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1、MIL-E-15809D 34 9 999990b 0528781 3 m MILITARY SPECIFICATION EXPANDER, TUBE, CONDENSER AND HEAT EXCHANGERS i INCH-POU N D I MIL-E-1 5800D( NAVY) 19 Mav 1992 SUPERSEDING 6 July 1987 (Sec 6.5) MIL-E-1 StlO!)C( NAVY) This specification is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Deprnmenr of

2、the Navy, and is available for use by all departments and agencies oj the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers tube expanders of the self-feeding typc for usc in expanding titanium, copper-nickel alloy or other non-ferrous alloy tubes in all types of tubular heat cxchangers.

3、 Scope. 2.1 Government documents. 2.1.1 Specification and standards. The following specifications and standards form a pari of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of thcsc documents are those listed in the issue of the Department of Defcnsc Index of S

4、pecifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). SPECIFICATION MILITARY MIL-L-19140 Lumber and Plywood, Fire Retardant Treated Bencficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this doc

5、ument should be addressed to: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SF.A SS7-3, Departmeni of the Navy, Washington, DC 20362-5 101 by using the self-addressed Standardhiion Drunicni Improvcnicnt Proposal (DD Form 1426) appcaring at the end of this documcni or by Icttcr. AMSC N/A FSC 3441 DISTWIIIUTI

6、ON STATEMEN A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimiied. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-L5809D 34 D 9993906 0528382 5 D MIL-E-I 58WD( NAVY) PPP-P-40 Prcscrvation and Packing of Hand Tools; Tools and Tool Accessori

7、es for Power Drivcn, Metal, and Woodworking Machinery PPP-F-320 Fiberboard, Corrugatcd and Solid, Sheet Stock (Container Grade) and Cut Shapes (Unless othcrwisc indicnicd, copies of federal and military specifications are available from the Siandardiza tioii Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Ro

8、bbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 1 Y1 1 1-5094.) 2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and thc rcfcrcnccs cited hcrein (except for related associated detail specifications, specification sheets oi MS standards) the text of this document takes precedence.

9、 Nothing in this document, howevcr, supmcdcs ipplicablc Iws lind regulaiions unless a specific exemption has been obtained. 3. HEQ 1 JI HEMENS 3. I Mtiterial. 3.1.1 Ihdies und collars. Bodies, collars, collar sleeve bearings, and collar sleevcs shall be mide of heat-trcatcd alloy steel. 3.1.2 Mandre

10、ls and rolls. Mandrels and roils shall be made of tool steel, tempered and hardcncd to withstand ihc shocks and wear of regular usage. 3.1.3 Recovered materials. Unless otherwisc specified herein, all material and articles incorpornicd in the products covcrcd by this specification shall be new and m

11、ay be fabricated using rnotcriiils produced from rccovcrcd materials to the maximum extent practicable without jeopardizing the intcndcd use. The term “recovered materials“ means materials which have been collcctcd or rccovcrcd from solid waste and reprocessed to become a source of raw materials, as

12、 opposcd to virgin raw m;rtcrials. Nonc of the above shall be interpreted to mean that the use of uscci or rcbuil t products is allowed under this specification unless otherwise specifically specified. 3.2 Conslriiction. Expanders shall consist of a mandrel, body, collar, collar sleeve, collar slccv

13、c bearing. and rolls. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), expanders shall be righthand feed and have hrcc rolls. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-15809D 3r 999990b 0528783 7 MIL-E- 1 SWD(NAVY) 3.2.1 Mandrel. The portion of th

14、e mandrel in contact with the rolls shall hitvc :i taper of 0.030 to 0.032 inch per inch of mandrel length. To prevent the expander body from remaining in the tube when the mandrel is withdrawn, the mandrel shall have a ihrcadcd cnd with nut, cxccpt that mandrels for 3B inch and smaller size expande

15、rs may use other means for mandrel rctcniion. The mandrels for 1/2 inch and larger size tube expanders shall be provided with cilhcr a In-inch square shank or a No. 1 Morse taper shank as specified (see 6.2). The mandrels or less than 3B inch size expanders shall be provided with a l/4-inch (0.240 t

16、o 0.245 inch) square machined on the last ln inch of a 5/16 inch round shank for a Jacobs chuck. The tapered length of thc mendrcl shall be ground to a surface finish of 32 RMS or smoother. Grinding shall remove all decarbonized metal and distortion from the tapered length of the mandrel. 3.2.2 Body

17、. The body shall be slotted to contain three taper rolls, set 120 degrces ;ipart, at a lead angle of 1/4 to 2 degrees, and shall have a threaded section on which shall be mounicd a collar, collar sleeve bearing, and sleeve, adjustable in position on the body so as to rcgulaic the dcpth of penetratio

18、n of the rolls into the tube, and secured by a lock nut or other posilivc mcins. The length of the body and threaded section on the body shall be tailorcd to the location and thickness of the tube sheet for which the expander is intendcd to be used relativc to ihc cnd of thc tube (see 6.2). 3.2.3 Co

19、llar. The collar shall be threaded internally to suit the threads on the hody. An antifriction type thrust bearing shall be mounted on the collar with a sleeve mounted on or made integral with the bearing. 3.2.4 Collar sleeve. The collar sleeve for single tube sheets or outer tube sheets on double t

20、ube sheet designs shall cover the small ends of the tapered rolls with the collar and locknut adjusted as close to lhe rolls as possible. The collar sleeve of all expanders over the 1/4-inch tubing size shall be recessed Ul-inch (plus 1/64 inch minus O) to fit over the end of the tuhc. The diameter

21、of the collar sleeve recess shall be not less than 1/32 inch larger than thc outside diameter of the tubes for which the expander is intended. 3.2.5 Rolls. The rolls shall have a taper which shall measure 0.015 to 0.016 inch pcr inch of roll length so as to produce parallel expansion of the tube. Th

22、e effcctive length of the rolls shall be such that, together with position adjustment of the collar, the expander will be suitable for rolling the tubes to within 1/8 inch of the inner face of the tube sheet (within 1/8 inch of each lace on an inner tube sheet), the thickness of which is specified,

23、or to the maximum depth specified (see 6.2). The rolls shall be ground after heat treatment to remove all decarbonized sled and distortion. Surface finish shall be 32 RMS or smoother. The rolls shall be arrangcd so ihat they will not fall out of the body unless the expander is disasscmblcd. When the

24、 mmdrcl is inserted to within 1/4 inch of the shoulder, the rolls shall not be body-bound. Rolls furnishctl with expanders designed to seat tubes in inner tube sheets or for use in retractive rolling sliiill be roundcd at cach end to prevent scoring the tube at the beginning and end of the rollcd sc

25、ction. Rolls furnished with expanders designed to seat tubes in outer tube sheets shall be rounded at the entrance end. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-E-L58OSD 34 999990b 0528784 9 I 3.2.6 Sizes. Expandcr shall he sized accord

26、ing to the outside diameter of the tube and tubing M I L-E- 1 5809D( NAVY) u.111 ihickncss (sec 6.2). 3.3 SpiireS. A complete set of roils shall be furnished with each expander. 3.4 Murking. The size and the manufacturers name shall be indelibly stamped on each cxpiicr. 3.5 Workmunship. The workmans

27、hip shall be first class in every rcspcct. 4. QIJALIIY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4. i Hesponsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase ortlc.r, the contractor is responsible Cor the performance of all inspection requirements (cuiii1iin;iiions and tests) as specified h

28、erein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or puictiasc order, thc contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of t tic inspection rcyuiremcnts specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Covc.rnmcnt rcscrvcs thc right to perform any of t

29、he inspections set forth in this specification HIXIC such inspections are dccmed neccssary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed rcqu ircmcnts. 4.1.1 Hesptmsibility for compliance. All items must meet all requirements of sections 3 and 5. Thc inspcction sct orth in this specification

30、 shall become a part of the contractors overall inspcciion system or quality program. The absence of any inspcction requirements in the spccilcaiion shall not relicvc the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all products or siipplics subrnittcd to the Government for acceptance comply wi

31、th all rcquircments of the contract. Sainpling inspection, as pari of manulacturing operations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain conormancc to rcquircmcnts. however, this does not authorize submission of known defective niricrial, cithcr indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government t

32、o acceptance of defective m ;i t cri ;il. 4.2 Qiiulity Conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall be as follows: 4.2.1 Lot. For purposes of quality conformance inspection, a lot shall consist of all assembled cxlxindcrs or dl spare rolls produced in oiic Facility using the samc mat

33、erials and production processes, and being offered for delivery ;it one time. 4.2.2 Ouiility conformaricc inspcction sampling. As a minimum, the contractor shall select a sampic quantity of asscmblcd expanders or spare rolls in accordance with table I and inspect them in iiwordiincc with paragraph 4

34、.3. Dctection of any nonconforming characteristic in any sample sh;tll result in rcjcction of the entire lot. The contractor has the option of correcting the discrcpiincy. retesting, and resubmitting a conforming lot or submitting a new lot or submitting a ncw lot which shall be inspcctcd and tcstcd

35、 as specified herein. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-15809D 34 999990b 0528785 O TABLE I. Samnline for aualitv conformance insnection. Lot size Samplc Size 2 to 8 All 9 to 90 8 12 19 Y1 to 150 51 to 280 81 to 500 21 o1 to 120

36、0 27 o1 to 3200 35 o1 to 10,Ooo 38 4.3 Examination. 43.1 in process examination. Intermediate assemblies which cannot be checkcd or mcusiircd after final assembIy shall bc examined at various stages of manufacturc for conformancc to this specification. Whenever a deviation is noted, correction shall

37、 be madc. Failure to makc immcdiiite correction may cause rejection of the affected end items. 4.3.2 Visual and dimensional examination. Each of the asscmblcd expanders shiill be examincd to determine conformance to this Specification regarding dimensions, fits, linishes, security of assembly, and f

38、reedom of movement of the parts. Each of the sparc rolls shall be cxiimincd io determine conformance to this specification regarding dimensions and lnishcs. Any cxpandcr or spare roll which does not conform to this specification shall not bc olfcred lor dclivery. 4.4 Inspection of packaging. Sample

39、packages and packs, and the inspection of packaging (preservative packing, and marking for shipment, stowage and storage shall bc in accordance with the requirements of section 5 and the documents specified therein. 5. PACKAGING (The packaging requirements specified herein apply only for direct Gove

40、rnment iicquisition.) 5.1 Ireservation-psck:iging, packing, and marking. Tube expanders shall bc prescrvcd and packaged level A or C, packed levei A, B, or C as spccified (SCC 6.21, iind marked including ohcr ordering data options as specified (see 6.2.) in accordance with PPP-P-40. In addition, for

41、 Navy acquisitions, the following applies: a. Navy fire-retardant requirements. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-25809D 34 = 999990b 052878b 2 m MIL-E-lSMN,D(NAVY) (1) Lumber und plywood. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), a

42、ll lumber and plywood . including laminoted vcnccr matcrials used in shipping container and pallet construction, membcrs, blocking. hracking, and reinforcing shall be firc-retardant treated materials conforming to M I I ,- I ,- 19 I40 as follows: Lcvel A and B - Lcvcl c - Type II - weather resistant

43、 Category I - gencral use. Type 1 non-weather resistant Category I - general use. (2) Fiberboard. When spccified (sce 6.2), fiberboard used in the construction of interior (iirii and intcrmcdiatc) and extcrior fiberboard boxes including interior packaging forms shall conlorin to ihe cl;iss-domcstic/

44、firc retardant or class-weather resistant/firc retardant material rcqiiircincnts, as spccificd (sec 6.2), of PPP-P-320 and amendments thereto. (3) Ciishioning und wrapping materials. The use of excelsiar, newspaper, shredded ppcr (all iypcs), and similar hydroscopic or non-neutral materiais and all

45、types of loose fill niiicri:ils for packaging applications such as cushioning, fi11 stuffing and dunnage is prohibited. Miiicriiils sclcctcd for cushioning and wrapping shall have properties (characteristics) for rcsistincc to irc (sec 6.4) Cushioning or wrapping materiais, as applicable, shall be p

46、rovided to prcvcnt itcm and pckiigc damage and to prevent free movement of the container contents. 6. NOIKS (lliis scction contains inlormation of a general or explanatory naturc that may be helpful, hui is not mandatory.) 6.1 Intended use. lhe tuhc expanders covcred by this specification are intend

47、ed for use in all iypcs of tubu1;ir heat cxchangcrs. 6.2 Acqiiisition reqiiirements. Acquisition documents must specify the following: a. b. c. d. Title, niimbcr, and datc of this specification Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required, the specific issue o individual document

48、s referenced (see 2.1) Expintlcrs other than righthand fced (see 3.2) For 1/2 inch six and above tube expanders, whether 3/8-inch square shank or No. 1 Morsc tapcr shank is required (see 3.2.1) c. hickncss of tubc shcct in which tube is to bc expanded or maximum depth of expansion (sec 3.2.5) 6 Prov

49、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-E- 1 5809D(NAW) f. Size of tube expanders required and wall thickness o tubing to be expandcd. (sec 3.2.6) g. Levels of prcservation-packaging and packing (see 5.1). h. When fire retardant lumber and plywood is required. (sec 5.1 a(1). i. Class of fire retardant fiberboard required (see 5.1 a(2). j. Number of rolls if more than three

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