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1、MIL-B-23394B (OS) 6 June 1966 Superseding MIL-B-23394A(Wep) 4 March i964 MILITARY SPECIFICATION BATTERY MARK 46 MOD 1 PRIMARY TYPE, SILVER-ZINC-ALKAI;I This specification has been approved by the Naval Ordnance Systems Command, Department of the Navy 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification establishe

2、s the requirements for the design and procurement of a primary type, silver-zinc-alkali battery, BUWEPS L 495965, which when assembled within a torpedo provides electric power for its propulsion and control. 2. APPLICABXE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of in

3、vitation for bids or request for proposal form a part of this specifica- tion to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS FESIERAL PPP- T- 60 Tape, Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive, Waterproof, For Packaging PPP-C- 843 Cushioning Material, Cellulosic MILITARY MIL-W-76 Wire and Cable, Hookup, Electrica

4、l, Insulated MIL-B- Bags and Sleeves, Interior Packaging MIL-s-901 Shockproof Equipment, Class HI (High- Impact) Shipboard Application, Tests for Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- , MIL-B-233946 bL m 9999906 O088872 7 m MIL-B-23394B (O

5、S) ra-W-1.6878 MIL- P- 17667 STANDARDS MILITARY MIL- STD -414 Wire, Electrical, Insulated, High Temperature Paper, Wrapping, Chemically Neutral (Noncorrosive) Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables for Percent Defective DRAWINGS NAVY DEPARTNENT BUWEPS I;D 495852 Box Assembly “EPS

6、 f;D 495965 Primary Battery Mk 46 Mod 1 BUWEPS LD 495966 Preserved (Packaging) Condition BUWEPS TJ 495967 Shipping (Packing) Condition BUWEPS Drawing i803669 Battery Assembly Mk 46 Mod 1 PUBLI CATI ONS Naval Ordnance Laboratory White Oak, Maryland Analysis of the Silver Oxide Cathode Report NOLTR 64

7、-214 A Method for the Quantitative (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications re- quested,by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed ,by the con- tracting officer. ) 2.2 Other publications. The

8、following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply. NATIONAL BUREAU OF STAIIDARDS PUBLICATIONS Handbook 28 2 Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Servic

9、es Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-23394B (OS) (Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent of - Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D, C. 20360. ) 3. F3QUIREMEW.S 3.1 Description. Battery Mk

10、46 Mod lis a reserve electrolyte battery of the primary type supplied with all cells in a dry and charged state and requiring only the addition of electrolyte for activation. of a type and in an amount sufficient to properly activate the battery, is installed in a sealed compartment within the unit

11、at the time of manu- facture and is automatically supplied to all cells by means of an electri- cally triggered activation system. numerically equal, series-connected cell groups having external terminals. With the two cell groups connected in series, the battery will supply a load of 4-50 amperes a

12、t a nominal voltage of 76 volts; parallel connected, the battery will supply a load of 250 amperes at a nominal voltage of 42 volts. an additional load of 35 amperes at a nominal voltage of 26 volts. Electrolyte, The battery is constructed of two In both operating conditions, a separate cell group m

13、ust supply 3.2 General requirements 3.2.1 Contractor-furnished data. Data required by this specification, or by applicable docmients referenced in Section 2, need not be furnished unless specified in the contract or order (see 6.2). 3.2.2 Sampling Freproduction sample. Unless otherwise speci

14、fied in the con- tract or order, two preproduction samples of Battery Mk 46 Mod I shall be manufactwed using the same methods and procedures proposed for the pro- duction lot. The samples shall be selected and tested as described in Section 4 herein and are for the purpose of determining that the co

15、ntrac- tor, prior to starting production, is capable of yielding items that comply with the technical requirements of the contract. Periodic production samples. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, samples shall be selected and tested as described in 4.3.3 in order to determi

16、ne continued conformance to the requirements of this specification. In the event periodic production samples fail to conform to specification requirements, the contractor shall be notified of test results. All preproduction and periodic production sample cells shall be delivered as complete

17、cells, .without electrolyte, at battery sub- asseD 495965. Materials which are not Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-covered by specifications or which are not specifically designated herein shall be of the best quality, or the lightest

18、 weight practicable consist- ent with strength and durability, and entirely suited for the purpose for which intended under all conditions of test and service operation. Recommendations concerning substitution for any part or material speci- fied herein shall be accompanied by a description of the s

19、ubstitute together with evidence to substantiate any claim as to its suitability. At the discretion of the Naval Ordnance Systems Command, test samples may be required to prove the suitability of the proposed substitute. 3.2. 3.1 Government furnished, material. When the Government elects to furnish

20、silver, the total. quantity shall be based on the total number of complete batteries and sample cells required to be delivered, and for a battery containing a minimum of TOO troy ounces of silver, consisting of 18 auxiliary and 56 propulsion cells. Wire and terminals. Wire and cable, when us

21、ed, shall conform Terminals shall to Specification MIL-W-76 or Specification MIL-W-16878. be in accordance with BWEPS I;D 495965. 3.2.4 Disposition of cells used in destructive testirq. Silver in cells selected in for destructive testing in accordance with MLL-S-44 shall be provided by the c

22、ontractor and shall remain his property, 3.2.5 Finishes, coatings, and dimensions. Finishes, coatings, and dimensions for the battery shall be strictly in accordance with the applicable drawhgs, specifications, and publications listed in BUWEPS 495965. 3.2.6 Markiq, Marking of assemblies, subassembl

23、ies, and parts shall be in accordance with the amlicable drawings listed in BUWEPS LD 495965 and the following special marking: 3.2.6,L Each battery shall be permanently and Legibly marked in a conspicuous place with the following information: BATXEJ3Y MK 46 MOD 1 CONTRACT OR ORDER NMBER DATE OF MAN

24、UFACTURE: (MONTH AND JSEAR) MANUFACTURERS NAME SERIAL NULriBER m 495965 WG i803669 Each battery shall bear a distinguishing serial number which will be assigned, upon request, by the Naval Underwater Weapons Research and Engineering Station, Newport, R. I., or as specified in the contract, r

25、equisition, or order. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-B-2339qB 61 m 7797706 0088875 2 W MIL-B-23394B (OS) Each battery shall have a large lettered caution notice marked on the outside casing of the battery assembly, rea

26、ding “CAUTION - READ MANUEIAGTURERS INSTRUCTION BEFORE PLACING THIS BATPERY IN SERVICE. The test cells ( shall be identified by legibly mark- ing each cell with the highest and lowest serial numbers of the production lot of the batteries they represent. Terminals shall be mar

27、ked as shown on the applicable- drawings of BUWEPS LD 495965, 3.2.7 Gages. The contractor shall provide himself with whatever gages are necessary and adequate to ensure that the material to which this specification applies will meet the dimensional requirements shown on the applicable drawings. I9 s

28、o stipulated in the contract, order, or requisi- tion, the Government will furnish drawings of pertinent Navy Final Inspec- tion Gages for guiance in the design of the contractors inspection gages. However, such procedure shall not serve to relieve the contractor of his responsLbility in the design

29、and manwacture of such gages as may be required in the satisfactory fulfillment of the contract requirements, but is intended to facilitate acceptance of all components and assemblies by Navy Final Inspection Gages. 3.2.8 Threads, Unless otherwise specified, all threads shall be in accordance with N

30、ational Bureau of Standards Handbook 28. fit for threads shall be as specified in the applicable drawings. The class or 3.2.9 Conflicting requirements. Conflicting requirements arising between this specification or any specifications, publicat.ions, or draw- ings listed herein, shall be referred in

31、writing to the procuring agency or apgointed agent for interpretation, clarification, and resolution (or correction). 3.2.10 General instructions 3.2. LO. 1 Manufacturer s instructions, Unless otherwise specified by the procuring agency, each battery shall be accompanied by a set of spe- cial instru

32、ctions for installing the battery and for performing any maintenance or periodic checks that may be required. and battery disposal procedures to be followed in case of accidental activation of the battery shall also be explained. prepared by the manufacturer, shall in no way conflict with the requir

33、e- ments of this specification, and a sample copy of these inskructions shall be submitted to the Naval Ordnance Systems Command or its appointed agency prior to submission of the preproduction samples. may amend these instructions at a later date only with the written approval of the Naval Ordnance

34、 Syscems Cormnand or Sts appointed agency, Safety precautions These instructtons, A contractor Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.3 Definitions 3.3.1 Vibration. Vibration is a sinusoidal motion defined by ampli- tude and frequency. !3e

35、 displacement is glven in inches peak-to-peak or the corresponding maximum acceleration in gravitational units (g). in cycles per second (cps). Amplitude may refer to displacement or acceleration. The frequency is given 3.3.2 Shock. Shock is an abrupt change in the motion of a body result- ing from

36、the sudden application of a large external force of short dura- tion. Shock, in general, can be defined as a buildup of 90 percent of peak force in less then 0.010 second. Shock is described (a) as a pulse in gravitational units, duration in miiLiseconds (ms), an some descrip- tion of the shock wave

37、 form, or (b) in terms of test conditions outlined in Specification MIL-S-91. 3.3.3 Vibration and shock axes. Vibration and shock axes are imaginazy straight lines passing through the battery, along which lines the battery is being vibrated or shocked, (a) bngitudinai. (axial) (b) Perpendicular and

38、transverse to (a) (c) tua1.y perpendicular to (a) and (b) The axes of the battery are: 3.3.4 Nonoperating condition. The nonoperating condition of the bat- tery is that condition when the battery is packaged for delivery in accord- ance with BWEPS I;D 495966 and LD 495967 during transportation, stor

39、age, and handling. 3.3.5 Ready, nonoperating condition. The ready nonoperating condition of the battery is that condition under which the battery is transported or handled in an unpackaged state, before or after asseiiibly into a weapon, seconds, between the instant that actuation power (3.4.9) is a

40、pplied and the instant that battery voltage reaches a specified value under a speci- fied load. 3.36 Come-up time, Come-up time is the elapsed the, expressed in 3.4 Performance requirements and product characteristics. The battery sha$l meet the following perforinance requirements and product charac

41、ter- istics: 3.4.1 Battery assemblx. The complete battery assembly shall conform stricty to the mounting and mating dimensions of BUWEPS Dwg 1803669 and shall fit within the cylindrical area shown on that drawing, 3.4.2 Silver, The amount of silver contagned in one battery shall be 700 troy ounces m

42、inimum. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- I MIL-B-233LtB bL b 0088877 b W 3.4.3 Active material. The total silver content of all the active material, such as argentic oxide, argentous .oxide, and powdered silver, in all cathodes of the

43、 propulsion and auxiliary cells shall be not less than 560 troy ounces of silver. The total silver content of the struc- tural components in the entire battery, such as anodes and cathode grids, plate straps, terminals, and intercell connectors, shall be not less than i40 troy ounces of silver. for

44、active material, 560 troy ounces, an for structural components, 140 troy ounces, shall be met independently. of these requirements shall not be permitted to reduce the minimum require- ments of the other. within the envelope of the battery cells. The minimum total silver requirement Any proposed exc

45、ess in either Only silver shall be used for structural material shall be composed of a minimum of 60 weight percent argentic oxide and a maximum of 10 weight percent finely divided metallic silver. I of a type and in an amount to properly actute the battery shall be assembled within a sealed chamber

46、 integral with the battery actuation I system. the bttery, there shall be no electrolyte leakage when the battery is inverted in any position. I 1 cells proper, the electrolyte tank, and associated manifolding system during the minimum required discharge period when the battery is tilted 45 degrees

47、in any direction from the upright position. the electrolyte from its storage container shall employ a contact type mechanism whzch punctures the seal on the container. rely solely upon a pressure buildup within the electrolyte container to rupture the seal are not acceptable. Systems which employ a

48、pressurized gas storage system for moving the electrolyte into the battery cells. 3.4.6 Base cell material; The base cell material (current collector) of the anodes and cathodes shall be either solid foil or grid mesh. Grid mesh design shall have a minimum of 300 openings to the square inch. , Provi

49、ded by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-23394B bL 999990b 0088878 8 3.4.8 Heater. The electrolyte storage container shall be equipped withthermostatically controlled immersion type heating elements. The heater elements shall be capable of raising the temperature of the stored electrolyte to 75 plus or minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit (F) from an initial tem

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