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1、DOD-B-245 31 (SHI 23 February 1976 -1 MILITARY SPECIFICATION BATTERY, STORAGE, SILVER-ZINC ALKALINE (EMERGENCY); GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR (METRIC) This specification is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command and is avail- 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the rechargeable sil

2、ver-zinc alkaline storage 1.2 Classification. able for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense, batteries used for emergency onboard deep submergence vehicles. specified (see 3.1). Silver-zinc alkaline storage batteries shall be of the types 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The f

3、ollowing documents, of the issue in effect on date on invitation for bids or SPECIFICATIONS request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. FEDERAL QQ-C-576 - Copper Flat products with Slit, Slit and Edge-Rolled, Sheared, QQ-S-365 - Silver Plating (Electrodepo

4、sited) ; General Requirements for. Sawed, or Machined Edges (Plate, Bar, Sheet, and Strip). MILITARY DOD-B-24531/1 - Battery, Storage, Silver-Zinc Alkaline (Emergency), For DSV: DOD-B-24531/2 - Battery, Storage, Silver-Zinc Alkaline (Emergency), For DSRV: WD-B-24531/3 - Battery, Storage, Silver-Zinc

5、 Alkaline (Emergency) , For OD-B-24531/4 - Battery, Storage, Silver-Zinc Alkaline (Emergency) , For Type 25 V - 12 Ah (METRIC). Type 25 V - 70 Ah (METRIC). Trieste: Type 12 V - 100 Ah (METRIC). Trieste: Type 24 V - 200 Ah (METRIC). STANDARD MILITARY MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage. (C

6、opies of specifications, statidards, drawings, and publications required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) to the extent specified herein. invitation for bids or request for propos

7、al shall apply. 2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this specification Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE Uniform Freight Classification Rules. (Application for copies should be addressed to the Uniform Classificatio

8、n Committee, Room 1106, 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60606.) NATIONAL MOTOR FREIGHT TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED, AGENT National Motor Freight Classification Rules. (Application for copies should be addressed to the National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., 1616 P Street,

9、 N.W., Washington DC 20036.) FSC 6140 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-shall govern (see 6.1.1). 3.2 Electrical requirements. 3.2.1 Electrical rating, 3.2.2 Ca acit retention on stand. The battery shall be capable of retaining 90 per

10、- The electrical rating shall be as specified in the appli- cable Specification sheet. cent of its raEed czpacity aftera charged stand of 30 days in an ambient 25OC t 3OC. 3.2.3 Charge acceptance. 3.2.4 Life. The battery shall be capable of accepting a full capacity The battery shall be capable of m

11、eeting the life requirement specified charge in 16 hours or less. in the applicable specification sheet before its capacity drops to 70 percent of the rated capacity over a one year period after its activation date. 3.3 Physical requirements. 3.3.1 Dimensions. 3.3.2 Mass. 3.3.3 Cell case and cover.

12、The cell case and cover shall be molded out of a thermo- The dimensions shall be as specified in the applicable specifica- tion sheet, The mass shall be as specified in the applicable specification sheet. plastic material resistant to potassium hydroxide (XOH) . temperatures ranging from OC to 7OOC.

13、 3.3.4 Cell vent valve. 3.3.5 Terminal hardware. Terminals and associated hardware shall be silver-plated in This material shall withstand Each cell shall be provided with a removable vent valve. accordance with (111-8-365, type III, grade B. The dimensions shall be as specified in the applicable sp

14、ecification sheet. 3.3.6 Intercell connectors. The intercell connectors shall be made of copper Ln accordance with QQ-C-5% and silver-plated in accordance with QQ-S-365, type III, grade B. 3.3.1 Electro1 te. than 42 percmass, with no additives, with a potassium carbonate content not tO exceed 2 perc

15、ent by mass. with each battery delivered. The electrolyte shall be aqueous XOH of concentration not less The electrolyte shall be a part of a filling kit to be supplied As a minimum, the kit shall contain the following: (a) (b) Pair of tweezers. (c) Absorbent cotton. Sufficient vials of premeasured

16、electrolyte for filling each cell. 3.3.8 Cell desiqn characteri.stics. Electrode construction. The positive electrodes shall have smooth edges and Comers rounded to a radius of at least 3 millimeters (mm). Electrode grids, Silver shall be used for the positive and negative grids The

17、negative grid shall have smooth edge8 and corners The gassing rate on charged open circuit stand at 25OC f 3% supporting the active material. rounded to a radius of at: least 3 mm. Gas evolution. 3 shall be not greater than an average of 4 mm /hour/gram of negative active material mn- verted

18、 into zinc metal over a 6-hour period, when measured at hourly intervals. 3.4 Environmental requirements. 3.4.1 Tem rature, The battery shall be capable of meeting the electrical require- ments as spec -re“- fied in the applicable specification sheet at an ambient temperature from 10C to 5OoC. Provi

19、ded by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- DOD-B-24531 61 7779906 OO763 Y W 3.4.2 Angle tilted 45 degrees of operation, The battery from the vertical. shall not spill DOD-B-24531 (SH) electrolyte when it is 3.5 Hardware requirements. The total numbe

20、r of batteries and cells to be delivered shal1b.e as specified (see 6.1.1). Each battery specified in the contract or order shall be delivered with a filling kit and electrolyte (see 3.3.7). (amount and form) of the mercury compound in each cell, if used. shall not exceed 1 percent by weight of the

21、active material of the zinc electrode. mercury is used, each battery shall be provided with a label as follows: 3.6 Mercury. The service manual and shipping instructions shall refer to the content The amount of mercury If - CAUTION - MERCURY CONTAINS MERCURY COMPOUND IN NEGATIVE ELECTRODES NAME : AM

22、OUNT grams - USE APPROVED BY NAVSFA IN THE EVENT OF.“, “N“, or “-“ for the negative. data ordering documents.included in the contract or order and as specified in 3.8.1 and 3.8.2. The supplier shall use the International System of Units (SI) in all technical data. For threaded hardware designation,

23、the Unified Thread Standard shall be used. referenced therein) for review by the Naval Ship Engineering Center (NAVSEC) (see 3.9) in accordance with the data ordering document included in the contract or order (see 6.1.2). The supplier shall prepare technical data in accordance with the 3.8.1 rawing

24、s. The supplier shall prepare engineering drawings (includes documents 3.8.2 Service manual. The supplier shall prepare a service manual to cover each battery described in the individual specification sheets. The manual shall be in accordance with the data ordering document included in the contract

25、or order (see 6.1.2), and in accordance with the appendix to this specification. 3.9 Design review. Design review meetings with Government representatives shall be held prior to the release of any drawings to vendors, or production, or finalization of the service manual. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISI

26、ONS 4.1 Res onsibility for inspection, Unless otherwise specified in the contract or Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection require- ments as specified herein. supplier may use his own or any other

27、 facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_-_- - - DOD-B-ZYC3L bL W 777b 008b37 b W DOD-B-24531 (SH) Governmen

28、t reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specifica- tion where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. plan in accordance wb data ordering document included in the contract or order (see 6.1.2). I 4.1.1

29、Qualitx ro ram w. The supplier shall provide and maintain a quality program 4.2 Sam lin for ualit conformance ins ection. Five cells from the entire produc- tion lot of c%lsgof the sametype shall be-selected for quality conformance inspection specified in 4.3. 4.3 Quality conformance inspection. 4.3

30、.1 Inspection in dq condition. Examination. The entire production lot of cells of the same type shall be examined for workmanship and for conformance to the physical requirements of this specifica- tion (see 3.3) and the applicable specification sheet. to a different-sure of 14 kilopascals (

31、kPa) for 5 minutes with no more than 0.7 kPa drop to determine the adequacy of case-to-cover seal and terminal seals. Air- ressure s. All cells of the entire production lot shall be submitted 4.3.2 Inspection in weta conditions. The sample cells only shall be filled with electrolyte, formed,

32、 and tested as specified in through Ca acit: s. Each sample cell shall be discharged at 25OC + 3OC at the lowest rate Bp-in the applicable specification sheet to the specified cut-off voltage. Each cell individually shall meet the capacity and voltage requirements specified

33、in the applicable specification sheet. pulse rate spedked-rn the applicable 8peCifiCatiOn sheet. age requirements. specified in shall meet the requirements of may be repeated once. Hi h rate testl Each sample cell shall be discharged at the highest rate and Each c

34、ell shall meet the volt- Gassin rate. The gassing rate of each sample cell shall be measured as Failure pxocedure. In case of failuke, the tests specified in and I Dis sition of sample cells. After completion of tests, all sample cells shall be dischargs and shrped to

35、 a Government laboratory for further testing as specified in 4.4. I 4.4 Government laborator tests. The sample cells of the same type shall be series- connected to form a battery ana shall be tested as specified in through, 4.4.1 and 4.4.2. I 4-4.1 Capacity retention. After recharge,

36、 tw 5-cell battery shall be placed on charged stank in an ambient temperature of 25OC + 3OC for 30 days, then discharged at the lowest rate to the specified cut-off voltage speEified in the applicable specification sheet, The 5-cell battery shall be recharged and given ane more identical cycle. cycl

37、es shall meet the requirements specified in 3.2.2. Life test. establish conformance with 3.2.4: Both 4.4.2 The 5-cell battery shall be placed on the following regime to (a) Three cycles per week: discharge at the 4-hour rate for 2 hours, recharge (b) (c) (d) . as recommended in the service manual. C

38、harged stand over the week-end: One capacity discharge after every 3 months at the lowest rate to the Continue the sequence until the 5-cell battery fails to deliver 2 hours at (record open circuit voltage after end of last charge and before start of next discharge). specified cut-off voltage in acc

39、ordance with the applicable specification- the 4-hour rate. I . sheet. Record average voltage and capacity. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOD-B-ZLI53L 61 7777706 0087640 2 m. DOD-B-24531 (SH) 4.5 Inspection e reparation % delivery

40、. The preservation-packaging, packing, and marking shall be inspect:d for compliance with section 5 of this document. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packaging, packing and marking shall be as specified in 5.1.1 through 5.1.3. 5.1.1 Level C preservation-packagin . Preservation-packaging shall afford

41、 protection against damage, leakage, and eterioratiog during shipment from the supply source to the receiving activity for early installation. The manufacturers normal packaging procedure - may be used when such meets-the requirements of thi5level. carrier and which will insure safe delivery at dest

42、ination in a satisfactory condition at the lowest rate. Containers, packing, and method of shipment shall comply with Uniform Freight or National Motor Freight Classification rules and regulations. shall contain batteries of identical size, and shall-be vented. interior packages yunit and intermedia

43、te) and exterior shipping containers shall be marked and labeled in accordance with MIL-STD-129 as applicable to the levels of packaging and packing specified. In addition, each exterior shipping container shall be labeled as specified in 3.6. 5.1.2 Packing. Batteries shall be packed in containers a

44、cceptable to the common Shipping containers 5.1.3 Markin . In addition to any special markings required by the contract order, 6. NOTES 6.1 Ordering data. 6.1.1 Procurement requirements. Procurement documents should specify the following: Ca) Title, number, and date of this specification an applicab

45、le specification (b) Type required (see 3.1). (c) Address or shipment of batteries. (d) (e) Special marking required (see 3.7) (f) Address for shipment of sample cells to a Government laboratory (see sheet. Number of batteries and cells to be delivered (see 3.5). 6.1.2 Contract data re uir

46、ements. When this specification is used in a procurement invoking the data reqGm-f the Armed Services Procurement Regulations (ASPR) paragraph 7-104.9(n) and which incorporates a DD Form 1423 Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL), the data requirements identified below will be developed as specifie

47、d in the cited data item description (DID) and delivered in accordance with such CDRL. When the ASPR provisions are not invoked, the data specified below shaLl be delivered in accordance with the contract requirements. Specification Data Applicable paragraph requirement Service DID Option (a) 3.8.1

48、I Drawings SH UDI-E-23174 Categories B, G, and Hl form 2, type II - (b) 3.8.2 Service SH DI-M-615 7 (c) 4.1.1 Quality SH UDI-R-2374 3 manual program plan - (Copies of DIDS required by the supplier in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as

49、directed by the contracting officer. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on bate of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply.) 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOD-B-24531 (SHI 6.2 Guarantee. Procurement documents should contain the following life guarantee to be applied by the supplier to the batteries under this specification: Guarantee: supplies furnis


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