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1、NIILFF-17874B20 AUGUST 1965SUPEKSEOIAGMIL-F-I 7874A (WEP)3 mnnumy 1960IMILITARY SPECIFICATIONFUELSYSTEMS:AIRCRAFT,NSTALLATIONmTD TESTOFThis CPccbfcdon w mandatoru Jor I npprern, in this instance mny begranted subject to satisfactory completion ofsuch qualification tests.3.1 .1.? Nmrstanekmf crnnporm

2、ta. Compo-nents in this category will be considered thosewhich do not apply under n specific Gover-nment scificntion or drawing but which arecommercially nvnilable. Approval may begranted on the basis of prior satisfactoryserrice experience and subject to satisfactoryservice in the pnrticulnr applic

3、ation. Actu dcvefepmcnt componcnb. Com-ponents in this cntegory will genemlly beconsidered those which must be designed forthe specific airwnft application. Those com-ponents will require the submission by thenireraft manufacturer of deteiled procure-ment speciticntions and envelope drawings

4、inaccordance with Mlf-7032727 for release bythe Government. Procurement specificationsshrill be bnsed upon the npplicnble require-ments of MIL-F-S615, nnd slmll be prepnredin nccordsnce with the nppendix thereto.3.1.2 Component# installation. All eompe-nents shrill be designed to permit ense ofinsta

5、tlnt.ion and removof. Components requir-ing frequent servicing shrdl be installed so esto be eusily accessible, Quick-opening nccessMIL-F-17874Bdoers in the nircrnft skin shell be providedwhere necessnry.3.2 Mnterinfs All mnterinls shrill be suit-nble for the purpese intended. Magnesiumparts shrill

6、not be used in the fuel system.3.3 Design and construction.3.3.1 FUCL The fuel system for recipmcnt-ing engine nircmft shrill be suitable for usewith al) grndes of fuel conforming ventoutlets of aircmft not capable of prolongedoperation in icing shall not be more criticalto ice accumulation than the

7、 baeic airplane(primarily the airplane tlight surfaces), InMIL-F-17874Bbaat type seaplanes and amphibians, all fueltz.nk vents shall terminate above the maxi-mum gross weight water line and shall prevent sea water spiny during takeoff and land-ing from entering the vent system. Ventssems shall conta

8、in no tmps or IOWpointswhtch may collect condeneote which uldfreeze. unless the traps are completelyrlmincd. For aviation gas fueled aircraft,vents shall be so designed thnt the vaporwithin the tnnks is nOt diluted .ith air tObring it toward the lenn mixture range, ex-cept as required to prevent tnn

9、k collapse. Eztrcmo f ucl lempmm!um venting.In addition to design of tank vents for reduc-tion of fuel loss at altitude, the vents shallprovide adequate venting or pressure reliefconsistent with tank strength and structuralintegrity under extreme hot fuel conditions.Temperatures shall bo as s

10、pecified in the aiPcraft model specification. Vent monitorin sstcna. All aircraftutilizing pressure fueling systems shrdl in-clude provisions for monitoring vent systimor fuel cell pressure during ground refuelingoperations. The system to measure and dis-play this pressure shall require the s

11、pecific.npnmvnl Of the procuring activity.: Vent line uisc. Vent line sizes shallbe consistent with climbing, diving, fueling,and defueling requirements. To prevent over-presmrization in the event of failure of afueling control component, tent lines shall becapable of flowing the fuel flow ra

12、te of thelargest refueling shutoff vntve in the fuelsystem nnd the venting air flow requirernentaof the remaining tank(s).3.3.8 Futl fo.w at aliifuffc. A fuel tank pres-sure system shall be provided where neces-sary to prevent fuel loss due to vaporization,fo,nming, or tilling. The nssximum combined

13、fuel loss, for these conditions shall not exceed2 percent, by weight, of the total fuel capsc-ity for any one fueling for jet fuels and 6pement for aviation gas. Where provisiona7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-iWL- more extremelocati

14、ons will depend upon filler adapter ori-entation and shall require procuring activityapproval prior to adoption. Additional pree-sure fueling/defueling connections, or otherucceseible qw-turss, shall be installed SUIthat the uircreft can bs readily defueledthrough the unit (s) in case of a whee15uPl

15、anding without lifting the aircraft. Forcarrier-based aircraft, particular considera-tion shall be given to access while the sir-cmft is parked close to the edge of the deckand with wings folded. For seapl.znes, theadapters shall be located at one fueling eta-tion, m close to the bow ae practical bu

16、t notmore than 40 feet aft of the bow, located forreceiving, handling and operatiOn Of nOzzlesby personnel within the seaplane at sea andASO located for convenient fueling, whiledocked, by an operation standing along side.The mounting alignment of the adaptirs shallbe with respect to normal approach

17、 with thefueling nozzle. Adjacent location of adaptemshall provide adequate clearance for multiplecoupling of M1N5877 nozzles in sequence(minimum spacing of 15 inches between cen-ters for side-by-side mounting). The numberof pressure fueling adapters shall be as re-quired to satisfy the fueling and

18、defuelingtimes in table V for the various types of air-craft: All pressure fueling adapters shall bebonded to aircraft structure, in accordancewith MIL-B-5087. Grounding jacks shall heprovided at every tank or fuel cell filler open-ing for grounding the pressure and gravityfueling nozzles to the air

19、craft. All pressurefuel filler units which are recessed behindaccess dorms shall incorporate positive provi-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IIIII1,IIIsions whereby the access doom may not bephysically secured unless the safety cap isp

20、roperly installed. Conventional, 3-inch nom-inal diameter, tiller units consisting of MIL.-C-8605 pressure fueling adapter safety capsand adapters conforming to the bayonet lock-ing design detail of MS29514 shall be used.Unless specifically authorized, al! filler unitsshall be seated to the exterior

21、 o/ the m“rcmftto prevent the entrance of fuel c.r fuel vaporsinto the interior parts of the nircmft. Moximum ftwlisssj prcwsum. Thepressure fueling system rmd each individualtank to be fueled, shall be capable of fuel without arlveme effect upon the air-cmft from ench of the fue

22、ling facilities listedin footnote 1 to fig-ores 7, 8. nnd 9 for allnircmfL Maximum fueling pressure shall notexceed 55 psig for any flow mte and the max-imum surge for any shutoff condition shallnot exceed 120 psig, unless it can be showsthat a 180-peig surge limit cnn he safelyutilized without an i

23、ncrense in weight overthe 120-peig system.% Fuc Imml control. The aircraftpressure fueling system shall provide, withinthe aircmft, for nutamatic control of fuellevel to design capacity or capacities and forautomatic fueling flow shutoff for safety oftanks nnrl nircmft when fueling nt any mte

24、up tn the mnximum mte provided by any single comnent, subcomponent,or msxilirmy system failure mny result infailure to shut off the fueling flow. rvithattenrhust possible rupturt of tanks nnd aircroft structure. or fnilure to tmnsfer fuel tothe feedtnnk, n secondnry system of shutoffin

25、volving a secondary component, subcompo-neni. or baic system, as appropriate. shrillbe pruvided. The secondary shutoff mvisionshall provide for the same shutoff level ne theprimary system. Single - seat, single - din-phmgm rnlves mny be used for fuel levelcontnrl for pressure fueling where a failure

26、of sny one of these units will not cause fnil-ure of nny tank(s), or other component ofor in the fuel system. If single-seat. singlc-rmbF-17874Bdinphmgsn valves are not utiliced ss de.scribed above, dual-seat (in series) or durd-diaphragrn, singh+seat valves shall be used.Shutoff vrdves shall be des

27、igned to fail closed.The pilot control systems for both eingte-and dual-seat wolves shall be of the dual float,or equiwdent type. The fuel system stud incorate movisions to Iimit surge to 120 Wig.However, n ltlo-peig surge limit may be usedif it cun be shown that the system weightdoes not

28、 increase over the weight requiredby a system designed for 120-paig peaksurges. The surge prevention or arrestingdevice shall be designed such that its failurewill not cnuse the m”n “ve ffi operate and shall be as approved by the pr-ocuring activity. rhere any single failure” in thefuelin

29、g system may not be readily w“dent tothe fueling opemtor, menns shaIl he providednt the fueling station for the operator tocheck for nny single fniiure prior ta or dur-ing fueling. The pressure fueling prechecksystem shrill not utilize electrical power w+th.out approval of the pmcusing activity. Flo

30、atswitches shall not be used to control trsmsferfnel flow into the feed tank (s). .Wlectiue .krwfino. Means shall bepmrided for selective fuel loading, eitherinflight or ground, to any of the fuel loadingconditions specified under useful loads in thenircmft detail specification. Iniemat tra

31、nsferof fuel shrill not be utilized to meet this re-quirement. Where one filler installation isutilized to fill several tanks. the arrangement.shnll be such that repeated topping4f is notrequired to fill the nffected tanks to desicnpncity. Mass fondin. The pres.+ure fuelingsYstem shrill pro

32、vide for level control to thedesign maximum weight fuel loadings speci-fied in the aim-aft detail specification and forany intermediate loading fmm empty fueltanks to the maximum fuel loading. The level9Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,

33、-IIIIIIMUeF-17874Bcontrol system shall also satisfy the require-ments of Gruvitu fueling. All gravity-fueledtank installations shall be capable of receiv-ing fuel from a MIL-N4180 or an AN25552-inch nozzle at a fueling rate up to 150 gpmwithout blow-back. All gravity fuel filler un

34、itswhich are recessed behind access doors, shallincorporate positive provisions whereby theacceas doora may not be physically securedunless the filler cap is properly installed. Un-less specifically authorized, all filler unitsshall be sealed to the exterior of the aircraftto prevent the entrance of

35、 fuel or fuel vaporsinto the interior parts of the aircraft. Grav-ity fuel filler caps shall be 3 inches in accord-ance with MIL-G7244. Air refueling. Pruviaions shall beincorporated or the system shall be arrangedto permit the later incorpOratiOn of air refuel-ing only if specified in the ai

36、rcraft debi)specification. If air refueling is required, thereceiver probe need not be retractable if itcan be shows that king will not atlect prnbenozzle operation and hence wartJme mission(in Other than perfect weather) require-ments. The probs shall be installed such thattbe probe nozzle will, wh

37、en extended, be wellahead of the pilot and in his general line ofsight between the 12 and 2 oclock positions.For fixed installations, the probe locationshall be such that the nozzle appears belowthe horizon in the pilots field nf view duringcruise and high soeed flight. Baum and re-1 cetacleair refu

38、elirw svstems shall be asspecified by the pmcring activity. For fur-ther information refer to MIL-P6730 andMIL-A-19736,I.%3.9.6 Defwclinfl. All prcasure-fueled air-craft shall provide for defueling, through astandard pressure fueling connection, of alltanks including external droppable tanks.Where t

39、his defueling connection is not also apressure fueling point and the aircraft canbe damaged by preaaure fueling at the de-fueling point, means shall be provided toprevent pressure fueling through this point.All gravity-fueled aircraft shall be capableof being defueled by: (1) hose insertedthrough th

40、e gravity fdler opening, (2) twn-inch drain valves at the system low point orPints, or (3) both. For aircraft with foldingor tilting wings the arrangement shall pro-vide for defueling to the design conditionswith wings both spread aad folded or tiltedin ground operational puaition. Defrwlin

41、g ?tztes. For all aircrafLit shall be possible to perfnrm an operationaldefueling procedure of rapidly defueIing therepresentative remaining fuel load, using thestandard pressure fueling equipment in Ac-cordance with figure 8, immediately afterlanding the aircraft. The aircraft pumps andtransfer aya

42、tem may be used for defueting,when approved by the procuring activity. flmergtmc defudirzg. All typesof aircraft shall he capable of being com-pletely defueled of maximum capability fuelload within the defueling times shown onfigure 9. External electrical power and othermethods approved b

43、y the procuring activitymay bc used in this instance. Suction defuel-ing equipment will not generally be availablefor seaplanes and defueliug will be accom-plished utilizing the airplane internal powersystem, except in special instances specifi-cally approved by the procuring activity. Fuel j

44、ettisonin. Fuel jettisoningshall be pravided for all aircraft in accord-ance with the following:(n) Fixed and variable wing: Tbe designrate shall be based on exhaustionof 98 percent of all jettisonablefuel at a minimum rate of 300gpm, with the total dump not toexceed 5 minutes, or as specifiedin the

45、 detail aircraft specification.Fuel shall jettison clear of allparta of the aircraft an,d no fireor explosion hazards shall resultfram fuel jettisoning. Testa shallbe conducted in accordance with10Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.10

46、(n) to determine compliancewith the above design requiremente.(h) Rotcmy wing: The design mte shallbe based on tixhaustion of 98 per-cent of n jettisonnble fuel at nminimum mte of 200 gpm withthe total dump time not to exceed5 minutes, or os specified in thedetail niremft epecificntion. Fuelimpingem

47、ent is nllowed in non-critical nrene; however, no fire,explosion hnsnrds, or safety offlight shall result from fuel jetti-son. Entrence of fuel into the in-terior of the helicopter, impingement of fuel in the area of engineinlet, engine, or exhnuet is notpermitted. Tests shcdl be con-ducted in nccor

48、dnnce with 4.10(b)to determine compliance with thenbcwe design requirements.3.3.10 Strainers and filters. Tank oatfd stminers. Number 8-mesh streinem shrill be provided on nll tankfuel trnnsfer cmd engine fuel feed outleteexcept that sepnmte strninere ore not re-quired in addition to those n

49、ormally pro-vided on tank mounted pump inlets. Rccipmcating engine feed line.stm”ners. Strainers in accordmrce with MIL-S-371O shall be installed in the engine feedline of nll reciproenting engine installations.The stminer shall be Iocnted upstrenm of nnyvnne type line-mounted mmiliary pump. Theetminer cnpncity shall be bssed on sea levelintermediate power fuel consumption. Gee turbine engine feed line etmin.em. A cieonable and reusable strainer or filterd


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