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1、RIL-I-b32D 57 99979Ob 00075r10 b MIL-I-631D 15 November 1961 SUPERSEDING 23 September 1955 MIL-I-63IC MILITARY SPECIFICATION INSULATION, ELECTRICAL, SYNTHETIC-RESIN COMPOSITION, NONRIGID This specification has been approved by the Department of Defense for use of the Departments of the Army, the Nav

2、y, and the Air Force. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. - This specification covers only the basic characteristics required by the synthetic insulat- ing material, as such, and the methods suited to their satisfactory determination. 1.2 Classification. - 1.2.1 Des. - Electrical insulation shall be of the followin

3、g types, as specified (see 6.2): Type A - Polyethylene. Type B - Cellulose acetate butyrate. Type C - Cellulose acetate or cellulose triacetate. Qpe D - Ethyl cellulose. Type E - Vinylidene chloride copolymer. Type F - Polyvinyl chloride and its copolymers. Type G - Polyethylene terephthalate. 1.2.2

4、 Forms, - Electrical insulation shall be furnished in the following forms, as specified (see 6.2): Form F - Film, in rolls (types B, C, D, and G only). Form S - Sheet, flat or in rolls. Form T - Tape. Subform Tt - Film tape (types B, C, D and G only). Subform T, - Sheet tape. Subform U, - American-w

5、ire-gage size (AWG size) (types A, E and F only). Subform ub - Cable-end-sealing size (type F only). (See 6.8) Form U - Tubing (see 6.7) * 1.2.3 Grades.- l?pe F electrical insulation shall be furnished in the following grades, as specified (see 6.2): Grade a - Gene,d purpose. Grade b - Low temperatu

6、re (form U only). Grade c - High temperature (form U only). 1.2.4 Classes. - Electrical insulation shall be furnished in the following classes, as specified (see 6.2): Class I - Fungus resistance required. Class II - Fungus resistance not required. 1.2.5 Categories. - Type F, form U tubing shall be

7、furnished in the following Category: Category 1 - Flame resistance required. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-I-b3LD 59 D 9999906 0007541 B P MIL-I-63lD 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTO 2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect o

8、n date of invitation for bids, form a part of thir specification to the ex 2 Other publications.- The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent *Ci- fied herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issue in effect cm , Committee, 1 Park Avenue 33rd Sweet, New York 16, N. Y.) 3.

9、 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 tt;mtiatlng evidence shd be submitted at any later time if a change again becomes necessary or desirable, At the discretion d the qualifying agency, test specimens may be required to prove the suitability of the proposed changes. 3.2.2 Uniformity. - All material in a lot of the sam

10、e type and product of any one manufacturer shall be uniform in texture, color, cross section, finish, and in the properties specified in table I, II, or III, as applicable. 3.2.3 Surface defects. - Materials shall be free from blisters, bubbles, wrinkles, .and cracks, and shall be reasonably free fr

11、om other small defects such as scratches and in widths greater than 3 inches. Material 3 inches or less in width, slit from film, is defined as film tape (subform T O I r 0: ml ON “ ?Z U9 1 o: -1 .I *.a O0 “ “ I I 1 I O L - c 3 U rC v* mv l-2 i L. I I I E .- CI W r. 5 W I 5 .- 4a a m O 3 Provided by

12、 IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-HIL-I-63LD 59 999990b 00075Yb 7 F 0000000 000r-rn“O mr-aann.c*n.c n a n o 1- l II I. II “ *. I Il I Ill1 1 IlIl I 101 1 IlIl I IlII 100 nlnlno o CI 4 f 5 9 i * I 01 di i: I s 1 e W I l I l 1 7 Provided by IHSNot f

13、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-631D 4% :I U 7 d k .- 1 3 C .- m a 9 9 i c - .d m d O m , V 9 d i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-U V U MIL-I-631D 0000000000 WNNNNNNNNN B “ c 4. Y V

14、c VI 1 (o s i D - 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-b3LD 59 D 999990b 00035r9 2 MIL-I-631D Table W. - 9anbl d thrrknesses of film and filn1 lape (form F and subiorm Tt). “ Tolerance thickness Other types Inch O. 005 .o010 . O015

15、 ,002 .O03 .O05 ,0075 . . o1 Inch o. 0001 - .o002 .O004 .O004 .O005 .O005 .o005 “ Inch “ o. 0001 ,0002 . O002 “ Thicknesses. - Unless otheruise specified in the contract or order, the nominal thicknesses and tolerances on thicknesses of form S material, and of subform Ts.material cut from sh

16、eets, shall be 25 shown in table V, as specified (see 6.2): Table V. ,- hominal thicknesses and tolerances of sheet and sheet tape (form S and subform T Type G types Nominal thickness fncb Inch Inch i hCh 0.003 1 -_- i 0.0006 O. 0003 .O05 .O005 .O075 .O08 i 0.0008 1 - ,0008 *o10 “ .o010 ,030 .W30 “

17、.O030 ,040 “ .O040 “ Al least 90 percent of the area of the sheet shall be u-itFin this variation, and al no point shall the thick- ness as measured vary from the nominal by a value grtater than 12.5 percent. 3.3.3 Tape. - Tape shall be furnished in an? speci!ied thickness, in rolls of 3 inches wide

18、 or less, wound over a suitable cylindrical core for subsequent application b; hand or machine taping. (See 6.2) The thicknesses and thickness tolerances for extruded tapes shall be as specified in,, ?S applicable and as epecified (see 6.2). Tape shall be uniform, even, and s

19、mooth in appearance, with a surface entirely free from holes. The edges shall be straight, true, and unbroken. It sball be tightly wound in rolls, with a suitable separator betueen layers, Khen necessary, ;o preent the material from adhering to itself when unwound from the roll. Uhen unwound from th

20、e roll, the :ape shall remain reasonably flat with no tendency to Curl 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-b31D 57 999990b 0007550 9 = ML-I-631D transversely. The tape, when correctly applied, shall adhere snugly without wrinklin

21、g, curling, or buckling. For application by machine. - !,%en the material is required for machine-taping, the width, tolerance on the width, and lehgth of material on the roll, the overall diameter of the roll, and the mandrel diameter of the cylindrical core shall be as specified (ser 6.2).

22、 For application by hand. - When the material is required for hand-taping, it shall, unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, be put up in rolls approximately 4-1/2 inches in diameter, wound Over a suitable 1 to 1-1,2 inch core ronvenient for hand application. Unless otherwise sp

23、ecified in the contract or order, tape for hand application shall be furnished in the standard widths shown in table VI, as specified (see 6.2). Table VI. - Standard widths of tape for application by hand (form T). Tolerance (plus or minus) Wldth Type G 1 mer types 0.001 - 0,002 inch nominal thickne

24、ss Inches Inch O. 50 O. 03 .75 .O3 1.00 .O3 1.25 .O3 1.50 .O3 2.00 .O3 2.50 .o3 3.00 .O3 3.3.4 Tubing (form U).- O. 003-0.0075 thickness Inch O. 03 .O3 .O3 .O3 .O3 .O3 .o6 .o6 Ineh 0.02 . o2 .o2 .o4 .o4 .O4 -04 .O4 Unless otherwise specified in the contractor or order, tubing shall be furnis

25、hed on reels in lengths specified in table VII. (See 6.2.) Tubing furnished on reels shall be wound on the reel in Such P manner that the tubing rill not be flattened or kinked to an extent that printing of circuit identification machine, f desired, cannot be accomplished. Minimum lengths specified

26、shall not be exceeded by more than 10 percent. Table VII. - Tubing lengths. Nominal inside Minimum ler diameter Inch Feet O. 034 - O. O59 1, OW 0.066 - O. 166 500 O. 186 - O. 333 200 O. 360 and over 100 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-

27、,-,-MIL-I-b3LD 59 9 9999906 0007553 O I ML-I-631D Table VIII. - Inside diameters and wall tbirknesses of tubing AWG sizes (subform Ua). -1- AWG Size No. 24 22 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 O 5/16 in. 3/8 in. 7/16 in. 1/2 in. 5/8 in. 3/4 in. 7/8 in. 1 in. 1 - 1/4 in. 1-1/2 in. 1-

28、3/4 in. 2 in. T c i I t _ Inside diameter (inches) Nminal i Minimum I o. 022 .O27 .O34 .O38 .O42 .O47 .O53 .O59 .O66 .O76 .O85 .O95 .lo6 .118 .133 .148 .166 .186 .208 .234 .263 .294 .330 “- “_ “- “_ “_ “- “- “- “_ “- “- “_ I o. 020 .O25 .O32 .O36 .O40 .O45 .O51 .O57 .O64 .O72 .O81 . o91 .lo2 .114 .1

29、29 .144 . 162 .182 ,204 .229 .258 .2 89 .325 .313 .375 .438 .500 .625 .750 .875 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 Maximum O. 027 .O32 .O39 .O44 .O49 .O54 .O61 .O67 .O72 .O80 .O89 .lo1 .112 .124 . 141 .158 .178 .198 .224 .249 .278 .311 .347 .334 I399 .462 .524 .655 .786 .911 1.036 1.290 1.550 1.812 2.070

30、 _- 4- I Wall thickness (inches) Minimum o. 010 ,010 . O13 .O13 .O13 .O13 .O13 .O13 .O13 ,013 .O13 .O13 .O13 . O17 .O17 .O17 . O17 .O17 .O17 . O17 . o17 . O17 . O17 ,022 .o22 .o22 .o22 .O25 .O30 .O30 .O30 .O35 .O39 .O47 .O50 Maximum O. 014 .O14 . o19 . o19 . o19 . o19 . o19 . o19 . o19 . o19 . o19 .

31、 o19 . o19 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O28 .O28 .O28 .O28 .O35 .O40 .O40 .O40 .O45 .O51 .O63 .O70 - Nominal o. 012 . o12 .016 .016 .016 .016 , O16 .016 . O16 . O16 .016 .016 . O16 ,020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .025 .025 .025 .025 .030 ,035 .035 .035 .040 .0

32、45 .055 .060 Table E. - Inside diameters and wall thicknesses of tubing, cable-end-sealing sizes (subform ub) - (see 6.8) Type F only. Inside diameter (inches) r Nominal O. 162 .190 .250 .280 .320 .360 .400 .430 .450 .520 .570 Minimum O. 155 .185 .245 .275 .315 .355 .395 .425 .445 .515 .565 Maximum

33、O. 170 .200 .260 .290 .330 .375 ,420 .450 .470 .540 .590 Wall thickness (inches) Minimum O. 018 ,018 -018 .O18 .O18 .O18 .O28 .O28 .O28 .O28 .O37 Maximum O. 023 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O23 .O33 .O33 .O33 .O33 ,043 Nominal o. 020 ,020 .020 .020 .020 * 020 .030 .030 .030 .030 .040 12 Provided by IHSNot f

34、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-b31D 59 W 999990b O007552 2 MIL-I- 63 1D Table M. - Inside diameters ?nd wall thicknesses of tubing, cable-end-sealing sizes (subform ub) - (ser . 8) Type F only (contd.). _ - Inside diameter (inches) T Nominal .630

35、.680 .760 .820 .850 .890 .960 1.030 1.100 1.165 1.225 1.285 1.365 1.470 1.585 Minimum .625 .675 .750 .8 10 .a40 .880 .950 1.020 1.090 1.150 1.205 1.260 1.345 1.455 1.565 Maximum .650 .700 .785 .845 .a90 .925 1.000 1.070 1.150 1.200 I. 255 1.310 1.400 1.510 1.615 “ - Wall thickness (inches) Minimum .

36、O37 .O37 ,037 .O46 .O46 .O46 .O46 .O46 .O46 .O55 .O55 .O55 .O55 .O55 .O55 Maximum .O43 .O43 .O43 .O54 .O54 .O54 .O54 .O54 .O54 .O65 .O65 .O65 .O65 .O65 .O65 Nominal . o40 .O40 .O40 .O50 .O50 .O50 .O50 .O50 .O50 . O60 .O60 .O60 .O60 .O60 .O60 3.4 Quantitative requirements (property values). - When sp

37、ecimens are subjaed to the tests specified in tables I, II, or III, as applicable, the values obtained from any set of specimens cut from one sheet, roll, or reel for any specific property after any one conditioning procedure specified in the table shall be aver- aged, and this average value shall b

38、e not less than the minimum nor more than the maximum value (as applicable) specified in table I, II, or III, as applicable. 3.5 Qualitative requirements. - 3.5. 1 Effect of heat on materials under tension (type F, form S and subform T, only). - The material shall not crack or split in layers when t

39、ested as specified in 4.6.9. 3.5.2 Flexibility after aging, - Oven aging. - None of the samples of material shall exhibit cracks due to hardening when tested as specified in In the testing of form U material, cracking at the creased edges of the bend shall be disregarded. U

40、ltra-violet-light aging (type F, form U, grade b only). - Type F, grade b material shall not exhibit cracks due to hardening when tested as specified in 4.6. 10.3. In the testing of form U material, cracking at the creased edges of the bend shall be disregarded. 3.5.3 Cold bend (forms F, S and T onl

41、y). - The material shall not crack or break when tested as specified in 4.6. 11. 3.5.4 Flame resistance (type F, form U only). - The average duration of burning shall not exceed 15 seconds, and the paper indicator shall show no evidence of being affected when tested as specified in 4.6.13. 3.5.5 Oil

42、 resistance-flexibility (not applicable to types A and D). - Forms F, S, and T. - The material shall not increase in dimension (width or thickness) by more than 15 percent when tested as specified in 4.6.14. It shall not break or crack when creased on itself. Form U. - At the complet

43、ion of the test specified in 4.6.14, oil shall not have penetrated into the tubing; and the tubing shall not have developed cracks, or increased in diameter at any point by more than 10 percent. 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-

44、I-b3LD 53 779790b 0007553 II . MIL-I-631D 3.5.6 Corrosive effect. - Copper shall no! be corrodrd or otherwise advcrsely affected by contact with the material. The resistance of the co2per wire shall no! increase by more than 2 percent. (See 4.6. IS.) S. 5.7 Funps resistance (class 1). - The nlateria

45、l shall be tested for fungus resistance is specified in 4.6.16. The naterial shall not suppwt fungus prouth. The material shall be considered furgus resistant if at least 2 of 3 specinlens are rated O to 1. S. 6. Chemical anlysis. - The coniposition of material as determined by chemical analysis on

46、material offered under a contract or order shall not differ significantly from the composition o! the samples submitted for qualification approd. (See 4.6. i?.) 3.7 St3r-e stability (type F, fortm,U only): - A! the end of the 12 months storage specified in 4.6.18 there shall be no evidence o1 spewq

47、011y or sticky exudztion) on the inner and outer surfaces of the tubing. At the end of the 12 months storage type F, form U, class I material shall conform to the fungus resistance requirements of 3. S. 7. 3.8 Workmanship. - The material shall be manufactured and processed in a careful and workmanli

48、ke manner, in accordance with good practice. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 The supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified hereln. Excep: as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own or any other inspection facilities and serv- ices accep

49、table to the Government. Xnspection records of the examination and tests shall be kept complete and available to the Government as specified in the contract or order. The Government reserves the right to per:?-=. any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to insure sJpplies and services con


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