NAVY MIL-T-81290-1965 TEST SET MISSILE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MARK 363 MOD 3《363号3型导弹电气系统测试装置》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-T-81290-1965 TEST SET MISSILE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MARK 363 MOD 3《363号3型导弹电气系统测试装置》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-T-81290-1965 TEST SET MISSILE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MARK 363 MOD 3《363号3型导弹电气系统测试装置》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-T-81290-1965 TEST SET MISSILE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MARK 363 MOD 3《363号3型导弹电气系统测试装置》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-T-81290-1965 TEST SET MISSILE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MARK 363 MOD 3《363号3型导弹电气系统测试装置》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-T-81290-1965 TEST SET MISSILE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MARK 363 MOD 3《363号3型导弹电气系统测试装置》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIET-01290 (TO) 7 July: 1965 MILITARY SEC DICATION FOR TEST SET, MISSm ELEXTRICAL SYSTEM WK 363 MOD 3 This specification has been approved by The Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers a Missile Electrical System Test Set Mk 363 Mod 3 for use in testin

2、g ASROC (Anti-Submarine Rocket) weapon system electrical circuits, hereafter referred to as the “Test Set.“ 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invita- tion for bids form a part of this specification, to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Fe

3、deral PPP- B- 621 Military MIL- P-116 MIL-E-5272 smms Ulitary MIL-STD- MIL-STD- Boxes, Wood, Nailed and Lock Corner Preservation, Methods of Environmental Testing, Aeronautical and Associated Equipment, General Specification for Marking for Shipment and Storage Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equ

4、ipment 1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-1290 49 9999906 0256237 O E Kt L-T - 812 90 (YP ) DRAWINGS Bureau of Naval Weapons BUWF,FS I;D 477269 Test Set, Missile Electrical System, Mark 363 Mod 3 and all documents listed thereon

5、RJBLICATIONS Bureau of Naval Weapons BWEFS OD 13776 Revision 1 CHANGE 3 Test Set, Missile Electrical System, Mark 363 Mod 3 Factory Acceptance Test (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by the supplier in connection with specific procurement functions should be ob

6、tained from the procuring activity or as directed by the Contracting Officer. ) 3. REQUIFEMENTS 3.1 Description. The Test Set simulates an entire missile electrical system. This includes basic functions of the Range and Airframe Separation Programmer and Selection of Initial Search Depth and Floor D

7、epth, which are functions of the torpedo. In service use, the Test Set is connected to the launcher to provide to the weapon system responses which .will test the sys- tem circuits, and also check the system for safety. 3.2 General Requirements 3.2.1 Materials and Treatments of Materials and Parts.

8、All materials, treatments, and parts used in the manufacture of the Test Set shall be of such quality as to enable the Test Set to meet the requirements herein. 3.2.2 Gages. The supplier shall provide those gages necessary and adequate to assure that the Test Set will meet dimensions and requirement

9、s sholm on the applicable documents listed in LD 477269. the supplier, the procuring activity may furnish existing, pertinent drawings of Naval final inspection gages for use only in the designing of the suppliers gages. designing and manufacturing the gages needed for the fulfillment of the con- tr

10、act. Wen requested by This action does not relieve the supplier of the responsibility for Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-81270 47 W 7777906 0256238 2 3.2.3 Requests for Deviation. Requests for deviation from this specification,

11、 applicable drawings, specifications, publications, materials, and processes specified herein, shall be submitted to the Procuring Activity. The deviation shall have been authorized by the Bureau of Naval Weapons or by a Naval Activity delegated such authority, prior to the production of the affecte

12、d item or prior to the performance of a particular operation on the affected item. The request shall define the suggested deviation in sufficient detail to permit the Procuring Activity to evaluate its effect on performance and reliability, and the reasons for the suggested deviation shall be stated

13、. 3.2.4 Preproduction Sample. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, the preproduction sample shall: a. b. ?e manufactured using procedures proposed for production. Be tested as specified in section 4 herein and is for the purpose of determining that, prior to starting production, the

14、suppliers pro- duction methods are .capable of yielding items that comply with the technical requirements of the contract. 3.3 Performance and Product Characteristics 3.3.1 Operation a. The-Test Set POWER lamp shall light when 28 plus or minus 3 volts DC is applied across terrriinals k (+) and h (-)

15、 of panel connector P3. b. All PRESS-TO-TEST lamps on the panel shall light when pressed. c. The ISD, FLOOR, and POWER-ON lamps shall, not be illuminated with CBl in the TRIP position. 3.3.2 Voltage Safety Requirements Safe Voltage. Meter Ml shall indicate within the GREF,N area of the SAFE

16、VOLTS scale when 0.5 volts plus or minus 10 percent AC or 0.5 volts plus or minus 10 percent DC of either polarity is applied across con- nector P2 pins as follows: a. Across A and B with FUNCTION SELECTOR in 1 with FNCTION SELECTOR in START, MOTOR START-MTTERY START in MOTOR START, and with DMma-OF

17、F-Tb in Th position, T4 readout times shall be as shown in Table 4, after the sequence of voltages as specified in (a.) through (d.), except that in step (a.) the pre- saturation and set-in voltages shall be applied through pins C (+) and W (-) of connector P3. TABLF: 4 T4 READOUT TIMES Set

18、-in Volts DJ Mk 363 Timer Readings -20.000 k 0.020 10.00 k 1.000 seconds -40.000 f 0.040 -80.000 k 0.089 20.00 .+ 2,000 -secnds 40.00 f 4.000 seconds 3.3.11 Range and Airframe Separation Simulation Operating Voltages. With 12.750 plus or minus 0.250 volts DC applied amass pins S (+) and T (

19、-) of connector P3, the following voltages shall be present at the designated pins of connector P3: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-1270 i.19 7977706 025624i.1 W MIL-T-81290 (tivity designated by the procuring activity. Acceptan

20、ce of the preproduction sample shall be based on no defects in the sample. supplier, prior to the approval of the preproduction sample shall be at the. suppliers risk. Further production of the Test Set by the 4.2.2 Periodic Production Sampling. Periodic production samples shall be selected from uni

21、ts that have satisfactorily passed the quality conformance inspection of OD 13776. quality conformance inspection of activity designated by the procuring activity. shall be as follows: These samples shall be subjected to the additional (paragraphs 4.4.1 through 4.4.9) at an Periodic production sampl

22、ing Step 1. each group of ten units. from two consecutive groups, shift to Step 2. Upon initiation of production randomly select one unit from Upon satisfactory compliance of samples selected Step 2. Randomly select one unit from each group of twenty-five units. groups, shift to Step 3. Upon satisfa

23、ctory compliance of sample selected from two consecutive Step 3. Randomly select one unit from each group of fifty units. Continue with Step 3 for the balance of the contract or until a defective unit is found. When a defective unit is found in any group, acceptance of all units after the last group

24、 of accepted units shall be withheld and the contractor shall: a. Determine the cause of the defect. b. Take the necessary actions to correct or eliminate the defect from all units on hand and, if so directed by the procuring activity, from those units previously shipped. corrective action to preven

25、t recurrence of the defect. proceed as jndicaLt,e,a,when inspection is resumed. c. Submit to the procuring activity for approval, the proposed Return to Step 1 and - - 12. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-81290 (WP) 4.2.3 Warning

26、 to Contractor. Construction of the Missile Test Set in accordance with drawings listed on BWEFS I;D 477269 shall not be construed as a waiver of any of the requirements of this and other applicable specifi- cations. 4.3 Tests 4.3.1 Operational Tests. Each Test Set delivered under contract shall be

27、subjected to the tests and examinations listed in OD 13776 Revision 1, Change 3. Failure to meet any requirement specified herein shaI1 be con- sidered cause for rejection. 4.3.2 Test Conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the Test Set shall be subjected to acceptance tests under the following cond

28、itions: a. b. C. d. Vibration = none Temperature - plus 65 to plus 95 degrees F. Altitude - normal ground atmospheric pressure. Humidity - room ambient to 95 percent relative. 4.3.3 Test and Inspection Equipment and Facilities. The manufacturer shall furnish and maintain all necessary test equipment

29、, facilities and per- sonnel for performing al1 acceptance tests. adequate in quantity, and, unless definite requirements are specified, they shall be of sufficient accuracy and quality to permit performance of %.he re- quired acceptance tests. The test equipment-s6all be 4.3.4 Test Procedure. The T

30、est Set shall meet the requirements of 3.3 when tested as specified in OD i3776 Revision 1, Change 3. 4.4 Preproduction and Periodic Production Tests. The preproduction and periodic samples, after satisfactorily passing the quality conformance inspections of OD i3776 Revision 1, Change 3, shall be s

31、ubjected to the additional quality conformance inspections (paragraphs 4.4.1 through 4.4.9). Recalibration of the Test Set shall be permitted after having been subjected to the tests of (4.4.1 through 4.4.9) and before being retested for the quality conformance inspections of OD 13776 Revision 1, Ch

32、ange 3. 4.4.1 High Temperature. The Test Set, not energized, and with the cover in place and latched, shall be placed within a suitable test chamber and the chamber temperature raised to plus i60 plus 5 minus O degrees F. The chamber shall remain at this temperature for not less than eight hours aft

33、er which the temperature shall be lowered to plus 120 plus 5 minus O degrees F, the cover removed and and temperature stabilized to 120 plus 5 minus O degrees F for six hours. The Test Set shall then be energized. The Test Set shall meet all- the performance and product characteristics of this speci

34、fica- tion while maintained at the temperature of plus 120 plus 5 minus O degrees F. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-T-1270 q7 m 7797906 0256247 7 W MIL-T - 81 2 90 (-iJp) 4.4.2 Low Temperature. The Test Set, mt energized and wit

35、h the cover in place and latched, shafl be placed within a suitable test chamber and the chamber temperature lowered to minus 65 plus O minus 5 degrees F. The chamber shall remain at this temperature for not less than eight hours after which the temperature shall be raised to plus 35 plus O minus 5

36、de- grees F, the-cover removed and the temperature stabilized at plus 35 plus O minus 5 degrees F for six hours. Test Set shall meet al1 performance and product characteristics of this spec- ification while maintained at the temperature of plus 35 plus O minus 5 de- grees F. (24 hours) the Test Set

37、shall be subjected to the humidity test, Procedure I Specification MIL-E-5272. for the remainder of the tests and thereafter the Test Set shall meet the per- formance and product characteristics of this specification. The Test Set shall then be energized. The 4.4.3 Mimidity. With the cover removed f

38、or the first three cycles The cover shall then be put in place and latched 4.4.4 Fungus. The Test Set, with the cover in place and latched, shall be subjected to the fungus test, -rocedure 1, Specification MIL-E-5272 and thereafter meet the perfarmance and.product characteristics of this specificat

39、ion. 4.4.5 Sand and Dust. With exception that the air velocity shall be between 100 and 500 feet per minute, the Test Set, with cover removed, shall be subjected to the sand and dust test, Procedure III, Specification MIL-E-5272 and thereafter meet the performance and product characteristics of this

40、 spec- if ication. 4.4.6 Salt Spray. With the cover removed for the first phase (48 hours), the Test Set shall be subjected to the salt spray test, Procedure I, Spec- ification MIL-E-5272. the remainder of the test and thereafter the Test Set shall meet the perform- ance and product characteristics

41、of this specification. The cover shall then be put in place and latched for 4.4.7 Rain. The Test Set, with cover removed, shall be subjected to the rain test, Procedure II, Specification MU;-E-5272 and thereafter meet the performance and product characteristics of this specification. 4.4.8 Shock. Th

42、e Test Set, with the cover in place and latched, shall be subjected to 18 impact shocks of 15g acceleration, each shock impulse having a time duration of 11 plus or minus 1 millisecond. The intensity shall be within plus or minus 10 percent when measured with a filter having a band width of 5 to 100

43、 cycles per second. reached in approximately 5-l/2 milliseconds. following directions: The maximum acceleration shall be The shock shall be applied in the ar be Vertically, 3 shocks in each direction. Parallel to the major horizontal axis, 3 shocks in each direc- tion. fr” $ i 14. Provided by IHSNot

44、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-81290 PIP) C. Parallel to the minor horizontal axis, 3 shocks in each direc- tion. The Test Set shall not suffer damage or subsequently fail to meet the per- formance and product characteristics of the specificatio

45、n. .4.4.9 Vibration. Subject the Test Set to vibration tests for Type 1 equipment as specified in Standard MIL-STD- up to 33 CH. shall meet all operational requirements herein while subjected to this environment. The Test Set 4.5 Cause for Rejection, Failure of the Missile Test Set to meet any of th

46、e requirements of this specification shall be considered cause for re- jectton. 5. PREPARCITION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preservation and Packaging 5.1.1 Level A. (See 6.4) 5.l.i.l Cleaning. The Test Set shall be cleaned as specified in Specification MIL-P-, Method C-l. Drying, The Test Set shall be

47、 dried as specified in Spec- if ication MIL-P-, Method D-4. Unit Packaging. The Test Set shall be individually packaged as specified in Specification MIL-P-116, Method IC-2. 5.1.2 Level C. (See 6.4) Cleaning, drying, preservation and packaging, shall be in accordance with the suppliers comme

48、rcial practice, when such practices have been proven by testing o conform to al1 applicable require- ment s. 5.2 Packing 5.2.1 Level A (See 6.4) One unit package of the Test Set, shall be packed in a nailed wood box conforming to the requirements of Specification PPP-B-621, Class 2, Type 1 and 2 loa

49、d. accordance with instructions contained in the appendix of the above spec- ification. The pack shall protect the Test Set within the shock require- ments of this specification when subjected to the Rough Handling Test of The container shall be strapped in MIL-P-116 5.2.2 Level C. One or more unit packages shall be packed in accordance with suppliers commercial practice. The pack shall protect the Test Set within the shock r


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