1、MIL-A-23622 NOTICE 2 = 9999906 1857683 TT8 NOTICE OF INACTIVATION * 41 MIL-A-23622 (AS) NOTICE 2 15 July 1993 MI L ITARY SPEC I F I CATION ACTUATOR, AIRCRAFT, ELECTRO-MECHAN ICAL , LINEAR, DIRECT CURRENT This notice should be filed in front of MIL-A-23622 dated 15 April 1963 MIL-A-23622 is inactive
2、for new design and is no longer used by the Navy except for rep1 acement purposes. The Qualified Products List (QPL) associated with this inactive for new design specification will be maintained until acquisition of the product is no 1 onger required whereupon the specification and QPL wi 11 be cancel 1 ed. Preparing activity: Navy - AS (Project 1680-N611) AMSC NIA FSC 1680 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for pub1 ic release; distribution is un1 imited. Licensed by Information Handling Services