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NAVY MIL-A-81917-1973 AIRCRAFT FIRING CIRCUIT TEST SET AN AWM-54《AN AWM-54A302飞机射击电路测试装》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-A-81917-1973 AIRCRAFT FIRING CIRCUIT TEST SET AN AWM-54《AN AWM-54A302飞机射击电路测试装》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-A-81917-1973 AIRCRAFT FIRING CIRCUIT TEST SET AN AWM-54《AN AWM-54A302飞机射击电路测试装》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-A-81917-1973 AIRCRAFT FIRING CIRCUIT TEST SET AN AWM-54《AN AWM-54A302飞机射击电路测试装》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-A-81917-1973 AIRCRAFT FIRING CIRCUIT TEST SET AN AWM-54《AN AWM-54A302飞机射击电路测试装》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-A-BL9L7 Li7 7799706 0256700 5 - , . . ,. I. MIL-A-819f7 (AS) 7 March 1973 . MILITARY SPEEIFICAON AIRCRAFT FIRING CIRCUIT TEST SET AN/AHM-54 This specification has been approved bx the Naval Air Systems Comman, re listed on drawing 30003-38AS100 and the Application Data Material Readiness List (A

2、DMRL). blies are not supplied with the test set and must be ordered as required. The adapter assem- 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 General - The following documents or the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: SPBC DICATIONS

3、 Military MIL- T- 5422 Testing, Wviromntal, Airborne Eiectronic and Associated Equipnt Electronic and Electrical Equip- ment, -Accessories, and Repair Parts; Packaging and Packing of MIL -E- 175 5 5 MIL-T- 18303 Test Procedures; Preproduction, Acceptance and Life, for Aircraft Electronic Equipnt, Fo

4、rmat for ! Test Equiptent for Use with ELec- tronic and Electrical Equipment, General Specification for MIL-T-21200 Military MIL-sTD-i29 Marking for Shipanent and Storage Standard General Requiremnts for Electronic 4uip nt MIL-STD- 454 MIL-STD-461 Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics, Requir

5、ements for Equimnt I MIL-STD-462 Electromagnetic Interference Characteris tics, Measurement of Reliability.Prediction Reliability Tests , Ikponential . Distribution f I i rn-sTD-781 - . - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-sm-810 Nav

6、al Air Systems Command o / 3 3 -. r . I. . . . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-LSL7 47 W 777770b 025b703 O W MIL-A-81917 (AS) X SELF TEST NO GO, SELF TEST GO, stray voltage (S/V) and firing circuit (F/C). SELF

7、TEST NO GO Mode - The test set shall provide a red NO GO lamp indication and the internally generated voltage shall be 75 to 90 mVdcwhen measured at the P2 end of cable W-1, E-1 and P2-2 tied together (+), and F2-4 and E-5 tied together (-). SELF TEST GO Mode - The test set shall provide a

8、 green GO lamp indication and the internally generated voltage shall be 35 to 50 mVdc when measured at the P2 end of cable W-1, E-1 an3 F2-2 tied together (+), and E-4 and 12-5 tied together (-). 6 . * i . -. _. . .- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licens

9、e from IHS-,-,- MIL-A-817L7 Li7 W 7779306 025b706 b W I MIL-A-81917 (AS) Stray Volt8ge %st, Go Ildication - me test set shall provide a green GO lamp indication when placed in the S/V mode, energized and stirmzlated with one of the follming inputs between E-1 and E-4 of cable w-1: (1) DC v

10、oltages from O to f 50 mV. (2) (3) (4) A single 10 ps wide rectangulw pulse* from O to f 6.1 V amplitude. A single 100 ps wide rectangular pulse* from O to f 1.8 V amplitude. A single 1 ms wide rectangular pulse* from O to f .5O V amplitude. (5) (6) A single 10 pus wide rectangular pulse* from O to

11、f .O9 V ampli tude. Sine wave voltages* from 100 Hz to 100 KHz and varying in amplitude from O to 55 mV rms. (7) Smulated Blown Fuse Test. voltage of f 400 mv or less, With fuse Fi removed, a dc Note *Puise may be positive or negative. Rise and fall tinaes *Total distortion of sine wave voltages sha

12、ll not exceed shall not be greater than 1 ps. 5 pct. Stray Voltage Test, NO GO Indication - The test set shall provide a red NO GO lamp indication when placed in the S/V mode, energized and stimulated with one of the following inputs between E-1 and E-4 of cable W-1: (i) DC voltages of 75

13、mv to f 2.0 V. (2) A single 10 ps wide rectangular pulse* of f 10.6 to f i50 V amplitude. (3) A single 100 cils wide rectangular pase* of f 3.4 to f 50 V ampli tiade. (4) A single 1 RIS wide rectangular pulse* of Board Assemblies - The printed wiring board assemblies, P/N l78ASll2 and P/N 178ASii4 s

14、hall be manufactured in accordance with the documents listed on drawing 30003-17811S112 and 30003-178ASll4 and shsll meet the requirements stated thereon. 3.7.8 ase, Test Set Cr-6901/AWM-54 - The case shall be manufactured in accordance with the documents listed on drawing 30003-178A5175 and shall m

15、eet the requirements stated thereon. 3.7.9 Cable Assembly, W1 - Cable assembly, W-1 of AN/AWM-54, connects the Test Set TS-3021/AWM-54 to the accessory adapter assemblies and shall be manufactured in accordance with drawing 30003-178AS420 and shall meet the requirements stated thereon. 3.7.10 Adapte

16、r Retainer Assemblx - The adapter retainer assembly shall be manufactured in accorda;nce with drawing 30003-178AS223 and shall meet the requirements stated thereon. . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- HIL-A-BLSL7 L17 H 3777706 0256733

17、3 H MIL-A-81917 (AS) 3.8 Dimensions - “he overall size of Test Set AN/AWM-54 shall be in acitwdncer with drawing 30OO3-178A6174. 3.9 DL i78ASiOO. Finish - Finish shall be in accordance with the drawings listed on 3.10 in accordance with MIL-T-21200. the standard for measuring interchangeability of a

18、ll applicable units, assemblies, subassemblies, and parts. Interchangeability - The equipment interchangeability shll be The drawings listed in DL l78ASlOO shall be 3.11 Workmaashi2 - Worknianship shall be in accordance with MILSTD-454, Requirement 9. 4. QUALIT ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibilit

19、y for Inspection - Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performnce of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any commerical laboratory acceptable to th

20、e Government. to perform any of the inspections deemed necessary to assure that supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. The Government reserves the right 4.1.1 Classification of Tests - Items covered by this specification shall be subjected to the following tests to determine compl

21、iance with all appl-icable requirements. Inability of the tested equipment to comply with any of the specified performnce requirements shall constitute a failure: (1) Preproduction Tests (2 ) Init ia1 Product ion Tests (3) Acceptance Tests (4) Life Test 4.2 Preproduction Tests - Preproduction tests

22、shall be mde on an equipment representative of the production equipments to be supplied under the contract. responsibility of the contractor and shall be conducted in accordance with the approved test procedure of 4.6. procuring activity shall be advised when tests are to be conducted so that a repr

23、esentative niay be designated to witness or supervise the tests when so desired. required tests shall obtain the seryices of 8 commercial testing laboratory acceptable to the Government. collected in conducting these tests to the procuringagency for review and approml . p=, 14 Freproduction tests sh

24、all be accomplished under the The government inspector and the Contractors not having adequate facilities to conduct all 4.2.1 Preproduction Test &ta - The contractor shall submit all data I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-81917

25、 (AS) 4.2.2 Scope of Tests- - Preproduction tests shall include all tests deemed necessary by the procuring activity to determine that the equipment meets all the requirements of this specification and the contract. &e- production tests shall include MIET-21200 environmental tests in accordance with

26、 the procedures of MILT-5422 and interference tests in accordance with MILSTD-461 to theilbits of this specification. 4.2.3 Preproduction Approval - Approval of the preproduction sample shall be by the procuring activity upon satisfactory completion of all tests. No production equipments shall be de

27、livered prior to the approval of the preproduction sample. approval of the preproduction sample is at the contractors own risk. approved preproduction sample shall be retained by the contractor for his use in the fabrication and testing of equipment to be submitted for acceptance. equipment s under

28、the contract. Prefabrication of production equipment prior to the The The preproduction sample shall not be considered as one of the 4.2.4 Production Equipment s - Equipment s supplied under the contract shall in all respects, including design, construction, workmanship, per- formance and quality, b

29、e equivalent to the approved preproduction sample. Each equipment shall be capable of successfully Wssing the same tests as imposed on the preproduction sample. above shall constitute cause for rejection of an equipment and of equipment already accepted by the Government. contractor to make necessar

30、y corrections as approved by the procuring activity. Evidence of noncompliance with the It shall be the obligation of the 4.3 Initial Production Tests - One of the first 10 production equipments shall be selected and sent at the contractors expense to a designated government laboratory for tests. pr

31、ocuring activity after the equipment has successfully -gassed all individual tests. The preproduction sample shall not be selected for this test. This equipment shall be selected by the 4.3.1 Scope of Tests - This equipment my be subjected to any and all tests the procuring activity deems necessary

32、to assure that the production equipment is equivalent to the previously approved preproduction sample in design, construction, workmnship, performance and quality and that it meets all applicable requirements. 4.3.2 Accessory %teria1 - Not applicable. 4.3.3 Initial Production Sample Approval - Appro

33、val of the initial pro- duction sample shall be by the procuring activity upon satisfactory completion of all tests. evident during this test shall be corrected by the contractor to the satisfaction of the procuring activity. Failure of the initial production sample to pass any of the testg shall be

34、 cause for deliveries op equipment under the contract to cease until proper corrective action is approved and accomplished. previously accepted when requested by the procuring activity. Any design, material or performance defect made Corrective action shall also be accomplished on equipment .-. 15 -

35、 . I:. . . ., -. . _. . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. . MIL-A-1717 47 9777706 025b715 7 MIL-A-81917 (AS) 4.3.4 Reconditioning of Initial Production Sample - On completion of the initial production test the equipment shall be rewor

36、ked by the contractor by replakng all wem or damaged items. After reworking, the contractor shall resubmit the equipment for acceptance. 4.4 Acceptance Tests - The contractor shall furnish all samples and Ail inspec- shall be responsible for accomplishing the acceptance tests. tion and testing shall

37、 be under the supervision of the government inspector. Contractors not having testing facilities satisfactory to the procuring activity shall engage the service of a commercial testing laboratory acceptable to the procuring activity. reports showing quantitative results for all acceptance tests. sha

38、ll be signed by an authorized representative of the contractor or laboratory, as applicable. Acceptance or approval of inaterial during the course of manufacture shall not be construed as a guarantee ofthe acceptance of the finished product. Acceptance tests shall consist of the following. The contr

39、actor shall furnish test Such reports (i) Individual Tests (2) Sampling Tests (3 ) Reliability As surance Te st s (4) Special Tests 4.4.1 Individual Tests - Each equipment submitted for acceptance shall be sub.iected to the individual tests. These tests shall be adequate to determine compliance with

40、 the requirements of material, workmanship, opsra- tional adequacy, and reliability. shall have passed the following tests: As a minimum, each equipment accepted (i) Examination of Product (2) Operational Test (3) Wufacturing Run in Test Examination of Product - Each equipment shall be exami

41、ned carefully to determine that the inaterial and workinanship requirements have been met. perational Test - Each equipment shall be operated long enough to permit the equipment temperature to stabilize and to check sufficient characteristics and record adequate data to assure satisfactory e

42、quipment operat ion hhnufacturing Run in Test - Fach Test Set TS-3021/AW54 shall be vibrated for a period of 10 minutes at any selected frequency within the range of 20 to 30 Hz (excluding resonant points) at a minimum amplitude of k3 gs. The direction of vibration shall be normal to the mounting pl

43、ane. Temperature and humidity. shall be at room ambient. vibration is to detect flaws and imperfect workmanship. “he purpose of the After vibration, -, 16 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-81917 (AS) the equipment shall ag

44、ain be subjected to an exadnation of tne product and &i1 operational test. Should a failure occur, it should be repaired and the test started omr. should be taken to eliminate this defect from future equipment. A record sll be kept of all failures. Should repetitive filures occur, corrective action

45、4.4.2 samp ling Tests - Equipments selected for sampling tests shall first have passed the individual tests. conducted unless reliability assurance tests of 4.4.3 are deleted by contractual action.) the government inspector in accorance with the following: (Sampling tests shall not be Equipments sha

46、ll be selected for sampling tests by i . Quantity of Equipments Offered for Acceptance Untity to be Selected For Samp ling Tests First 10 O (See Note) Next 50 1 Next 75 1 Next 100 1 1 for each additional 200 or fraction thereof Note If by contract action the initial production tests (4.3) are delete

47、d, then a sample test shall be conducted on 1 equip- ment from the first 10 produced. Scope of Tests - As a minimum, each equipment selected for sampling tests shall be subjected to the following tests: (i) Complete operational test at ambient room conditions, niaking all necessary measureme

48、nts to assure that all applicable specification requirements have been met. (2) Operational test at certain environmental conditions. The conditions may vary for each equipment tested and should be based on results of the preproduction, initial production, individual, and special tests. 4.4.3 Reliab

49、ility Assurance Tests - Reliability assurance tests shall be conducted using MIL-STD-781. Tests shall be conducted as required for both the Qualification Rase and Sampling Phase. failures shall be in accorance with msm-781 and AR-34. Classifications of Qualification Phase - Prior to the acceptance of equipment under the contract or order, a minimum of three equipments shall be tested as outlined i


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