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1、MIL-R-24537 (SH) 18 April 1978 MILITARY SPECIFICATION ROPE, FIBROUS. PLAITED, CONTINUOUS POLYESTER FILWNT MITH A STAPLE WRAP - This specification is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command and is available for use by all Departments and Pgencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 S

2、cope. This specification covers the requirements for fibrous plaited rope having 1.2 Classification. The rope shall be furnished in one type and in the circumference a continuous polyester filament with a staple wrap. specified (see 6.2. i) . 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Issues of documents. The foll

3、owing documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitationforidc or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL UU-T-81 - Tags, Shipping and Stock. MIL-C-3131 - Cordage: Preparation for Delivery of. MIL-M-15926 - Marlinespike. MIL

4、-L-17672 - Lubricating Oil, Hydraulic and Light Turbine, Noncorrosive. MILITARY STANDARDS FEDERAL FED-STD-191 - Textile Test Methods. MILITARY MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by contr

5、actors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Sample for first article ins ection. When speciied (see 6.2.11, prior to beginning production, a finichedxp-1 besubmitted to the con

6、tracting officer or his designated representative for first article inspection as specified in 4.1.1. A continuous length of 70 feet shall be submitted. 3,.2 Materials. Material used in the rope shall be virqin, continuous filament, heat 3.3 Construction. 3.3.1 and light resistant polyester filament

7、 with a staple wrap. The rope shall be made of eight strands arranged in four pairs, where one indiv- idual strand shall be laid adjacent to the second strand in each pair and shall conform to Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in i

8、mproving this docun?ent should be addressed to: Commander, Naval Ship Engineering Center, SEC 6124, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 20362 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. FSC 4020 Licen

9、sed by Information Handling Services MIL-R-29537 90 7777706 0109bSO 5- MIL-R-2 4 537 (CH) the requirements specified herein. yarn and shall have equal numbers of yarns. The yarns shall be made-from gxoup filaments conforming to the sizes specified in table I for the respective sizes of rope. Individ

10、ual strands shall be made of one size of single TABLE I. Construction. Rope size Denier of single (circumference, inches) yarns 3/4 to 1-1/8 9,000 1-1/4 to 4 18,000 4 -1/2 45,000 3.3.2 In the preparation of the constituent rope strands, the pattern “SZC“ shall be employed in the twisting of the yarn

11、s, and the individual strands of two pairs, while the components of the remaining pairs shall be twisted in the iiZ68i pattern. 3.3.3 The finished fope shall be so constructed that in the interweaving procedure, pairs of strands of the former structure shall be twisted in the “2“ direction, while al

12、ter- nating pairs of the latter structure shall be twisted simultaneously in the ISn direction. Heat setting of the rope or any of its components shall not be permitted. The direction of twist for the yarns, the strands, and the pairs of strands into the rope shall be determined in accordance with 4

13、.2.5. 3.4 Physical requirements. 3.4.1 The finished rope shall conform to the physical properties specified in table II when tested as specified in 4.2.5. Circumference at load Pi r- nominal I Inches 3/4 . 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/2 Tolerance plus or mi

14、nus TABLE II. Physica. Inches 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 114 Load Approx ilp II Dia Lbs. 1 Inches 12 1/4 20 5/16 30 3/8 40 7/16 50 1/2 70 9/16 90 5/8 110 3/4 140 13/16 170 7/8 200 1 240 1-1/16 270 1-1/8 310 1-1/4 350 1-5/16 450 1-1/2 I properties. Linear d

15、ensity lbs. per 100 ft. at load II p II Pounds 2.10 3.15 4.35 5.65 7.35 9.55 12.2 15.2 18.4 21.5 25.2 29.6 33.6 37.8 42.5 63.0 Hardness min; no max. Pounds 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 20 20 20 20 20 20 Breaking test, minimum Pounds 2,080 2,980 3,970 5,050 6,400 8,100 9,900 12,200 14 I 500 19,000 22,000 25 1

16、000 27,500 37 ,000 161700 30,700 3.4.2 Elongatkfn. The elongation of the rope shall not exceed 25 percent at 75 percent of the minimum brea ng test in table II. The load elongation curve, drawn autographically, shall not exhibit evidence of changes in load applications greater than 5 percent of the

17、load weighed at the instant of change. Changes due to splice slippage shall not be con- sidered in this determination. II when tested “as received . 3.4.3 Hardness. The Ifinished rope shall meet the minimum hardness specified in table 2 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-24537 (SH) 3.5 F

18、inish. No extraneous material shall be added for the purpose of weighting the rope, The extractable matter of the finished rope shall notsexceed 4.0 percent when tested as specified in 4.2.5. 5.0 percent when tested as specified in 4.2.5. 3.6 Moisture content. The moisture content of the rope “as re

19、ceived“ shall not exceed 3.7 Spliceability. The finished ropes shall be spliceable and shall not develop yarn 3.8 Identification marker. The manufacturer shall identify his product by inserting displacement or strand cockles in the splicing test specified in 4.2.5. a kraft paper or water-repellent c

20、otton marker within one strand in all ropes 2 inches in circumference and larger. The marker shall be completely enveloped by the cover yarns in the strand in which inclosed. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1), the manufacturers name, year of manufacture, and type of fiber (polyester) shall be c

21、learly printed on the marker. Italic or script type shall not be used. exposure to water or mineral oil, when tested as specified in 4.2.5. The marker shall extend the entire length of the rope. 3.9 Identification ticket. In addition to marker requirements specified (see 3.8), each package unit shal

22、l have a ticket (identification tag) attached to it for identification purposes, The ticket shall conform to the requirements for type B, class 1, size 4 or 5 of UU-T-81. minimum tearing resistance of bpth directions (total) of 850 g. The ticket shall be legibly printed, stamped or typed with water

23、insoluble ink. The ticket shall contain the following information : The printing shall not be affected upon The ticket shall be made of not less than 15 points paper stock and shall have a (a) Stock number. (b) Nomenclature. (c) Specification number. (d) Length. (e) Contract number and date. (f) Dat

24、e of manufacture (month and year). (9) Contractors name. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1), the rope shall be furnished with- out knots or splices on non-returnable reels (spools) not larger than 6 feet in diameter in the lengths specified in table III. The ends of all rope shall be cut off squ

25、arely and be securely whipped, taped or heat-sealed to prevent fraying and untwisting. The reels (spools) shall be wound SO that each turn and layer is free from entanglement. 3.10 Put-up. TABLE III. Put-Up. Circumference (inches) 3/4 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1

26、/2 Minimum length (feet) 2250 2250 1620 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 600 600 600 Approx. wt.- (pounds) 75 75 72 93 121 I I 155 19 3 234 272 I 320 427 240 401 270 I /Not a requirement; for information only. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Res onsibilit for ins ection. Unless other

27、wise specified in the contract, the contractor isPresponsibfee-for th: performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements spe

28、cified 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-24537 (CH) herein, unless disapproved by the Government. any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. submitted in accordan

29、ce wihll be visually inspected in accordance with table IV. The sample shall then-be tested for physical and chemical requirements in accordance with The Government reserves the right to perform 4.1.1 First article ins ection. When specified (see 6.2.1), the first article sample 4.2.5. First

30、 article inspection report. The contractor shall prepare a first article inspection report in accordance with the data ordering document included in the contract (see 6.2.2). TABLE IV. Visual examination of defects. Examine Appearance and workmanship Identification marker (ropes 2“ in circum- ferenc

31、e and larger) Identification ticket Defect Classification 1- Cut, chafed or damaged, affecting Kinks , darting yarnsv, broken or serviceability X loose ends, bulged strands, strand knots X Other than 8 strands (four pairs) X Ends not securely whipped, taped or heat sealed to prevent fraying or untwi

32、sting Omitted, incorrect illegible X Italic or script type used X Not completely covered by cover yarns Not as specified X Omitted, incorrect, illegible, X X insecurely attached Not as specified X X - Cleanness Spot or stain, clearly visiblev X Objectionable odor X JDarting yarns are internal yarns

33、which project through the cover yarns of the strand at intervals along the rope. YAt normal inspection distance (approximately 3 feet). 4.2 Inspection. unless otherwise indicated. Sampling and inspection shall be performed in accordance with 4.2.51 4.2.1 Material and com onent ins ection. Testing sh

34、all be conducted on components in accordance with all rGire2nts of th!s specification (see table VI. Certificate g com liance. The contractor shall prepare a certificate of com- pliance in accordance with the dzta ordering document included in the contract (see 6.2.2). Tho certificate shall

35、contain actual test, examination, or other verifiable quality data. 4.2.2 Examination of the end item for visual defects. The defects listed in table IV shall be counted regardlessof the Eimitytoch, except where two or more defects represent a single local condition, in which case only the more seri

36、ous defect shall be counted. Ten percent of the gross length contained on each unit of product, but not less than 100 feet shall be subjected to the visual examination. The acceptable quality level (AQL) shall be 1.5 major defects and 4.0 total defects (major and minor combined) per 100 units. inspe

37、ction level shall be level S-1 of MIL-STD-105. bo one reel or spool, of 4.0. acceptance number 1. Defects shall be determined in accordance with and The unit of product for this examination shall be the reel or spool, as applicable. The 4.2.3 Examination for length and windin . The

38、sample unit for this examination shall Theinspectionlevel sEa11 be level S-3 of MIL-STD-105 with an (AQL) For lots consisting of 500 or fewer units, the sanple size shall be 10 and the The lot size shall be the number of units in the inspection lot. 4 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCharact

39、eristics Material Direction of rope twist Direction of twist (plied yarn) Direction of twist (strand) Denier (singles yarn) Circumference Linear density Breaking strength, ropes Elongation Hardness Extractable matter Moisture content Spliceability Identification marker Fastness to oil and Identifica

40、tion ticket matrial water material TABLE V. Test met Requirements 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 Table I 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 . ee footnotes at top of next page. Test method 2/ 4050 Visual Visual Y 6015 2611.1 2600 Y 5671 *. - 1/ No.

41、of deter. per indiv. units of product 1 1 1 Results reported as Pass or fail Pass or fail Pass or fail Pass or fail Aver, of 3 deter, to nearest 1/16 Reported to nearest 0.1 ft. for ropes 4-1/2“ or less in cir. and to the nearest 0.01 ft. for ropes over 4- 1/2“ in cir. Aver. of 3 deter. to nearest 1

42、0 lbs. Report to nearest 0.1 percent Aver. of 3 deter. to nearest 1.0 lb. Aver. of 2 deter. to nearest 0.1 percent Reported to nearest 0.1 percent Pass or fail Pass or fail Pass or fail 5 Licensed by Information Handling Services- - - - - - MIL-R-ZY537 40 9 777770b 01iOYbC4 2 9 MIL-R-24537 (SH) LTes

43、ts to determine compliance with specification requirements including quantity of deliv- ery may be made under prevailing atmospheric conditions except in settlement of dispute in which case the tests shall be made upon material which has reached equilibrium under standard conditions as defined in FE

44、D-STD-191. zSee TABLE VI. Samplina for tests. Number of reels, Number of Acceptance NO. for Rejection number spools or coils samples each test charac- for each test in lot ter is tic characteristic 1 to 2 1 O 1 3 to 15 2 O 1 16 to 40 3 a 1 41 to 110 5 O 111 to 300 7 O 1 301 to 500 10 O 1 50

45、1 and Quer 15 1 2 Determination circumference. The circumference shall be measured at the beginning of the breaking strength test with the specimen under the load Vir specified in table II. A hard fiber shall be passed snugly around the rope and cut where it overlaps. The cut length shall be

46、 straightened and measured to the nearest 1/16 inch. This determinati shall be repeated at least three times in different positions not less than two turns of rope apart, The average of these determinations shall be the circumference of the rope. Determination of length per pound. A minimum

47、of 20 feet of rope shall be measured to the nearest 1 4 sch and weighed to within + 0.5 percent of its total weight. The feet per pound shall e calculated using the following equation: Feet per pound = L x (1 + e/100) W Where : L = Measured length of specimen (feet) W = Measured weight of specimen (

48、pounds). e = Percent elongation of load P (see Table II, determined as specified in Determination of breaking strength. Initial. The breaking strength shall be determined in accordance with method 6015 of FED-STD-191, except as modified herein. Lengths for the breaking st

49、rength shall be taken from each sample and spliced at each end with five full tucks. The inside length of each eye, measured with the sides of the eye in contact, shall be not less than 12 incbes. Clamps or capstan arrangements may be used in lieu of splices but in case of dispute, spliced specimens shall be used. Determination of elon ation. A 20-inch gage, minimum, shall be marked off on the tensile specimen in the Gleaking strength specimen averaged to the nearest 0.1 percent and recorded as the value The elongation at the breaking point shall b

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