1、FEO-STO-245EOctober 26, 1985FEO-STO-2450WY 31, 1972FEOERAL STANOAROTOLERANCESFOR ALUMINUM ALLOY ANOttAGNESIUMALLOY UROUGHT PROOUCTSThis specificationwas approved by the Assistant Administrator,Office of FederalSupply and Services, General ServicesAdministration,for the use of al1 Federal agencies.1.
2、 Z!w!?. This standardestablishesthe tolerance requirementsfor aluminumal10Y and magnesium alloy wrought mill products for the U.S. Customarydimension system and the InternationalSystem of units (S1).1.1 Application.This standardapplies to the aluminum alloy and magnesiumal10Y wrought products acquir
3、edby a Federal agency, provided it is referencedin the contract or order, or in the governing specification. Wherever a morestringent tolerance requirementis also incorporatedby referencein thecontractualdocument, the more stringent requirementshall apply.2. Referenced documents. The followingdocume
4、nts form a part of thisstandard to the extent specifiedherein.2.1 Other documents.ANSI-H35.2 DimensionalTolerancesMill ProductsANsI-H35.2(M) DimensionalTolerancesMi11 Productsfor Aluminumfor Aluminum(Singlecopies of the ANSI documents are available from the PmericanNational Standards Institute,1430
5、Broadway, New York, NY 10018. )(FederalGovernment activitiesmay obtain copies from establisheddistributionpoints in their agencies.)3. Definitions. The terms used 1n this standard are consnonlyunderstoodbythe technicalconrnunityto which they apply, and are not used here in such away as to introduce
6、new or 1imitedmeanings.DISTRIBUTIONSTATEMENT A,FSC 95GPApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FED-STD-245E4. Tolerancerequirements. The tolerancesgiven herein are in conformancewith the
7、aval1able consnercialstandard tolerances. Tolerancesfor sizes andshapes not covered by this standard should be as agreed upon between theprocuringagency and the contractor.5. Tolerancedetails.5.1 Aluminum alloys.5.1.1 U.S. Customary dimension tolerances. The U.S. Customary dimensiontolerancesfor alu
8、minum al10Y products shall conform to ANSI H35.2 for theapplicableproductsand dimensions.5.1.2 InternationalSystem of units (S1)tolerances. The metric dimensiontolerances for aluminum alloy products shall conform to ANSI H35.2(M) for theapplicable products and dimensions.5.2 Magnesium alloys.5.2.1 U
9、.S. Customarydimension tolerances. The U.S. Customary applicabledimension tolerancesfor,magnesium alloy products shall be the same as thosesDecifiedfor aluminum allov Droducts in ANSI H35.2 for the aoolicableproducts and dimensions. Fakess tolerancesfor magnesium sheet and PIateshall conform to Tabl
10、e I of this document.5.2.2 InternationalSystem of units (S1) tolerances. The metric applicabledimension tolerancesfor magnesium al10Y products shall be the same as thosespecified for aluminum alloy products in ANSI H35.2(M) for the applicableproducts and dimensions. Flatnesstolerances for magnesium
11、sheet and plateshall conform to Table II.Military Custodians: PreparingActivity:Navy - ASArmy - MR CivJ J%ergauge,dialgauge,orascale.I-JProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.TABLE11InternationalSystemofunitstoleranceontheflatnessofmagnesiu
12、malloysheetandplate.ITolerance(1),mnIAlloyandtemperSpecifiedthicknessAny305mnmorlessAZ31B.Oand-H243.20thru6.3S0.50mmIIHK31A-0,HK31A-H24,6.35thru76.20A-T817= AnY914,4onAnY1829worlessorless0,76mm0.91mo1.141001.s2m0.76ml0.91m-1.91mI6,3Snrn(11AsmsasuredWIththePlateorsheetrestInnonaflatsurface.concavesideupward,usngastraishtedgeandafeelergaune,dtalgauge,orascale.#,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-