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1、1新目标八年级英语上册寒假作业练习九一、重点单词1把准备好(v.)_2.考试(n.)_ 3.流感(n.) _4有空的;可获得的(adj.) _ 5.直到为止(prep.) _6.悬挂;垂下(v.) _7及时赶上;抓住(v.)_8.邀请(v.) _9.接受(v.) _10拒绝(v.) _11.工作日(n.) _12.邀请;请柬(n.)_13回答;答复(v.) _14.转寄(v.)向前(adv.)_15.删除(v.)_16打印;印刷(v.)_17.(令人)悲哀的(adj.) _18.再见(n.) _19高兴;愿意(adj.)_20.准备工作(n.) _21.胶水(n.) _22没有;不(prep.

2、) _23.感觉意外的(adj.) _24.开幕式(n.)_25音乐会;演奏会(n.) _26.大事;公开活动(n.) _27.客人;宾客(n.) _28日历;日程表(n.)_29.白天;日间(n.)_二、重点短语1接到(某人的)信、电话等 _ 2.盼望;期待_ 3去旅行_ 4.拒绝_ 5照顾;照料_ 6.后天_ 7前天_ 8.闲逛;常去某处_ 9直到才_ 10.其他时间;别的时间_ 11为做准备 _ 12.去看医生_ 13患流感 _ 14.骑自行车_ 15接受邀请 _ 16.在这个月末 _17(帮助)分担工作、解决难题 _ 18.的开幕式 _三、重点句子21珍妮,周六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗

3、?Jenny,_you come to my party_ Saturday afternoon? 2周一见!_you on Monday! 3多好的一个主意啊!_great idea! 4为了表示我们有多么想念她,我们在(本月)28 号下周五为她举办一场惊喜聚会吧!_ how much were going to miss her, lets have a surprise party_her next Friday the 28th! 5在没有告知斯蒂恩女士的前提下,把她带来参加聚会,以便让她感到惊喜。Bring Ms.Steen to the party _ telling her _

4、she can be surprised. 6请于 12月 20日周五前以书面形式回复此邀请。Please _writing to this invitation by Friday,December 20th四、单项选择( )1The house warming party will begin _ 6: 00 pm. _ Saturday evening.Aat;at Bat;on Con;at Dat;in( )2I cant find David. Where is he? He _ for tomorrows competition at home. Aprepares Bis pr

5、eparing Chas prepared DPrepared ( )3Can you go to the movies with me tomorrow night? _. ASure,Im busy BSure,Id love to CSorry,Id like to DIm sorry I can ( )4If you have trouble pronouncing these words,you can repeat them over and over again _ you are comfortable with them. Aunless Bif Cuntil DWhile

6、( )5A real friend always _ you _ when youre in trouble. Aturns;down Bhelps;out Changs;out Dtakes;care( )6Why did you _ Lindas invitation,Frank? Because I had to go to the doctor. Aaccept Brefuse Ccatch DReceive 3( )7_ I finish my homework now? No,you _.Your work is over today. ACant;must BMust;dont

7、have to CMay;couldnt DCouldnt;could( )8Im so sorry to tell you I cant go shopping with you.I need to _ my younger sister at home. Alook at Blook up Clook after Dlook for ( )9I think you can be _ at the _ news. Asurprised;surprised Bsurprising;surprisingCsurprised;surprising Dsurprising;surprised( )1

8、0I had a pleasant weekend on the farm. _. AOh,thats very nice of you BIts a pleasure CCongratulations DIm glad to hear that五、完形填空I am going to have a party tomorrow night.I tell my mother that she neednt do _1_ for me.My friend Jane is coming,too.She would like to help me, _2_ she cant.Because she h

9、as a piano lesson in the morning and in the afternoon she has to look after her sister.So I will do everything by myself.I try to make _3_ party a nice one. I sent invitations to my friends _4_Now I am thinking about what I need to do tomorrow.Yes!I have to clean the room and do some shopping.I am g

10、oing _5_ some food,drinks and some fruit in the supermarket.I am going to make a shopping list _6_ I go.I also have to decorate (装饰) the room.I have to do so many things,so I have _7_ time to see the movie Lost in Thailand. The party begins _8_ 8 pm.We will have fun at the party.I am very _9_ but I

11、feel very happy.I am very sleepy and I really want to _10_( )1A.something Banything Cnothing Deverything ( )2A.so Balthough Cbut Dbecause( )3A.a Ban Cthe D/ ( )4A. yesterday Btomorrow Ctomorrow morning Dthe day after tomorrow ( )5A.buy Bbought Cto buy Dbuying ( )6A.after Bwhen Chow Dbefore ( )7A.a l

12、ittle Bmuch Cno Dlots of 4( )8A.at Bin Con Dwith( )9A.tired Binterested Cexcited Dangry ( )10A.go swimming Bgo to bed Cgo out for a walk Dgo shopping六、阅读理解One day Mr. Smith went to a dinner party.He was wearing very old clothes.He came into the room,but people in the room didnt look at him.They didn

13、t ask him to sit at the table.He wasnt happy.But he said nothing. Mr. Smith went home quickly and put on his best clothes.He went back to the party.Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him.They gave him good food to eat. Mr. Smith took off his coat,and put it on the food and said, “Eat, coat!

14、” The other people were surprised and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?”Mr. Smith answered, “I am asking my coat to eat food.When I wore old clothes,you didnt look at me.You didnt ask me to sit down.Now I am wearing these nice clothes.And you give me good food.Now see,you give the food

15、 to my coat,not to me.” ( )1One day Mr. Smith went to _. Aa birthday party Ba dinner party Can English party Da movie ( )2When Mr. Smith came into the room the first time,the people didnt look at him.Why? ABecause the people didnt ask him to come.BBecause Mr. Smith wore old clothes.CBecause Mr. Smit

16、h didnt say hello to them first.DBecause it was night and they didnt see him.( )3Why did he go home quickly? ABecause he didnt want to stay there.BBecause he went home for his best clothes.CBecause the people there asked him to leave.DBecause he didnt like the food there.( )4Whats the meaning of “su

17、rprised” in Chinese? A高兴的 B不满的 C感到奇怪的 D生气的( )5Which statement is RIGHT? AA person in good clothes should eat good food. BA good coat should eat good food. CWe cant judge (判断) a man by his clothes. DMr. Smith is stupid (愚蠢的)七、词汇运用 . 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。51Do you have a c_?I want to know the date today. Y

18、es,here you are. 2My father is always busy on w_,but on weekends he usually goes fishing with his friends. 3My mother isnt a_ today because she has too many clothes to wash. 4Alice likes music and she often goes to the _ (音乐会) on Sundays. 5Most Americans expect their _ (客人) to be on time. 八、补全对话。从方框

19、中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余).B:Yes.Lets go.ADid you go to Lindas party last night?BIts time to have the English lesson.CWho did you go to the party with?DDid everybody go to the party but me?EWhen did the party finish?FI replied to her invitation yesterday.GWhy didnt you come?A:Hi,Bill.1._B:Yes,I did.We san

20、g and danced at the party.A:Sounds fun.2._B:At about 11:00.A:Oh,Im sorry that I missed it.B:3._A:Because I had too much homework to do.B:Thats too bad.A:4._B:Err.Cindy didnt come,either.She studied for a test.A:I see.Oh,it is 10:20. 5._九、短文填空. 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。cover, celebrate, piece, w

21、ithout, exam, prepare, surprised, though, accept, invite, autumn, finally6My name is Michael and Im 13 years old.My birthday is in 1. Every year,my parents 2. it for me.This year,I forgot it because I was very busy with an 3.But my parents didnt.They wanted to give me a surprise,so they 4. for it on

22、 their own.When I came home that day,I saw a big birthday cake on the table.I didnt know what happened at first,but 5. I saw the birthday card for me.I was very 6. andhappy.I gave my parents kisses and said “Thank you” to them.Then they gave me a box.I7. it and wondered what was in it.I quickly open

23、ed the 8. of it and saw a flute (长笛) in the box.My parents knew I really liked to play the flute,so they bought it for me 9. telling me.I was very happy.It wasnt because of the gift,but my parents.10. my parents always asked me not to do this or that,I knew they loved me.I thought that was the best

24、gift for me.十、书面表达假如你是刘艳,下周日你要在家举办一个舞会,你想邀请你的英国朋友 Nicole来参加。请你根据下面表格中的信息给她写一封邀请函。Date:next Sunday,December 1stTime:6:00 pm.8:00 pm.Address:No. 16 Park RoadPeople:my friends要求:1.语句通顺,符合逻辑,可适当发挥;280 个单词左右。2想象内容要合情合理,不要逐字翻译提示的内容。7参考答案一、重点单词1 prepare 2 exam 3 flu 4 available 5 until 6 hang 7 catch 8 inv

25、ite 9 accept 10 refuse 11 weekday 12 invitation 13 reply 14 forward 15 delete 16 print 17 sad 18 goodbye 19 glad 20 preparation 21 glue 22 without 23 surprised 24 opening 25 concert 26 event 27 guest 28 calendar 29 daytime二、重点短语1 hear from 2 look forward to 3 take a trip 4 turn down 5 look after 6 t

26、he day after tomorrow 7 the day before yesterday 8 hang out 9 not.until. 10 another time 11 prepare for 12 go to the doctor 13 have the flu 14 go bike riding 15 accept an invitation 16 at the end of this month 17 help out 18 the opening of.三、重点句子1 can ,on 2 Catch 3 What a4 To show, for5 without, so

27、that6 reply in四、单项选择1-5 BBBCB 6-10 BBCCD五、完形填空1-5 BCCAC 6-10 DCAAB8六、阅读理解1-5 BBBCC七、词汇运用1 calendar 2 weekdays 3 available 4 concert 5 guests八、补全对话1-5 AEGDB九、短文填空1 autumn 2. celebrate 3 exam 4 prepared 5 finally 6 surprised 7 accepted 8 cover 9 without 10 Though十、书面表达Dear Nicole,Hope everything is fi

28、ne with you.Id like to invite you to my dancing party.I will have the party in my house next Sunday,December 1st.It will be from 6:00 pm. to 8:00 pm.My house is at No.16 Park Road.Some of my friends will come to the party.They are all friendly and outgoing.For dinner,we will order some food from a Chinese restaurant.Im looking forward to seeing you then.Please let me know by this Friday if you can come to the party.Yours,Liu Yan


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