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1、NIL-B-17931E27 JulY1987SUPERSEDINGBEARINGS,This specificationisNIL-B-i7931D(sHIPs)15 Aprii 1975(See 6.7)NILITARY SPECIFICATIONBALL, ANNULAR, FOR QUIET OPERATIONacmroved for use bv all Deoarcmentsand Azencies.,of the Departmentof the Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 =. This specificationcovers annular ball bearin

2、gs,withindustry bore codes 00 through 22, and 32 for use in quiet operating (lowvibration) machinery.1.2 Classification. Ball bearings shall be identified“by the standardpart numbers designated in 1.2.1, as specified (see 6.2.1) Bearings shall be Ofthe types and classesdefined in 1.2.2 as listed for

3、 each standard part number.1.2.1 Ball bearing part numbersshall be as follows:17931 XxxxI IIExample: N17931-G064Standard part numbers for ball bearingsBearing part number (see 3.4)Specificationnumber - does not includerevision letter or accivity symbol.M prefix - an item defined by inch-pound (US) u

4、nitsBeneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions)and any pertinentdata which may be of use in improvingthis document should be addressedto:Commander, Naval Se+ Systems Command, SEA S5Z3, Departmentof the Navy,Washington, DC 20362-5101by using the self-addressedStandardizationDocumentIm

5、provementProposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this documentor by letterAMSC NjA FSC 3110DISTRIBUTION STATEMENTA Approved for public release;distributionunlimitedProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1 NIL-B-17931E1.2.2 Ball beari

6、ng types and classes The ball bearings specifiedherein(see 3.4) are of the followingtypes and classes:Type 111 - Single row, radial,nonloading groove, both rings samewidth, metric.I Class 1 - Open.Class 2 - SingleI Class 3 - DoubleI Class 1 - SingleClass 8 - Doubleshield (suffixZ)shield (suffix22)co

7、ntact seal (suffixS)contact seal (suffixSS)Type 120 - Single row, radial,nonloading groove, both rings samewidth, sealed (cartridgetype without grease plug),metric bore and outside diameter (od), inchwidth. TypeclassclassType 131 -ClassClassType 133 -C18SSType 134 -classClass120 bearingshave prefix

8、S31 - Noncontactor iabyrinthseals.2 - Syntheticcontact seals.Single row, counterbore primarilyradial), contact angle8 degrees 30 minutes - 10 degrees 15 minutes Self-contained,both rings same width, metric.1 - Single bearing (suffixR).2 - Duplex pair (suffixRD), faces ground for universalmounting, t

9、hat is, face-to-face(RDF), back-to-back(RDB), or tandem (RDT)Single row, angularcontact (contactangle 25 degrees orless), self-contained,both rings same width, metric.Angular contactbearings have prefix 7.2 - Duplex pair (suffixD), faces ground for universalmounting,that is, face-to=faie”(DF), back-

10、to-back(DE), or tandem (DT).Single row, angularcontact contactangle greater than25 degrees), self-contained,both rings same width, metric.Angular contact bearings have prefix 7.1.- Single bearing.2 - Duplex pair (suffixO), faces ground f6r universalmounting,that is, face-to-face(DF), back-co-back(DB

11、)i or tandem (DT). Bearings having suffix DF orDB are made fo.that mounting only. .2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Pill.-B-l7!l3ll;1,3 Navy COdC. The!Navy code consistsof a three-di.gichfisicbearingIlumbcrh,ithprcfi.xand/or suffi.sss

12、 specified in 1.2.2. The basic bearingnumber identifiesthe external boundary dimensions. The first digit of thebasic bearing Ilumbcridentifies the bearing series (or weight) as follows:1 Extra-light (for all types except 120)2 Light (for all types except 120)3 Nedium (for all types except 120)4 Heav

13、y (for all types except 120)5 Light (for type 120 bearings only)6 Nedium (for type 120 bearings only)Tbe second and third digits of the basic bearing number are the industrybore code. When multiplied by 5, these digits give the bearing bore diameter inmillimeters for bore codes 04 and greater (this

14、rule does not apply for borecodes 00 through 03).2. APPLICABLEDDCUNENTS2.1 Governmentdocuments.2.1.1 Specificationsand standards The followingspecificationsandstandards form a part of this specificationto the extent specifiedherein.Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents shall be t

15、hoselisted in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of SpecificationsandStandards (DoDISS)and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation.SPECIFICATIONSFEDERALFF-B-171 -NILITARYNIL-B-197 -N1L-B-1083 -NIL-L-60B5 -MIL-L-17331 -DOD-G-24508 -STANDARDNILITARYMIL-STD-105 -Bearings, Ball, Annular

16、(GeneralPurpose)Bearings, Antifriction;Associated Parts andSubassemblies;Preparation for Delivery of.Balls, Bearing, Ferrous and Nonferrous (ForUse in Bearings and Valves).LubricatingOil, Instrument,Aircraft, LOWVolatility.LubricatingOil, Steam Turbine and Gear,ModerateService.Grease, High Performan

17、ce,Multi-Purpose. (Metric)Sampling Proceduresand Tables for Inspectionby Attributes.(Copiesof specificationsand standards requiredby contractors inconnectionwith specific acquisition functionsshould be obtained from thecontractingactivity or as directed by the contractingactivity.)3Provided by IHSNo

18、t for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1.2 (L!I+,!-,!lb!icnLiotbs Tll,:01Iowil)gclOctmlcIILsfol-w3 )?arLof 1.1,is_ _s,)ecifictlLio!lLo LilIJ(!.xLcIILSpccificd hc?l-eill UllicssOtllcl-wi.c Sp$:cifid, Llrcissues0 L)lc!documentswhich arc o adOpLcd Shal1 be Cllo

19、scisted in the issueof the DoDISS specified in C1l.issolicitation. Unless otherwise spccificd, theissues of documentsnot listed in the DoDISS shal1 be the issueof Lhe nongovcl-n-ment documentswkich is currenc on che date of rhe sojcitation.ANERIcAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATF.RIALS (AS171)A 295 -I

20、E18-1 E 112 -Standard Specification for Hig-CarbonBall and RollerBearing Steel (DoD adopted)StandardTest Nethods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwel1SuperficialHardness of Netallic Materials. (DoD adopted)StaldardMethods for DeterminingAverage Grain Size,(DoD adopted)(Applicationfor copies should be a

21、ddressed to the American Sociecy forTesting and Naterials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia,PA 19103.)ANTI-FRICTIONBEARING NANUFACTURERSASSOCIATION (AFBMA)Standard 10 - Netal BallsStandard 13 - Rolling Bearing Vibrationand Noise (NethodsofMeasuring)Standard 20 - Metric Ball and RollerBoundary Plans(Ap

22、plicationfor copies should be addressed ton,lufacturcrsAss0ciati0n31101 Connecticut Avcriue,DC 20036.)BearingsConformingto Basicthe Anti-FrictionBearingN.W., Suite 700, Washington,(Nonovernmentstaadardsand other publicationsare normally avaiablefrom the rganizationswhich prepare or L,bichdistribute

23、the documents Thesedocument.s also may be available in or through librariesor other informationalservices )2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflictbetween the text ofthis specificationand the referencescited herein, the text of this specifi-cation shall take precedence. Nothing in this sp

24、ecification,however, shallsupersedeapplicablelaws and regulationsunless specific exemptionhas beenobtained.7 Rrnlll?cklrwrc3.1 General Bearings furnishedunder this specificationshall be inaccordancewith FF-B-171 and as specified herein.3.2 Naterials. Naterials for the bearing componentparts furnishe

25、dunder this specificationshall meet the requirementsof 3.2.1 through Inner and outer ring material Bearing rings shall be made of 52100chromium-alloysteel. Tbe steel shall be produced by the electric furnaceprocess and vacuum-carbon-deoxidizedor any other steel making process chatproduces

26、 steel in accordancewith ASTM A 295. The finished ring material shallnot exceed the inclusionrating specified for the billet material in ASTN A 295.Grain size shall be determined in accordancewith ASTN E 112.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH

27、S-,-,-:l!l,-1)-17:) _all m:ltcrial. 1331IS s),al) )Ctmr3dcof 52100 cllrcm,itm,-ol10?SL,:SIThe steel sl,al1 be producedby che clectric furnaceprocess and x$:lclut-c(ll-Y2 120bcal-in. - Cot)cinucdNavycode(see1.3)S361OS361OS3611S3612S3613S3614S3615S3618Dimensions (inches)Borelax/rein1.96851.9683

28、1.96851.96832.16542.16522.36222.36202.55912.55892.75592.75572.95282.95263.54333,5430Odmax/min4.33074.33054.33074.33054.72444.72625.11795.51185.51165.90555.9053m6.29907.48037.4800Uidchmax(see 3.4.7)1.75001.75001.93752,12502.31252.50002.68752.8750Radialinternalclearancemin/max0.00050.00090.00050.00090

29、.00070.00110.00070.00110.00070.00110.00080.00120.00080.00120.00090.00141 G means lubricantshall be grease in accordancewith 00D-G-24508.Lubri-cant1GGGGGGGG2 One seal removed.13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NII,-11-17931Eal. -am-tom.

30、ssrduu.crM+ Gal.+zul -ljg:ma eI I I It .(.III 00 1 III 1 1 00 I ;1j1 II00 1 I 0 0 itype 133. class 1: and type 134, ClaSS 1. Types131, 133 and 134 shall support thrust loads illone direction in combinationwithradial loads. These types shal1 have one raceway shoulder of the outer ring cutaway almost

31、to the bottom of its raceway in such a manner as to permit sideassembly of the inner ring and balls into the outer ring without damage to thecomponent parts, yet provide retention to .s11 parts in proper operating positionduring normal handling operations These types,when manufactured for mountingas

32、 single bearings, shall be termed as class 1. Inner rings of these types shal1have equal height racewayshoulders or have the raceway shoulder cm the non-thrustside cut away in a manner similar to that employed cm the outer ring, providedthat the bearings are self-containedin handling operations Thes

33、e types shal1have a nominal inner ring raceway cross-sectionalradius not larger than 52percent of the ball diameter and a nominal outer ring raceway cross-sectionalradiusnot larger than 53 percent of the ball diameter. Bearings shall conformto the requirementsof table 111.3,4.2.1 Type 134, class 1.

34、Flanufacturerspecified unmounted nominalcontact angles shall be greater than 25 degrees to a maximum of 45 degrees.Radial internalclearanceshall not be specified.3.4.3 Types 131, class 2; type 133, class 2; and type 134, class 2. Theconstructionof individualbearings of the duplex pairs shall conform

35、 to 3.4.2and shall conform to che requirementsof table III. Except for DB pairs (see 3.4.7),the bearing ring side faces shall be universal ground for the specified internalcondition (see 3.4.8). The pairs shall be matched by che bearing manufacturerand the matched pairs shall be packaged together.3.

36、4.4 Balls. Balls for all type and class bearings shall be in accordancewith MIL-B-1083or AFBMA Standard 10, and aa specified herein. 8alls shall begrade 10 or better Balls used in the same bearing shall be selected from thesame unit container.3.4.5 g. Ball bearings shall have cages for spacing the b

37、alls in theirproper relationshipwithin the bearings Cages shal1 be designed rindconstructedso as that not to impede the primary function of the bearing. The cage shalladmit the lubricantfreely to the functionalsurfaces (see 6.6.1), of thebearing.3.4.6 Shields and seals. Shields and seals, when utili

38、zed, shall notaffect the dimensionaltolerancesspecified herein. Contact seals (see 6.4.2)shall not inhibitthe free rotation of che bearing rings3.4.7 Metrology. Bearings shal1 conform to the metrology requirementsspecified in tables I, II and III. Width tolerancesof single bearings shallbe plus O, m

39、inus 0.002 inch. For duplex bearings, the total width toleranceofinner and outer rings shall be plus O, minus O.01O inch. Subsequent to establishingthe bearing internalcondition (see 3.4.8), DB pair outer ring non-thrust facesshall be ground to a total width tolerance of minus O.008 to minus 0.010 i

40、nch.Additionalmetrology requirements, such as ring and raceway runouts and paral-lelism,shall comply with AF8MA Standard 20 - tolerance class ABEC-7.19Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NII1-11-17J311:3.4.8 Negative stickouc or prelOad o

41、f duplex pairs. Bearings c.anrarmingto types 131, class 2; type 133, class 2; and type 134, class 2 shall bemanufactured to the limits of negative stickout (see 6.4.3) stated in inches oraxial preload (see 6.4.4) stated in pounds listed in table III. For negativestickout duplex pairs, under the mini

42、mum practicablethrust gauging load usedto establish freeend play, the inner and outer ring side faces of individualbearings shall lie in parallel planes within the limitsspecified in table 111far negative stickout For preloaded duplex pairs, a clamping force equal tothe preload value of table III is

43、 required to bring the inner and outerring side3.5in tablesfaces into flush contact.Vibration. Bearings shall meet the vibration requirements specifiedIV and V when tested as specified in 4.5.1.TABLE IV. Vibration limits for individualbearingsLOW Niddle HighIndustry band band bandbore code (anderons

44、) (andercms)(anderons)00 16 12 1001 16 12 1002 20 16 1003 20 16 1604 20 16 1605 24 17 1606 24 18 1607 24 19 2008 24 20 2009 31 20 2110 32 21 2211 32 22 2312 32 23 2613 32 23 2414 38 24 2515 40 25 2616 Middle, 300 - 1800 Hz; High,1800.- 10,000Hz.25Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netwo

45、rking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I Nil,-11-17.J3lF.I 4,5.1.6 Test load. An external thrusr load in accordancewih table VI1Ishal1 bc applied to the hearing during the test.TABLE VIII kads for vibration testingThrust load, poundsDeep groove series Angular contact seriesBore code 200 300 71

46、313 7300 740000 20 2001 20 2002 20 2003 20 30 60 60 -04 20 35 70 70 -05 20 45 90 90 -06 30 55 110 110 -07 45 65 130 140 20508 50 75 150 175 26009 55 85 170 245 -10 60 100 200 280 36011 80 115 230 330 -12 95 135 270 390 56013 105 :50 300 45014 120 170 350 510 -15 130 195 400 580 -16 140 215 470 660 -

47、17 155 240 530 750 -18 190 270 580 935 -19 220 295 1040 -20 250 35521 280 3B5 775 -22 315 455 1490 -24 360 45526 410 52532 5504.5.1.5 Test sequence. Each sample bearing shall be tested at one randomlocationaround the periphery of the stationaryouter ring for each directionin which the bearing can ac

48、cept operational thrust load. Therefore, types 111and 120 requiretwo sets of readings per bearing, whereas types 131, 133,and 134 requireonly one set per bearing. Grease lubricatedbearings shall berun in and the excess grease allowed to purge, Oil, in accordancewith MIL-L-17331(2190 TEP), shall be a

49、dded to oil lubricatedbearings and the excess allowed topurge. Anderon levels recorded shall be the highest levelsobserved in eachrange, such as low, middle, and high, after the bearing has been run at testspeed and load for a period of 5 minutes. System calibration. The mechanical and electrical frequencyresponseof the sensing system of the Bearing Analysismachine shall be inaccordancewith AFBMA S


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