1、MIL-STD-L322A NOTICE 2 BL 997733 0070909 2 =, s -37“ MIL-STD-1322A (NAVY) Notice 2 25 May 1983 MILITARY STANDARD UNIT LOADS OF AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES FOR DOMESTIC AND OVERSEAS SHIPMENT TO ALL HOLDERS OF MIL-STD-1322A (NAVY) Make the following pen and ink change: Appendix A (P15), Para. 40.1 Add t
2、he following to the end of the paragraph using an asterisk and a footnote. “Certain items which do not constitute a complete single layer of a unit load, may be palletized to facilitate safe handling when the following criterias are met: 7 a. The item has no provision for mechanical handling but is
3、too heavy for manual handling. b. Shipment of the above item will only be made on dedicated DOD vehicles. Underway replenishment, railway shipment, and commercial truck shipment are expressly prohibited. e- B . c: The units. are firmly strapped to the pallet using guidance and criteria of MIL-STD-1322-1000; taking exception to paragraphs 4.1 and 4.3 d. The above items may not be shipped together with complete unit Activity : Review Activities: Preparing Activity: NAVY - OS, AS NAVY - OS (Project No. 8140-N591) FSC 8140 Licensed by Information Handling Services