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1、知 识 清 单,考 点 详 解,中考真题汇编,知 识 清 单,重点单词 1活动n._ 2等待,等候v._ 3伞,雨伞n._ 4饥饿的adj._ 5足够的 adj.足够地 adv._ 6家务劳动,家务事n._ 7几乎不,几乎没有adv._ 8以,凭借,穿过 prep._,activity,wait,umbrella,hungry,enough,housework,hardly,through,9咖啡n._ 10结果,后果n._ 11头脑,心智 n_ 12杂志,期刊n._ 13爱交际的,外向的adj._ 14极好的,了不起的adj._ 15不过,可是adv.虽然,尽管conj._ 16镜子n._

2、17必需的,必要的adj._ 18健康n._,coffee,result,mind,magazine,outgoing,fantastic,though,mirror,necessary,health,19伸手,到达,抵达v._ 20感动,触摸v._ 21(使)破,裂,碎,损坏v._ 22分享,共享v._ 23相像的;类似的adj._ 24在意,担忧,关心 v_ 25剧场,戏院n._ 26票,入场券n._ 27清新的,新鲜的adj._,reach,touch,break,share,similar,care,theater,ticket,fresh,28奖,奖品,奖金n._ 29贫穷的,清贫的

3、adj._ 30提供,给v._ 31作者,作家 n_ 32轻柔地,安静地,轻声地 adv._ 33天资,天赋 n_ 34作用,职能,角色 n_,prize,poor,give,writer,quietly,talent,role,词汇拓展 1wonderful _(v.)想知道;琢磨 2bored _(同义词) 3diary _(复数形式) 4decide _(n.) 决定 5building _(v.)建造 6different _(adv.) 不同地 _(n.)不同;差异 7dislike _(反义词)_(同义词) 8one _(一次) _(序数词),wonder,boring,diari

4、es,decision,build,differently,difference,like,hate,once,first,9two _(两次) _(序数词) 10health _(adj.) 健康的 _(adj.)不健康的 11such_(同义词) 12die _(adj.) 死的_(n.)死亡 13writer _(v.)写 14although _(同义词) 15compete _(n.)竞赛;比赛 _(n.)竞赛者,twice,second,healthy,unhealthy,so,dead,death,write,though,competition,competitor,16cle

5、arly _(adj.)清楚的;清晰的 17win _(n.)获胜者;优胜者 18talented _(n.)天资;天赋 19truly _(adj.)真实的;真的_(n.)真相 20care _(adj.)认真的;仔细的_(adv.)认真地;仔细地_(反义词)粗心的 21serious_(adv.)严重地;严肃地 22loud _(adv.)喧闹地;大声地 23comfortable _(adv.)舒服地;舒适地 _(反义词)使人不舒服的;令人不舒适的,clear,winner,talent,true,truth,careful,carefully,careless,seriously,lo

6、udly,comfortably,uncomfortable,24cheaply _(adj.)便宜的;廉价的 25choose _(n.)选择;抉择 26reporter _(v.)报道 27service _(v.)招待;服务 28winner _(v.)获胜,cheap,choice,report,serve,win,重点短语 1去度假_ 2几乎不_ 3去看电影_ 4多于_ 5在某方面有天赋_ 6与相同_ 7与不相同_ 8只要_ 9与相似_,go on vacation,hardly ever,go to the movies,more than,be talented in,the s

7、ame as,be different from,as long as,be similar to,10到目前为止_ 11各种各样_ 12由决定_ 13扮演角色_ 14编造_ 15实现_,so far,all kinds of,be up to,play a role in,make up,come true,16相当多,不少 _ 17在网上_ 18至少,不少于,起码 _ 19使显现,使表现出_ 20关心,在意_,quite a few,on the Internet,at least,bring out,care about,重点句型 1我真的没有看到我喜欢的东西。 I really did

8、nt see _ _ _. 2多么不同的一天啊! What a _ day! 3我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样子。 I _ what life was like here _ _ _. 4晚上除了读书以外无事可做。 There was _ _ _ _ in the evening _ read.,anything,I,liked,different,wonder,in,the,past,nothing,much,to,do,but,5由于这个坏天气,我们不能看见下面的任何东西。 _ _ the bad weather, we couldnt see anything _. 6通过上网或看游戏节

9、目来放松很好,但是我们认为最好的放松方法还是通过锻炼。 It is good _ _ by _ the Internet or _ game shows, but we think the best way to relax is _ exercise. 7开始锻炼,为时不晚。 So start _ _ its too late!,Because,of,below,to,relax,using,watching,through,exercising,before,8现在的我比两年前学习更努力了。 I study _ now _ I _ 2 years ago. 9谁更聪明,你的老爸还是老妈?

10、Who is _, your mother _ your father? 10那就是我为什么喜欢读书。 _ _ I like reading books. 11没有必要一样。 Its _ _ _ _ the same.,harder,than,did,smarter,or,Thats,why,not,necessary,to,be,12有的人认为那些表演者的生活经历是编造的。 Some think that the _ _ the performers are _ _. 13然而,假如你不把这些表演看得太当真,它们还是值得看的。 _, if you dont _ these shows too

11、 _, they are fun to watch. 14我情不自禁地笑了。 I couldnt _ _.,lives,of,made,up,However,take,seriously,stop,laughing,考 点 详 解,一、中考重点词汇 1seem v好像;似乎;看来 【考点归纳】 seem用作连系动词,意为“好像;似乎;看来”。其用法主要有: (1) seem (to be)名词/形容词 He seems (to be) very proud of his work.他似乎为自己的工作而感到非常的自豪。,(2) seem like看起来像 He seems like a doct

12、or.他看起来像个医生。 (3)seem to do.好像做 He seems to hear someone talking. 他好像听到有人在说话。 (4) It seems that从句 It seems that my parents like the girl very much.我的父母似乎很喜欢这个女孩。,2decide v决定;选定 【考点归纳】 decide用作动词,意为“决定”;其用法有: (1) decide to do sth. 决定做某事 Today the weather is cool, so we decide to play football. 今天天气很凉爽

13、,于是我们决定踢足球。 (2) decide on/upon doing sth. 对作出决定 I decide on finishing the book soon. 我决定尽快完成这本书。 (3) decide 从句(包括wh疑问句) He decided that he would buy a new computer. 他决定买台新电脑。 We cant decide where to go.我们不能决定该去哪里。,3enough adj. & adv. 足够的(地);充足的(地);充分的(地) 【考点归纳】 (1)enough用作形容词,意为“充足的;充分的;足够的”。作定语修饰名词

14、时,可放在名词前面或后面。 The food is enough for the trip.用于这次旅行的食物足够了。 I have enough time to watch TV.我有足够的时间看电视。 (2)enough用作副词,意为“足够地”,这时,enough需放在所修饰的形容词或者副词的后面。 The young man is strong enough to carry the heavy bag.那年轻人足够强壮,能搬动重包。,(3)enough.to do sth.意为“有足够的做某事”。 I dont have enough time to eat lunch.我没有足够的时

15、间吃午餐。 (4)enough to do可以同too.to.或so.that.结构互相转换。 He isnt old enough to go to school.He is too young to go to school. He is so young that he cant go to school. 他不够大去上学。,4hardly adv.几乎没有 【考点归纳】 hardly为不含有not的否定词,通常位于行为动词之前,系动词、助动词、情态动词之后,用来修饰表示能力的词,表示事实上不可能。句中如果有hardly就表示已否定,不能再使用其他否定词,当用于反意疑问句时,附加疑问句用

16、肯定形式。注意hardly不是hard的副词,hard本身既是形容词,又是副词。 I got hardly any food. 我几乎没有得到什么食物。 I can hardly believe that. 那我简直不能相信。,5win v获胜;赢;赢得 【考点辨析】win和beat,6both adj.& pron. 两个;两个都 【考点归纳】 both用作代词,意为“两人;双方”。作主语they的同位语,同all和each一样,一般位于助动词和连系动词之后,实义动词之前。 My parents are both working.我的父母都在工作。 (2)both用作形容词,意为“两者的;双

17、方的”,修饰名词时放在the, these或my等词之前。 Both these rooms are empty.这两个房间都空着。,【考点辨析】both和all (1)all也有“全、都”的意思。指三者或三者以上“都”,可修饰可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;也可修饰不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 (2)all与both作主语同位语时,其位置主要有:紧跟主语之后,实义动词前;放在情态动词或第一个助词之后;放在be动词之后,表语之前。 The students all went home.学生们都回家了。We have both decided to leave today.我们

18、俩决定今天离开。,二、中考重点短语 7feel like 给感觉;感受到 【考点归纳】(1)后跟名词,“觉得好像;摸上去像是”。 It feels like rain soon.好像马上就要下雨了。It feels like a potato.那东西摸上去像个土豆。 (2)后跟名词或动词ing形式,“想做”。 I feel like a rest after the long journey. 长途旅行后我想休息一下。 He feels like that he has never been to such a place.他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方。,8because of 因为 【考点

19、辨析】because与because of,9how often 多久一次 【考点归纳】how often表示“多久一次”,用来提问在某一段时间内进行某个动作的次数。答语常常是never, sometimes或表示频率的短语。 How often do you write to your parents?你多久给你父母亲写信? Twice a month.一个月两次。,【拓展】how long用来提问“时间的长短”,答语通常是一段时间。而how soon提问的是“多久”,即某一动作要多长时间以后才能完成或发生,时态多用将来时,答语常用“in一段时间”来表示。 How long have you

20、 been studying English? 你学英语多长时间了? I have been studying English for over two years. 我学英语已经两年多了。,10as long as只要;既然 【考点归纳】as long as连词,表示条件,意思是“只要”,用于此意时也可说成so long as(不管是肯定句、 否定句还是疑问句)。 As long as it doesnt rain, we can go. 只要不下雨,我们就可以去。 As (So) long as you need me, Ill stay. 只要你需要我,我就留下。,三、中考重点句型 11

21、Although many students like to watch sports,.虽然许多学生喜欢看体育, 【考点归纳】although连词,“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,相当于though。在句中although 与but不能同时使用,二者只能用其中一个,并且用在句子的不同位置,即“Although A 句,B句”“A句,but B句。”although可以与still, yet连用。,Although he is old, he is still healthy.他尽管年龄大了,但还很健康。 此句可改为:He is old, but he is still healthy. A

22、lthough Im very tired, I want to help you. 尽管我很累,但是我还想帮你。 【拓展】because与so也不能连用。即:“Because A句,B句”“A句,so B句。”,12I think a good friend makes me laugh.我觉得好朋友使我开心。 【考点归纳】(1)本句是含有宾语从句的复合句。a good friend makes me laugh作动词think的宾语。 (2) make使役动词,意为“使”,后接省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,即make sb.do sth.。类似的动词还有let, have等。但这类动词

23、在被动语态中,省略的to必须还带上。 What he said makes us happy.他所说的话使我很高兴。 They made us forget past.他们使我们忘记了过去。 The boy is made to work 15 hours every day.这个男孩每天被迫工作15小时。,【考点辨析】laugh (at)和smile (at) laugh是指“发笑,放声大笑”,它意味着不但有面部表情,而且有声音,但laugh at表示“嘲笑”;smile指“微笑,笑容”,常表示满意,怀有好意、善意的笑。smile at 则指“对微笑”。 Its not polite to

24、laugh at others.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。 He said with a smile.他微笑着说。 She smiles at me. I feel she is friendly.她对我微笑,我感觉她非常友好。,( )1._seems that it will rain very soon. AOne BIt CThis DThat ( )2.Before you swim in the sea, you must decide _ a pair of suitable swimming clothes for yourself. Awith Babout Cat Don,B,D,

25、( )3.Are you feeling better now? Yes. Im _ to go to school. Agood enough Benough well Cwell enough Denough ( )4.Mollys sister always gets up very early every morning, so she _arrives late for school. Asometimes Boften Calways Dhardly,C,D,( )5.Who _ the tennis game yesterday? Jack, he _ all the other

26、s. Abeat; won Bwon; won Cbeat; beat Dwon; beat ( )6._ the students like math lessons very much.They are Linda and Susan. AAll BBoth CEach DEvery,D,B,( )7.When we are in the sky in the plane, we always _ we are birds. Afeel like Bwould like Ccare about Dbring out ( )8.Did you have a sports meeting ye

27、sterday? No, we didnt. It was put off _ the heavy rain. Ainstead of Bbecause of Cas for Dacross from,A,B,( )9._ does the girl go to see her grandparents in the countryside? At least three times a month. AHow soon BHow often CHow long DHow far ( )10. We will certainly enter a good high school _ we wo

28、rk hard. Yes. Our dream will come true by working hard. Aas soon as Bas long as Cas far as Deven if,B,B,( )11.Most students still keep on studying hard for the exam, _they are too tired. Abecause Band Cbut Dalthough ( )12.The boring movie made me quite _ during it. Asleeping Basleep Csleepy Dsleepil

29、y,D,C,( )13._ percent of the students like to use the Internet on weekdays? About 60 percent. AWhat BHow often CHow many DHow much ( )14.Tom _ stories to make his little borther laugh. I think its a good method. Atalks about Bmakes up Cshares with Dlooks up,A,B,( )15.Did _ help you with the housewor

30、k yesterday? Yes,_ that you dont know. Aanyone; someone Banyone; anyone Csomeone; anyone Dsomeone; someone,A,中考真题汇编,( )1.(2018安徽)Little Jack has learned to do lots of things on his own, _ he is only four years old. Aif Bthough Cfor Dsince ( )2.(2017安徽)What do you think of the movie? Great! I have ne

31、ver seen a _one. Agood Bbad Cbetter Dworse,B,C,( )3.(2016安徽)Mr.Blacks memory is getting _.As a result, he often leaves his keys at home. Aolder Bpoorer Cgreater Dbetter ( )4.(2015安徽)What do you think of your Junior Middle School life? I think it is colorful, _ I am always busy. Aif Bthough Cwhile Du

32、ntil,B,B,( )5.(2015安徽)How can I get some _ about the 2016 Olympic Games? Why not search the Internet? Ainformation Bexperience Cpractice Dsuccess ( )6.(2014安徽) _ the sun was not yet up, many people were already taking exercise in the square. AAs BIf CThough DBecause,A,C,( )1.(2018宿迁) Liu Chuanjian,

33、the command pilot of Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8633, successfully _ down the plane last month. Ahas brought B will bring Cbrought Dbring ( )2.(2018黔南)_ do your parents come to visit you in the US, Tim? Once a year. AHow often BHow long CHow soon DHow far,C,A,( )3.(2018广东)What do you think of the mov

34、ie Operation Red Sea? Wonderful.Ive never seen a movie _ than it. Amore excited Bmore exciting Cmost excited Dmost exciting ( )4.(2018上海)The bridge between the two islands is _one in Shanghai. Along Blonger Clongest Dthe longest,B,D,( )5.(2018黄冈)How hard you are working, Helen! We must! President Xi

35、 said that _ we are,_we will be. Athe more hardworking; the luckier Bthe hardworking; the lucky Cmore hardworking; luckier Dthe most hardworking; the luckiest ( )6.(2018南充)I think that Eric writes as _ as Betty. So he does. Amore careful Bmore carefully Cmost carefully Dcarefully,A,D,( )7.(2018东营)Th

36、e Chinese Skyeye and Highspeed Train interest people a lot because _ of them are leading the world in science and technology. Aboth Beach Ceither Dneither ( )8.(2018德阳)Do you often help your sister with her English? No.She learns English by_. Ahimself Bherself Cmyself Dyourself,A,B,( )9.(2018临沂)We c

37、ouldnt buy anything because _ of the shops were open. Aall Bboth Cnothing Dnone ( )10.(2018河南) As a child, I would sit for hours by the river doing _simply daydreaming. Anothing Beverything Csomething Danything,D,A,( )11.(2018黄冈) Did Qingdao show _to the world during the SCO Summit (上海合作组织峰会)? Sure!

38、 Her beauty, high technology and rapid development. Asomething special Banything special Cspecial something Dspecial anything ( )12.(2018上海)Mr.Zhou is good at cooking and he has decided _ his own restaurant. Aopen Bopened Cto open Dopening,B,C,( )13.(2018天水)His joke is _ to make us all _. Aenough fu

39、nny; laugh Bfunny enough; laugh Cenough funny; to laugh Dfunny enough; to laugh ( )14.(2018荆州) Many products made in China are very popular in the United States. Yeah.Americans can _avoid buying Chinese products. Anearly Bmostly Chardly Dwidely,B,C,( )15.(2018孝感) Which should we start with.Water Wor

40、ld or Space World? Either is OK, it makes no _ to me. Aafraid Bpromise Cdifference Ddecision ( )16.(2018无锡)He stayed up very late that night._ he woke up in the morning, the sun was already high up in the sky. AUntil BAfter CWhile DAs,C,D,( )17.(2018孝感) _Square Dancing is good exercise for the old,

41、sometimes it makes a lot of noise. AIf BAlthough CUntil DBecause ( )18.(2018咸宁)Harry Potter is _ an interesting novel _ I want to read it again. I agree with you. Aso; that Btoo; to Csuch; that Das; as,B,C,( )19.(2018南充)Our neighborhood is so dirty. Shall we clean it this afternoon or tomorrow? _.Any time is OK. AIt is up to you BExcuse me CHave a good time DIm afraid I cant,A,


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