NAVY MIL-F-82165 B-1982 FUEL MONITORS FRAME MOUNTED 100-& 350- GALLON PER MINUTE CAPACITIES《框架每分钟容量100-& 350-加仑燃油监控器》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-F-82165 B-1982 FUEL MONITORS FRAME MOUNTED 100-& 350- GALLON PER MINUTE CAPACITIES《框架每分钟容量100-& 350-加仑燃油监控器》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-F-82165 B-1982 FUEL MONITORS FRAME MOUNTED 100-& 350- GALLON PER MINUTE CAPACITIES《框架每分钟容量100-& 350-加仑燃油监控器》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-F-82165 B-1982 FUEL MONITORS FRAME MOUNTED 100-& 350- GALLON PER MINUTE CAPACITIES《框架每分钟容量100-& 350-加仑燃油监控器》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-F-82165 B-1982 FUEL MONITORS FRAME MOUNTED 100-& 350- GALLON PER MINUTE CAPACITIES《框架每分钟容量100-& 350-加仑燃油监控器》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-F-82165 B-1982 FUEL MONITORS FRAME MOUNTED 100-& 350- GALLON PER MINUTE CAPACITIES《框架每分钟容量100-& 350-加仑燃油监控器》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-F-ZL65B 47 m 7997906 0257085 m PkL-FI-8 216 5 B (iW) 18 Jum 1982 SJPERSEDING MIL-F-82165A(K) 1 December 1978 MILITM SPEC1 FI CATI CN FUEL IVYINITORS: FRA“ IVK)UNTED, 100- AND 350- GALLCN P!3R MINUJX CWACITIES This specification is approved for use by U. S. Marine Corps, Department of the Navy, a

2、nd is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification avers requirements for fuel mnitors for use downstream of 100 gallon per minute (gal/min) and 350 gal/min filter-separators. 1.2 Classification. Fuel monitors covered by this s

3、pecification shall 5e of the following types, as specifid (see 6.2): Type I - lOO-gal/min Capacity Type II - 350-gal/inin Capacity 2. APPLICABLE DOCUmNTS 2.1 Government documents. 2.1.1 Specifications and standards. Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications and standards of the issue

4、listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Spcifications and Standards (DODISS) specified in the solicitation, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICAIIONS FEDERAL L-P-37s - Plastic Sheet and Strip, Thin Gauge, Polyolefin. QaP-416 - Platiq, Cadnium

5、 (Electrodeposited) . Q-Z-325 - Zinc Coating, Electrodeposited, Rquireinents for. PPP-B-601 - Boxes, Wood, Cleated-Plywood PPP-5536 - Boxes, Shipping, Fiberboard. Benefical comments (recokmendations, additions, deletions), and any pertinent data which may be of use in improvitig this document, shoul

6、d be addressed to Cmandant of the Marine Corps, Yeadquarters Marine Corps (Code LMA-1) , Washington, X 20380, by using the self-addressed Standard- ization Docuiri-nt Improvement Proposal (DD Forn 1425), apparing at the encl of this document, or by letter. 1 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 2.i. PAGES. FSC 49

7、30 -7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-2Lb5B 49 W 9999906 0257086 T W MILITAN MIL-T-704 MIL-65541 MI L-A-9 6 25 MIL-T-22085 MIL-W-22248 MIL-E-52798 MI L-netals in intimate contact with each other shall be avoided wherever possibl

8、e. of dissimilar inetals cannot be avoided, an interposing material which will eliminate or minimize galvanic corrosion shall be used. metals shall be defined in MIL-STD-889. All inetal surfaces shall be treated alid finished in accordance with MIL-T-704, type B. When the use Dissinilar 3,lO Identif

9、ication marking. Each fuel mnitor shall be identified in accordance with MIL-STD-130. The identification, instruction, and warning plates and markings shall be in accordance with Drawing Nos. f305016AOO6 through 805015A0010 , 3.11 Workmanship. The fuel mnitors shall be free from defects such as inis

10、aligned can,oonents, incmplete welds, cracks, burns, leaks, and other defects that-could imgair operation and ssrviceability. parts shall be clean and free from dirt, sard, grease, oil and metal chips. Nonfknctional sharp edges and projecting pints, which might preaciit a hazard to personnel, shall

11、be avoided. All 4. flALITY ASSOWINCE PR3VISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspectiori. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or prirchase order, the contractor is res,oonsible for the per- forinance of all inspction requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwice specified in the contract or

12、 pirchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the iiispction requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Gsverrunent. inspsctions set forth in the specification whsre such insj?ections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and

13、services conform tc, proscribed reyui rements. Tiie Goverrimant reserves the right to perform any of the 4.1.1 Component and material inspection. The contractor is respns- ible for insuriry that coinponents ad materials used are manufactured, sxainined, and tested in accordance with referenced speci

14、fications and standards. 4.2 Classification of inspections, he inspction requiremwts specified herein are classified as follows: G Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-82365B q7 777770b 0257073 3 a a MI L-F-8 2165 B (MC) . a. First a

15、rticle inspection (see 4.3). b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4) c. Inspection of packagitq (see 4.7). 4.3 First article inspection. Examination and tests shall be as follows anil, unless otherwise specified herein, all examinations and tests shall be conducted by the contractor subject to s

16、urveillance and approval by the Government (see 6.2). requirements for performing the quality conformance inspections. Approval of the first article does not preclude the 4.3.1 Examination. The first article shall be examined as specified in 4.5.1. Presence of one or mre mjor defects shall be cause

17、for rejection. 4.3.2 Tests. The first article shall be subjected to tests specified in 4.6.1 through 4.6.5. Failure of any test shall be cause for rejection or shall be cause for performirq the inspection specified in 4.3.3. 4.3.3 Disassenbly inspection. Failure of a ,prformance test by the first ar

18、ticle fuel monitors shall require disassembly of the fuel monitors in the presence of a Government representative. Each disasseinbled part shall be inspected in detail for compliance with this specification and referenced drawings in regard to materials, dimensions, tolerances, and workinanship. Par

19、ts not complying with such requirements shall be rejected. 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. 4.4.1 Sampling. Sampliq for examination shall be as specified in MIL-STD-105, inspection level II. 4.4.2 Examination. Sanples selected as specified in 4.4.1 shall be examined for the major and minor defeck

20、s specified in 4.S. Acceptable quality level (AQL) shall be 2.5 percent defective for major defects and 4.0 percent defective for minor defects. 4.4.3 Tests. Each fuel mnitor shall be subjected to tests specified in 4.5.1 and 4.6.5. Failure of either test shall be cause for rejection. 4.5 Visual exa

21、mination. Fuel mnitors shall be examined as specified herein for the followiq defects: Major. 101. Dimensions mt as specified (see 3.3) , 102, Materials not as specified (see 3.2). 103. Hardware such as bolts, nuts, washers, and screw threads not as specified (see 3.2.3). Aluminum parts and componen

22、ts riot coated as specified (see 3.9.2). Weldings and castings not as specified (see 3.4.2). Fuel monitors not cleaned and air-dried aEter testiq (see 4.6.6). .104. 105. 106. 7 , Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MTL-F-82Lh5B 47 W 77777

23、0b OZ57072 5 W MI L-F-8 2 16 5 B (Mc) 107. 108. Workmanship not as specified (see 3.11). Elements and gaskets not as specified (see 3.3.1 and 3.3.3). Minor . P 201. Identification marking incorrect, illegible or aissing 202. Instruction plates mt as specified (see 3.10) . 203, Treatment and paintirq

24、 not as specified (see 3.9.1).) (see 3.10). 4.6 Tests 4.6.1 Hydrostatic pressure test. Tk fuel ironitor shall be subjected to the hydrostatic pressure test specified in MIL-M-81380. Nonconformance to requirements specified in 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 or to the applicable require- ments of YIL-M-813.50 shall

25、constitute failure of this test. 4 .6 .2 Temperature. Tangerature tests shall Se conducted as follows: High temperature. The fuel monitors shall be tested as specified in MIL-EVO-810, Method 501.1, Procedure I (see The maximum test tunperatlire for storage shall k +lGOF (+7loC) and

26、 the maximum operatiq temperature shall be +125F (+52OC). The operating period of Procedure I shall be 1 hour, or the operatiq time required to check for any compnent failure due to high temperatures vhichever is greater. Low temperature. The fuel monitors shall be tested as specifis The ope

27、rating period of Procedure I shall be 1 hour, or the in MIL-SFD-810, Xethod 502.1, Procedure I. storage shall be -5o0F(-46C) and minimum operati- tanperature shall be -25% (-37,C) . opratin time required to check for any cornLoonent failure due to low tempratures, whichever is greater. Nonconformanc

28、e to 3.5 or to the applicable requirements of YIL-STD-810 shall constitute failure of either Leinprature test. The minimum test temperature for 4.6.3 iman factors. The fuel mnitors shall k evaluated to determine conformance to 3.7. Nonconformance to 3.7 shall constitute failure of this test . 4.6.4

29、Transportability. The fuel monitors, in their shipping containers, shall be transported by a 2-1/2-ton cargo truck cross-country at an average speed of 15 miles per hour for a total of 100 miles. monitors or components or nonconformance to 3.5 shall constitute failure of this test. mge ta the fuel 4

30、.6.5 Differential pressure dial gage. Subject the gage to a hydrostatic pressure equal to the maximurn scale pressure, and hold at this pressure for a miniinum of 30 minutes. ard without: recalibration or adjustment, readings shall be taken at thres intervals on the scale; the anticipated initial op

31、erating pressure, the yressure at which the elements are changed, and the inaximun scale pressure. The gage shall be tapped sharply with the finger at approximately the center Within 10 minutes after the pressure is released 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

32、out license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-82165 B (MC) of the scale area before each reading. manometer with air pressure or calibrated check gage shall be used in cali- bratiq the 2age. +68F or -10 F (+2OoC or -5.SOC). Nonconformance to 3.3.2 shall constitute failure of this test. A dead weight tester or merc

33、ury Testing of the gage shall be in a temperature range of 4.6.6 Cleaning and drying after tests. After conclusion of all tests, arid after removal of the elements, each fuel monitor shall 5e wiped clean and air-dried at room temperature to exhaust all traces of fuel Fuel contaminant inoni

34、toring element. Exh elment shall be inserted inb a pdyethylene bag fabricated as specified in L-P-378, type I, 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-F-8 2 16 5 B (NC) class 1, grade arid finish options, thickness 0.0040, and closed b

35、y hsat sealing. The bag containing the element shall be placed in a close fitting box conformirq to PPFB-636, Mc, style optional. Box closure shall be as specified in the appendir to the box specification.,2 Extra coupliry gasket. The extra coupling gasket shall be laid flat between two piec

36、es of fiberboard, The fiberboard shall be slightly larger than the gasket. The gasket and fiberboard shall then be inserted into a close fitting plyethylene bag and sealed as specified in 501oIol*l* 5.1.2 Comercial. The fuel mnitor, with required components, shall be preserved as specified in MIL-ST

37、D-1183. 5.2 Packing, Packing shall be level A or comercial as specified (see 6.2). Exterior container (see 5.2,l an 5.2.2) shall be of a minimum tare and cube consistent with the protection required and shall contain the required quantities of elementis and coupling gasket. 5.2.1 Level A. Each compl

38、ete fuel mnitor with required elements and The contents shall Se blocked and braced Box closure and strapping couplitq gasket shall be packed in a close fitting 5ox conforming to PPFB-Col, overseas type, style optional. within the box to prevent inovenient or dainage. shall be as specified in the ap

39、pendix to Lhe 53x s,oecification. 5.2.2 Cornniercial. Each complete fuel monitor with required elenients and coupling gasket shall be packed as specified in MIL-STD-1188, 5.3 Marking. 5.3.1 Level A. In addition to any special ar other identification markings required by the contract, each unit pack,

40、 intermediate and a- terior container and unitized load shall be marked as specified in NIL-STD-. 5.3.2 Cominercial. Conuriercial marking shall be as specified in the requirements of MIL-srP.1138 . 5, NOTES 6.1 Intended use. The fuel mnitors are intended for use downstream of filter separators of co

41、mparable flow rates t:, interrupt the flow of contami- nated fuel. The type I fuel imnitor is intended for use in the Helicopter Expedient Refueling Systan (HERS) and the Fuels Storage Transporting and Hanilling System (SIXaON) , The type II fuel mnitor is intended for use in the Tactical Airfield F

42、uel Dispensing System (TAFDS) ad the &iiphitious Assault Fuel System (AAES) , 62 Ordering data, 6,2.1 Acquisition requiranents. Acquisition dxunients should specify the fhlloidiq: a, b. Type fuel inonitor required (see 1.2) . Title, nuniber and date of this specification. 10 Provided by IHSNot for R

43、esaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-? MIL-F-82Lb5B Li7 m 77777Ob 0257075 O m MI L-F-8 2165 B (NC) c. Time frame required for submission of first article sample(s) (see 3.1). d. Phen first article is required for inspection and approval (see 3.1). e. men temperat

44、ure tests are required (see f. Levels of preservation and packing required (see 5.1 and 5.2). 6.2.2 Data requirements. When this specification is used in an acquisition which incorporates a DD Form 1423, Contract Data Requirements List (ORL) the data requirements identified below shall be

45、developed as specified by an approved Data Itsm Description (DD Form 1664) and deliverd in accordance with Lhe approved CDRL incorporated into the contract. Men the provisions of DAR 7-104.9 (n) (2) are invoked and the CD Form 1423 is not used, the data specified below shall be delivered by the cont

46、ractor in accordance with the contract or purchase order requirements. Deliverable data required by this specification is cited in the following paragraphs. Paragraph 110. Data requirements Applicable DIT) no. Options 4.3 First Article Inspec- DI-T-490 1 tion Procedures 4.3 First Article Inspec- DI-

47、T-490 2 - tion Report (Copies of DIDS required by contractors in connection with specific acquis- ition functions should be obtained from the Naval Publications and Fonnc Center or as directed by the contracting officer.) 5.3 First article. Any changes or deviations of production fuel monitors from

48、the approved first article during production will be subject to the ap2roval of the contractiq officer. Approval of the first article will not relieve the contractor of his obligation t9 furnish fuel irionitors conforming to this specification. 5.4 Changes from previous issue. Asterisks are not used in this revision ta identify changes with respect b the previous issue, due to the extensivs- ness of the changes. Preparing activity: Navy - MC Project No. 49304233 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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