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1、j INCH-POUNDMI L-D-8708C(AS)12 Auaust 1991SUPERSEDINGMI L-D-8708 B(AS)31 January 1969IMILITARY SPECIFICATIONDEMONSTRATION : AIRCRAFT WEAPON SYSTEMS ,GENERAL SPECIFICATION FORThts specification IS approved for use by the Naval A!r SystemsCommand, Department of the Navy, and 1s available for use by al

2、 1Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 *. This specif I cation establishes the general requirementsfor demonstration of Naval aircraft weapon systems during ful 1 scaleengineering development. The general requirements may be modlffed andamplified by an addendum to this s

3、pecification for specific weaponssystems. “Demonstration” refers to al 1 contractor tests and evaluationsconducted during full scale development including efforts associated withperforming and reporting on the tests required by this specification.1.2 PurDose. This specification defines the tests req

4、uired forcontractor demonstration of Naval aircraft prior to the final phase ofDT-11 (TECHEVAL) .1.3 lit . The requirements of this specifi cation apply toall new aircraft weapon systems or to major modification or significantalteration to an existing system.?.4 Afl! hi i Addenda shal 1 agree with t

5、hisspecification in paragraph arrangement: numbering, and headings, exceptwhere a paragraph is 1 i steal i n the addendum as “not appl i cable” or “notrequi red, ” subsequent subparagraphs wi 11 be omitted. If the numberingsequence is not affected, subparagraphs may be added as required. Incases of

6、discrepancies between this specification and the addenda, theaddenda shal 1 govern.1.5 Deviatio ns. The approval of analyses, test plans, procedures,or test reports which incorporate variations from the stated requirementsdoes not constitute approval of a deviation. Deviations from therequirements o

7、f this specification, its addenda, or the detailspecification may be granted only by the contracting activity in writing.Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and anypertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should beaddressed to: Naval Air Engineering Cente

8、r, Systems Engineering andStandardization Department (SESD) Code 53, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100, byusing the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426)c hi ument or v letter.AMSC NIADISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; di strFSC 1510bution is unlimited.Provided by I

9、HSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-8708C(AS)2. APPLICABLE 00CUMENTS2.1 Government documents.2:1 .1-. Specifications. standards. and handbooks. The following specifications,standards, and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent spec

10、ifiedherein. Unless otherwise soecified. the issues of these documents. are thoselisted in the issue ofStandards (DOOISS) andSPECIFICATIONSMILITARYMI L-E-5007MI L-B-50B7MI L-k Exterior, Aircraft(General Requirements for)Electric Load and Power Source Capacity,Aircraft, Analysis ofElectrical Equipmen

11、t, Aircraft, Selection andInstallation ofCompass, Installation ofFire and Overheat Warning Systems,Continuous, Aircraft, Test and InstallationofGages, Liquid Quantity, Capacitor Type,Installation and Calibration ofSupport Equipment, Aeronautical, Special,General Specification for the Oesign ofBatter

12、y Storage, Aircraft GeneralSpecification for2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-D-8708C(AS)MI L-A-8591MI L-I-8670.,-.MI L-I-8671MIL-I-8675MI L-C-8678MI L-D-8683MI L-1-8700MIL-F-8785MI L-A-8860MI L-A-8861MI L-A-8863MI L-A-8867MI L-A-

13、8868MI L-A-8870MI L-F-9490MIL-F-15160MIL-F-)7874MI L-C-18244MI L-L-18276MI L-H-18325MI L-S-18471MI L-T-18606MI L-T-1 8607MIL-A-18717MI L-E-18927MI L-D-19326MI L-A-19736MI L-L-22589Airborne Stores, Suspension Equipment andAircraft Store Interface (Carriage Phase),General Design Criteria forInstallati

14、on of Fixed Guns and AssociatedEquipment in Naval AircraftInstallation of Droppable Stores andAssociated Release SystemsInstallations, Aircraft ArmorCool 1 ng Requirements of Power PlantInstallationsDesign and Installation of Gaseous OxygenSystems in Aircraft, General SpecificationforInstallation an

15、d Test of Electronic Equipmentin Aircraft, General Specification forFlying Qualities of Piloted AirplanesAirplane Strength and Rigidity GeneralSpecification forAirplane Strength and Rigidity Flight LoadsAirplane Strength and Rigidity Ground Loadsfor Navy Acquired AirplanesAirplane Strength and Rigid

16、ity Ground TestsAirplane Strength and Rlgldity, Dataand ReportsAirplane Strength and Rigidity Vibration,Flutter, and Divergence - -Flight Control Systems, Destgn, Installation,and Test of P!loted Aircraft, (GeneralSpecification for)Fuses; Instrument, Power, and TelephoneFuel Systems, Aircraft, Insta

17、llationand Test ofControl and Stabi 1 ization Systems:Automatic, Piloted Aircraft, GeneralSpecification forLighting, Aircraft Interior, Installation ofHeating and Ventilating Systems, Aircraft,General Specification forSystem, Aircrew Automated Escape, EjectionSeat Type, General Specification forTest

18、 Procedures for Aircraft EnvironmentalSys ternsThermal Anti-Icing Systems, Wing andEmpennageArresting Hook Installations, AircraftEnvironmental Control Systems, Aircraft,General Requirements forOesign and Installation of Liquid OxygenSystems in Aircraft, General SpecificationforAir Refueling Systems

19、, General SpecificationLaunching System, Nose Gear Type, Aircraft for3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-D-8708 C(AS)MIL-F-23447NIL-R-23761.,-.MI L-C-23866MI L-E-24021MI L-H-25140MI L-P-26292MI L-P-26366MI L-T-81571MI L-8-81757MI L-

20、E-8191OMI L-C-83413MI L-8-8376900D-C-85050MI L-I-85071MIL-B-85110MI L-D-85520MI L-E-85583DOD-B-85584MI L-L-85762STANDAROSMILITARYMI L-STD-454MI L-STD-461MI L-STD-470MI L-STD-471MI L-STD-704MI L-STD-785Fire 14arning Systems, Aircraft, RadiationSensing Type, Test and Installation ofRegulator, Voltage

21、and Control Panels,Aircraft, Direct Current Generator, GeneralSpecification forControl Set, Approach Power AN/ASN-54(V)Electrical Power Monitors, External, AircraftWeight and 8alance Control System (forAircraft and Rotorcraft)Pi tot and Static Pressure Systems,Installation and Inspection ofPropel le

22、r Systems, Aircraft, GeneralSpecification forThermal Protective System, Al rcraft Cockpit,General Specification forBatteries and Cel 1s, Storage, Nickel-Cadmium,Aircraft, General Specification forElectrical Power Generating and ControlEquipment, Aircraft, General SpecificationsforConnectors and Asse

23、mblies, Electrical,Aircraft Grounding, General Specification for8atteries, Storage, Lead-Acid, GeneralSpecification forChargers, 8attery, Nickel-Cadmium, Aircraft,General Specification forInverters, Aircraft, DC to AC, GeneralSpecification for8ar, Repeatable, Release Holdback, AircraftLaunching, Gen

24、eral Design Requirements forDesign and Instal latlon of On Board OxygenGenerating Systems in Aircraft, GeneralSpecification forElectric Power Generating Channel, VariableInput Speed, Alternating Current, 400 Hz,Aircraft; General Specification forBattery, Relay Control Unit, Al rcraftLighting, Aircra

25、ft, Interior, Night VisionImaging System (NVIS) CompatibleStandard General Reaui rements for ElectronicEqupmentElectromaqnetc Emission and sUSCC?Dtibi 1 ityRequlremets for the Control of ElectromagfieticInterferenceMaintainabi 1 ity Program Requirements forSystems and EquipmentsMaintainability Verif

26、ication/Demons tration/EvaluationAircraft Electric Power CharacteristicsRel iabi 1 i ty Program for Systems and EquipmentDevelopment and Production4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-D-8708 C(AS)MIL-STD-81OMI L-STD-877M1LSTD=882MI L

27、-STD-1333MI L-STD-l 385MI L-STD-1388-1MI L-STD-1472MI L-STD-l 757MI L-STD-l 760MI L-STD-1795MI L-STD-2 165DOD-STD-2 167DOD-STD-2169MS90298HAND800KSMILITARYMIL-HDBK-235-2Environmental Test Methods and EngineeringGuidelinesAntenna Subsystems, Airborne Criteria forDesign and Location forSystem Safety P

28、rogram RequirementsAircrew Station Geometry for Mi 1 ItaryAircraftPreclusion of Ordnance Hazards i n Electro-magnetic Fields, General Requirements forLogistic Support AnalysisHuman Engineering Design Crfteria forMilitary Systems, Equipment and FacilitiesLightning Qualification Test Techniques andAer

29、ospace Vehicles and HardwareAircraft/Store Electrical InterconnectionSystemLightning Protection of Aerospace Vehiclesand HardwareTestabi 1 ity Program for Electronic Systemsand EquipmentsDefense System Software DevelopmentHigh Altitude Electromagnetic PulseEnvironmentConnector, Receptacle, Electric

30、GroundingElectromagnetic (Radiated) Environment Consi-derations for Design and Procurement ofElectrical and Electronic Equipment,Subsystems and Systems, Part 2(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and militaryspecifications, standards, handbooks and bul let ins are available from theStandar

31、dization Documents Order Desk, 8ui lding 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue.Philadelphia, PA 19111 -5094.)2.1.2fol lowing other Government docum!nts,part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwisespecified, the issues are those cited in the solicitation.PUBLICATIONSAR-40 Al 1 Weather Carr

32、ier Landing System AirborneSubsystem, General Requirements forIRIG-STD-106 Range Commanders Counci 1 Telemetry StandardsOPNAVINST 3070.1 Operations SecurityNAVAIRINST 3710.1 Contractors Flight OperationsNAVAIRINST 3710.9 Anthropometric Accommodation in NavalAt rcraftOPNAVINST 4790.2 Naval Aviation M

33、aintenance Program (NAMP)Concepts, Objectives, Policies,Organizations, and ResponsibilitiesNAVAIRINST 13034.1 Flight Clearance Policies5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-D-8708C(AS)(Copies of AR-40 are available from the Naval Al r

34、 Systems, StandardizationSection (Code AIR-511 Z2E), klashington, D.C. 20361-5110. Copies of NAVAIRINSTare avai lable from the Naval Air Systems Command, Forms (Code AIR-71233),Washington, D.C. 20361-7120. Copies of OPNAVINST are aval lable from the Chiefof Naval Operations, Washington, D.C. 20350.

35、Copies of IRIG-STD are availablefrom the Secretariat, Range Commanders Counci 1, U.S. Army White Sands MissileRange, New Mexico 88002. Copies of NAVAIRINST and OPNAVINST are also availablefrom the Naval Publications and Forms Center, (Code 1051 ), 5801 Tabor Avenue,Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099. )2.2

36、Non-Government Dub licati The following document forms apart of this document to the extent pecif i ed herein. Unless otherwisespecified, the issues of the documents which are DoO adopted are thoselisted in the issue of the 00DISS cited in the solicitation. Unlessotherwi se specified, the issues of

37、documents not 1 isted in the 0001SS arethe issues of the documents cited In the solicitation (see 6.2).AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDAROS INSTITUTE (ANSI)ANSI 239.18 Scientific and Technical Reports - Organiza-tion, Preparation and Production(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Natio

38、nalStandards Institute, 1430 8roadway, New York. NY 10018. )(Non-Government standards and other publications are normal ly availablefrom the organizations that prepare or distribute the documents. Thesedocuments also may be available in or through 1 ibraries or other informationalservice s.)2.3 Qrde

39、 of precedence In the event of a conf 1 ict between thetext of this ocument and the references cited herein, the text of thisdocument takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedesapplicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has beenobtained.2.4 Streaml ininq. This do

40、cument has been streamlined. ADDendix C toMI L-D-8708 1 i sts those documents requi red for acquisition and is apart of MI L-D-8708. Those documents 1 i steal in appendix C have theas those referenced directly in MI L-O-8708 (first tier documents).documents, referenced through tiering, may be used a

41、s guidance andto supplement MI L-D-8708. MI L-D-8708 is a streamlined document.3. REQUIREMENTSmandatorysame statusAl 1 otherinformation3.1 Proa am Dlannina info matio Before demonstrations begin, programplanning infomation required y thenContract Data Requirements List (CORL)shal 1 have been submitt

42、ed and approved by the acqui ring activity.3.1.1 Sccme a d con rrelat i ve Drovision$.3.1 .1.1 Location of demonst ation Droa amdemonstration program shal 1 be a; defined i: thePlan.6The location for theDemonstration ProgramProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

43、 license from IHS-,-,-MI L-D-8708 C(AS)3.1.2 Plannlna confere ces Conferences shal 1 befaci 1 itate accompl t shment o; the various categories ofConferences WI 11 be convened by the acauirlna actlvltconducted todemonstrations.uDon notificationby. the contractor that he is pepared to preent the ata o

44、r i nformat ionrequl Ted for the specific conference. The conference site wi 11 beselected by the acquiring activity. The time when the conference shal 1be scheduled Is presented In Tables VIII and IX (see Appendix B). Instrum first f 1 ightsand other significant development flight tests.-= 3

45、:1. 4.2 1 vera . Telemetry and instrumentation recordingsystem coverage shal 1 be provided as specified at the instrumentationplanning conference. Real-time recording and observation of criticalparameters shal 1 be provided. Telemetry shal 1 be required for al 1demonstration flights. The use of tele

46、metry on other than demonstrationf 1 ights shal 1 be mutually agreed on by the contractor and the TestAuthority. At the instrumentation planning conference, and prior toprocurement and installation of telemetry and Instrument recordingsystems, the following shal 1 be determined:a. Compatlbi 1 ity of

47、 proposed telemetry equipment and instrumentrecording systems with IRIG Standard 106 and ground equipment atal 1 proposed test and demonstration locations.b. Incorporation of a backup source of power to ensure continuity ofpower for data acquisition in the event of primary power fai lure.c. The exte

48、nt to which telemetry coverage WI 11 be employed duringdemonstration flights witnessed by Test Authorities.d. Data security measures. . During initial flights at thecontractors plant, takeoffs and landings shal 1 be witnessed by both thecontractor and representatives of the Test Authority. Ab

49、normal flightcharacteristics shall be recorded.3.1 .4.4 chase aircraft. Chase aircraft shall be used for the firstflight of each aircraft outside the confines of the airfield. For otherflights, at or near the contractors plant or at Government facilities,determination of whether chase aircraft are to be used shal 1 be made bythe cognizant Test Authority.3.1.5 Instrumentation. - Maximum utilization shall be made oftest lnstrumentation avail


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