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1、12019 中考(人新)英语课本回扣习及答案:八下 U5-6一、阅读理解。A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet.“Whats the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived.“My cows ill,” the farmer said. “I dont know whats the matter with her. Shes lyin

2、g down and wont eat. Shes making a strange noise.”The vet looked over the cow. “Shes certainly ill,“ he said, “and she needs to take some very strong medicine.“He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, “Give her these. The pills should make her better.“How should I give

3、them to her?” the farmer asked.The vet gave him a tube (管子)and said, “Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. Thatll make it.“The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried.“Hows your cow?” the vet asked.“No

4、change,” the farmer said, “and Im feeling very strange myself.”“Oh?” the vet said, “Why?“I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cows mouth and then put two pills down it.”“And?” the vet asked.“The cow blew first,” the farmer said.1In the story, the vet must be _.A. the far

5、mers friend B. a milk factoryC. a hospital for cows D. a doctor for animals2The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _A. couldnt lie down B. didnt eat the pillsC. couldnt make any noise D. was ill23What medicine did the vet give the farmer?A. Bottle of pills. B. A long tube. C. Two pills. D. A

6、 small box.4The vet taught the farmer how _.A. to blow the tube B. to make the cow take the pillsC. to take the medicine D. to put the tube in his mouth5Which of the following is true?A. The farmer ate the pills himself.B. The cow got better after taking the medicine.C. The vet came to help farmer c

7、hange the cow the next day.D. The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.【答案】1D 2D 3C 4B 5A【解析】试题分析:本篇讲的是一个人给他的牛喂药治病,没有弄好,反而把药吞进了自己的肚里了。1D 词义猜测题。这篇短文中 vet 指的是给动物看病的医生,也就是兽医,故选 D。2D 细节理解题 根据第一段中 He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He

8、telephoned the vet.可知。故选 D3C 细节理解题 根据“He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said,.”可知兽医给了他两片药。故选 C4B 细节理解题 根据“ The vet gave him a tube (管子)and said, “Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow(吹). Thatll make it.“”可知兽医告诉他如何给牛吃药。故选 B5A 细节理解题 根据最后一部分

9、 “The cow blew first,” the farmer said.可知,牛先吹了管子,那个主人自己吃了药。故选 A【难度】一般二、单项选择。1. (导学号:22604016)You will never achieve success _D_ you devote yourself to your work. (2017,苏州) 3A. after B. if C. because D. unless2. It rained _D_ and lasted for a long time yesterday. Too bad! Even some streets were full

10、of water. (2017,泰安)A. hardly B. strongly C. terrible D. heavily3. Sorry, Ive forgotten your name. Can you _A_ me?Im Daniel. (2017,苏州)A. remind B. receive C. respect D. remember4. I will face the difficulties bravely in the future _C_ difficult they are. (2017,铁岭模拟)A. whatever B. whereverC. however D

11、. whoever5. To _C_ people means to make them pleased by giving them what they want. (2017,沈阳模拟)A. worry B. accept C. satisfy D. respect6. You have to set out now _A_ you can catch the early bus. A. so that B. as soon as C. because of D. if not7. I _B_ a bath when the door bell rang. A. am taking B.

12、was taking C. took D. have taken8. Do you like reading books?Yes. Books can _B_ me to the ocean of knowledge. A. carry B. lead C. make D. cause9. Can you give this book to Mr. Wang?Hes not in at the moment. But Ill give it to him as soon as he _C_ back. A. come B. came C. comes D. will come10. He is

13、 so good at playing chess that he _B_ other players and _ the match at last. A. beat; beat B. beat; wonC. won; beat D. won; won三、完形填空。4阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 或者 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Mr Brown was a rich shopkeeper. He 1 a lot of money to his son Jim when he was dying. The young man often 2 his friends t

14、o dinner and several years later he spent all the money on the 3 food. Now he got into trouble and nobody came to him. It made him 4 and he went to ask a clever old man for advice.“My money has 5 and my friends have gone,” said the young man. “What will happen to me now?”“Dont 6 , young man,” answer

15、ed the old man. “Everything will soon be all right again. 7 and you will soon feel much happier.” 8 this, the young man was very glad. He asked, “Am I going to be 9 again if I dont like working?”“No,”said the old man.“I 10 you will soon get used to being poor and having no friends.”( )1.A.lent B. le

16、ft C. borrowed D. got( )2.A.made B. hoped C. asked D. pulled( )3.A.common B. cheap C. terrible D. delicious( )4. A. sad B. happy C. polite D. careful( )5.A.begun B. been used up C. hurried D. flown( )6. A. worry B. say C. smile D. sing( )7. A. Stand B. Study C. Work D. Wait( )8. A. Seeing B. Touchin

17、g C. Hearing D. Feeling( )9. A. safe B. dangerous C. rich D. poor( )10.A.think B. wish C. understand D. surprise【参考答案】15 BCDAB 610 ACCCA四、短文改错。Yesterday we went to plant trees on the hill near our school. The boys were made dig pits(坑).The 1_ girls were told to plant the young trees into the pits. 2

18、_ All of us worked very hardly. Soon we were all wet 3_ with sweat. After the young trees planted, we 4_5began to water it. The water was at the foot of 5_ the hill. But we stood in line to pass pails(桶) 6_of water from one to another up to the hill. We did not finish water the trees until it 7._was

19、 dark. Though we were tired, we feel very happy. 8_答案1made 后加 to2无错误3hardly 改为 hard4planted 前加 were5it 改为 them6But 改为 So7water 改为 watering。8.feel 改为 felt【解析】试题分析:这篇短文讲述昨天班级集体去植树。男生负责挖坑,女生负责种植。最后一起浇水,这一天虽累但是很充实。每个人都很开心。45句意:男孩负责挖坑。make 变为被动语态时,要还原不定式符号 to。故在 made 后加to。46句意:女孩负责将树苗放进坑里。此行无错误。47句意:我们所有

20、人都非常努力工作。hardly 是副词“几乎不” ,hard“努力地” 。48句意:在所有树苗都被栽好以后。the young trees 和 plant 是被动关系,因此要用被动语态。故在 planted 前加 were。49句意:我们开始给它们浇水。很多树苗,因此要用 them,不能用 it。50句意:水在山脚下。因此我们排成队传一个挨着一个的将水桶传到山上。不是转折关系,是因果关系。因为树在脚下,所以排成队传递桶。故 But 改为 So。51句意:直到天黑我们才完成浇水。finish doing sth“完成做某事” ,故将 water 改为watering。【小题 8】句意:尽管我们很

21、累但是我们都感觉很开心。本文叙述的是过去的事情,因此把6feel 改为 felt。五、书面表达。(2016,天津)假如你所在中学的校刊近期开辟英文专栏, 征集发生在大家身边的感人故事。请根据以下提示, 为该专栏投稿。(1)在一个寒冷的早晨, 你买早餐时看到前面的女孩买了面包和牛奶。(2)女孩要离开时, 发现树下有一个老年乞丐, 他看上去又冷又饿。(3)女孩走到乞丐身旁, 把食物递给了他。(4)乞丐向女孩道谢, 女孩微笑着离开。(5)你很感动参考词汇:乞丐 beggar 感动 be moved要求:(1)词数:80100 个。(2)开头已给出, 不计入总词数。(3)要点齐全, 行文连贯, 可适当

22、发挥。On a cold morning, while I was _buying_some_food_for_my_breakfast,_I_saw_a_girl_buying_some_bread_and_milk_in_front_of_me._When_she_was_going_to_leave,_she_found_a_beggar_under_the_tree,_who_looked_cold_and_hungry._Without_thinking_twice_she_went_over_to_the_beggar_and_gave_the_food_to_him._The_beggar_was_so_thankful_to_the_girl_and_kept_saying_“thank_you”_The_girl_said_nothing_and_went_away_with_a_smile._I_was_deeply_moved_by_that._I_thought_it_was_the_warmest_thing_on_that_cold_morning._


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