2、d is available for use by allDepartments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This specification covers carbon and alloy steel forgingsfor torsional shafts, including propulsion shafts for ships, sleeves,couplings , propeller nuts, rudder stocks, diingplane stocks, and relate
3、dparts.1.2 Classification. The forgings shall be made from the followingclasses of steel, as specified (see 3.4 and 6.2.1):Class 1 - Nickel-molybdenum steelClass 2 - Nickel-molybdenum steelClass 3 - Carbon steelClass 4 - Carbon steelClass 5 - Nickel-chromium molybdenum steelClass 6 - Nickel-chromium
4、 molybdenum steel2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 Government documents.Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinentdata which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 55Z3, Department of the Navy,Washington,
5、DC 20362-5101 by using the self-addressed Standardization DocumentImprovement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document orby letter.AMSC N/A AREA FC)RGQI_S-TIBIJTIONSTATEMENT A lpproved for public release; distribution unlimited-.-.-.-.-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproductio
6、n or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-23284A(SH)2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The following specifications andstandards form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents shall be thoselisted in the
7、issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications andStandards (DoDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation.SPECIFICATIONSFEDEIULA-A-1894MILITARYMIL-C-16173MIL-L-19140STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-22MIL-STD-248MIL-STD-271MIL-STD-278MIL-STD-”731MIL-STD-792MIL-STD-1684- Paper, Kraft,
8、 Treated (Fire Resistant).- Corrosion Preventive Compound, SolventCutback, Cold-Application.- Lumber and Plywood, Fire-retardent Treated.Welded Joint Design.- Welding and Brazing Procedure andPerformance Qualification.Requirements for Nondestructive TestingMethods.Welding and Casting Standard.- Qual
9、iy of Wood Members for Containers andPallets.- Identification Marking Requirements forSpecial Purpose Components.- Control of Heat Treatment.MIL-STD-2073-1 - DoD Materiel Procedures for Development andApplication of Packaging Requirements.(Copies of specifications and standards required by contracto
10、rs inconnection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from thecontracting activity or as directed by the contracting activity. )2.2 Other publications . The following documents form a part of thisspecification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, theissues of
11、the documents which are DoD adopted shall be those listed in theissue of the DoDISS specified in the solicitation. Unless othewisespecified, the issues of documents not listed in the DoDISS shall be theissue of the nongovernment documents which is current on tledate of thesolicitation.AMERICAN NATIO
12、NAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI)B46.1 - Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness,and Lay) . (DoD adopted)(Application for copies should be addressed to the American NationalStandards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New york, 10018”)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitt
13、ed without license from IHS-,-,-AMERICAN SC)CIETY FOR TES”IINGAND MATERIALS (ASTM)A 370 - Standard Test Methods and Definitions forMechanical Testing, of Steel Products. (DoDadopted)A 700 - Standard Praccices for Packaging, Marking andLoading Methods for Steel Products for DomesticShipment. (DoD ado
14、pted)A 751 - Standard Methods, Practices, and Definitions forChemical Analysis of Steel Products.EIO- Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness ofMetallic Materials. (DoD adopted)E45 - Standard Practice for Determining the InclusionContent of Steel. (DoD adopted)E 112 - Standard Methods for Determin
15、ing Average GrainSize. (DoD adopted) :8: Standard XCtk,odof Macrcctch Testing, Inspcctior.,and Rating Steel Products, Comprising Bars,Billets, Blooms, and Forgings. (DoD adopted)E 616 - Standard Terminology Relating to Fracture Testing.(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Soci
16、et- forTesting and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.)iliU:. that is,one in which the normal constituents are evenly distributed, free from decidedsegregation of any constituents, or excessive inclusions (see 3.8.5). Thematerial, when examined at a magnification of 100 diameters, s
17、hall have agrain size of 5 or finer (see The area under examination shallshow at least 95 percent of the structure with a grain size of number 5 orfiner. Tests shall be in accordance with ASTM E 112.3,.9,5 NOr-metallic ir.clsioncOntertt SpecimPns frOm al final forgingsshall be examined f
18、or inclusion content in accordance with ASTM E 45, rnehodA. The inclusion conent shall not exceed:A 3.Ot 1.5h B 2.5t l.Oh* C 3.Ot 1.5h D 2.ot I.Oh*Myjml.mlC)W)l:jamett!l-of heaw nxide inclusion is 0.002 inch asdetermined by reference to ASTM E 45,”nwthod A-1GProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct
19、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M11.-s-23284A(sl-l)3.9 Stress relief simulation. When specified (see 6.2.1), material tosimulate stress relief treatments shall be heat treated in accordance with4. Weldment. When specified (see 6.2.1), a full section integralprol
20、ongation of material shall be welded, ground flush with the surface andsubjected to simulated stress relief treatment in accordance with,After stress relief, testing shall be performed in accordance with weldprocedure qualification requirements of MIL-STD-248.3.1O Surface finish. The surfa
21、ce roughness of the forging shall notexceed 250 microinches roughness height rating in accordance with ANSI B46.1.The depth of scale, pits, or other defects shall not exceed 0.015 inch (0.381millimeters (mm) and shall not result in an undergauge condition. Isolated,individual pits not over 0,030 inc
22、h (0.762 mm) deep or within 6 inches (150an Uf Lddli t3Llliii slkill be wcepdble pluvided LIe foLgiIAg Lltickness siml.1nube reduced below the specified minimum (see, 4.4.3:1.3.1, and4.4.3,1.3.2).3.11 Soundness. Sufficient discard shall be taken from each ingot toensure freedom from pipe a
23、nd undue.segregation Unless otherwise specifiedherein, the forgings shall be uniform in quality and shall not contain bursts,pipe, flakes, cracks, undue segregation, hard spots, porosity, SeaIIIS, laps,slivers, scabs, or forged in scale. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1),L1;ciugigSlAdAlAAOuLLai
24、llcieieccs LIAdLexceed LIIeaccepLaIwe Cxlwrid oappendix A.3.12 Flame cuttir.q, Flame cutting in the bore or metal removal from thebore by thermal means is not permitted. Flame cutting or metal removal fromouter surfaces by any thermal means is not permitted after heat treatment.3.13 $tabilitv. Mater
25、ial shall be furnished in a stable condition towithstand, for an indefinite time, the development of external or internalcracks.3.14 Microstructure. The microstructure shall be determined for firstarticle (see Deep acid etched forgings up to and including 36square inches shall be equal t
26、o or better than S-3, R-2, and C-3 plates ofASTM E 381. Sizes over 36 and including 100 square inches shall be equal toor better than S-3, R-3 and C-3. For sizes in excess of 100 square inches,microstructure requirements shall be as specified (see 6,2.1).3.15 Repair of defects.3.15.1 Removal of defe
27、cts by Erindi a71or chimzrg . Defects may beremoved by grinding or chipping provided the areas involved are well flaredinto the surrounding areas and sufficient stock is left to allow subsequentfinishing. Iheareas involved shall bE magnetic particle tested in accordance-ithMIL-STD-271 to ensure that
28、 the defects have been completely removed.3.15.2 RePar welding. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1), repairwelding shall not be permitted.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-23284A(SH)3.15.3 Repair procedures. When permitted by t
29、he contracting activity(see 6.2.1), weld repair shall be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-278.Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1), welding procedure and performancequalification shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-248 prior to welding.3.16 Cleani and Preservation of forzing surface. Before th
30、e forgingsare accepted by the contracting activity, the forging surfaces shall bedescaled preserved for the specified environment and exposure duration (see6.2.1). Markings and identification of forgings and test pieces shall bepresened with a protective coating, type P-19, in accordance with MIL-P-
31、116to prevent corrosion so that markings shall be discernible and legible withoutremoving the protective coating.3.17 licable f brication document. If applicable, the fabricationdocument for the forgin shall be specified (see 6.2.1).3.18.1 Marking. Individual forgings shall be marked with the follow
32、inginformation order as follows:(a) Military specification number, revision number, and alloyclass, as in KIL-S-23284A-CLX.(b) Heat or forging number (traceability code).(c) Manufaccurecs name, trademark or symbol.(d) Final tempering temperature in “F as in TT XXXX F.(e) Stress relief temperature in
33、 “F as in SR XXXX F.(f) Drawing or die number.3.18.2 rearation for marking. Markings shall be in accordance withMIL-STD-792. Markings shall be clearly made following surface preparation bymachining, grinding or polishing to assure readily discernible identificationmarking. Unless otherwise specified
34、 (see 6.2.1), the forgings shall be markedonly in areas that will not be removed by final machining. Special a75arkingsshall be as specified (see 6.2.1).3.18.3 MarkinP excetions. If all the markings in 3.18.1 cannot beapplied because of size or space limitations, then permanent marking shall beappli
35、ed using the order specified in 3.18.1 (abbreviations shall bepermitted). If there are size or space limitations, the forgings shall bepackaged (bundled or boxed) and each package shall be identified with a metalor oil proof tag securely affixed to the package. The tags shall contain allthe informat
36、ion specified in QUALITY ASSUIWNCE PROVISIONS4.1 esDonsibilitv for insDecti . Unless othemise specified in thecontract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performanceof all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwisespecified in the contract or pur
37、chase order, the contractor may use his own orany other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspectionrequirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. TheGovernment reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth inhe p(+cificafion WIIPYP sIch ilsper?ifI
38、nc;alp deempd necssr1.0as:51.lresupplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.-T-l fllkxl MllProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-s-23284A(SN)4.1.1 esonsibilitv for complian CR. All items must meet allrequirements of section
39、s 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in thisspecification shall become a part of the contractors overall inspectionsystem or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements in thespecification shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility ofassuring that all products or supplies
40、submitted to the Government foracceptance comply with all requirements of the contract. Sampling in qualityconformance does not authorize submission of known defective material, eitherindicateddefective4.2specified(a)(b)4.3or actual, nor does it commit the Government to acceptance ofmaterial.Cla ssi
41、fication of inspections. The inspection requirementsherein are classified as follows:First article inspection (see 4.3).Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4).Fir t articls e insDection. First article inspection shall consist ofall examinations and tests as specified herein.4,3.1 First article saq
42、, The first article sample shall consist of.- . .sufficient maerial. from one heat to obtain measurements of the notchtoughness, mechanical properties of the materials, its weldability, responseto stress relief, and the first article inspection.4.3.2 First article insDection reDort. When specified i
43、n the contractor order, a first article inspection report shall be prepared (see 6.2.2 andappendix B).4.4 Oualitv conformante inspection. Quality conformance inspectionshall consist of the inspections specified in 4,4.3. When specified in thecontract or order, a certificate of compliance shall be pr
44、epared (see 6.2.2and appendix C).4,4.1 hall1:)6:gI”lJ,in,sof the combined farging. Tests will not be required for the individual pieceswhen tests are made on the forging as a whole.4.5 Resubmittal of reected forins or lots.AProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without
45、 license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-23284A(SH)fails to meet chemical composition requirements, the lot shall be rejected.Retests shall be allowed and shall be in accordance with this section.4.5.2 Identification and separation of reiected lots. The contractorshall keep rejected lots identified and separate
46、from acceptable lots untilthe rejected lots are withdrawn by the contractor or demonstrated as meetingspecification requirements.4.5.3 eiected fors. or lots . A rejected forging or lot shall beresubmitted for acceptance testing at the contractors option provided theforging or forging lot is reworked
47、, reheat treated, or retempered to COrreCtthe nonconforming condition and reinspected to all applicable requirements ofthis specification at the contractors expense.4.5.4 Reiection if more than one viece. When a rejected lot consists ofmore tlmr.onc piccc, each remaining piccc in the lot other than
48、the noncon-forming piece may be tested for the nonconforming characteristic and eachpiece that conforms to specification requirements shall be offered foracceptance.4.5.5 Retests (tensile test). One retest shall be permitted if any testcharacteristic fails to meet specification requirements.4.5.6 et
49、ests (Charv impact. One retest of three new specimens shallbe permitted if the average vaiue of :he three initial specimens equals orexceeds 25 foot-pounds at 10”F for class 1 or class 2, or equals or exceeds 15foot-pounds at 28F for classes 3 and 4, or equals or exceeds 30 foot-poundsat minus 35F for classes 5 and 6. The values of each of the retest specimensshall equ