1、T-a71!,III10I,III 1“11IIIIIIMILITARY SPECIFICATIONNIL-D-3464E21 April 1987SUPERSEDINGNIL-D-3464D17 flay 1966(See 6.7)DESICCAfWS , ACTIVATED, BAGGEO , PACKAGINGUSE AND STATIC DEHUNIDIFICATIONThis specification is approved for use by el1 Departments and Agencies ofthe Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1
2、 -. This specification covers bagged, chemfca 1ly inert ,dehydrating agents that prevent corrosion and mildew by adsorbin8 the a75oisturefrom the air of an enclosed space.1.2 Classification. The bagged desiccant shall be furnished in thefollowing types , as specified (see 6.2):Type I - General purpo
3、se.Type II - Non-dusting.Type 111 - For specific conditions (8 end 16 units only).2. APPLICABLE DOCUNSATS2.1 Government documents.2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The following specifications andstandards form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.Unless ochervise specified,
4、 the issues of these documents shal 1 be those listedin the issue of the Department of Defense Indax of Specifications and Standards(OODISS) and the supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation.SPECIFICATIONSFEDERALQQ-A-250/4 - Aluminum Alloy 2024, Plate and Sheet.QQ-B-637 - Brass, Naval : Rod. Wir
5、e, Shapes, Forgings, andFlat Products with Finished Edges (Sar, Fiat Wire,and Strip).Beneficial comments (reconmendacions, additions, deletiOns) and anY Pertinentdate which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command. SEA 55Z3, Oepartmenr of t
6、he NaVY.Washington, DC 20362-5101 by using the sol f-addressed Standardization DocumentImprovement Proposal (DO Form 1626) appearing ac the end of this documentor by letrer. ,“AW3C NfA rau OouDISTRIBUTION STATH4MT A Approved for public release; distribution unlimitedIIProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo
7、 reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I1,IINIL-D- 3464EFEDERAL (Continued)QQ-N-4b - Nagnesium Alloy Plate and Sheet (AZ31B)RR-S-366 - Sieve Test.17-E-485 - Enamel , Semigloss, Rust-Inhibiting.PPP-C-96 - Cans, Metal, 28 Gage and Lighter.PPP-D-723 - Drums, Fiber.PPP-P-70L
8、- Pails, tfctal: (Shipping, Steel 1 through 12Gal ions) .NILITARYNIL-P-116 - Preserva cion, Nethods of.tlIL-I-8t135 - Indicator, Humidity, Card, Chemically Impregnsced.STANOAROSI NILITARYil N1L-STU-105 - Sampling Prrrceduree and Tables for Inspection byII !IILAttributes.NIL-STD-129 - Narking for Shi
9、pment and Storage.flIL-STO-147 - Pallctized Unit Losds.NS26507 - Indicator Card, Desiccant Relative Humidity(8% * 5%)MS27686 - Drum, Nets 1-Shipping and Storage 3 to 12 Gal ions.Z.1.2 Other Government publication. The following ocher Government publi-cation forms a part of this specification co the
10、extent specified herein.Unless othervise specified, the issues shall be those in effeet on the date ofthe solicitation.OEPARTMEIW DF TRANSPORTATION (DDT)Specification 37A - Steel Orums . Single-Trip Container.Removable Heed Required.(Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent o
11、fDocuments, Government Printing Off ice, Washington, DC 20402. )(Copies of specifications, standards, and pub ications required by contrac-tors in connection wir.h specific acquisition functions should be obtained fromthe contracting activity or as directed by the contracting activity. )2.2 Or-her p
12、ublications. The folloving documents form a psrt of this speci-fication to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issuesof the documents which are 000 adopted shal 1 be those listed in the issue of theDoOISS specified in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issues
13、ofdocuments not 1istcd in the 00DISS shn 11 be the issue of the nongovernment docu-ments which is current on the date of the solicicetion.M. QICANSOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (AS171)A 569 - Standard Specification for Steel , Sheet and Strip, Carbon(O.15 Mximum Percent . Hot-Rolled, Commercial Q
14、uslity.(DoD adopted)(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society forTesting snd Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. )2.,a71. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1“a711.tlIL-D-3L64EUNIFORN CLASSIFICA
15、TION CONMIITEE AGENTUniform Freight Classification Ratings, Rules and Regulations(Application for copies should be addressed to the Uniform ClassificationCommittee Agent, Terif f Publication Officer, Room 1106, 222 South RiversidePlaza , Chicago, IL 60606. )NATIONAL HOTOR FRSIGNT mFIC ASSOCIATION, I
16、NC. , AGENTNationel Motor Freight Classification(Application for copies should be addressed to the Nationsl Motor FreightTraffic Association, Inc. , ATA TRAFFIC Dept. , 2200 Hill Road, Alexandria, VA22314. )(Nongovernment standerds and other publications are normally availablefrom the organizations
17、which prepare or which distribute the documents. Thesedocuments also a75ey be available in or. through libraries or other informationalservices. )2.3 Order of precedence. In ths event of a conflict between the text ofthis specification and the references cited herein (except for associateddetail spe
18、cifications, specification sheets or IISstanderds) , the text of thissnmcificatian shall take precedence. Nothinx in this specification, however,.shall supersede applicable laws and regulations unless a specific sxsmption hasbeen obtained.,IIi.I1a713. REQUI REflENTS3.1 Qualification. Sagged desiccan
19、t furnished under this specificationshall be products which are authorized by the qualifying sctivity for listingon the applicable qualified products list at the time set for opening of bids(sea 4.2 and 6.3).3.2 flacerial.3.2.1 Desiccant. The desiccant 5hall be newly a75anufactured and shall benonde
20、liquescent.3.3 Definition of desiccant unit. Desiccant will be purchased on thebasis of adsorption capacity. A desiccant unit is that quantity of desiccant,as received, which will adsorb at equilibrium with air at 25 dagrees Celsius(“C) at least the following quantities of water vapor:(s) 3.00 grams
21、 at 20 percent relative humidity (R.H.), and(b) 6.00 grams at 40 percent R.H.3.6 Unit weixht. The weight of desiccant constituting a desiccant unitis defined as the unit weight. Unit weight shal 1 not exceed 50.0 grams. Unitweight shal 1 be specified by the a75anuf acturer when submitting qualificat
22、ionsamples (see 6.2. 1), and shsll be verified by the qualifying laboratory usingthe methods specified in 4.6.1. Tne unit weight thus approved shal 1 be usedin al1 subsequent inspections.3. 1Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IIIIINIL-D-
23、 3464E3.G.1 Unit adsorption capacity (equilibrium conditions). The actualweight of water vapor adsorbed by a unit weight of desiccant in equilibriumwith air at 25”C, when tested as specified in L.6. 1, is defined as the unitadsorption capacity. In qualification tests, unit adsorption capacity
24、 shall be atleast:(a) 3.00 grams at 20 percent R.H. , and(b) 6.00 grams at 60 percent R.H.3.4. 1.2 When test ing e bagged desiccant, an allouance shall be a75ade fornormal manufacturing variations. In connection with such inspection testing,unit adsorption capacity shall bo at least :(a) 2.85 grsms
25、at 20 percent R.H. , and(b) 5.70 grams at 60 percenc R.H.3.5 Unit volume. The volume of desiccant constituting a desiccant unitis defined as the unit volume. Unit volume shall be not greater than 45.0a75illiliters (mL) when tested as specified in Unit content per bag. The number of desicca
26、nt units contained ineach bag (unit content) shal 1 be clearly a75arked on the bag label. When testedas specified in 4.6.10, bags of desiccant shall actually contain at least 95percent of the number of units indicated on the bag label.3.7 Unit adsorption rate. When tasted as specified in 6.6.4, the
27、baggeddesiccant, as received, shall adsorb in 7 hours the weight of water vapor inaccordance with table 1.TABLE 1. Unit adsorption rate requirements.At 40 percent At 80 percentBag size, R.H. (grsm) R.H. (grem)units a75inimum minimum16 and smaller sizes I 0.25 I 0.70 I3.8 Humidity control. A unit of
28、desiccant shall prevent a closed a75etalbox from exceeding 60 percent R.H. , when tested as specified in Adsorption capacity and rate after reactivation. After the reactiva-tion and tests specified in 4.6.5, bagged desiccant shall retain at least 90percent of the original unit adsorption c
29、apacity, and at least 80 percent of theoriginal unit adsorption rate. Reactivation conditions shall be recommended bythe manuf.scturer (see 4.2.1 and 3.17). However, the reactivation temperatureshall be not less than 245F (118 .3C) . and the time for each reactivation shalla71.II.!. .not exceed 24 h
30、ours .4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IIL-D-3464E3.10 Dttsting.3.10.1 Type I (all sizes) and type III (8 and 16 units. When tested asspecified in 4.6.6, the weights of dust found shal 1 be in accordance withtable II.TABLE 11. Dusting
31、 requirements.1.,1.I a71I I1.,IAt leest six At least eight No more then No more thanof the dust of the dust two dust values one dustvalues shall velues shall shall be ,in value shellBag SiZt?, Number of not exceed not exceed the rango exceedunits bags tested mg) (mg) (mg) (mg)16 12 S.o - 60.0 to 200
32、.0 2008 12 2.5 -. 60.0 to 200.0 2004 and 12 - 0.5 60.0 to 200.0 200smaller3.10.2 Type II When tested as specified in 4.6.6, type II desiccant shallproduce not a75ore than 1/2 mill igrem of dust, regardless of bag size.3.11 Corrosiveness. The bagged desiccant and the desiccant by itself incontact wit
33、h steel, brass, a75agnesium, and aluminum ehal 1 show no increase incorrosion when tested as specified in Bag durability.3.12.1 TYPes I, 11 and III. Bags in which the desiccant is packagedshall not puncture, tear or burst, and the tie strings shall not break whentested es specified in 4.6
34、. B.3.12.2 Type 111 only. Bags in which the desiccant is packaged shal 1 notpuncture, tear or burst nor show visib Ie evidence of leaching of the desiccantthrough the beg a75ateriel when tested as specified in The test waterused for immersion shal 1 contain not more than 5 mil ligrems of no
35、n-combustiblematerial par 8 units of desiccant when tested as specified in 6.6. B.4. 1.3.13 Resistance of bagging material to reactivation temperature. Whenreactivated and tested as specified in 4.6.9, the desiccant beg shel 1 notpuncture, burst, or othervise fail .3.16 Bag size. Type I and 11 desic
36、cants shell be furnished in bags inthe fractional unit sizes of 116, 1/3, and 1/2; tbe unit size 1, and thea75ultiple unit sizes of 2, 4, 8 and 16 as specified (see 6.2)3.14.1 Type 111 desiccant shall be furnished in bags in the multiple unitsizes of B and 16 as specified (see 6.2).3.15 Tie strings.
37、 Unless otherwise specified in the contrect or order,bags of 16-unit size or larger ehall be provided with tie strings having aminimum length of 7 inches.5.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-D-3464E3.16 Particle size. The particle si
38、ze distribution shall be as shovn intable III .TABLS 111. Particle size.Sieve number Distribution, percentj i“chs Retained (max) 0.080 Retained (rein)96.01 The permissible variation in average openings shall be 3 percent. Thepermissible variations in maximum openings shall be 5 percent. The wire .1a
39、71a13diameter shall be 0.094 to 0.122 inch. - I3.17 Bag markings. Esch desiccant bag shall be a75arked durably and legiblywith the following informat ion:Nomenclature: Desiccant , Activaccd, Bagged, Packaging Use and StaticDchumidif icationSpecification: NIL-D-3464Type I, II, or 111, as applicableNa
40、nufaccurers designationUnit contentReactivation temperature in bag “FReactivation time hoursNanuf acturers name and address6. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in thecontract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performanceo
41、f all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise speci-fied in the contract or purchase order, the contractor a75ay use his own or anyother facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirementsspecified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Governme
42、nt reservesthe right co perform any of the inspections set forth in the specificationwhere such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and servicesconform to prescribed requirements.4.1.1 Responsibility for compliance. Al1 items must a75eet al1 requirementsof sections 3 and 5. The inspc
43、ccion set forth in this specification shall becomea part of the contractor s overall inspection system or quaity program. eabsence of any inspection requirements in the specification shal 1 not relieve thecontractor of the responsibility of assuring chat all products or supplies s“b-micted to the Go
44、vernment for acceptance comply with a11 requirements of the con-tract. Sampl irtg in quality conformance does not authorize submission of knowndefective a75aterial , either indicated or accual. nor does it commit the Governmentto acceptance of defective a75aterialIb.2 Qualification tess. Qualificati
45、on tests shsll be conducted at alaboratory satisfactory LO the Nava 1 Sea Systsms Command (NAVSEA) . Qualif ica-tion tests shall consist of the tests specified in 4.6. a716Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a71a100.1.I,1I1“ a711IL1,NIL-D
46、-346LE4.2.1 Forwarding instructions. Qualification test samples shall be for-warded to a laboratory satisfactory to NAVSEA. These samples shall be plainlyidentified by securely attached durable tags a75arked with the fol lowing informa-tion:Samples for qualification testDesiccant, Activated, Bagged,
47、 Packaging Use and Static Dehumidlf icationUnit contentUnit weight gramsBagging materialMethods of clasuraReactivation temperature “FUinimum reactivation time hoursManufacturers code numberSubmitted by (manufacturers nsme andaddress and date) for qualification tests inaccordance with HIL-D-346 each
48、sample-f illed container shall elso be weighed to determine theamount of the contents . Any container in the sample having one or a75ore defects,or being under required fill, shall not be offered for delivery. If the numberof defective containers in any sample exceeds the acceptance number for theap
49、prOpriete sampling plnn of ttlL-sTO-105, this shal 1 be cause for rejection ofthe lot represented by the sample.4.6.2 Quality conformance tests. Each of the samples selected as specifiedin 6.3.2 shall be subjected to the following tests:TABL2 VI. Quality conformance inspectionTestUnit adsorption capacityUnit volumeHumidity controlUnit adsorpr.ion rateAdsorption capacity after reactivationDus cingCorrosivenessBag durabilit