.0 CONTENTS

7、: Page General 1 Design Consideration 2 Metric-Inch Related Sizes 3 Threads 3 Thread Tolerances 3 Material 3 Property Class 3 Color Coding 3 Method of Designation 3 Policy for Selecting Parts for New Design 4 Width Across Flats 4 Top of Nut 4 Thickness 4 Hex Height 4 Wrenching Height 4 NUMBER: MPAPS

8、 S-EM-3.101-GS/PL TITLE: Hex Flange Nuts REVISION: 1506 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2015 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2015 Page 2 of 7 3.0

9、DESIGN CONSIDERATION: Use should be restricted to special structural applications requiring maximum clamping capabilities. Coarse thread series only will be considered as part of this standard, because of the following advantages: Less tendency to cross thread. Less likely to be seriously affected b

10、y decarburization and oversized minor diameter of internal threads. In the event of failure of matched class bolt/nut combination, the stronger thread will increase tendency toward bolt fracture rather than undetectable strip. COMPARISON OF BEARING SURFACE STRESSES USING REGULAR HEX AND FLANGED HEX

11、Nominal Dia Tensile Stress Area aMedium (3) Clearance Hole “H3” REGULAR HEX FLANGED HEX Bearing Face Dia Bearing Surface Ratio (1)Bearing Face Dia Bearing Surface Ratio (2)Area bCompressive Stress (4) Area cmm2Compressive Stress mm mm2mm mm mm2MPa (ksi) mm MPa (ksi) 6 20.1 6.6 9 29.4 541 (78.4) 1.46

12、 12.2 82.69 192 (27.9) 4.11 8 36.6 9 11.7 43.9 658 (95.4) 1.2 15.8 132.4 218 (31.6) 3.62 10 58 11 15.3 88.8 516 74.8 1.53 19.6 206.7 222 (32.1) 3.56 12 84.3 14 17.1 75.7 880 (127.6) .9 23.8 290.9 229 (33.2) 3.45 16 157 18 21.6 112 1107 (160.6) .71 31.9 544.8 228 (33 ) 3.47 20 245 22 27 192.4 1005 14

13、5.8 .79 39.9 870.2 222 (32.2) 3.55 (1) Ratio of Bearing Surface Area b to Tensile Stress Area a for Regular Hex. (2) Ratio of Bearing Surface Area c to Tensile Stress Area a for Flanged Hex. (3) Per ISO 273, Part 1. (4) Class 10.9 proof loads used for calculations. Page Corner Fill 4 Gaging of Hex P

14、ortion 4 Flange 4 Gaging of Flange 4 Bearing Surface 5 True Position of Tapped Hole 5 Countersink 5 Threads 5 Nut Identification 5 Material 5 Finish 5 Restricted Chemical Substances 6 Surface Discontinuities 6 Dimension 6 Part List 7 Technical Information 7 NUMBER: MPAPS S-EM-3.101-GS/PL TITLE: Hex

15、Flange Nuts REVISION: 1506 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2015 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2015 Page 3 of 7 4.0 METRIC-INCH RELATED SIZES: Du

16、ring the inch to metric design transition period, the following chart of related sizes can be used for reference. This information is not to be considered as a recommendation for substitutions but only as a means of exhibiting approximate dimensional and stress area relationship. Nominal Metric Size

17、s Inch Size (By Stress Area) Diameter mm Pitch mm Stress Area mm 2Nearest Smaller Size Nearest Larger Size Diameter in Pitch TPI Stress Area Diameter in Pitch TPI Stress Area mm 2% Metric mm 2% Metric M6 1 20.1 #12 24 15.6 78 1/4 20 20.5 102 M8 1.25 36.6 5/16 18 33.8 92 3/8 16 50 137 M10 1.5 58 3/8

18、16 50 86 7/16 14 68.6 118 M12 1.75 84.3 7/16 14 68.6 81 1/2 13 91.5 108 M14* 2 115 1/2 13 91.5 80 9/16 12 117.4 102 M16 2 157 5/8 11 145.8 93 3/4 10 215.5 137 M20 2.5 245 3/4 10 215.5 88 7/8 9 298.1 122 * Non-Preferred Size. 5.0 THREADS: The ISO basic profile is essentially the same geometric config

19、uration as the unified screw thread basic form. The threads will be coarse series, tolerance class 6H. 6.0 THREAD TOLERANCES: The medium ISO class of fit 6H/6g is approximately the same as the 2A/2B allowance in the U.S. unified thread series for comparable size. For example: Thread Allowance M10 X

20、1.5 6H/6g 0.032mm (.00126 in) 3/8 16 UNC 2A/2B .0013 in (0.033 mm) 7.0 MATERIAL: Proof and tensile strength values are listed in section 26.0. Nuts will not be used for special applications such as those requiring weldability, corrosion resistance, or ability to withstand temperatures above 300 C or

21、 below minus 50 C. 8.0 PROPERTY CLASS: The property class designation for steel nuts is equal to one-hundredth of the approximate proof load stress in megapascals (1 MPa = 1 N/mm2). 9.0 COLOR CODING: Not recommended, except in cases where adequate insurance is needed to prevent mixing of “metric par

22、ts“ with look-alike “inch parts.“ The color blue is standard identifier used in some industries. This must be handled internally at individual plants where needed and is meant to be supplemental to the normal finish and easily deleted when the need for supplemental identification no longer exists. T

23、he supplemental blue color should not be used on finishes such as chromium bright which are specified for cosmetic purposes, or phosphate coating which causes a loss of color identity. 10.0 METHOD OF DESIGNATION: Hex flange nuts will be designated on purchase orders by size, word description, materi

24、al class, finish and part number as follows: M10, Hex Flange Nut, Class 10, PHC, Part Number The absence of a specification for pitch indicates that coarse thread is required; e.g., a coarse thread of the dimensions M10 x 1.5 is designated as “M10.“ NUMBER: MPAPS S-EM-3.101-GS/PL TITLE: Hex Flange N

25、uts REVISION: 1506 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2015 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2015 Page 4 of 7 11.0 POLICY FOR SELECTING PARTS FOR NEW D

26、ESIGN: Approved parts are so designated to reduce variety of parts and assure maximum availability, interchangeability and cost savings. For new design, parts shall be selected from “Approved“ part list only. Nominal Sizes: M6, M8, M10, M12, M16, and M20 Material and Finish: Class 8 for sizes M6 and

27、 M8 Class 10 for All Others Steel Phosphate Coated (PHC) 12.0 WIDTH ACROSS FLATS: The width across flats will be the distance, measured perpendicular to the axis of the nut, between two opposite wrenching flats. 13.0 TOP OF NUT: The top of nut will be flat with chamfered corners. The diameter of the

28、 chamfer circle will be equal to the maximum width across flats within a tolerance of minus 15 percent. 14.0 THICKNESS: The nut thickness will be the overall distance, measured parallel to the axis of the nut, from the top of the nut to the plane of the bearing circle diameter, and will exclude rais

29、ed identification markings, if present. 15.0 HEX HEIGHT: The hex height will be the distance, measured at a corner of the hex from the junction of hex head with the flange to the top of the head. 16.0 WRENCHING HEIGHT: The wrenching height, Ta, is the distance, measured at a corner of the hex, from

30、the junction of the hex head with the flange to the last plane of full formed hex, i.e., the plane perpendicular to the nut axis which is closest to the top of the head at which the width across corners is within its specified limits. 17.0 CORNER FILL: The rounding due to lack of fill at the six cor

31、ners of the hex will be reasonably uniform. 18.0 GAGING OF HEX PORTION: The nut will be gaged using two plain ring gages, A and B, to demonstrate the coincidental acceptability of hex height, wrenching height, corner fill and width across corners. Gage A will be placed over the hex and will seat on

32、the flange. Gage B will be placed on the top of the nut normal to the nut-axis. The two gages will not be in contact. (NOTE: The minimum inside diameter of Gage A equals the maximum width across corners; the maximum inside diameter of Gage B equals the minimum width across corners minus 0.01 mm; the

33、 maximum thickness of Gage A equals or is greater than the computed wrenching height necessary to provide sufficient driveability to develop two times the torsional strength of the properly mated externally threaded component.) 19.0 FLANGE: The top surface of the flange will be conical or slightly r

34、ounded (convex). The flange periphery will be round within the specified maximum flange diameter and a tolerance of minus 5 percent. The contour of the edge at the flange periphery will be optional provided the minimum flange thickness is maintained at the minimum bearing circle diameter. 20.0 GAGIN

35、G OF FLANGE: The flange will be gaged using two plain ring gages, A and C, to demonstrate the coincidental acceptability of flange diameter and thickness. Gage C will be seated on a flat surface and the nut placed in it. Gage A will be placed over the hex portion. The nut will seat within Gage C and

36、 Gages A and C will not be in contact. NUMBER: MPAPS S-EM-3.101-GS/PL TITLE: Hex Flange Nuts REVISION: 1506 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liabilit

37、y. 2015 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2015 Page 5 of 7 Nominal Nut Size Wa Ta Wb Tb Wc Tc Gage A Gage B Gage C Inside Diameter Thickness Inside Diameter Thick- ness Inside Diameter Thickness Max Min Max Min Max Min Min Max Min Max Min M6 11.56 11.55 3.10 3.09 11.04 11.03 4.0 14.40 14.30 1.19 1.03 M8 15.02

38、15.01 4.50 4.49 14.37 14.36 4.0 18.10 18.00 1.31 1.30 M10 17.33 17.32 5.50 5.49 16.63 16.62 5.0 22.00 21.90 1.81 1.80 M12 20.79 20.78 6.70 6.69 20.02 20.01 5.0 26.20 26.10 2.20 2.19 M14 24.26 24.25 7.80 7.79 23.34 23.33 6.0 30.10 30.00 2.55 2.54 M16 27.72 27.71 9.00 8.99 26.74 26.73 6.0 34.70 34.60

39、2.96 2.95 M20 34.65 34.64 11.10 11.09 32.94 32.93 6.0 43.00 42.90 3.70 3.60 21.0 BEARING SURFACE: The bearing surface will be flat to concave to a maximum of 2 degrees from the plane formed by the bearing circle diameter. The plane formed by the bearing circle diameter will be perpendicular to the t

40、hread within the runout limit specified on last page when measured at diameter Dw. 22.0 TRUE POSITION OF TAPPED HOLE: The axis of tapped hole will be located at true position with respect to the axis of nut body within a tolerance zone having a diameter equivalent to 4 percent of the maximum width a

41、cross flats, regardless of feature size. 23.0 COUNTERSINK: The tapped hole will be countersunk on the bearing face. The countersink included reference angle will be 90 degrees to 120 degrees. The maximum countersink diameter will be the nominal thread diameter (major diameter) plus 0.75 mm for M8 an

42、d smaller nuts, and 1.08 times the nominal thread diameter for M10 and larger nuts. The minimum countersink diameter will be the nominal thread diameter. 24.0 THREADS: Thread form, diameters, and associated pitches are in accordance with ISO recommendations. Threads will be made to the tolerances fo

43、r the medium class of fit (6H = Internal Threads) as shown in ISO 965/2, General Purpose Metric Screw Threads. 25.0 NUT IDENTIFICATION: Refer to MPAPS F-31, Part II. 26.0 MATERIAL: Classes 8 and 10 per MPAPS F-31, Part II. Class 9 is an acceptable alternate material for applications specifying Class

44、 8 material. 27.0 FINISHES: Nuts will be furnished plain, plated, or coated in accordance with the Navistar Engineering Material Specification and class listed below: Zinc Trivalent (ZN8A) MPAPS G-20, Class 8A. Phosphate Coated (PHC) MPAPS G-1, Class B-2. Zinc Aluminum Clear (ZACLR) MPAPS G-4518, Ty

45、pe II. Gaging of Hex Flange Nut NUMBER: MPAPS S-EM-3.101-GS/PL TITLE: Hex Flange Nuts REVISION: 1506 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2015

46、 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2015 Page 6 of 7 28.0 RESTRICTED CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES: Effective January 1, 2007, all product supplied to the requirements of this specification must comply with the requirements of the MPAPS B-50 specification. 29.0 SURFACE DISCONTINUITIES: Surface discontinuities are shown a

47、nd limits are defined in MPAPS F-31, Part II, and SAE J122a. 30.0 DIMENSIONS: Dimensions in millimeters Nominal Size M6 M8 M10 M12 M14* M16 M20 S Width Across Flats, Max Min 10 13 15 18 21 24 30 9.78 12.73 14.73 17.73 20.67 23.67 29.16 E Width Across Corners, Min 11.05 14.38 16.64 20.03 23.35 26.75

48、32.95 M Overall Height, Max Min 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 5.7 7.6 9.6 11.6 13.3 15.3 18.9 Dc Flange Diameter, Max 14.2 17.9 21.8 26.0 29.9 34.5 42.8 Dw Bearing Circle Diameter, Min 12.2 15.8 19.6 23.8 27.6 31.9 39.9 C Flange Thickness, Min 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 3.0 R Flange Fillet Radius 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

49、0.9 1.0 1.2 Circular Runout of Bearing Circles FIM, Max 0.34 0.38 0.43 0.50 0.55 0.61 0.76 Coarse Thread Pitch, Nominal 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2 2.5 Minor Diameter, Max Min 5.153 6.912 8.676 10.441 12.21 14.210 17.744 4.197 6.647 8.376 10.106 11.835 13.835 17.294 Pitch Diameter, Max (Ref) 5.5 7.348 9.206 11.063 12.913 14.913 18.6 Pitch Diameter, M


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