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1、VV-P-236ANOTICE 219 April 2001SUPERSEDINGNOTICE 15 November 1991FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONPETROLATUM TECHNICALThis notice should be filed in front of VV-P-236A, dated 5 November 1991.VV-P-236A, dated 29 December 1977, with Amendment 2, dated 2 June 1981 withValidation Notice 1, dated 5 November 1991 is i

2、nactive for new design and is no longer usedexcept for replacement purposes.MILITARY INTERESTS: CIVIL AGENCYCOORDINATING ACTIVITY:Custodians: GSA 6FETArmy CR4Navy ASAir Force 11DLA - GSReview activities: Preparing activity:Army AR, AT, CR Navy - ASNavy OS, SA, SH, YDDLA - PS (Project 9150 1263)AMSC N/A FSC 9150DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A . Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.NOTICE OF INACTIVATIONFOR NEW DESIGN INCH-POUNDProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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