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1、Unit 4 When is Easter,Part A,Lets try & Lets talk,课时 1,Lets try,Lets talk,Mr Jones:There are some special days in April. Zhang Peng:What are they? Mr Jones:April Fools Day and Easter. Zhang Peng:When is April Fools Day? Mr Jones:Its on April 1st. Zhang Peng:And Easter? Mr Jones:Its on April 5th this

2、 year. Zhang Peng:Wow! I love April!,Lets talk,special /spel/ adj. 特殊的;特别的,知识点 1,例句:This is a special present for my mother.这是给我妈妈的一份特别的礼物。,When is April Fools Day? 愚人节在什么时候? Its on April 1st. 在4月1日。,知识点 2,形近词:cool凉爽的 foot脚 短语:April Fools Day 愚人节,考向,fool /ful/ n. 蠢人;傻瓜,拓展,一词多义:fool adj.傻的 v欺骗;愚弄,考向,

3、问句:When is节日? 答句:Its on具体日期其中It在这里指代节日。 例句:When is New Years Day? 新年是什么时候?Its on January 1st.它在1月1日。,询问“节日在什么时候?”的句型及回答,易错点 提示,表示在具体的某一天时,前面用介词on。,典例,Childrens Day is _ June 1st. A. in B. on C. at,B,读日期的时候序数词前要加定冠词“the”。 例如:10月3日 October 3rd 读作:October the third,如何读英语日期,听力原文,Mr Jones: When is the sp

4、orts meet, Zhang Peng? Zhang Peng: Its on April 4th. Mr Jones: Its next Friday, then. Good luck. Zhang Peng: Thanks.,返回,Lets learn Lets spell,课时 2,Lets learn,序数词,知识点 3,缩写:1st 基数词:one 短语: the first floor一楼; 第一层,考向,first /fst/ num. 第一(的),例句:Our classroom is on the first floor.我们的教室在一楼。,拓展,一词多义:first a

5、dv. 首先;最初,缩写:2nd 基数词:two 短语: the second picture 第二幅图,考向,second /seknd/ num. 第二(的),例句:The second boy is tall.第二个男孩很高。,拓展,一词多义:second n秒,缩写:3rd 基数词:three 短语:the third month第三个月,考向,third /d/ num. 第三(的),例句:Tuesday is the third day in a week.星期二是一周中的第三天。,缩写:4th 基数词:four 短语: the fourth season第四个季节,考向,four

6、th /f/ num. 第四(的),例句:Who is the fourth boy?第四个男孩是谁?,魔法记忆:,基变序,有规律。基数词尾加th。,缩写:5th 基数词:five 短语: the fifth storybook第五本故事书,考向,fifth /ff/ num. 第五(的),例句:The fifth month of a year is May.一年中的第五个月是五月。,魔法记忆:,五这个数,基变序。ve需用f替,然后再加th。,易错点 提示,序数词前要加定冠词“the”。,典例,The art room is on _ floor. A. three B. third C.

7、the third,C,Ask and answer,开火车游戏 4人一组仿照示例开火车编对话。示例:When is Easter? Its on April 16th this year,Lets spell,Read and listen.,Lets spell,Lets spell,Choose, write and say. Thursday/Monday/ is his eleventh/third/fourth/ birthday. That is her brother/grandfather/father. His mother/brother is a maths/Chine

8、se teacher. Thursday is his eleventh birthday. 2. _ 3. _,字母组合th的发音规律,知识点 4,考向,字母组合th的口型发音图及发音要领,Part B,猜生日,在空白的卡片上写出自己的爸爸或妈妈生日所在的月份,其他学生轮流猜,如果有学生猜对了,就说:“Yes, you are right.”并出示卡片。,Whos this baby?,Lets try,Zooms birthday is on March 3rd.,When is your birthday?,Watch the flash and talk.,What will your

9、 family or friends do for you on your birthday?,_,Lets talk,Listen and answer.,1. When is Mikes birthday?,2. When is Chen Jies mothers birthday?,On April 4th.,On April 4th, too.,3. What will Chen Jie do for her mum?,She will cook noodles for her mum.,Lets talk,两人一组练习对话,随后表演出来吧!,Role play,Make a new

10、dialogue,Make a new dialogue,选择一组情境,创编对话。,1,2,3,陈杰的堂妹生日在儿童节,名叫李童,张鹏的叔叔生日在国庆节,名叫张国庆。,元旦那天,Stella从澳大利亚给好友Sarah打电话,祝福新年并祝Sarah生日快乐。,同班同学Ben和Peter在聊天中发现两人妈妈的生日都在复活节。,制作生日卡片,Write down your mothers birthday, and the words you want to say to her on a card.,March 2nd,Dear Mum,Thank you.,Summary,-Its on .,-

11、When is _s birthday?,询问某人的生日,及将要做的事:,-What will you do for him/her?,-I will?,Lets learn,他们的生日,你记住了几个?,twenty,twenty-three,基数词,序数词,12,20,21,22,23,twelve,twenty-one,twenty-two,twelfth,twentieth,twenty-first,twenty-second,twenty-third,12th,20th,21st,22nd,23rd,简写,?,?,thirty,基数词,序数词,30,31,thirty-one,thir

12、tieth,thirty-first,30th,31st,简写,?,?,When is your _s birthday?,Its on _.,twenty thirty twelvethirty-first twenty-three twenty-five twenty-third twenty-fourth twenty-two,Game 1,举一反三,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Game 2,Match,thirty-first twenty-third twentieth thirtieth twenty-first twelfth,31st 30th 21st 23rd 12

13、th 20th,Game 3,大转盘,同桌合作,根据图片提示做替换练习,创编对话。,整十的序数词由相应的基数词将词尾的 y 改为 -ieth,找规律,Look and write,基变序,有规律,词尾要加th; 一、二、三特殊记,结尾字母t、d、d; 八去t,九去e,ve要用f替; 几十 y结尾,把y 改 i,th 前有个e; 几十几,几百几十几等,只将个位变。,巧记口诀,What is Sarahs diary about?,April 15th,April 21st,May 3rd,April 26th,diary,Read and write,Read and match,Read qu

14、ickly and finish the match by yourself.,1,2,3,4,Lets check,ten,2nd,second,three,eight,Lets wrap it up,Part C,Listen again and answer.,1. Will Zoom go to Rabbits birthday party?,2. Will Zoom play football with Rabbit after school?,No.,No.,3. What does Zoom need?,He needs more practice.,4. Will Zoom go swimming with Cat?,Yes, he will.,Story time,Try to act it out in pairs with the tips.,xx小学 x年级x班,xxx,


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