NAVY MIL-A-22669-1960 AMPLIFIER-POWER SUPPLY-RECEIVER AM-2310( ) ASQ AND ANTENNA AS-909( ) ARA-48《供电接收机 AM-2310( ) ASQ 和天线AS-909( ) ARA-48放大器电源》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-A-22669-1960 AMPLIFIER-POWER SUPPLY-RECEIVER AM-2310( ) ASQ AND ANTENNA AS-909( ) ARA-48《供电接收机 AM-2310( ) ASQ 和天线AS-909( ) ARA-48放大器电源》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-A-22669-1960 AMPLIFIER-POWER SUPPLY-RECEIVER AM-2310( ) ASQ AND ANTENNA AS-909( ) ARA-48《供电接收机 AM-2310( ) ASQ 和天线AS-909( ) ARA-48放大器电源》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-A-22669-1960 AMPLIFIER-POWER SUPPLY-RECEIVER AM-2310( ) ASQ AND ANTENNA AS-909( ) ARA-48《供电接收机 AM-2310( ) ASQ 和天线AS-909( ) ARA-48放大器电源》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-A-22669-1960 AMPLIFIER-POWER SUPPLY-RECEIVER AM-2310( ) ASQ AND ANTENNA AS-909( ) ARA-48《供电接收机 AM-2310( ) ASQ 和天线AS-909( ) ARA-48放大器电源》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-A-22669-1960 AMPLIFIER-POWER SUPPLY-RECEIVER AM-2310( ) ASQ AND ANTENNA AS-909( ) ARA-48《供电接收机 AM-2310( ) ASQ 和天线AS-909( ) ARA-48放大器电源》.pdf_第5页
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1、M IL-A-22669 WEP) I NOVEMBER 1960 MILITARY SPECIFICATION AMPLIFIER-POWER SUPPLY-RECEIVER AM-2310(*)/ASQ AND ANTENNA AS-909(*)/ARA-48 This specification has been approved by the Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope - This specification covers the requi rements of Amplif

2、ier-Power Supply-Receiver AM-2310/ASQ and Antenna AS-909/ARA-48. When used as a part of the AN/ASQ-56, AN/ASQ-57, AN/ASQ-58 or other centrals this equipment shaii provide the following: (l) Reception of UHF voice communications. (2) A continuous indi cation, in degrees, of the relative direction of

3、arri val of received signals in the 200-400 mc range. (3) UHF ADF amplifier and antenna switching functions. (4) Generation of B- and bias voltages for use by other equipments which are a part of the integrated electronics centrals. (5) Relay switching and distribution of AC and DC voltages for oper

4、ation of the equipment in the integrated electronic centrals. 1. 2 Associated Equipment - The equipment shall be capable of operating with the following associated equipment which is not to be supplied as part of this equipment. Item Type Designation Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT- 542/ASQ Receiver-

5、Transmitter, Radio RT-541/ASQ Decoder, Pulse KY-O/ASQ Coder- Receiver- Trammitter KY-308/ASQ Headset, Electrical H-87A/U Indicator, Bearing-Distance-Heading ID-663/U Control, Receiver C -14 57/ARR-40 Mounting- Plenum MT-2243/ASQ-56 or MT- 2244/ASQ Antenna AT-l41/ARC Indicator ID- 9O/A RN- 6 , ID - 2

6、 50/A RN- 14 01 ID-416/ARN 1 K- . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-22669WEP) 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 General - The following documents of the issue in effect on thesdate of invitation for bids form a part of this specificatio

7、n to the extent specified herein: SPECIFICATIONS Military MIL-E-5588 Enamel; Wrinkle Finish, For Aircraft Use MIL-1-22668 Integrated Electronic Centrals AN/ASQ- 56, AN/ASQ- 57, AN/ASQ- 58. MIL-(2-26482 STANDARDS Connectors, Electric, Circular, Miniature, Quick Disconnect Military MIL-STD- 704 Electr

8、ic Power, Aircraft, Characteristics and Utilization of Federal Fed. Std. No. 595 Colors (collection of 358 standard colors for paints and other materials) 2.2 Availability of Documents: (i) When requesting specifications, standards, drawings, and publications refer to both title and number, Copies o

9、f this specification and appli- cable specifications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions may be obtained upon application to the Command- ing Officer, Naval Supply Depot, Code CDS, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania, 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Parts and M

10、aterials - in the selection of parts and materials, fulfillment of major design objectives shall be the prime consideration. In so doing, parts and materials requirements shall conform to Specification MIL-1-22668. 3.2 Design and Construction: 3.2.1 General - This equipment shall conform with the ap

11、plicable requirements of Specification MIL-I- 22668 for design, construction and workmanship except in the paragraphs as modified below: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-22669WEP) Operational Stability - The equipment sha

12、ll operate with optimum- per- formance for 200 hours, continuously or intermittently, without the necessity for readjustment of any controls which are inaccessible during flight. Internal and External Connectors - Connectors used for input wiring or inter- connection of removable subassembli

13、es shall be type DA manufactured by the Cannon Electric Company or an approved equivalent. External connectors shall be Amphenol Type 126-10753 or an approved equivalent in accordance with MIL-C-26482. The wires and terminals of this connector shall be potted with a sealing compound which is capable

14、 of withstanding temperatures up to 125C. than 300 microvolts in the frequency range of 200 to 400 mc when the guard receiver is operating and less than 100 microvolts when the main receiver is in use. 3.2.8 Antenna Conducted CW - The antenna conducted interference shall be less 3.2.11 Standard Cond

15、itions - Cooling Air - 25 LB/HR of ambient room air. 3.2.12 Maximum Altitude - The maximum altitude under service conditions for the equipment shall be 75,000 feet. Minimum External Cooling Requirements - The AM-2310/ASQ shall operate satisfactorily under the temperature-altitude conditions

16、 specified for Class 2 equipment per MIL-E-5400 when external cooling air is supplied at the rate specified in figure 1. The curve of figure 1 specifies the minimum cooling air flow rates that are required for air inlet tem- perature varying from 0F to 120F in a 168F environment. The cooling air wei

17、ght flow as a function of the Amp-PS-Rec equipment pressure drop is specified in the following equation: W = O. 28 (CAP) O* 543 and when the signal input (30% modulated at 1000 cps) is varied from 10 microvolts to 100,000 microvolts, the audio output power shall not vary by more than i 3 db from the

18、 audio output obtained witli the 1000 microvolt signal. Additionally the receiver shall be protected against blocking under conditions of input signals up to O. 5 volt. Selectivity - The over-all selectivity of the receiver shall fall within the limits set forth below for either standard or

19、service conditions: Attenuation Below Resonant Response 6 db Total Receiver Bandwidth 60 kc min. 60 db 200 kc max. 5 . . .- . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-22669 58 9777906 0353407 4 = MIL-A-22669(WEP) images and Other

20、 Spurious Responses - When receiving on any channel, the receiver shall attenuate images and other spurious responses to the maximum practicable extent and, in any case, not less than 60 db relative to the desired signai. Not more than 3 spurious responses on a guard receiver channel shall be attenu

21、ated between 40 and 60 db. db relative to the response of the desired signal to signals on the frequencies of the intermediate frequency amplifiers. Regeneration - The interstage and over-all regeneration of the receiver shall be so minimized that no evidence of unnecessary oscillation, instability,

22、 or excessive regeneration shall occur under either standard or service conditions. Noise Peak Limiter - The second detector of the receiver (following the intermediate frequency amplifier) shall be provided with an instantaneous noise peak limiter, The noise limiting action shall effectively limit

23、the audio output voltage of modulating surges or peaks exceeding 50% f 15% modulation of r-f signal. Its action shall be rapid enough to prevent loss of intelligibility due to reduction in receiver gain under the influence of continuous r-f noises such as are caused by commutators, ignition systems,

24、 etc. When a pulsed signai having a pulse duration of 10 microseconds, a pulse repetition frequency of approximately 1000 pulses per second, and peak amplitudes up to O. 1 volt is applied on the same frequency as a desired signal modulated 30% at approximately 1000 cps, not more than 50 microvolts i

25、nput (desired signal) shali be required to obtain a signai plus noise-to-noise ratio of 3 db. set forth below, Except where otherwise stated, these requirements apply under both standard and service conditions. I-F Rejection - The receiver shall present an attenuation of not less than 80 3.3

26、.1.7 Audio Characteristics - The audio characteristics of the receiver shall be as Capability - Under standard conditions, the receiver shall be capable of delivering an output of at least 250 milliwatts when a signal having any level between 100 and 100,000 microvolts modu

27、lated 30% at 1000 cps is applied, and the total harmonic content of the receiver output shall not exceed 10% at the 250 milliwatt level, Under service conditions, the output shall not be more than 6 db below that obtained under standard conditions. Under the reduced performance conditions, an output

28、 of at least 30 milliwatts shall be obtahed when a 10,000 microvolt signal modulated at 3% at 1000 cps is applied. Over-All Fidelity - Audio response at modulation frequencies from 300 to 4000 cps shall not vary more than +1 to -3 db relative to the response at 1000 cps. Modulation frequen

29、cies outside the 300 to 4000 cps range shall be attenuated the maximum practicable amount without employment of large and/or heavy filter components in the receiver. is applied to the receiver, the auxiliary output shall be at least O. 25 volt, and when the modulation frequency is varied from 70 to

30、7000 cps, the output for any frequency in the range shall be within f 3 db of the output obtained at 1000 cps. The phase shift through the receiver shall be such that this equipment is compatible with the automatic direction finding equipment. Signai to Noise Type Squelch Characteristic - The receiv

31、er squelch shall be controlled by the audio signal plus noise-to-noise ratio and shall be used with maximum .r-f gain, Under conditions of 6 microvolts r-f input modulated at 400 cps, the squelch control pro- vided within the receiver shall have such a range as to permit squelch operation from no mo

32、dulation to 30% modulation. With the squelch control adjusted to obtain normal audio output with modulation input required for 6 db signai plus noise-to-noise ratio, the audio shall be effectively suppressed when the modulation input is reduced to a 1 db signal plus noise to noise ratio. The squelch

33、 operation shall be smooth and positive and shall effect a change in audio output of 10 db or more at the threshold of operation. With the squelch adjusted as above the audio output shall be 50 milliwatts or greater with 6 microvolts input modulated 30% at 1000 cps. Auxiliary Output - When

34、 a 1000 microvolt signal modulated 30% at 1000 cps 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-22667 58 7So6 0151410 O m- -_ MIL- A- 22669 (WEP) 3.3.1. Il Noise Modulation - Under standard conditions, the signal plus noise-to-noi

35、se ratio shail be at least 30 db when a 10,000 microvolt signal modulated 30% at 1000 cps is applied and the receiver output (signai plus noise) is adjusted to 250 milliwatts. Channel Changing Time - The time between the instant the channel selector switch is positioned to select a given ch

36、annel, and the instant the equipment is in an operative condition on the selected channel shail not be greater than six seconds under service conditions. This requirement shall hold for shifting the operating frequency of the equipment between any two available channels. During channel changing oper

37、ation, the output of the receiver (headset circuit) shaii be shorted or otherwise reduced to zero, . Accuracy of Automatic Tuning -When the same frequency channel is selected several times in succession, the receiver audio power (with an input signai of 100 microvolts or greater modulated 3

38、0% at 1000 cps) shall not vary by more than O. 5 db from the power outputs obtained initially. This requirement shall be met under standard or service conditions. Automatic Direction Finding - When instailed with certain associated equip- ment the equipment shail be suitable for automatic d

39、irection finding. When used for this purpose, the receiver will receive radio-frequency signals from the direction finding antenna, amplify and demodulate them, and deliver the low-frequency modulation components to the direction finder amplifier and indicator equipment. 3.3. I. 15 Frequency Stabili

40、ty - The frequency stability of the complete equipment after operation under either standard or service conditions for five minutes or more shail be such as to maintain the equipment frequencies within the limits shown below provided that the required quantity of cooling air is supplied. Receiver re

41、sonant frequency tolerance: f 22.5 kc. Terminations: 3.3.1,16.1 Receiver R-,F -.R-F input to tlie. r.eceiver-s%-ll be applied through-a !%ohm cable from a signal generator having an effective source impedance of 52 ohms. Sensitivity shail be measured in terms of “open-circuit“ microvolts. 3

42、. . Audip Terminations - :The audio output.headset) of the receiver shall be terminated in a 300-ohm noninductive load which shall include means for measuring audio frequency power output. The auxiliary (high fidelity) output of the receiver shall be terminated in a resistance load of 20,000

43、 ohms including the load presented by measuring devices. 3.3.2 Power Supply Performance: Function - The power supply portion of AM-2310/ASQ shall provide B+ and bias voltages described in Table 1 to other equipments of a central. In addition, the power supply shall distribute U.5 VAC, 27.5 V

44、DC, and 26 VAC to other equipment. Back-up Prosion -Means shail be provided within the equipment to furnish voltages to essential equipment in case of failure of the main supply. The switching to the back up condition shall be accomplished automatically. The switchuig shail be provided bet

45、ween the following voltage sources. Main Supply Voltage Back-up Supply Voltage 430 -275 130 130 from 275 volt bleeder Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-22669WEP) Output Characteristics - Normal - The B+ and bias supplies s

46、hall have the following characteristics under normal operation. See Table 1. Output Characteristics - Reduced Performance - The B+ and bias supplies shall have the following characteristics when operating in the reduced performance condition, See Table 2. Main Power Relay - A main po

47、wer relay shall be included within the equip- ment. This relay when energized externally, shall apply-the following voltages to this equipment and to certain other equipment in the central: 27.5 VDC essential bus il5 VAC 3 phase essential bus 27.5 VDC primary bus U5 VAC 3 phase primary bus 26 VAC si

48、ngle phase bus il5 VAC single phase monitor bus Time Delay - During normal operation 27.5 VDC shall be supplied to other equipments 45-125 seconds after the main power relay is energized. This voltage shall be supplied from the 27.5 VDC essential bus. The maximum load shall not exceed O. 5 amp. When

49、 the 27.5 VDC primary bus is not energized, there shall be no delay in application of 27.5 VDC to other equipments. supplies drop to values less than 10% of nominal, the equipment shall switch to the back-up condition described in Failures of this type shall cause an external warning light to be activated from 27.5 VDC. Sensing Relays - When the voltage levels of either the +430 VDC or +130 VDC Power Input - Power dissipated within th


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