NAVY MIL-M-81392-1966 MARKER LOCATION MARINE MK 25 AND MODS 2 AND 3《海洋MK25和载人轨道研究站第2和第3座位标志》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-M-81392-1966 MARKER LOCATION MARINE MK 25 AND MODS 2 AND 3《海洋MK25和载人轨道研究站第2和第3座位标志》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-M-81392-1966 MARKER LOCATION MARINE MK 25 AND MODS 2 AND 3《海洋MK25和载人轨道研究站第2和第3座位标志》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-M-81392-1966 MARKER LOCATION MARINE MK 25 AND MODS 2 AND 3《海洋MK25和载人轨道研究站第2和第3座位标志》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-M-81392-1966 MARKER LOCATION MARINE MK 25 AND MODS 2 AND 3《海洋MK25和载人轨道研究站第2和第3座位标志》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-M-81392-1966 MARKER LOCATION MARINE MK 25 AND MODS 2 AND 3《海洋MK25和载人轨道研究站第2和第3座位标志》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-M-1392 13 799770b 035932Lt b W MIL-M-81392 (AS) 12 August 1966 Superseding OS-8738D 5 July 1966 MILITARY SPEC IF ICAT ION MARKER, LOCATION, WINE, MK 25 AND MODS 2 and 3 This specification has been approved by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification

2、covers the manufacture, assembly, preparation for delivery of the Marker, Location, Marine Mk 25 and Mods 2 and 3, and the methods of examination and tests upon which product acceptance shall be based. The marker consists of an aluminum body containing a pyrotechnic composi,tion which produces a yel

3、low flame and white smoke when electrically initiated by a Mk 13 Mod O Electric Squib which is activated by a Mk 72 Mod 1 Water Activated Battery. feature that seals the battery cavity. Explosives (Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR 71-78) and IIC Explosives (Coast Guard Rules and Regulations for Mi

4、litary Explosives and Hazardous Munitions CG 108). The base of the marker contains a safe-arm The marker is classified as Class B 1.2 Definitions. The meaning of the terms used in this specification are as listed in 6.4 2. APPIZCABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. The following documents, of th

5、e issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFiCATIONS Federal SS-S-S;O Military Sodium Chloride, Technical, for Water Softening Unit c MILI- 45607 Inspection Equipment, Supply and Maintenance of Provided by IHSNot for Resal

6、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-81372 13 M 7777706 0357325 M MIL-M-81392 (AS) MILC-45662 Bureau ,of Navai Weapons wS 4626 4630 os 8765 STANDARDS Military KIL-STD-OS MILSTD-129 MIL-STD-350 MIL-STD-3 52 MIL-STD-353 MIL4TD-354 DFfAWINGS Bureau of Naval Weapon

7、s Calibration System Requirements Composition, Starter Squib, Electric, Mk 13 Mod 0 Battery, Water Activated, Mk 72 and Mods Sampling Procedures and Tables for . Inspection by Attributes Marking for Shipment and Storage Jolt Test for use in Production of Fuzes Forty (LO) Foot Drop Test for use in Pr

8、oduction of Fuzes Transportation Vibration Test for use in Production of Fuzes Temperature and Humidity Test for use in Production of Fuzes LD 282857 Marker, Location, Marine Mk 25 Mod 2 (Assembly) LD 6151u Marker, Location, Marine Mk 25 Mod 3 (Assembly) SA Drawing 252293.4 Vibration Test Fixture SA

9、 Drawing 2522980 Jolt Test Fixture (And all IDS, drawings, specifications , standards and publication6 listed thereon,) (When requesting specifications, standards and drawings refer to both title and number, obtained upon application to the Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Supply Depot (Code los), 58

10、01 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. 19120, Copies of Military Specifications and Standard8 may be Copies of 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-BW8aW of Naval Weapons specifications and drawings may be obtained upon application to Conmia

11、nding Officer, U, S, Naval Ordnance Plant (CTDO), miwie, Ksntucky, 4021.4.) 2,2 Other publications. The following publications form a part of thie specification to the extent specified herein, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bide shall apply: Unless otherwise indicated, AMERICAN SOCIIX

12、Y FOR TESTING MATERIAIS ASTM Standard C277-53 Magnesium Sulfate, Technical Grade (Copies of the ASTM Standard may be obtained from the American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa,) CODE OF FEDERAL RECKILATIONS 49 CFR 71-78 Interstate Commerce Commission Rules and Reg

13、ulations for Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles (Application for copies should be addressed to Superintendent of Documents, QaverrinYsnt Printing Office, Washington, DOCo 20360, Orders for the above publication should cite the latest edition and supplement *) COAST GUARD RULES

14、 AND REGULATIONS CG 108 Rules and Regulations for Military Explosives and Hazardous Munitions (Application for copies should be addressed to superintendent of Documents, Qovernment Printing Office, Washington, D*C, 20360.) 30 mulREMENTs 3.1 Manufacture and inspection, The marker shall be manufacture

15、d, examined, tested and packed in accordance with contract documents, list of drawings BUWEPS I 282857 for the Mk 25 Mod 2 and BUWEPS L 615141 for the Mk 25 Mod 3, as applicable, and this specification, 3.101 Preproduction sample. An acceptable preproduction sample of markers shall be furnished by t

16、he contractor, and all materials shall be of a single type, grade, class, size and composition and shall comply with all applicable provisions of this document, Shall be manufactured at the same location uroring the same methods proposed for full production. of the quantity specified for delivery by

17、 the contract or order. The markers, their components The samples The preproduction sample shall not be applied as part 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-81392 (AS) 3.2 Examinations. 3.2.1 Components, assemblies and materials. A

18、ll components, assemblies and materials of the marker shall meet all the requirements of their respective specifications or drawings. Squib. The squib shall meet the requirements of the applicable specification, Battery. The battery shall meet the requirements of the applicable speci

19、fication, Starter composition. The starter composition shall meet the requirements of the applicable specification, 3.2.2 Marker, She marker shall meet the requirements of this specification , 3.3 Performance and product characteristics. 3.3.1 Performance. Sealing, The marker shall w

20、ithstand a vaCus Conflicting requirements. Conflicting requirements arising between this specification and any specification or publication listed herein shall be referred Irr writing to the procuring agency for clarification. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

21、out license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-BL342 13 M 7779706 0357337 8 M 6.6 General safety precautions. The loading, assably and handling of the item oovered by this specification, and the sub-assemblies thereof, involve hazardous operations and there- fore require sui table explosives safety precautions. Use

22、 of this specification will not be construed as to relieve the contractor or manufacturer of responsibility for the safety of his operations. Listed below are certain minimum pro- visions which a contractor or manufacturer (which explosively loads the item covered) should observe in order to nilfill

23、 his responsibility for safety. At Bureau of Naval Weapons, Navy Department, and other Government plants, these provis- ions are mandatory. Such other warnings and precautions, pertinent to the operational effectiveness or safety during we or loading of the specified item, are included in the detail

24、 technical requirements of the specification. and orderly manner. 6.6.1 All loading operations should be conduoted in a neat 6.6-2 Safe equipment and methods should be utilized for transporting arid handling explosives and loaded parts. Where requimd, remote control barrioaded handling equipment sha

25、ll be used for explosives operations, such as mixing, pouring, weighing, charging, siftLng, drying, pressing, uasting, crimp- ing, *etc. 6-6.3 Personnel handling detonators , primers , delay elements # lead-ins, boosters , and related parts which affect funct;, shotiid insofar as practicable,

26、 avoid using bare fingers or improper equipment in order to prevent damage, comosion, or deter4oration from perspiration or other contaminating deposita . should be so controlled as to minimize the absoqption of mois- ture from the atmosphere or other sourdes during loading and handling operations .

27、 A11 explosives and oompletely or partially loaded item should be stored in suitable storage magazines located in accordanoe with the Amerioan Table of Distanoes (ABI) or other applicable safety standards ; and , while in process, in safety lockers and chests if in loading rooms, or in adequate read

28、y or service magazines located in aooordanue with InLra- plant distances when outside of loading rooms . Por Navy managed explosives loading plants, %he provisions of the Armed Services Explosives Safety BQard uovering quantity- distance relakions for explosives will apply. 6.6.4 The expoaure of exp

29、losive materials and related parta 6.6.5 /y- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-81372 13 7797706 03573LO I MILM -81392 (AS) 6-6*7 Proper care must be exercised a,t all times to protect personnel from accidents, fires or exp1osioros

30、, and to limit damage to equipment and loading BFBB, precautionary measures in the following paragraphs should be obs erued , In this conneotion, the 6-6.7.1 Employ properly proportioned and properly loaated protective barricades , screens or shields at all required pointa. 6*607B2 Keep only minimum

31、 limited quantities of expssivee and ccmpleted or partially loaded parts present at eaoh stage of operations , Keep explosives and explosive parts in approved oovered receptables with covers in place when material is not being taken out of or put into the receptaoles. Where necessarcy, recep

32、taales should be conductive to ground electrostatio oharges , Protect operations from electrostatic cargeS by effeotively grounding all machinery, equipment, and fixtures ; and where necessary, enrploy suitable grounded conductive cover- ing for floors, work benches , and tables , and worker

33、s t con- duct3ve shoes. Workers clothing of a type to minimize the accumulation of static chargea shouid be employed. Fabrics such as silk and nylon, which promote static generation should be avoided , bracelets for workers should be employed where operations are oonducted with item which are unusua

34、lly sensitive to inj.tia- tion by statio electricity. explosives, traoer mixtures , and low-energy type electric primers, detonators, and squibs , should have the fme ends of lead wires bared and twisted together, and be paaked in relatively-small groups wrapped ;l-n bare non-insulated alumlnum foil

35、 or other uncoated metal foil, During assembly and processing operatiom auch sensitive electric item should be short oirsouited by clips or other devioes unk11 installed with safety shunt in the final device, Addtional precautiom lor these item should include mechaniwl shielding to oontain or deflec

36、t; Fragments and blast, also eleotrioal shielding of these items from induoed electrio ourrentrs generated by sources such as lightning, statio radia- tiions from ommnica.t;ions apparatus s radar, OP high frequenoy heat apparatus, etc, Where neoessary for safety, humidity of work moms should be appr

37、opriately increased, aa pequired to lessen electrostata effeots but without induciw exoessive moiature absorption by any of the oomponente of the item being loaded, Additional groundlng devi ces such as grounded Such items include initiating The latter types of items 17 Provided by IHSNot for Resale

38、No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-1372 13 H 777770b 03573Ll1 b m Y MIL-M-81392 (AS) Proteot all explosiva opem.t;iom from erreoM of oleotrio eurrent originating from equipment auoh a8 soldering irons, heaters 8 Switches , wiring, motors, lights, tests

39、 i118 tru- ments eto. 8 by suitable insulation, grounding separation or shielding, Such eleotrio sources may initiate explosives by heat, Sparks, arcs, or due to completing an eleotrio eirauit through an eleetric primer, detonator, or squib, be inadvertently completed, for example, from a defeotive

40、electric solderlng Iron through a grourded gontaot, All eleotrlo type primere, detonatom or aqulbs provlded with wire leads should have the free ends or the wires bared and twisted together ta short oircut ea, .and little or no flammable material to be presant in loading, handling nd storago spaoea,

41、 Enforoe proper “atoh“ and “No rules where necessary. policing, $nspeotion and supervisory methods throughout the loading area and surroundings. Employ effeotive oleaning methods periodically to minirqitee the accumulation of explosives or dust and other oontarrllnation upon, and assure its removal

42、from floors, walls , ceilings, ledges 8 tables , banohes , piping, and equipment or the items loaded; also, alean up any spilled material immedi- ately, data are used for any purpoise other than in oonnectlon with a definitely related Government proeurement operation, the U,S . Government thereby in

43、oura no responsibility nor any obligation whhtsoever; and the Rahat; the Government may have formulated, furnished, or In any way speaifled the Said drawings, speolfloa- Uons, or orner data is not to be regarded by lmplloation or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any-other peraon OP

44、 oorpornlon, or oonveying any rights or permission8 to itutnuftoturo, use, or eo11 any patented invention that mig in any way be related thereto, Cirauits my Enforce good housekeeping and maintain efteotive Noti ce , When Government drawings, speoifioations , or other 18 “ /- /- I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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