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1、MIL-HDBK-258 58 7977770 OOL2L28 2 = I MIL-HDBK-258(AS) 3 piagiist 1979 MILITARY HANDBOOK INTERFACE CONTROL DOCUMENT FOR INFRARED DETECTING SET AN/AAS-36 /- . FSC 5855 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS /30 PAGES. Obtained From (714)5 Mounts, Vibration. - Military Specification for Computer, Digital AN/ASQ-l14(V

2、), - Military Specification for Signal Data Con- verter CV-2461A/A. - Military Specification for Data Analysis Pro- gramming Group AN/AYA-8. NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS 6oMMAND MIL-1-85295 (AS) 15 April 1979 - Military Specification - Detecting Set, Infra- red AN/AAS-36. BUREAU OF NAVAL WEAPONS WR-101, Part I

3、 dated (15 Feb 1968) - Electromagnetic Control Requirements for Ad- vanced ASH Avionics System. 2 .- I Licensed by Information Handling Services8 P STANDARDS MILITARY 4 MIL-STD-7048 9 August 1966 MIL-STD-1472B 31 December 1974 .- DRAWINGS MILITARY MS25213 . - Military Standard - Electric Power, Air-

4、 craft s Characteristics and Utilization. - Human Engineering De- sign Criteria for neering and Facilities. - Military Systems Engi- . - Control Panel, Aircraft Equipment, Typical Installat ions. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publications re- quired by contractors in connection

5、with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer. 1 2.2 Non -Government Dubicatipl5Q . The following documents of the exact issue date indicated, form a part of this specified herein. ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATES EIA-RS-

6、343-A September 1969 GENERAL ELECTRIC G.E. 7528383 G.E. 7528376 COMPANY 3 handbook to the extent Electrical Performance Standard for High Reso- lution Monochrome Closed.Circuit Televi- sion Camera. Device.Specification - Line Receiver. Device Specification - Line Driver. Licensed by Information Hand

7、ling Services-VIL-HDBK-258 5 W 9979970 OOL2L3 5 r L kLHDBK-258( AS ) TEXAS INSTRUMENTS T.I. 536993 T.1. 536996-1 - Device Specification - Line Receiver (Equiva- lent to National - DM7820). - Device Specification - Line Driver (Equivalent to National DM7830). Application for copies of non-government

8、documents should be addressed to the Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D C Attn: AIR-549332. 20360, - 4 Licensed by Information Handling Services MIL-HDBK-258 58 m 7777970 OOL2L37 7 m i a- MIL-HDBK-258( AS) 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 -abbreviationsand acronm . Symbols, abbreviations and acronyms applic

9、able to this handbook are defined as follows: AC A/C A2 DC DIM DOM DPS EL FT FRP GA GE GFE GND/GRD HZ I CD IRDS LCC LED LOS LSB LU-1 MA MAX MHZ MSB MSEC NOM OA Sec S/D . SDC ss-3 TBD TBS TTSC TV UF USEC VA VRMS WRA .MIN .0 Alternating Current Aircraft Azimuth Direct Current Digital Input Multiplexer

10、 Digital Output IMult iplexer Data Processing system Elevation Feet Fuselage Reference Plane Gauge General Electric Company Government Furnished Equipment Ground Hertz Interface Control Document Infrared Detecting Set Lockheed-California Company Light Emitting Diode Line of Sight Least Significant B

11、it Logic Unit No. 1 Milliamperes Maximum Megahertz Minimum Most Significant Bit Miliseconds Nominal Output Acknowledge Second Synchro to Digital Signal Data Converter Sensor Station 3 To Be Determined To Be Supplied Target Tracking Sight Control Television Microfarads *Microseconds Volt Amperes Volt

12、s, Root Mean Square Weapon Replaceable Assembly Phase a= %: 5 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-HDBK-25 58 9797970 0012140 3 . 1 4. GENERAL STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Funotional desor +5, k8.5, and +15 VDC for the gimbal angle indicator circuitry. Video signals from the receiver conver

13、ter are combined wiJh gimbal angle signals for presenta- tion on the video.indicator. The grey scale generator for setting video indicator controls is also located in this unit. 4.1.3 Control. servomechaahn . The unit accepts data processing system generated rate signals or target tracking position

14、inputs to generate proper azimuth and elevation rate drive signals to position the receiver converter. Receiver-converter azimuth and elevation position feedback to the data processing system is provided for posi- tion compensation. Four power supplies provide GO, +-15, and +5 VDC for servo and turr

15、et drive functions. 4.1.4 Cont rol. detecting set. infrared . This unit provides all IRDS control functions except for video indicator controls and the sight con- trol. All power to the AN/AAS-36 is controlled by the mode selector. A grey scale control switch is provided. position controls permit se

16、lective positioning of the receiver- converter LOS with the mode selector in POS. Six status indicators and a bit control on demand only provide system status. A RTCL BRT (reticle brightness), LEVEL, and GAIN pots provide operator control of these functions. A focus control provides four, manual sel

17、ectable focus options to the operator. FOV (field of view) and POL (polarity) switches permit operator selection of narrow or wide field of view and white or black hot images. Manual elevation and azimuth When the aode select is in CPTR TRK position; the IRDS will accept data processing system gener

18、ated rate commands. Depressing the trigger switch on the sight control permits operator override of computer track but the target position to the computer is continuously available. In the MAN mode, receiver-converter LOS is directed by operation of the sight control. ! 4.1.5 Control. sight. tarnet

19、tracking . This unit provides for manual control of the receiver converter when the mode is set to MAN, and permits override of CPTR TRK. Overriding CPTR TRK, by depressing the trigger switch, disconnects data processing system control. The new turret position(s1 directed by the operator are transfe

20、rred to the data processing system when the switch is released. . 7 -! Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-HDBK-Z5 58 W 7779770 OOLiL42 7 * . Thig unit requires 115 V 400 Hz aircraft power, and is a self- contained unit. Brightness and contrast controls are operator adjustable. on/off switc

21、h is also provided. ohms is provided on the rear as are two tria video connectors. Power to the unit is controlled by the IRDS control. A power Impedance switching between hi and 75 I 4.2 Overall. The operational requirements of the l IRDS as well as the sensitive infrared receiver performance chara

22、cter- istics such as spectral bandpass, square wave response, minimum resolv- able temperature and noise equivalent temperature differential are classified (Confidential) and may be obtained from corresponding para- graph references in AS-3900A. - Ml1 ,-tll)K-258( AS ) 4.3 waft installation. The fol

23、lowing provides installation limitations and precautions for the six IRDS weapons replaceable assemblies. . 4.3.1 Beceiver converter. Location of the u. This unit contains the gimbaled I receiver. from at least the lower hemisphere under the aircraft. The outline dimension drawing (see figur

24、e 1) defines the aperture location with respect to the mounting structure and.shows gimbal angle coverage. The lower forward portion of the aircraft fuselage is a preferred location. Buffeting that could be caused by propellers or skin discontinuities Its apertwe must be mounted so that energy canbe

25、 received should be avoided. Damage to the optical window that could be caused by debris from the landing gear or by leaks from a hydraulic system should be avoided. 1 attitude . The forward direction The unit should be mounted is shown on the outline dimension drawing. parallel to aircraft

26、FRP to provide correct gimbal angle readouts and prevent tilting of tpe displayed infrared image. alignment requirements are defined in paragraph 5.1.5. Receiver-converter . 8 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-HDBK-258 58 9999970 OOL2LLi3 9 W * ! Precautions. a. b. C. d. e. f. g.

27、h. i. j. Avoid sharp bends in all cables Maximum length of cables to the receiver converter is 40 feet Provide access at top for connectors Avoid excessive loading by the mounting structure that could cause giqbalhinding Maintain air space and circulation around upper shroud to maintain cooling Prov

28、ide overhead access for hoisting into place (see figure 1 for hoisting eye location) Provide access for boresight pins 1. Azimuth pin shown on outline dimension drawing 2. Elevation pin access is attained by removal of the 20-inch diameter turret Provide proper grounding of. unit for personnel safet

29、y Provide access to elapsed time meter when in stowed position . Provide access for turret .window cleaning . mina wtructiong A rigid mounting structure is required that securely restrains the unit at the four perimeter locations. 4.3.2 power swlv - video converter. -ion of ull+t a .

30、 The Power Supply - Video Converter, PP-7267/AAS-36 will be located in a .conventional equipment mounting area as near as possible to the other interconnected WRAs to minimize cable lengths. - wts to nom OD- attw The Power Supply - Video Converter, PP-7267/AAS-36 may be operated in any attitu

31、de, easiest maintenance, it should be approximately level. For 9 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-HDBK-258 58 7777970 0012Lqq O W MIL-HDBK-258(AS 1 Precautions. a, b. Provide access in front of unit for electrical Avoid sharp bends in ali cables connectors and elapsed time meter

32、c. d. Provide proper grounding for personnel safety Provide air space and circulation around fil%ers in front and the fan outlet in the rear of unit Avoid excessive loading in mounting that could damage case e. f. g. Provide clearance for drainhole in bottom of unit Provide access for filter cleanin

33、g maintenance Mountinn instruotiona . The power supply-video converter is designed for use on a mounting base such as prescribed in MIL-C-172C except for non-standard size and fastener spacing. - 4 . 3 . 3 Control servomechanisms. Location of unstonormal oDeraWn attit- . Control, Sig

34、ht, Target Tracking C-9984/AAS-36 may be mounted in any attitude for operator -. convenience . Precautions. a. Avoid sharp bends in cable and removal b. Provide service length in cable for unit installation I. t c. Provide proper grounding for operators safety - -. The Control, Sight

35、, Target Tracking C-9984/AAS-36 shall be mounted similar to the method described In MS25213 except spacing of fasteners is not standard. C-9984/AAS-36 is limited to 15,000 feet ambint altitude operation (may be operated at higher altitudes in a pressurized area). 4,3.5,5 Environmentallimits. The Con

36、trol, Sight, Target Tracking. . . # 4.3.6 -ator video, 4,3.6.1 Location of u. The Indicator, Video IP-1240/AAS-36 will be located in the IRDS operators station, as near as possible to inter- connecting units, to minimize cable lengths (maximum cable length is 40 feet). . The. indicator should be loc

37、ated for easy access to operator controls and should be positioned for comfortable viewing (18 to 24 inches from operators eyes) . with the Control Detecting Set, Infrared, C-9983/AAS-36 and the Control , Sight, Target Tracking, C-9984/AAS-36. Uts to normal oDerm 7977770 0012155 5 3 i MIL-HD

38、BK-258 (AS ) b. Manual track override - informs computer that the depressed, i.e., subsystem is in manual track mode. trigger of the target tracking sight control is 5.3.3 MIAAS -16 svnchro - interfa . The IRS control servo- mechanism unit will provide azimuth and elevation gimbal position readout s

39、ignals to the aircraft data processing systems, in synchro form. synchro format compatible with synchro to digital converters such as the CV-2461 A/A. interface details are presented in-figures 21 and 22. The gimbal position signals will utilize 11.8 V, 400 Hz, 3 wire Typical (P-3C) electrical and m

40、echanical synchro Suuhr? reference . The aircraft data processing . -. system must provide a 26 V, 400 Hz excitation signal for the azimuth and elevation position synchro transmitters in the IRDS receiver-con- verter, via the control servomechanism unit. Detafled electrical and mechanical in

41、terface information for the synchro reference signal is presented in figure 23. IRDS synchro signals and the 26 VAC reference is provided in figure 24. Typical (P-3C) overall wiring details for the 1. - Bectrical zero . The following method can be implemented to , provide a coarse electrical

42、 zero verification. This is not an accurate test, but will determine which of two possible null positions corres- pond to electrical zero. All signals necessary for this determination are present on 353, the control-servomechanism WRA to aircraft interface connector. R1 (26 VAC 400 Hz LO), R2 (26 VA

43、C 400 Hz HI), MI, AS2, AS3 (azimuth synchro S1, S2 and S3) and ES1, ES2, ES3 (elevation synchro S1, S2 and S3). Detail pin connections are provided in figure 24. The AN/AAS-36 must be energized through 353. will be required. An oscilloscope with two vertical input channels will be used with horizont

44、al ti& base synchronized to channel 2. Convert R2 to channel 2 vertical input. They are A means of break-out of these signals Procedures: a. Initially point the system LOS to approximately boresight. All cables must be connected for test, but system power (mode switch) may be off. b. For azimuth axi

45、s, connect AS1 and AS3 together, and to channel 1 of the scope. return - if the proper electrical zero has been chosen, the two waveforms displayed will be approximately in time phase. If incorrect electrical zero has been chosen, the two waveforms will be approximately 180 out of time phase. Connec

46、t AS2 to R1 together and connect to scope 21 ! Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-HDBK-258 58 7977770 0032356 7 1 P ML L-HDBK- 2 58 ( AS ) i C. For elevation axis, repeat b. except use ESl, ES2 and ES3 instead of AS1, AS2 and AS3. 5.4 BN/AAS-16 electrical j&,erlockg. 5.4.1 WAAS 3 6 -ce swi

47、m . The IRDS receiver-converter will interface with a remote receiver-converter maintenance switch. The maintenance switch will be a 3 position device which establishes the following operating conditions: a. Upper position (normal) - normal receiver converter operat ion b. Center position (gimbal di

48、sable) - normal receiver- converter operation except power (+30 VDC) is removed from the gimbal drive mechanism. c. Lower position (brake release) - same as center position except, gimbal brake release connections are made through the maintenance switch to the receiver-converter. Brake release high

49、(Hi), +28 VDC (when enabled) and brake release low (Lo), a ground. Figure 25 details the overall interfaces of the receiver converter and the maintenance switch. 6. -!ZANCE 6.1 Thic handboak is under the engineering aognizance of AIR-549332. Preparing Activity-NAVY AS Project No. 5855-002 8 22 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesI l , I H H H u 4 E-, z 8 O z G 4 H z O z H u 4 H z 8 O z a H 0: H n w 2 w O z !5 8 4 + E-, rn O PI u CI E- 4 t 2! w v) 2 u * a f s I v1 O tr.l E XE 3 H H u * m I a Fi E-, VJ O p 23 Licensed by Information Handling Services


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